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Are Allergies Bad In Tucson

Ditch The Itch: Help Your Pet Handle Allergy Season In Arizona

Can Pool Day Cure Allergies? | TUCSON GEM SHOW WITH FAMILY |

When spring blows into Arizona, so do a slew of allergens–including ones that can be rough on our four-legged friends. Yes, its true! Seasonal allergies dont just affect humans–your dog deals with them, too.

Any pet can experience seasonal allergies, however, animals who live in warmer areas–where things are always blooming–are certainly prone to having a harder time than pets who live in areas where there is a true winter season. If you live in an area that doesn’t have a hard freeze in the winter, environmental allergens can build up and cause year-round issues for your pet. Additionally, seasonal allergies can progress to year-round allergies. Why? Because the more your pet is exposed to the allergens he’s sensitive to, the more intense and long-lasting his allergic response becomes.

While cleaning products, food, mold, and mildew are common allergy culprits, those are different than seasonal, or environmental allergens. Seasonal allergens that can trigger an allergic response in your pet include dust, dust mites, pollen, grass, and flea bites.

Tips To Control Allergies:

  • Allergy testing is the first step in preventing and treating allergy symptoms, so you can identify what is causing the problem.
  • Dust your home frequently to get rid of pollen from outside.
  • Download a personalized allergy calendar to be prepared for each allergy season.
  • Shower and change clothes immediately after coming in from outside.
  • Vacuum using a HEPA filter to remove airborne particles like dust mites.
  • Check the Tucson allergy report daily. This can be done from your local Tucson weather app or

The 15 Worst Cities For Allergies

  • Filterbuy,

Allergies are a leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S., affecting more than 50 million individuals annually. The most common allergic condition, allergic rhinitis , affects more than 24 million individuals, including 5 million children, who are at higher risk for allergies. Other common allergic conditions impacting children include skin and respiratory allergies, which affect 12.6 and 9.6 percent of individuals under the age of 18. While residents throughout the country are impacted, some cities are far worse for people with allergies.

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Stress & Negative Emotions Weaken And Damage Your Immune And Nervous Systems

Experts everywhere agree that stress plays a big part in health. There are different kinds of stress: physical, chemical, and emotional.

Physical stress comes from trauma of all sorts: injuries and accidents, surgery, abuse, lack of proper sleep, lack of exercise, spinal misalignment, muscle tension, etc.

Chemical stress comes from toxins in our air food and water, medications, recreational drug use , chemicals in the food supply, poor nutrition, improper food choices, pollution, etc.

Emotional stress comes from job problems, money worries, mental abuse, divorce, wayward children you worry about, terrorism, inflation, economic stress, and a million other things that keep us up at night fretting into the wee hours of the morning.

Stress in any form has a negative effect on your immune and nervous systems. If the stress is strong enough or long enough it can traumatize your immune and nervous systems to the point that they lose track of whats good and whats bad.

If you start to think harmless things are bad for you, youll develop allergies and sensitivities.

And this can happen with anything: nutrients, pollens, pet dander, dust, chemicals, mold, foods, fumes, fabrics, vitamins, medications, food additives, your spouse, emotions, geopathic elements and on and on. If your immune system loses track of whats you and not you, you could develop an autoimmune disease.

Why Are My Allergies So Bad In Arizona

Goldenrod Flower Allergy : Sakura Tucson

It seems like allergies already make our lives miserable enough, but they have also been linked to depression and suicide rates. This does not mean that allergies cause depression, but they can worsen the symptoms.

Of course, everyone thinks of pollen and dust as the main culprits of allergies.

In Kentucky, with plants everywhere, regular rainfall, and lots of agriculture, you would expect allergies. Now that you live in Arizona, you might have thought that the southwestern desert would be the ideal place to escape your allergies, right?

Instead, throughout the year you find yourself wondering, “Why are my allergies so bad?!” As much as moving to the desert seemed like a nice escape from allergy symptoms, it doesn’t quite work out that way.

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Why Am I Getting Seasonal Allergies Now

A common reason for developing new seasonal allergies is moving from one geographic region to another. If you grew up in an area that has certain plants and trees, then moved to another area that has a different mix of vegetation youve never been exposed to, you may develop allergies to those new plants.

How Can Pollen Be Combatted

Its helpful to know what specifically youre allergic to in order to know what to avoid. Allergy testing is an important first step in preventing and treating allergy symptoms.

In the meantime, there are certain measures you can take to limit pollen in your home in order to reduce symptoms.

  • Limit outdoor exposure during times when pollen counts are high. is a great resource for finding out what the pollen levels are in your area.
  • Install a quality air filter, such as a HEPA filter, in your home.
  • Clean your home thoroughly, taking extra care to dust, vacuum carpet and wash bedding in hot water.
  • After spending time outside, take a shower and change your clothes right away.
  • Start taking a daily OTC antihistamine right away, even if you dont yet have symptoms.

For more information about allergy solutions or to schedule an appointment, call Arizona Desert ENT Specialists today.

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Find Out What’s Happening In Across Arizonawith Free Real

Aside from stocking up on the tissues, antihistamines, decongestants, and neti pots a little prevention and preparation go a long way when it comes to avoiding the side effects of allergies.

Check Your Daily Allergy Forecast

Numerous sites across the internet offer weekly or even daily allergy forecasts. This map allergy tracker by gives you a glimpse of the current allergy forecast according to city and metropolitan area.

According to the tracker, allergy levels are high across much of Arizona, with Phoenix posting a pollen count of 10.4 Friday and 10.3 on Saturday, with mulberry, ash and juniper being the main allergens.

In Tucson, the story is much the same, with a pollen level of 10.3 on Friday and Saturday, with the same three trees being the main allergens.

Scottsdale and Tempe registered pollen levels of 10.4 on Friday, with an expected level of 10.3 in both cities on Saturday. Mulberry, ash and juniper will be the main allergens in both cities as well.

However, pollen.coms allergy tracker can be used any time to find the current forecast for your ZIP code. Check YOUR PATCHs allergy forecast now.

Other popular allergy trackers include The Weather Channel and the National Allergy Bureau.

The A To Z Of Allergies

Confused by seasonal allergy lingo? Here are a few keywords to watch for when you find yourself with a case of spring sniffles:

Preventing Allergic Reactions

If Pollen Counts Are High

Bless You It’s A Tough Time Of Year For Seasonal Allergy Sufferers Here’s How To Check The Allergy Forecast In Arizona

Tucson being a dog-friendly city has it’s pawsitives and negatives

ARIZONA Few things terrify allergy sufferers more than spring in Arizona.

What many of us see as beautiful rebirth after a long winter budding trees, blooming flowers, a vibrant cover of fresh green grass all but promises misery, sneezing and suffering to those afflicted by seasonal allergies.

Take this video from the Austin Diagnostic Clinic, for example, which shows pollen bursting from a cedar tree as someone shakes it from below.

Also Check: What Does An Allergy Attack Feel Like

Arizona Is The Worst State For Allergies

Allergy season is in full swing here in Phoenix, and our family physicians are definitely busy with valley cases, symptoms and allergy diagnosis. From the little ones with runny noses and watery eyes to moms and dads with all sorts of symptoms, its going to be a long and rough allergy season. But do not fear, because our Phoenix family doctors and specialists have over 40 years of experience in Arizona and know everything there is to know about seasonal allergies. For example

Did you know that people once moved to the Arizona valley to get rid of their allergy symptoms? To essentially be allergy free? Its true, many years ago, if you had bad allergies you were told to move to Arizona , to the dry, desert climate, to live allergy free. Because the air is so dry, and the population was a bit lower with mostly desert landscaping, the allergens in the air were far less than what they are today. Many families and older generations moved to the Phoenix and metro areas to get away from their intense allergy symptoms.Today, Arizona is rated as one of the worst states for allergy sufferers. According to WebMD, Tucson and Phoenix have very high rates of allergies and asthma. Where there was once mostly desert landscaping is now covered with green grass, new plant life and an abundance of new allergens in the air.

by Kandice Linwright at

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Allergies take a major toll on the healthcare system, with hay fever alone accounting for 12 million physician visits in 2016. A number of factors contribute to allergies, such as airborne allergens like pollen or pet dander, as well as sensitivity to certain foods and medications. The consequences of allergies can impact the ability of individuals to live a healthy lifestyle, as those residing in high-allergy areas often report lower levels of physical activity and self-reported health.

To profile the worst cities for allergies, researchers from Filterbuy analyzed data from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Cities were given scores based on pollen counts, allergy medicine use, and the number of allergists in the area. Cities were then ranked based on their scores. Data on physical activity and self-reported health were retrieved from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Cities with the worst allergy problems are largely located in the Eastern U.S., with four of the five worst cities for allergies located in the Northeast. Cities with high allergy rates also report low levels of physical activity and health. Extreme cases include Dayton, Ohio, where less than 61 percent of adults report physical activity, versus a national rate of 74 percent. In the same city, 82 percent of adults report good physical health, versus a national rate of 87 percent.

Here are the 15 worst cities in the U.S. for allergies.

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Sensitivity Elimination Treatment Through Biofeedback

SET-Biofeedback was developed through nearly 2 decades of clinical trials and a revolutionary approach to our health issues that has resulted in an 88.86% success rate for conditions that were previously diagnosed as chronic, lifelong with little to no hope. A fascinating story that we wont get into in this report. Suffice it to say, SET-Biofeedback is uniquely effective, so effective we rarely have to repeat my treatments. This means about 99.87% of the time people only need to be treated once for anything theyre sensitive to.

The treatment itself is simple and painless. Its so gentle weve been able to comfortably treat clients as young as six months and as old as 92. We move through standardized categories, and can add in custom categories such as: medications, your spouse etc)

I Don’t Have Allergies Why Do I Have Symptoms

Allergy Season

Leyko said plant growth after rain doesn’t only affect people with allergies.

“People react to weather changes,” Leyko said. “Storms coming in, barometric pressure changes and humidity. Some people just react to that in itself.

“So these environmental physical changes that have nothing to do with allergies, those do affect our noses. Our noses respond to various stimuli so that it itself can cause some congestion and some pressure in the head.”

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What Are The Biggest Pollen Producers In Arizona

The top allergy-aggravating plant is Ragweed. Nothing about that word makes anyone smile… With several species being native to the Phoenix area, Ragweed creates LOTS of pollen.

Trees make plenty of pollen too, especially between December and May.

  • Western juniper, mountain cedar, and hickory make wintertime uncomfortable. When they are finished, other trees pick up the slack. Mesquite clogs the air with pollen from March until May.
  • Pine and paloverde cause trouble from Valentine’s day until the April showers. Oak and olive make April and May a pain .
  • Then you have the grasses, these produce irritating pollen from March or April through October. Bermuda grass, in particular, produces a high level of allergens to make your life miserable.
  • Even tumbleweed has a part to play. While it has decorated western movies for decades, if you have allergies, keep your distance.

Mesquite Pollen Creating Terrible Allergies For Tucsonans

TUCSON, Ariz. – The weather in Tucson this time of year is near perfect, but with it comes allergy season.

And if youve recently been sneezing more, youre not alone. Spring may be a few days away, but Tucsonans with allergies are already feeling the effects of pollen in the air, especially in the last few weeks.

But despite being more than a year into the pandemic, people are still having trouble telling the difference between allergies and COVID-19.

Mesquite trees are a Tucson staple, but when they start to bloom, the pollen wreaks havoc.

Its the mesquite pollen, Im seeing it already. Its the number one thing that people are allergic to in our population among the patients that come to see me. We studied this a few years ago and mesquite tree pollen is number one. Palo Verde is number two, says Dr. Tara Carr, Head of the Adult Allergy Clinic at Banner-University Medical Center.

She also says says, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best this allergy season, especially with the intensity of springtime pollens.

But it seems lately, any sneeze or sniffle makes the mind wanderallergies, or COVID-19?

If it feels like what they get each year, then theyre probable suffering from seasonal allergies, but if theres any fever or achiness or general sense of un-wellness, then I would be concerned about COVID, says Dr. Carr.

If you have any doubts, its of course best to get tested. But now is definitely the time those allergies take off.

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How Does The Weather Affect Allergy Symptoms

The lack of rain in the past two months is part of the reason allergy sufferers are feeling it right now. According to Marvin Percha, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Phoenix, January and February were drier than December. Hotter, drier conditions are perfect for pollen in the air.

During the winter, we had a pretty wet December but its been dry since, Percha said. In terms of temperatures, nothing too remarkable, we have been having our typical cool spells and of course recently weve seen our first 80-degree temperatures of the year.

Percha said the outlook for summer calls for above-normal temperatures and a normal monsoon season with localized heavy rains.

Rain washes allergens out of the air but that relief is short-lived, according to Leyko.

Rain will initially bring down the pollution and all the particulates, so that will give you nice and fresh clean air,” Leyko said. “The rain seeps into the ground and fuels the growth and then a few weeks down the line you will get some ground sprouting and we actually get weed growth. Weeks to months later we have this vegetation that grows wild in the desert.

“When it rains, yes, it does initially clear up the air pollution and the particulates in the air, but it does fuel growth of wild plants in the desert.

Is It Allergy Or Sensitivity

Hyundai Tucson cabin pollen filter ( Two filter panels )

Sometimes your body reacts negatively to things it doesnt produce antibodies to. Lets say your bottom lip tingles every time you eat anything with banana in it. You run to your allergist for tests, but they come back negative for banana. Huh?

When you ask the doctor what gives, he says, Oh, youre just sensitive to bananas. Or, hell use the word hypersensitive. Either way, in his mind youre not allergic to bananas and as far as hes concerned the only thing you can do is avoid eating them.

In truth, many people have more sensitivities than true allergies. In fact, many clients Ive treated said their doctor told them they werent allergic to anything, or just a few things. Then theyd say to me, Then why do I feel so bad?

Scientists dont know really understand how we can be sensitive to something without being allergic to it. Heres my take: true allergies occur when your immune system makes mistakes. With sensitivities, I believe we must point the finger of blame at your brain. Your brain may get your

immune system involved in the mess, because your brain controls everything in your body, but its not your immune systems fault.

Here, we are very Brain Focused in our approach as the brain is our master control system. By addressing the Neurological and Biological malfunctions, you can in essence reset or reboot your entire body with the right time, approach and application.

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Get Ready For Those Fall Allergies

SATURDAY, Oct. 1, 2022 — Allergy sufferers know that symptoms dont just appear in spring or summer. Fall, too, can bring about sneezing and trouble breathing, as can volatile weather patterns.

People frequently experience allergy symptoms in the fall even if they are mainly allergic to pollens in the spring and summer, said Dr. David Corry. He is a professor of medicine in the section of immunology, allergy and rheumatology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Among the natural events that could affect allergy sufferers this year are the Tonga Volcano eruption in January, Corry said. That sent particulates and aerosols into the environment and could change global weather, shortening or lengthening upcoming pollen seasons.


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