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Can Allergies Cause Difficulty Swallowing

I Cant Swallow Saliva And Im Choking: Allergy Symptom

Difficulty Swallowing | Daniel Fink, MD, Ear, Nose and Throat | UCHealth

When some external agent causes an allergic reaction, one of its common manifestations, especially if it is a food or a drug, is a narrowing of the throat. What occurs is what is known as allergic esophagitis, which causes the esophagus to swell and narrow when the body reacts to allergens.

Antihistamines are administered, but it is customary to be by injection since they cannot be taken orally. There will be the allergen that has caused this esophagitis to avoid on future occasions.

Next, we explain what the best home remedies for esophagitis are.

What Causes Difficulty Swallowing

There are a variety of root issues that could be causing your difficulty swallowing. If your dysphagia symptoms linger, its important to see a specialized doctor who can confirm the underlying source of your swallowing problem. More benign causes of dysphagia include allergies, sinus issues, and acid reflux. More serious conditions which can cause difficulty swallowing include nervous system disorders, tumors, and paralysis of the vocal cords.

Proton Pump Inhibitor Antacid Medications

PPI medications have an anti-inflammation and anti-eosinophil effect thats newly recognized, Dr. Dellon says. The medication blocks some of the allergic factors that cause EoE, and about 40 percent of patients will get better from just a PPI.

However, PPI medications wont work for all patients, and over-the-counter products are not sufficient. This has to be prescription-strength and done under the guidance of a GI doctor with endoscopic evaluation and follow-up, he says.

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Why Do I Have Difficulty Swallowing And Breathing When Lying Down

There are two common causes of difficulty breathing while lying down. The first is related to your weight. For overweight individuals, it can be difficult to draw breath because of the amount of body mass the chest has to lift when lying flat. Additionally, body mass around the neck can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, which causes increased resistance to flowing air while sleeping. Additionally, if you have fluid backup into your lungs because of congestive heart failure , this can cause difficulty breathing while lying down . Orthopnea can be alleviated by numerous pillows to elevate the upper body or sitting in a chair.

Esophageal Condition On The Rise May Be Connected To Food Allergies

Food Allergy

Digestive Health, Food Allergies

The most common cause of food impaction is eosinophilic esophagitisan allergic condition that only became prevalent in recent years.

The disease was first described in the late 1970s, but it was very rare, says Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, a gastroenterologist with UNC Health Care. It was not commonly seen until the mid- to late 2000s. Now its becoming quite increased, and its not just increased awareness or knowledge of the condition. It really didnt exist even 30 years ago.

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Difficulty Swallowing When Eating You May Have Eoe

Do you need to eat slowly and chew carefully to prevent food getting stuck? Do you have continuing heartburn or difficulty swallowing despite treatment with prescription strength proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole?

You may have a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis , a chronic allergic inflammation of the esophagus, which can lead to narrowing of the esophagus. Over the past 20 years, EoE has been increasingly recognized as the underlying cause in children presenting with feeding problems, vomiting or failure to gain weight and in adults presenting with difficulty swallowing and food impaction.

The allergic inflammation of EoE is triggered by food antigens. Airborne allergens are reported to play a role as well. The condition is more frequent in males and has a genetic component. Patients with EoE frequently have a personal or family history of environmental and food hypersensitivities, asthma, or eczema. Of note, the foods that tend to get stuck in the esophagus are typically dry, solid foods such as bread and meats, rather than the foods actually triggering the esophageal inflammation and ultimate narrowing.

Why Do I Feel Like I Have A Lump In My Throat

A lump in the throat is a condition that commonly accompanies anxiety and is known as globus sensation. Globus sensation does not have a known cause, though some theorize that it may be because of increased muscle tension. It is not known to be connected to any actual negative physical consequences.

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Eoe Diagnosis Confirmed With Endoscopy

Dr. Gramling diagnoses EoE by performing a procedure under sedation at Mary Bridge Childrens endoscopy center. He inserts a small tube down the childs throat and takes a tissue sample. The tissue cells are examined under a microscope to detect the tell-tale eosinophils.

Once the EoE diagnosis is confirmed, the next step – figuring out what is causing the allergic response – is usually not as straightforward. We start with food elimination, which can be a slow, drawn-out process, sometimes up to a year, says Dr. Gramling. A milk allergy is one of the biggest culprits, accounting for about half of all EoE cases.

Still, strict compliance to lifestyle changes like eliminating dairy products can be a challenge for many kids. And Dr. Gramling knows that the often slow trial and error process can be frustrating for patients and their families. But left untreated, the chronic inflammation can cause strictures or scars in the esophagus that may eventually require further procedures.

We can also offer topical steroids to spray and coat the esophagus to reduce the inflammation, says Dr. Gramling. But more long-term studies are needed to develop new therapies to effectively treat chronic EoE.

Visit our website to learn more about Dr. Gramling and the gastrointestinal conditions he treats. Your child needs a referral from your pediatrician or primary care provider before making an appointment. For more information on how to get a referral, call 253-792-6630.

Difficulty In Swallowing Saliva: Causes

Pill Swallowing Difficulty: Cause and Treatments (Pill Dysphagia)

Difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia, can be due to many factors. When we feel that we cannot swallow saliva normally, it is a sign that something is happening in our throat or the surrounding areas. However, most conditions are not very serious. Although it is usually due to throat conditions, it can also be motivated by mental problems such as anxiety. In the event of any similar symptoms, for example, if you notice that the throat closes, go immediately to the doctor. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will tell you why it is difficult to swallow saliva, explain the causes that can favor this situation, and how to solve them.

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Difficulty Swallowing It Could Be Eosinophilic Esophagitis

If you often experience trouble swallowing that wont go away, you may be living with eosinophilic esophagitis, or EoE. This newly recognized chronic immune condition wasnt on the radar until the 1990s but by some estimates, it affects 1 in every 2,000 people.

Unless youve already been diagnosed with EoE, its probably not a condition youve heard of before. And even among those living with EoE, there are some common misconceptions. Here are a few things to know about EoE from the team at Baylor Scott & White Research Institutes Center for Esophageal Research.

Spring Allergies May Make It Difficult To Swallow

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a disease characterized by the presence of a large number of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, which causes inflammation in the esophagus. This inflammation can lead to stiffening or narrowing of the esophagus, which can lead to difficulty swallowing or food getting stuck in the esophagus. The cause in adults has not been clearly identified, but an allergic reaction to environmental and/or food allergens have been suggested in individuals who are genetically susceptible. There is a strong association with food allergies, environmental allergies, asthma, and atopic dermatitis. Hence the worsening of symptoms during Spring and Fall. This condition was initially thought to be rare, but has been increasing over the years, possibly due to increasing recognition. Current estimates of this condition may be as high as 2-3 per 10,000 individuals.

There are two basic approaches to treating eosinophilic esophagitis. One is to use medication , and the other is to change your diet. The most common dietary change is a six-food elimination diet, in which you remove milk, egg, soy, wheat, nuts/tree nuts, and fish/shellfish. A targeted-elimination diet can also be considered as well as referral to an allergist/immunologist. Currently treatment is directed at controlling symptoms, reducing eosinophil levels in the tissue, and preventing complications of the disease, such as food impactions.

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What Is Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis EoE for short is an allergic condition that causes swelling in your esophagus . The esophagus is in an upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and is the tube that moves food from your mouth to your stomach when you swallow. EoE happens when a large number of white blood cells called eosinophils collect and cause damage in the lining of the esophagus. It is often an immune response to food, but in some cases, environmental pollen can also trigger EoE.

White blood cells are an important part of our immune system. Eosinophils are a special type of white blood cell. They help us fight off certain types of infections, such as parasites, hookworms, or bacteria. Eosinophils also are involved in other conditions, such as allergies, asthma, and cancer.

Eosinophils serve many roles. Some roles are specific and some are not. This means there are many different processes in the body that can cause eosinophils to be present and/or elevated. Eosinophilic disease may be present when you or your child has high eosinophil counts in the blood or part of the body for a long period of time without a known cause.

Eosinophils can be present in different areas of the GI tract. But eosinophils in the esophagus are not common. Doctors look at the number of these cells in the lining of the esophagus to diagnose EoE.

Discomfort When Swallowing Saliva As If It Had Something: Stenosis Of The Larynx

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Tracheal or laryngeal stenosis is a narrowing of these areas. It can be a congenital or acquired condition, although rare. It occurs due to the loss of soft tissue and cartilage support, which causes narrowing of the larynx.

When it is not congenital, it can be due to prolonged intubation causing lesions in the glottis and subglottis. But it can also be due to:

  • A foreign body in the larynx.
  • An inflammation.
  • A chemical irritation.

The most prominent symptoms of this disease include coughing and shortness of breath, dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing saliva. This problem is usually treated by surgery, although there are other techniques such as tracheal resection and its reconstruction or dilation of the trachea.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why is it hard for me to swallow saliva , we recommend that you enter our Ear, Nose and Throat category .

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Sinus Issues And Difficulty Swallowing

Anything that agitates the throat or esophagus has the potential to lead to dysphagia, which means sinus problems can cause this symptom as well. It may seem strange that sinus issues can affect difficulty swallowing, but the inflammation and pressure caused by issues like sinusitis is enough to bring on trouble with swallowing. Diverticula, small sacs on the walls of your esophagus, can also be responsible for dysphagia. Its important to make sure your doctor considers all history and symptoms related to sinus issues before determining if this is the cause of your difficulty swallowing.

Whats The Difference Between Eoe And Food Allergies

Although EoE is an immune response that can be triggered by certain foods, the initial cause of the allergic reaction is not known.

We usually think of allergic reactions as immediate. You eat a peanut, you go into shock, and your throat closes up, Dr. Dellon says. EoE is not an immediate reaction like that. It may be that someone eats a piece of steak and it gets stuck, so they have to go to the emergency room to get it out, but its not usually an allergic reaction to that steak.

Instead, patients with EoE will experience a delayed reaction. Its not totally clear how that allergic reaction starts, but its probably a chronic exposure to some foods or to something in the environment, he says.

Besides environmental factors, researchers have discovered that certain genes might play a role in the development of EoE, but there does not appear to be a single gene that causes this disease.

Because the condition is categorized by a slow onset, people usually dont know they are having a reaction until the symptoms are readily noticeable. This could cause some patients to have allergic inflammation for months or, in many cases, even years before seeking help.

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Symptoms & Causes Of Swallowing Disorders

Swallowing disorders indicate persistent problems with chewing and swallowing. The main symptoms are discomfort when swallowing, chest pain and the feeling that food or liquid is getting stuck in the throat or chest. Additionally, you may experience drooling, heartburn, nausea, wheezing, coughing, regurgitation, sore throat and a sour taste in the mouth.

Causes of dysphagia are diverse. They may originate in the esophagus and include diffuse spasm, an improperly relaxed sphincter, weak esophageal muscles, a narrow esophagus or esophageal ring, the presence of foreign bodies, gastroesophageal reflux disease , a hardening of the tissues called scleroderma and tumors.

In addition, the muscles and nerves responsible for swallowing can weaken as a result of neurological disorders, pharyngeal diverticula or cancer. Children may have difficulty swallowing if they suffer from certain nervous system disorders or a cleft palate.

Stroke Or Transient Ischemic Attack

Dysphagia, Animation.


  • Abnormal vision

A stroke occurs when blood flow is stopped by a clot in your brain or when theres a bleed in your brain. A transient ischemic attack often called a mini-stroke can cause similar symptoms as a stroke, but it lasts for less than 24 hours.

After a stroke or TIA, you may have weakened muscles of the oropharynx or it may affect your swallowing reflex. These both cause difficulty swallowing.

Treating stroke or a TIA

If you have symptoms of a stroke or TIA, immediately go to the emergency room. TIAs need to be taken as seriously as a stroke because they increase your risk of experiencing a full-blown stroke. Treatment includes anti-clotting medication and possibly surgery.

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Surgery And Other Procedures For Swallowing Problems

Because the organs involved in swallowing are close to the mouth, swallowing problems can often be addressed with an endoscope inserted through the mouth. With the endoscopic approach, no incisions are made. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to cut through the skin to treat the cause of a swallowing problem.

Procedures for swallowing disorders include:

  • Peroral endoscopic myotomy to treat achalasia by cutting a tight ring of muscle to loosen it
  • Diverticulectomy to remove a diverticulum in the esophagus. Sometimes, doctors also need to cut muscles in the esophagus .
  • Esophageal stent placement to insert a tube inside a narrowed esophagus to keep it open
  • Dilation to gently stretch the narrowed areas in the esophagus
  • Surgery to remove a tumor or another growth blocking the esophagus

Difficulty Swallowing Saliva Due To Anxiety

One of the symptoms of anxiety is the feeling of not being able to breathe or that our throat is narrowing and we cannot swallow saliva. It is like a lump in the throat that does not allow you to eat normally.

Anxiety occurs when stress levels are too high. In many cases, they are exaggerated concerns of everyday problems that affect more than usual. You may not feel that you have anxiety but that, nevertheless, on certain occasions, you have:

These are mild symptoms that we usually ignore and just let go of. However, they have a well-founded cause that needs to be treated. It is not easy to diagnose anxiety since we often do not give importance to the signals or think that they are specific moments. However, this problem must be kept in mind, and seek help as soon as possible.

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Medications For Swallowing Disorders

Medications can be effective in relieving specific swallowing symptoms or treating an underlying cause such as an infection or a neurologic condition:

  • Botulinum toxin injections and other types of muscle relaxers to relax certain muscles in the esophagus
  • Proton pump inhibitors and other medications to treat GERD
  • Antibiotics to treat infection
  • Corticosteroids to treat dysphagia due to an allergic reaction
  • Other medications to help minimize symptoms of a neurologic disorder

Allergies & Trouble Swallowing

Pin on Walk In Doctor

Allergies are known for their reactions in the body such as sneezing, coughing and asthma-like symptoms.A less common symptom associated with allergies is trouble swallowing. Trouble swallowing caused by allergies is the result of postnasal drip or inflammation in the throat, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology 1. If trouble swallowing leads to difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical advice. This could be a rare allergic reaction where the throat swells, cutting off the ability to breathe, according to

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Reasons You May Be Having Difficulty Swallowing

Dr. Alexa Lessow at Lexington ENT & Allergy has treated numerous patients with dysphagia, the medical term for problems with swallowing. Sometimes determining the reason it hurts for you to swallow can be a complex undertaking, because it can be a symptom of quite a few different conditions.

Each year, about 1 in 25 adults in the United States have problems swallowing. By preventing you from swallowing normally, dysphagia can lead to malnourishment and other health problems.

In this post we discuss five of the most common reasons you may be having difficulty swallowing. If you have pain or discomfort when you swallow and cant determine why, seek treatment sooner rather than later. Early treatment can make a difference.


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