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HomeCauseCan Allergies Cause Excessive Phlegm

Can Allergies Cause Excessive Phlegm

Afrin Is Powerfully Addictive

Top 5 Causes of Constant Mucus and Phlegm in Your Throat

Don’t use this.

The nasal decongestant spray Afrin works really, really well. Too well.

“It’s not just habit-forming,” Ellis says. “It’s totally addictive, because the lining of the nose becomes completely dependent on it.”

Afrin relieves congestion by cutting down on blood flow to the conchae, rapidly reducing swelling and opening up the nasal cavity. But soon after it wears off, it leads to rebound swelling, with the conchae getting even bigger than they were before. As a result, many people become totally dependent on Afrin, continuing to use it to fix congestion that it’s causing in the first place.

“Once you start spraying, you can’t stop,” Ellis says. “If you go more than three or four days, the nose becomes so dependent on that it’s almost like heroin.” Afrin bottles do have a fine print warning telling people not to use the medicine for more than three days, but so many people miss it that there are Afrin addiction support groups online. Ellis, among others, thinks the spray should be a prescription-only medicine.

Is Postnasal Drip A Symptom Of Covid

Postnasal drip is currently not listed as a specific COVID-19 symptom by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization . However, people with postnasal drip can have a few of the same symptoms as people with COVID-19, such as:

  • Cough

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Remember everybody is different, so the symptoms from COVID-19 can vary from person to person. If you have been exposed to a person with COVID-19, or think you may be having symptoms of the virus, please contact your healthcare provider to get advice on what to do next.

Is It Allergies Or Covid 4 Ways To Tell

Millions of Americans experience seasonal allergies. In the fall, ragweed pollen is often the culprit. Mold is also a typical trigger for autumn allergies.

Here’s why: Rotting leaves provide an excellent home for mold. This fungi thrives in moist, damp environments, and the tiny spores it releases into the air can cause nasal congestion, runny noses, sneezing, and watery, itchy eyes that people with allergies often experience.

And with COVID still spreading in our communities, it can be difficult to tell the difference between typical allergy symptoms and something more serious.

If you have a known history of allergies, consider this: If you do not have a fever, try a stepwise approach with using your usual treatments, such as long-acting antihistamines or nasal sprays, Rajani said.

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How Is Postnasal Drip Diagnosed

Anyone can experience postnasal drip, especially since it tends to accompany the common cold and flu. Elderly people, young children, or people with weakened immune systems may be at a higher risk for experiencing postnasal drip.

Postnasal drip can sometimes be self-diagnosed with the recognition of symptoms like a cough or sore throat. A postnasal drip is often felt as a constant drip in the back of the throat by the patient,” explains Payam Daneshrad, MD, an ENT and facial plastic surgeon in California. “Along with the constant need to swallow, the patient will also describe an irritated throat that will oftentimes feel tight. On physical examination, the physician will see clear, thin mucus in the lower portions of the nasal passages. Furthermore, an examination of the back of the throat will demonstrate a cobble-stoned appearance, redness, and swelling in the lining of the back of the throat,

People who experience chronic or long-lasting postnasal drip may require a laboratory, endoscopic, or X-ray studies to correctly determine whats causing their symptoms. After diagnosing postnasal drip, a doctor or otolaryngologist can decide the best treatment method based on whats causing it.

A medical professional may ask the following questions to help confirm a diagnosis:

  • Do you experience allergies?
  • Are you taking any medications?
  • Do you have a cough that gets worse at night?

What Does The Colour Of My Phlegm Mean

Can Allergies Cause Excessive Phlegm

The colour of your phlegm can change when youre ill.

If you feel unwell and youre worried because your phlegms a different colour or thickness than usual, speak to your doctor. They might look at or test a sample of your phlegm to find out more.

Everyones phlegm looks different and it isnt a completely accurate guide to whats going on in your body. But here’s a general guide to what different colours of phlegm mean:

White phlegm

A bit of white or clear phlegm every now and then is completely normal.

However, if youre producing lots ofwhite or clear phlegm, it could be a sign that your airways are inflamed and your asthma symptoms might be getting worse.

Its worth remembering that your airways include the nose and sinuses, as well as your throat. It may be that the mucus youre coughing up has moved from your nose or sinuses to the back of your throat or chest. If you get symptoms in your nose and sinuses such as mucus, sneezing or an itchy or blocked nose speak to your GP or pharmacist about how you can treat this. Treating your nose and sinuses can improve your asthma symptoms too.

Your preventer inhaler is the number one way to deal with this, as long as youre taking it as prescribed by your doctor or nurse.

If youve been taking your preventer but nothings improving, see your doctor or asthma nurse. They might need to change your medication or help you manage your triggers or allergies, like hay fever.

Yellow or green phlegm

Streaked red phlegm

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Why Do I Get Phlegm After Eating Ice Cream

Coughing after eating ice-cream could be caused by many things. An irritation in the throat usually causes a cough. Dairy products can sometimes induce mucus, which becomes an irritant and leads to coughing. In combination with cold temperature, the mucus can become thicker and can induce a cough to clear the throat.

What Meals Destroy Mucus

Attempt consuming meals and drinks that comprise lemon, ginger, and garlic. Theres some anecdotal proof that these could assist deal with colds, coughs, and extra mucus. Spicy meals that comprise capsaicin, equivalent to cayenne or chili peppers, may additionally assist briefly clear sinuses and get mucus shifting.

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Cutting Out Important Foods Can Affect Nutrition

Dairy products are an important source of calcium and other minerals needed for strong teeth and growing bones. Cutting out cow’s milk can limit choices, and may negatively affect nutrition. Diet restrictions do not benefit most people with asthma or allergic rhinitis, and can distract efforts away from allergen avoidance. If cows milk avoidance is needed, see a dietitian for advice.

ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology/allergy specialists in Australia and New Zealand.

ASCIA resources are based on published literature and expert review, however, they are not intended to replace medical advice. The content of ASCIA resources is not influenced by any commercial organisations.

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Can Lactose Intolerance Cause Mucus Throat

Causes of Constant Phlegm and Mucus in Your Throat (Clearing Congestion)

Dairy allergies do not cause nasal symtoms in isolation This may be because of the sensation of coating the throat experienced when drinking milk, but this occurs similarly with other viscous fluids and does not mean that more mucus is produced. There is no proven relationship between drinking milk and excess mucus.

Read Also: What Is In Mucinex Allergy

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Your body constantly produces mucus and phlegm to help protect you from infection and prevent your internal tissues from dehydrating. Though theyre always at work, you typically only notice the sticky substances when youre sick.

Mucus and phlegm are similar, yet different:

  • Mucus is a thinner secretion from your nose and sinuses.
  • Phlegm is thicker and is made by your throat and lungs.

Both work as part of your immune system. They trap particles you breathe in through your airways including viruses and bacteria. Each day your body makes about 1.5 liters of them even more when youre fighting infection.

Mucus and phlegm are made of water, antibodies, enzymes, proteins and salt. They carry dead cells, dust and other debris from the nose and lungs.

When you breathe through your nose, 80 percent of particles are filtered through the mucus lining. Tiny hairs called cilia in the nose and lungs move mucus and phlegm toward the throat.

Excess Mucus In The Throat Causes And What Works Best

Though you may not be aware of it, the glands in your throat produce lots of mucus every day. Mucus, also known as phlegm, is essential for keeping your respiratory tract moist and healthy, and wards off infection. Excess mucus, however, can be unpleasant and bothersome and can cause a number of issues, including swallowing problems. Lets take a look at what causes a build-up of mucus and some of the remedies that work best.

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Development Of A Chronic Condition

Mucus overproduction and poor drainage can be part of a cycle of ongoing respiratory infections, a condition calledsinusitis. Postnasal drip might not contribute directly to sinusitis, but it can be a constant companion until the sinusitis is effectively treated.

Contact Alexis Furze, MD when your postnasal drip lasts more than 10 days. Call the office directly to book an appointment to find the relief you need now.

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Why Do Ive Mucus In My Throat On A Regular Basis

What Allergies Cause Excessive Phlegm

Two of the commonest causes of frequent throat clearing are laryngopharyngeal reflux, or LPR, and seasonal allergy symptoms, explains Tune. Folks with LPR may additionally have post-nasal drip, an extra of throat mucus, or the sensation like one thing is caught within the throat, however nothing is there.

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How Would I Know Why I Am Coughing Up Blood

Coughing up blood may be caused by various conditions that may range from mild to serious. To know the exact cause of coughing up blood, you need to consult a doctor. Your doctor may ask details about coughing up blood such as since when you are having it, how much blood you cough up, and whether you have other complaints such as breathlessness, fever, and chest pain. They may also ask about your history of taking any medications or smoking.

To diagnose the cause of coughing up blood, your doctor may ask the following tests to be done:

  • Computed tomography scan of the chest
  • Sputum examinations such as microscopy or culture to look for infections
  • Lung scan

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Is Coughing A Symptom Of Allergies

If you have a chronic cough, youre not alone. Coughing is a symptom of seasonal allergies, and more than 50 million Americans deal with allergies every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1 . Once you identify allergies as your coughs source, your doctor can recommend various medications to treat it.

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Is It Allergies Or A Cold

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between allergies and the common cold. There are more than a hundred strains of cold viruses. Each tends to become widespread at certain times of the year, which is why you may mistake a cold for a seasonal allergy. Allergies occur at the same time every year and last as long as the allergen is in the air . Allergies cause itching of the nose and eyes along with other nasal symptoms. Colds last about one week and have less itching of the nose and eyes.

Color Not Always A Clear Indicator

What Are the Causes of Congestion & Mucus Buildup While Sleeping? : Health Tips

The color and consistency of mucus and phlegm offer clues as to whats happening in your body. But the color cant be counted on to clearly indicate whether you have a bacterial or a viral infection, says Laura Tully, MD, of Premier ENT Associates.

Patients think that because mucus is a color other than clear like yellow or green that means they have a sinus infection, Dr. Tully says. Just because your mucus starts out green or yellow, thats very common with a typical viral cold, and doesnt necessarily mean you have a bacterial illness.

She adds, Eventually a cold can morph into something like an acute sinusitis that is bacterial.

The color and consistency of mucus and phlegm offer clues as to whats happening in your body.

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Further Tips And Remedies

Many people with excess mucus find that sleeping with their head raised on an extra pillow helps. This is because elevating the head and shoulders in this way relieves congested nasal passages. Quit smoking and stay away from irritants and polluted air whenever possible. Blow your nose, inhale steam, gargle with salt and warm water, raise the humidity, diffuse essential oils, drink warm liquids. Remember dehydration is also bad, so make sure to drink a lot of water.

If your doctor diagnoses an allergy, allergy medications may help address the problem of excess mucus. Be aware of your swallowing and if you think something unusual is happening get medical advice. Another tip is not to eat a large meal before going to bed as this can cause indigestion and the production of more mucus.

Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY pays close attention to the symptoms and causes of excess mucus as part of its comprehensive medical care regime. We provide education and guidance as to how to manage health issues in the elderly as well as people with neurological conditions.

Allergies And Chronic Phlegm

Phlegm 6. It’s hard to spell, sounds terrible and feels worse. Physicians and researchers call excess phlegm in the lungs and upper chest “chronic mucus hypersecretion.” A runny nose, sneezing and coughing up phlegm are common symptoms of seasonal allergies such as hay fever.** Chronic phlegm is also associated with asthma and chronic bronchitis and can also be a symptom of occupational allergies, particularly exposure to food additives made from mold.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Can Allergies Cause Nose Bleeds

Your writer, a sufferer of some light environmental allergies, will never forget sitting in history class one cold morning after weeks of dry winter weather and dust inhalation had taken their toll. All it took was one simple sneeze to send out a spray of bright red bloodnot to mention a few quickly forgiven expletivesand prompt a shambling run for the exit.

Nosebleeds can be inconvenient, embarrassing, or even panic-inducing, and they quite often seem to attend allergic reactions that affect the respiratory system. But can allergies cause nose bleeds? Absolutely. Lets learn more about why and how nose bleeds from allergies occur.

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Citrus And Acetic Acid

How to Naturally Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus in Chest &  Throat

Some ingredients tickle the cough center and might result in coughing after eating. Pay attention to your coughing symptoms after eating citrus foods, such as oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruit. Acetic acid can cause a similar result.

When coughing increases after eating these foods, then you might need to minimize them or eliminate them from your diet completely.

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Coughing Up Clear Mucus: Why And What Can You Do

Your discomfort may be caused by:

1. Common Cold and Influenza

You may produce clear mucus if you have influenza or are suffering from the common cold. These viral infections will make excess mucus accumulate at the back of your throat. You will notice clear and thin phlegm during the first few days of your illness, but it becomes yellow when your immune system takes charge of things. The phlegm will turn clear again when your immune system is about to eliminate the infection.


You do not have to take antibiotics for viral infections. It is not uncommon for your healthcare provider to prescribe medication to help you manage severe cold or flu symptoms. Be sure to talk to your doctor immediately if you are coughing up clear mucus and have other symptoms such as chills, pain, and a fever.

2. Bronchitis

You develop bronchitis when the lining of your bronchial tubes become inflamed due to a cold or other respiratory infections. You may develop acute or chronic bronchitis. While acute bronchitis is more common, it is easily treatable. Chronic bronchitis can lead to several complications and is usually the result of smoking.

For either acute bronchitis or chronic bronchitis, signs and symptoms may include:

  • Cough
  • Production of mucus , which can be clear, white, yellowish-gray or green in color-rarely, it may be streaked with blood.
  • fatigue


3. Allergy

Here are the steps you should take if you are coughing up clear mucus due to allergies:

Allergic Mucus Is Thin And Theres Usually A Lot Of It

Different medical conditions result in different consistency and color of the mucus. When people have inhalant allergies, e.g., dust, mold, pollen, the consistency of the mucus produced is usually copious, thin, and watery.

Many people with allergic rhinitis, for example, walk around carrying Kleenex and, when exposed to their inciting allergen, they usually have related symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy, watery, red or swollen eyes chronic throat-clearing is not typically a symptom of allergy.

Most people with allergic rhinitis have attacks when they come in contact with their offending allergens some people have more chronic symptoms, particularly those who are in constant contact with the offender however, many people who have constant allergic symptoms actually may have respiratory reflux. When patients with allergic rhinitis are examined by a knowledgeable physician, the usual findings are boggy, swollen, purplish nasal lining with a thin, clear-as-glass type of mucus.

People with allergic rhinitis can be successfully treated with antihistamine medications and steroid inhalers. That being said, the steroid inhalers must be used twice a day for an extended period of time before any benefit is realized. So its not relief immediately following a spray.

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