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HomeCauseCan Allergies Cause Eye Twitching

Can Allergies Cause Eye Twitching

Can Botox Stop My Eye From Twitching

Eyelid Twitching: Causes and Cure

Botulinum toxin injections are sometimes used to treat benign essential blepharospasm. Botox may ease severe spasms for a few months. However, as the effects of the injection wear off, you may need further injections.

Surgery to remove some of the muscles and nerves in the eyelids can also treat more severe cases of benign essential blepharospasm.

How To Prevent Eye Allergy Symptoms

Avoid allergy triggers by implementing the following suggestions:

  • Use air conditioning. Keep windows closed during high pollen seasons.
  • Wear glasses orsunglasses. This will help to protect your eyes from pollen.
  • Limit dust accumulation. Use mite-proof bedding covers and wash your bedding frequently, using hot water . Clean shelves with a wet rag and floors with a mop, instead of dry-dusting or sweeping.
  • Control mold. Use a dehumidifier to control mold growth. Treat visible mold with detergent and a five percent bleach solution.
  • Wash your hands. This will help to eliminate any allergens you may have come in contact with, such as when touching a pet or cutting the grass.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes. This can further irritate your eyes.
  • Choose your makeup carefully. Certain makeup products can irritate your eyes and exacerbate eye allergy symptoms. Look for makeup products that contain natural ingredients and are designed for sensitive eyes and skin.

Can Makeup Cause Eye Allergies

If certain makeup products make your eyes, or the skin around your eyes, red, itchy, swollen or scaly, you may have an eye makeup allergy, or be sensitive to an ingredient in one of your cosmetics.

This doesnt mean that you have to give up makeup and go natural from now on just be more aware of the type of products you apply to your eyes and face.

Hypo-allergenic cosmetics contain fewer allergy-causing ingredients and non-allergenic products are made for those who cant even tolerate hypo-allergenic products.

Be sure to check the label and avoid buying products that contain lanolin and perfume, as they are the most common causes of allergic reactions.

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What Is An Eye Twitch

An eye twitch, clinically termed myokymia, occurs when the eyelid muscles spasm uncontrollably.

You may feel like everyone else can see it and it may be distracting you from your daily activities but rest assured that most eye twitches are actually not as noticeable as you think and with some lifestyle changes, most eye twitches will disappear on their own.

An eye twitch can last from a few minutes to a few days, and sometimes even longer depending on the cause.

Preservative Free Eye Drops

Eye Twitching

Preservative-free drops are recommended because they contain fewer additives which can further irritate the eyes. Keep in mind that many of these preservative-free eye drops may only be used for a few weeks after the bottle is opened it is important to follow the directions on the bottle.

In addition, many eye drops come in two forms, single-use preservative free vials and multi-use bottles, with or without preservatives. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Ask your eye doctor what he recommends for your individual needs.

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When To See An Eye Doctor

See an eye doctor immediately if you experience persistent eye twitching, sudden changes in appearance or movement of half your face , or if both eyelids clamp down so tight it’s impossible to open your eyes. These can be signs of a serious condition.

Page published on Friday, January 24, 2020

Schedule an exam

When Should I See A Doctor About Eye Twitching

If your eyelid twitch is not following a typical pattern, it could be a sign of something bigger. Talk to a healthcare provider if you have an eyelid twitch that:

  • Lasts longer than a few weeks without going away

  • Causes your eyelid to close completely

  • Happens in both eyes at the same time

  • Comes with red, swollen, or irritated eyes

  • Goes along with twitches or movements in other parts of your body

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Is Eye Twitching A Sign Of Something Serious

Although rare, twitching eyelids can be an early sign of certain brain and nervous system disorders. These can include:

  • Parkinsons disease
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Oromandibular dystonia and facial dystonia

Certain drugs, particularly medication used for treating Parkinson’s disease can cause side effects which include eye twitching. However, in some cases, eye twitching can also be an early sign of a chronic movement disorder which is usually accompanied by other facial spasms.

The Common Causes Of Eye Twitching

Remedies for Eye Twitching

Have you ever had that weird and uncomfortable twitching feeling in your eye? The one where you really hope no one can see your eye spasming?

That feeling is the rippling of muscle contractions in the eyelid called myokymia. They can be triggered by a number of things and are typically not a serious medical problem.

However, there are more serious forms of eye twitching such as blepharospasm, a neurological condition characterized by forcible closure of the eyelids, and hemifacial spasms, an involuntary twitching of the facial muscles on one side of the face.

Those two conditions are not very common and should be treated by an eye doctor. Eye twitching though, has some trigger points that can be easy fixes.

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When Should I Be Worried About Eye Twitching

Eye twitching may also be something to worry about if you experience any of the following:

  • Red or swollen eyes
  • Your eyelid closing completely every time it twitches. If you’re experiencing eyelid spasms strong enough to close both eyelids, this could be a condition known as blepharospasm
  • You find it hard to open your eye
  • The twitching lasts longer than a few weeks
  • You have twitching on your face and or elsewhere on your body
  • Your eyes are looking droopy
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • A decrease in the quality of your vision

Why Do I Keep On Twitching

Muscle twitches can happen for lots of reasons, like stress, too much caffeine, a poor diet, exercise, or as a side effect of some medicines. Lots of people get twitches in the eyelid, thumb, or calf muscles. These types of twitches usually go away after a few days. They’re often related to stress or anxiety.

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What Does It Mean When Your Eyes Are Twitching

Eyelid twitching, sometimes known as myokymia, is very common and usually occurs as a result of an involuntary muscle contraction. These contractions can vary in strength sometimes only the lower eyelid is affected but other times the spasm can be strong enough to impact the upper eyelid too!

Typically, twitching doesnt last very long usually every few seconds for a couple of minutes however, sometimes eyelid twitching can occur on and off for a couple of months. The most frustrating element of the problem can be the unpredictability eye twitching can sometimes appear out of nowhere at any time.

But what are the main causes of eye twitching? Well, an eye twitch can be caused by a variety of factors, from stress to dry eyes to a condition known as blepharospasm. In most cases, once you have identified the underlying cause, treating the issue is fairly straightforward.

If You Suffer From Red Sore Allergic Eyes There Are Several Ways To Prevent This Condition From Affecting Your Life

Dry Eye

Allergies are a common complaint, and can cause a great deal of discomfort sneezing, sniffling, stuffy nose, and itchy throat can all affect your daily functioning.

What you may not realize is your eyes can also be affected by allergies.

Up to 25 percent of people worldwide suffer from eye allergies.

Many eye allergy symptoms occur with the symptoms you may already be aware of. If your eyes are itchy, red and irritated, and there is no other explanation, allergies may be the cause.

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How Can I Stop My Eyes From Twitching

Its not uncommon to experience an eyelid twitch or spasms but when it becomes repetitive, it can become a very irritating problem. Usually such twitches are nothing to worry about and will pass in their own time, but today Im just going to offer some reassurance, detailing what could be causing your spasm and how you can go about relieving the issue.

Felicity Mann

How Can I Relieve Eye Strain After Prolonged Screen Time

Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, can cause a host of uncomfortable symptoms, including headaches, eye fatigue, dry eyes and blurry vision. Computer vision syndrome may cause your eyelid to twitch.

If limiting screen time isnt practical on a daily basis, try to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something around 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. It is also important to remember to blink frequently and to close your eyes completely. Lastly, speak to your optometrist about wearing computer glasses while you work, as they are designed to eliminate glare from the screen, and reduce eye strain.

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Types Of Eye Twitching

8 Causes of Eye Twitching (Eyelid Twitching)

There are different symptoms, or types, of eye twitches you may experience. Some common symptoms of eye twitch include:

  • Repeated uncontrollable twitching or spasms of your eyelid
  • Light sensitivity

If uncontrolled twitching, or spasms, begin, they may continue off and on for a few days before they disappear. This type of twitching is what affects most people.

However, in more severe contractions, the eyelid completely closes. This form of eyelid twitching is called blepharospasm. It can be very uncomfortable and lasts much longer than the more common type of eyelid twitch.

In some cases, eye twitching persists for a more extended period and becomes bothersome. This is called chronic eye twitching . Women experience CET at three times the rate of men. CET tends to develop more often in cold weather, and a defect of facial nerves may be responsible for the condition.

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Artificial Tears Lubricating Eye Drops

Non-prescription eye drops may be sufficient in providing short term relief of mild symptoms. Artificial tears both moisten the eyes to soothe irritation, and wash allergens away. These drops can be used as often as needed and are available over-the-counter at your local drug store.

There are many different brands of artificial tears on the market, so ask your eye doctor for a recommendation.

Dry Eyes And Allergies

Many adults experience dry eyes, especially after a certain age. Dry eyes are very common among people who use computers, take certain medications, wear contact lenses, and consume caffeine and/or alcohol. If you have an eye twitch and your eyes feel gritty, you might be suffering from dry eyes. Restoring moisture to the surface of your eye may stop the twitching and decrease the risk of twitching in the future. People with eye allergies can have itching, swelling, and watery eyes. Rubbing your eyes because of allergy symptoms releases histamine into your eyelid tissues and tear film, which may cause eye twitching. Sometimes, over-the-counter eye drops formulated to reduce allergy symptoms can be helpful, but these drops are also known to cause dry eyes.

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When To See A Doctor About Your Eye Twitch

If its just a small twitch in one eye and it goes away on its own, its probably nothing to worry about, Dr. Nika says. However, if its persistent, affects more than one eye, or you experience other symptoms, then its a good idea to get a comprehensive eye exam from an ophthalmologist to check for other causes.

These may include:

  • Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm: Blepharospasm is a persistent twitching that typically affects both eyelids. It can get worse over time, leading to both eyes being completely closed. A hemifacial spasm is a twitch that affects one entire side of the face. For both conditions, your ophthalmologist may recommend treatment by a botulinum toxin injection, such as Botox®, to help relax the affected muscles.
  • Neurological conditions: While rare, in some cases serious conditions can spark an eye twitch. These include Bells palsy, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and several movement disorders, such as dystonia, Parkinsons disease, Tourettes syndrome and Meige syndrome.
  • Medication side effects: Certain drugs, including those used to treat epilepsy and Parkinsons disease, also may cause eye twitching as a side effect.

To schedule a comprehensive ophthalmology exam, visit or call 1-800-363-7575.

Dr. Melisa Nika is a comprehensive ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist. She sees patients at the Henry Ford OptimEyes Super Vision Center in Westland.

Eye Twitches: Harmless Or A Cause For Concern

â Under Eye Twitching For Days

Eye twitches are a common, usually harmless problem that typically go away quickly. That being said, if youve been experiencing recurrent eye twitching, it never hurts to have an eye exam. Today, we discuss what causes eye twitches, how you can know whether you need to schedule a visit to your eye doctor in Lorton, VA, and whether the issue can be prevented.

A Closer Look at Eye Twitching

When your eyes twitch, the sensation that youre feeling is the twitching of your lower eyelid. Eye twitching is referred to as myokymia in medical terms. Eye twitches are so common and universally relatable that even cartoon characters are known to exhibit this eye condition, usually to convey exasperation. This brings us to the question: what really causes eye twitches?

Here are the most common culprits:


Have you been taking on extra work at your job and are under a lot of pressure to perform? Have you been neck-deep in school projects and homework? Have the household chores and upkeep been too much to handle lately? If you answered yes, then you might be a little more vulnerable to eye twitches.


Eye Strain

One trick to reduce symptoms of digital eye strain that your optometrist in Newington, VA might have already told you about is the 20-20-20 rule. This is how it works: after 20 minutes of screen time, look up from the screen at an object that is at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a much-needed break.


Nutrition Problems

Dry Eyes

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Treatment For Eye Twitching

Temporary instances of eye twitching usually dont require treatment. However, if twitching interferes with your quality of life, affects your vision, or is chronic, treatment is necessary.

In some cases, treatment includes only lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Reducing screen time
  • Reducing stress
  • Ensuring you get enough sleep

Surgery, drug therapy, and preventative therapy are also treatment options for eye twitching. Many people try several different combinations of treatment before finding what works best for them.

Three of the most common treatments for chronic eye twitching include:

When Its Time To See A Doctor

If your eye twitching lingers for longer periods or becomes particularly bothersome, Dr. Perry recommends a visit to an eye doctor to make sure nothing more serious is going on.

Seek an evaluation if you notice any of these four signs:

  • Symptoms such as weakness, drooping or double vision.
  • Your eyes start to look red.
  • It feels like theres something in your eye or youre getting light-sensitive.
  • Your vision is changing.
  • Eyelid twitching can sometimes be a part of spasm conditions affecting the eyes, such as essential blepharospasm or hemifacial spasm. These disorders were some of the very first indications for Botox® injections, the same medicine that we now use to treat wrinkles, says Dr. Perry.

    Very rarely, eyelid spasms are a symptom of a more serious brain or nerve disorder. In these rare cases, eyelid spasms may be an early warning sign of a chronic movement disorder, especially if the spasms are accompanied by other facial twitches or uncontrollable movements.

    While serious disorders are rare, patients who are finding those benign twitches very annoying can find quick improvement with a few injections, Dr. Perry says. So its worthwhile to come in for an evaluation if the symptoms are bothersome.

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    What Can I Do To Prevent Eye Twitching

    Since most common eyelid twitches go away on their own, there isnt anything you need to do to stop them. But if you find them annoying, there are steps you can take to keep eyelid twitches from happening in the first place.

    Since eyelid twitches often involve an overexcited nerve in your eye, take steps to relax your eyes, mind, and body. Some ideas include:

    • Making sure you get enough sleep

    • Limiting caffeine from coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc.

    • Avoiding smoking or vaping

    • Using the right lighting for your task or activity

    • Avoiding drinking alcohol

    • Finding ways to lower stress

    • Taking regular breaks away from your phone or computer screen


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