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HomeReaders ChoiceCan You Mix Allergy Meds

Can You Mix Allergy Meds

What Are The Most Common Allergy Symptoms

Allergy Medications Explained – Can You Take More Than One?

More than 50 million people in the US have allergy symptoms. Everyone experiences their allergy symptoms slightly differently depending on the severity of their allergies and their medical history. Some common symptoms you could experience include:

Having allergies can severely impact someone’s health and quality of life. If you are constantly being exposed to the allergens you are allergic to, you might suffer a lot from your never-ending symptoms. In particular, if you have pollen allergies and are frequently outside, it can be hard to avoid exposure to your allergens.

When youre dealing with allergy symptoms, over-the-counter antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops can initially feel like a lifesaver. But these medications frequently dont provide enough relief from your allergy symptoms, especially if your allergies are more severe.

However, this doesn’t mean you should try to combine similar types of medicines or change your allergy medication prescription without consulting with your doctor. Make sure that you’re following the specific guidelines of your medical treatment because altering the doses could have negative effects on your health.

What Is The Best Liquid Allergy Medicine For Kids

Children are more susceptible to everyday allergens as their systems have not yet built up an immunity to environmental and seasonal allergy triggers. Keeping an allergy medicine close at hand for fast relief of your little ones runny nose, watery eyes, constant sneezing, and sinus congestion can be crucial to your childs well-being when not feeling their best. A liquid allergy medicine from CVS can offer an easy method in which to take their necessary medication without the struggle of trying to swallow a pill. Liquid allergy medicine for kids will be labeled and designed specifically for your young ones age group, and can be found in tasty grape, berry, cherry, and bubblegum flavors to make the medicine go down smoothly.

Sideffects Of Allergy Meds And Weed

Many individuals may not realize that there are side effects and consequences to mixing allergy meds and Weed such as:

  • reduced motor reflexes from allergy meds and Weed
  • dizziness from Weed and allergy meds
  • nausea and vomiting due to allergy meds and Weed

Some people may also experience more euphoria, depression, irritability or all three. A combination of weed and allergy meds leads to significantly more lethargy which can easily tip over into coma, respiratory depression seizures and death.

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What Is The Typical Xyzal Dosage

A Xyzal 5mg breakable tablet once daily in the evening is the dosage for adults and children from 12 to 64 years of age. A 1/2 tablet once daily in the evening may be appropriate for less severe symptoms. Childrens Xyzal is also available in an oral solution for children 2 to 11 years old.

For additional dosing information, please refer to the product labeling.

Deaths From Antihistamine Overdose

Do antihistamines and other allergy medicines contain acetaminophen ...

There have been reports of death due to antihistamine toxicity. These include accidental overdoses and intentional misuse.

Death can occur when an overdose causes severe complications such as respiratory distress, cardiac arrest, or seizures. Each persons tolerance to medication can vary. However, toxicity usually occurs when a person ingests three to five times the recommended dosage.

Medical emergency

To avoid life-threatening complications, call 911 or go to the emergency room if you have any symptom of an overdose. You can also call the Poison Control Help Line at 800-222-1222.

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Find Out More About Your Medicine

The leaflet that comes in the packet with your medicine will have detailed information about it, including how to take it and what side effects you might get.

If you no longer have the leaflet that came with your medicine, you can search for an online version of it using our medicines guide.

You may also find information on individual antihistamines on these websites:

How Can You Safely Take Allergy Meds

Antihistamines have been around for decades and are effective for short-term allergy relief. However, they must be taken according to the recommended dosage or the directions of your doctor.

Even if youre severely suffering from allergies, with incredibly watery eyes or a scratchy throat, its not recommended to take more than the daily dosage as there can be side effects that occur. If your over-the-counter antihistamine isnt effective in treating your allergy symptoms, you can talk to a doctor to find a more effective treatment plan.

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How Often Can You Take Allergy Medicine

Depending on your symptoms, you can take antihistamines:

  • Every day, to help keep daily symptoms under control
  • Only when you have symptoms
  • Before being exposed to things that often cause your allergy symptoms, such as a pet or certain plants

For many people with allergies, symptoms are the worst around 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. Taking an antihistamine at bedtime may help you or your child feel better in the morning during allergy season.

If Your Allergy Symptoms Worsen See A Doctor

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“A long-acting antihistamine, either alone or in combination with a nasal steroid spray, will relieve most people’s allergy symptoms,” says Dr. Hays.

If you’re taking over-the-counter allergy medicines and your symptoms continue or worsen, it may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as chronic sinus infections or sinus polyps. Follow up with your doctor if your symptoms are serious or frequent.

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What Are Symptoms Of Antihistamine Overdose

If you experience dry mouth, agitation, dizziness, nausea, a racing heartbeat, or poor balance/coordination, please seek medical attention immediately. An antihistamine overdose can have severe side effects and complications. Symptoms of an antihistamine overdose include having elevated blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, hallucinations, seizures, and more.

Additionally, it is possible to take too much of a first-generation antihistamine and if this is the case and you’re feeling extremely drowsy or fatigued, also seek medical attention.

Choose Only The Ingredients You Need To Treat Allergies

Most cold medicines have aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen as a main ingredient, and with allergies, you dont need any of these. These ingredients are meant to relieve aches and pains as well as feversymptoms that are not allergy related.

Many cold medicines also are formulated to relieve coughing. Cough relief medicines either have dextromethorphan to suppress a cough or guaifenesin to break up mucus in your chest and help you have a more productive cough. Allergy related coughs tend to be dry coughs caused by your immune systems reaction to an allergen, which causes irritation and/or swelling in your airways. Typical cough relief medicine ingredients wont help an allergy cough. You need an antihistamine, allergy-specific medicine or other allergy treatment such as seasonal allergy shots or drops.

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Combining Antihistamines And Allergy Eye Drops

If itchy eyes are the patients main issue, a topical antihistamine is better, Dr. Gels says. Some choices include Zaditor or Pataday over the counter, or olopatadine by prescription, if insurance pays for it. These can often safely be taken along with oral antihistamines.

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Can Allergy Medicine Become Less Effective Over Time

Do antihistamines and other allergy medicines contain acetaminophen ...

One of the most common complaints heard from allergy sufferers is that certain allergy drugs will stop working for them over time. This may occur after months or years of use and is most common among people who have chronic allergy symptoms.

What is the strongest allergy medicine?

Allegra produces a medication which has a reputation for being the best over-the-counter allergy medicine. For those who dont want to have to remember to take their medication several times a day its a pretty clear win, and its efficacy speaks for itself.

Can you take Tylenol and an allergy medicine together?

Yes, you can take Tylenol Allergy and Sinus with Singulair. There are no known interactions between these medicines, however if you do experience any odd symptoms please see your doctor.

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What Is A Histamine

Histamine is a natural chemical produced by your body and is important in helping your body with its daily function2,3. Histamines often get a bad reputation as the culprit of your allergy symptoms. While your body does this to defend itself, the overreaction can lead to symptoms like itchy and watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and itchy nose or throat. Click here to learn more about histamines and the symptoms they cause.

Which Type Is Best

There’s not much evidence to suggest any particular antihistamine is better than any other at relieving allergy symptoms.

Some people find certain types work well for them and others do not. You may need to try several types to find one that works for you.

Non-drowsy antihistamines are generally the best option, as they’re less likely to make you feel sleepy. But types that make you feel sleepy may be better if your symptoms stop you sleeping.

Ask a pharmacist for advice if you’re unsure which medicine to try as not all antihistamines are suitable for everyone.

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Allergy Medications You Should Avoid

You should NOT give your toddler oral decongestants. These should NOT be used in children who are younger than 12. Examples include Sudafed and Afrin.

If your child is between the ages of 2 and 6, and OTC medications are not working within one to two weeks, please call our office to schedule an appointment.

Can You Mix Different Allergy Meds

What to expect when you go get tested for allergies

Most allergy medicines should not be combined with one another, according to Dr. Susan Besser, a primary care provider at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. You should not take multiple oral antihistamines together, such as Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra or Xyzal. Pick one and take it daily.

What 2 allergy meds can be taken together?

You can mix and match, especially with antihistamines and nasal sprays. Those are probably my two favorites to use in combination amongst the antihistamines. I probably wouldnt do Zyrtec and Allegra and Claritin.

Can you mix antihistamines?

Dont take two different types of antihistamines simultaneously. Dont take more than the recommended dosage. Dont double up on doses.

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Combining Cough Medicine And Antihistamines

Cough medicine and antihistamines are two of the most commonly purchased over-the-counter medications available. Illnesses that cause coughing like colds and the flu are passed around constantly among the public, and allergies to airborne substances like pet dander and plant pollen are very common afflictions.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illnesses in the United States. People with allergies need antihistamines to make it through the day, especially during peak allergy seasons.

Common Side Effects Of Allergy/cold/flu Meds

Even OTC allergy medications have side effects, though older antihistamines come with far more side effects that the newer types have gotten away from.

Newer antihistamines include loratadine , cetirizine , Levoceterizine , Desloratadine , and Fexofenadine . Antihistamine nasal sprays are effective for relieving nasal allergy symptoms, though you may experience a bitter taste, fatigue, or drowsiness when you take them. Prescription sprays include Olopatadine or Azelastine .

Some of the possible side effects of allergy medications are:

  • Feeling moody or restless

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When To See A Doctor

Some side effects of taking antihistamines can mimic symptoms of an overdose. These include mild nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

These symptoms dont usually require medical treatment, and may subside as your body adjusts to the medication. Even so, check with a doctor if you have side effects. You may need to reduce your dosage or take a different medication.

The difference between a side effect and an overdose is the severity of symptoms. Severe symptoms like rapid heart rate, tightness in the chest, or convulsions require a visit to the emergency room.

Antihistamines are safe when used properly. Here are some tips to avoid ingesting too much:

  • Dont take two different types of antihistamines simultaneously.
  • Dont take more than the recommended dosage.
  • Dont double up on doses.
  • Keep drugs out of reach of children.
  • Dont take two doses too close together.

Make sure you read labels carefully. Some antihistamines can interact with other drugs you take. If you dont know whether its safe to combine an antihistamine with another medication, speak with a doctor or pharmacist.

Be mindful that some antihistamines include other ingredients like a decongestant. If you take these types of antihistamines, its important that you dont take a separate decongestant.

Usp: The Gold Standard

Can You Mix Allergy And Cough Medicine

Steven M. Houser, MD, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, told the miniseminar audience that the US Pharmacopeia is the gold standard of vial mixing. He said that although USP is not a government entity, it does have enforcement power, and it is the basis for procedure and safety in compounding sterile medications for parenteral use. USP has five major criteria in this area:

  • Preventing microbial contamination .
  • Removing excessive bacterial endotoxins from the medications.
  • Eliminating variability in the strength of correct ingredients.
  • Preventing unintended chemical and physical contamination.
  • Using only correct types and qualities of ingredients in sterile preparations.

To achieve these objectives, USP has developed a manual that covers in minute detail the steps to be taken and the correct procedure to be followed for compounded sterile preparations . Chapter 797, Pharmaceutical CompoundingSterile Preparations, pertains to private physician offices, and it is with this document that most of the miniseminar was concerned.

CSPs are administered to patients via application, implantation, infusion, inhalation, injection, insertion, instillation, and irrigation. There are four categories of CSPs: low risk, medium risk, high risk, and immediate use. Physician office preparation falls into the medium risk category.

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Can You Take Allergy And Cold Medicine

When dealing with an allergy or cold symptoms, you might ask, Can you take allergy and cold medicine?

A common rule with some medications is that you typically wouldnt take two simultaneously. However, allergy and cold medicine are different, with some exclusions.

To better understand how that is so, lets first talk about the basics.

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Can I Take Benadryl And Zyrtec At The Same Time

by Health Writer

The short answer? Yes, you can take both Zyrtec and Benadryl. However, when it comes to treating sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes, its important to understand the side effects of OTC medications and what’s really going on with your body in the first place, says Kara Wada, M.D., assistant professor of allergy and immunology at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus.

So before you go too far down the road of self-treatment, visit a board-certified allergist/immunology doctor to confirm that your symptoms are indeed due to allergies . Then you and your doctor can come up with a comprehensive approach to symptom prevention and management, says Dr. Wada.

Back to the meds at hand: While you can double up on Zyrtec and Benadryl, there is an increased risk of side effects, especially sedation, when you use both. Plus, taking two medications likely signals the need for better strategies, Dr. Wada says. Clearly, these two allergy pills aren’t doing the trick for you.

Here’s how they work: Zyrtec is a long-acting antihistamine that’s taken once a day. Benadryl is a short-acting one that may provide some additional relief. However, Benadryl often causes drowsiness and/or the jitters , so it’s not a great choice if you have to work, drive, or operate machinery.

For severe allergies, shots are an option but they take a few years to work , so you’ll need symptom relief in the meantime.

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How To Take Antihistamines

Take your medicine as advised by the pharmacist or doctor, or as described in the leaflet that comes with it.

Before taking an antihistamine, you should know:

  • how to take it including whether it needs to be taken with water or food, or how to use it correctly
  • how much to take this can vary depending on things such as your age and weight
  • when to take it including how many times a day you can take it and when to take it
  • how long to take it for some types can be used for a long time, but some are only recommended for a few days
  • what to do if you miss a dose or take too much

The advice varies depending on the exact medicine you’re taking. If you’re not sure how to take your medicine, ask a pharmacist.

Is Mixing Allergy Meds Safe

Anti-inflammatory drugs: “Aspirin”, naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, celecoxib and “Tylenol”

You can safely mix different types of allergy medications, like Flonase, a nasal spray, and Claritin, an antihistamine. In fact, its often recommended by doctors. Choosing two allergy treatments that you take through different routes, like taking a pill and using eye drops, can decrease the risk of interactions between the medications.

While antihistamine pills can and are frequently combined with oral decongestants, like pseudoephedrine , they can have some adverse side effects. This can cause headaches, lightheadedness, a dry nose, and more. It is important that you talk with your doctor if you experience side effects from your medications.

It is not recommended to combine steroid nasal sprays with each other and it is not safe to mix different types of antihistamine allergy pills. If your allergy treatments are not as effective as you need, consult your doctor to adjust the dosage or your medication.

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