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Can Allergies Cause Positive Ana

Predisposing Factors For Positive Ana Test

Positive ANA test (antinuclear antibodies) -what are the diseases that could be possible?

About 20% of all persons who are healthy will have a positive test result for antinuclear antibodies, though this does not prompt that they are suffering from an autoimmune condition or ailment.One is more predisposed to get a positive test if they

  • Are of old age, of above sixty-five years, especially for women.
  • Have mononucleosis or tuberculosis, which both are infectious diseases.
  • Are already prescribed to blood pressure or anti-seizure medications.

Some medications cause a positive ANA or they highly suspected to lead to lupus condition they include birth control pills or Estrogens, Danazol, Mesalazine, Reserpine, Griseofulvin, Clonidine, Hydroxyurea Gemfibrozil, Allopurinol, Quinine, Minoxidil, Calcium channel blockers, Amiodarone, Spironolactone, Clozapine, Tocainide, Zafirlukast, Omeprazole among others.

Aetiopathogenesis Of Allergic Diseases

The incidence of allergic diseases in the world is increasing, both in developed and developing countries. According to the World Health Organisation , allergic rhinitis caused by IgE-dependent mucositis affects 400 million people. It is also estimated that about 235 million people suffer from bronchial asthma, which significantly affects the quality of life of patients and their families and their socio-economic situation. Sensitisation of exogenous allergens occurs in 40% of the population. In addition, allergies not only cause a long-term dysfunction of the immune system, but also contribute to systemic inflammation as a primary developmental factor for other non-infectious diseases .

What Does A Positive Speckled Ana Test Mean

Speckled: Fine and coarse speckles of ANA staining are seen throughout the nucleus. This pattern is more commonly associated with antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens. This pattern can be associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjögrens syndrome, Systemic Sclerosis, Polymyositis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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Is An Allergy A Precursor To Lupus

In 72% of patients with a history of allergies, the first allergic reaction occurred before they were diagnosed with lupus. And, 15% of people experienced their first allergic reaction within a year of being diagnosed with lupus.

However, this data is based upon questionnaire responses. It is possible that timelines were misremembered or that true first-reactions were not perceived as such.

Is The Pattern Suggestive Of An Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis


The answer is NO. The staining pattern is just loosely associated with autoimmune diseases, but in certain situations may be more frequently seen. It will direct our thoughts as rheumatologist towards possibilities.

For example, a homogeneous pattern can be seen in patients with lupus or drug induced lupus, while a nucleolar pattern can be seen more in patients with scleroderma or myositis, while a speckled pattern can be seen in patients with Sjogren syndrome and a centromere pattern can be seen in limited forms of scleroderma like CREST syndrome.

In this movie, I discuss all these details and even more.

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Can Ana Be Falsely Elevated

The ANA test is very sensitive for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases but results in many false positives. It has been reported that up to 15% of completely healthy individuals have a positive ANA test without an autoimmune disease and that ANAs are measurable in approximately 25% of the population…. see more

Conditions that usually cause a positive ANA test include:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Sjögren’s syndrome — a disease that causes dry eyes and mouth.
  • Scleroderma — a connective tissue disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis — this causes joint damage, pain, and swelling.
  • Polymyositis — a disease that causes muscle weakness.

In particular, several patients with a positive ANA test result were found to have intracellular infections such as mycobacterial infections, syphilis, or scrub typhus. Keywords: Antinuclear antibodies autoimmune diseases infection scrub typhus tuberculosis…. continue reading

Causes of a false-positive ANA include infection, malignancy, and certain medications. Therefore, a positive ANA test does not equal a diagnosis of lupus or any autoimmune or connective tissue disease…. see details

Autoantibodies to cartilage proteoglycan can be measured in several systemic and joint-specific rheumatic diseases including Sjogren’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and ankylosing spondylitis , suggesting that undetected or preclinical joint inflammation may contribute to ANA positivity…. see details

My Ana Is Positive Do I Have Lupus

As an arthritis and autoimmune disease specialist, or rheumatologist, I frequently see patients who fear that they have lupus. Lupus is one of many “autoimmune diseases”. In these conditions, a patient’s immune system attacks her own cells and tissues. This can result in problems such as arthritis and skin rashes, or more seriously, kidney, heart, brain or lung disease. Blood tests can identify a marker of lupus called the antinuclear antibody, or ANA. This blood test checks for the presence of certain antibodies in the blood that react against the proteins of the patient’s own cells, particularly those in the nucleus . In many of the cases I see, the patient has recently had a blood test that reveals a positive antinuclear antibody . These results in hand, she arrives at her appointment sure she has lupus.

What’s wrong with this picture?

In other words, a positive ANA test is necessary but not sufficient to make the diagnosis of lupus. Fatigue, joint aching and a positive ANA without other physical findings like joint swelling, certain specific rashes, abnormal blood counts or urinalysis

rarely add up to an autoimmune diagnosis. A rheumatologist can help you sort through all this, but while you wait for an appointment: don’t panic.

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Can Allergies Cause A Positive Ana Test

The presence of antinuclear antibodies was confirmed in many systemic connective tissue diseases and some allergic diseases. Examples include atopic dermatitis, non-allergic asthma, and pollen allergy…. read more

Results. The presence of antinuclear antibodies is a positive test result. But having a positive result doesn’t mean you have a disease. Many people with no disease have positive ANA tests particularly women older than 65…. view details

What To Do If Your Ana Test Is Positive

Will Hashimoto’s Cause a Positive ANA?

As a first step, your Health Coach will likely advise an elimination diet.

The specific diet will vary person to person based on your health and history, and may include eliminating gluten along with other common trigger foods such as: dairy, soy, eggs, sugar and corn.

If a gut health issue is suspected or confirmed, your Health Coach may also recommend you eat more cultured foods like yogurt, kim chi, sauerkraut and kombuchua in addition to the elimination diet.

Supplementation with a high-quality probiotic, digestive enzymes and specific herbs like deglycerized licorice can also be helpful in resolving gut health issues.

In some cases, high levels or high or persistent autoimmune markers are present despite a functional medicine lifestyle approach. If that is the case, rest assured your kNew Health Coach may refer you to a functional medicine doctor in our network to dig deeper into root causes.

Other dietary and lifestyle measures to quell inflammation and reduce ANA levels may include:

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Can High Ana Titers Be Seen In Healthy People

Yes, a positive ANA can be seen in normal people. However, as you will see below, as the titer increases, the prevalence of positive ANA without a clinical significance will decrease significantly. For example, a positive ANA to a titer of

  • 1:40 can be seen in up to 31%
  • 1: 80 can be seen in 13%
  • 1:160 can be seen in 5%
  • 1:320 can be seen in 3% of healthy individual without any sign of autoimmune disease.

I know that creates a lot of confusion among patients but also physicians. If you think about the prevalence of autoimmune diseases is approximately 1% , then you can imagine that this test can be many times falsely positive.

However, when these individuals carry an autoimmune disease like SLE or lupus, a positive ANA test, even at a low titer like 1:40 or 1:160 can be important to detect these diseases.

Blood Tests Vs Skin Tests

Both the blood test and the skin prick tests detect food-specific IgE. With the skin tests, the result is immediate, but the blood test result will take at least several days to arrive. Unlike the skin prick test, the blood test is not affected by antihistamines and can be performed for people with extensive rashes that prevent using skin tests.

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Prevalence In Children And Adults

The disease commonly occurs in all age groups. It usually begins in childhood and remains for life.

According to the World Health Organization , around 400 million people worldwide had allergic rhinitis in 2007. Prevalence was highest in Europe with around one in four Europeans suffering from the disease. Many people around 40% of the total population become predisposed to allergies over time due to exposure of the mucous membranes to allergens . But not all sensitised people will experience actual allergy symptoms. This is referred to in medical terms as a latent allergy.

The Ana Test In Children

Scientists Find How Mutation Triggers Immune Disease
This blog is available in Spanish below.

The ANA test is a laboratory study that can be ordered by your childs physician as part of the evaluation for autoimmune or rheumatologic conditions. When this test result is positive , it can create a great deal of anxiety both to the parent, patient and the ordering provider. To understand the significance of this test it is important to review some basic concepts.

The human body has a defense system against infections or foreign agents that may be harmful to us. That line of defense is known as the immune system. It acts as an army to defend our body, and as an armed force it has many different components that fight in different ways to protect us. Some of the soldiers in this army include the white blood cells, lymph nodes and antibodies, among others. In particular, antibodies are molecules made by this immune system to detect infections or particles that are foreign to our body and lead a defense against them. Sometimes the immune system can make a mistake and instead of leading a defense against invading organisms, it can battle against parts of our own body. When this happens, autoimmune conditions can develop. This malfunction of the immune system is common to most rheumatologic conditions, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

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Can Ana Test Results Change Over Time

Gilkeson Career Development Awardee Emily Littlejohn, DO, MPH, indicates a high degree of variability in anti-nuclear antibody lab test results within the same individual over time, whether or not the person has lupus. For those with lupus, ANA test results also increasingly vary over time…. read more

Who Should Get An Antinuclear Antibody Test

Given what we now know about the role of inflammation in many types of chronic diseases, and the epidemic rates of autoimmune disease affecting 1 in 5 Americans, nearly every adult will benefit from monitoring their antinuclear antibodies.

Its important to understand that this test does not diagnose autoimmune disease , but rather it acts as a general, predictive testgiving us clues into your bodys level of inflammation, immune system stability and whether youre trending toward a possible, future condition.

kNew Health members receive an Antinuclear Antibody Test as part of their initial lab work.

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What Diseases Does A Positive Ana Test Indicate

Conditions that usually cause a positive ANA test include:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Sjögrens syndrome a disease that causes dry eyes and mouth.
  • Scleroderma a connective tissue disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis this causes joint damage, pain, and swelling.
  • Polymyositis a disease that causes muscle weakness.

What Do My Test Results Mean

Ask the Rheumatologist: What does a Positive ANA Test Really Mean?

A positive ANA titer blood test indicates the presence of an autoimmune disease. Additional testing is usually performed as a follow-up to help determine what specific disease may be present. Up to 95% of people who are eventually diagnosed with lupus, for example, have the first step of the diagnostic process be a positive ANA titer blood test. Many medical providers will request a second test to confirm the positive results from the first test.

Up to 15% of people may have a positive ANA titer blood test, but not have the signs or symptoms of an autoimmune disease. Certain viral infections can cause this type of reaction from the body. False positives have also been known to occur.

A negative blood test result reduces and potentially eliminates the presence of an autoimmune disease, especially if a medical provider is suspecting lupus. Certain autoimmune diseases, however, can still be present with a negative test result. 5% of people with a lupus diagnosis, for example, had a negative test result at least once. Negative tests are rarely repeated.

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Environmental Triggers For Autoimmune Disease And Dysfunction

Gut Dysbiosis or Intestinal Permeability

Healthy gut bacteria help regulate the production and function of certain T cells, as well as different types of microbial enzymes that impact genetic expression .

A leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, allows normally harmless bacteria to leave the intestine and pass into circulation, triggering inflammation and an immune response.

Environmental toxins

Heavy metals, PCBs, perfluorinated compounds are significant risk factors in the development of autoimmune disease. PFCs in particular contribute to the dysregulation of immune function and favoring the development of autoimmune diseases .

Excessive hygiene

In early life, the immune system relies on microbial input to develop normally. That is, exposure to bacteria and microbes from germs, dirt, and other environmental materials.


As mentioned above, gluten is problematic for those at risk of autoimmune thyroid disorders. In addition, gluten has been shown to increase intestinal permeability through its impact on tight-junctions .


Chronic infections, Candida, H. pylori, or others can trigger immune dysregulation as the body tries to clear the infection.


On some estimates, as much as 50% of autoimmune onset can be attributed to a stressful environmental trigger . This stress can be emotional, physical, or internal. Many people report high emotional stress in the period leading up to an autoimmune presentation.


When Is An Antinuclear Antibody Panel Needed

A doctor will likely order an ANA panel if you have signs or symptoms of an autoimmune disorder. An ANA test may indicate that you have some type of autoimmune condition, but it cant be used to diagnose a specific disorder.

If your test comes back with a positive result, your doctor will need to do more specific and detailed testing to determine if an autoimmune disease is causing your symptoms.

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Effective Treatments Are Available For Lupus

The aim of lupus treatments is to reduce inflammation in tissues and improve quality of life. Treatment must be individualised, taking account of the severity of the disease.

There are five main groups of drugs that are used to treat lupus:

  • Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and Cox-2 inhibitors reduce inflammation and can relieve the fevers, muscle aches, and arthritis that accompany lupus, but they do not alter the course of the disease or the underlying immune process.
  • Anti malaria drugs are often used to reduce joint pains, skin rashes and fatigue.
  • Corticosteroids are very effective anti inflammatory medications and are the drugs of choice for treating serious complications of lupus, such as those affecting the heart, lungs and nervous system.
  • Immune suppressing drugs suppress the immune system and are generally used when serious disease is present and steroids alone are not enough to control the disease.
  • Cytotoxic drugs are potent immunosuppressive agents that are used to treat serious manifestations of SLE, especially kidney inflammation .

Is It Autoimmune Disease Or An Allergy

Albumin adjustment of total calcium not justified

When you think about autoimmune disease, you might imagine your immune system mounting an attack on your own tissueslike your pancreas with type 1 diabetes, or the thyroid with Hashimotos thyroiditis.

With autoimmune disease, your immune system mistakenly flags your own cells for destruction.

With allergies, the invaders are otherwise harmless environmental triggers like pollen, peanuts, or pet dander. Your immune system goes on the offensive to rid your body of the invader.

Both of these responses are generated by the immune system, and thats where their impact on your health begins. So why do they happen? And can integrative medicine help you avoid their triggers?

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Would I Need Any Other Tests

The ANA test only shows that you may have an autoimmune disease it can’t detect the exact one.

If your ANA test is positive, your doctor might test you for ANAs that are specific to certain diseases:

  • An anti-centromere test diagnoses scleroderma.
  • An anti-double-stranded DNA test diagnoses lupus.
  • An anti-histone test diagnoses lupus that was caused by medicine you took.
  • An ENA panel helps your doctor see which autoimmune disease you have.

Make sure you understand the results of your ANA test. Ask what other tests you need for your diagnosis to be confirmed. Also find out how your test results will affect your treatment.

Show Sources

Any Link Between Gluten And A Positive Ana Test

My grandmother was diagnosed with a Gluten allergy 30 years ago. My Aunt has Lupus, my father is hypothyroid. I was sent through the gamut of tests several years ago because of fatigue and chronic muscle aches. I was told I had Lupus because of a positive ANA. I was then sent to another physician who ran blood work and said that the tests did not reveal anything.

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Ana In Non Rheumatic Disease

  • Autoimmune hepatitis

Lymphoma is also known as lymphatic cancer and affects the lymphatic body system, that is a portion of the body structure that assists in keeping the body away from germs infection. When symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, having excess tiredness, loss of weight, which cannot be explained, having excess, excessive sweating at night, feeling short of breath are signs of a person suffering from lymphoma.

The lymphatic network is made up of lymph nodes or lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland, and the bone marrow. Lymphatic cancer tends to attack any of these parts and the other organs generally in the whole of the body.


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