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HomeNewsIs Bee Sting Allergy Genetic

Is Bee Sting Allergy Genetic

Emergency Medications For People With Insect Venom Allergies

  • A fast-acting antihistamine
  • Cortisone
  • Auto-injector with adrenaline
  • In Europe, only a few insect species are responsible for allergies. The most common allergens are various wasps; much less common is a bee venom allergy. People allergic to bee venom normally often also react to bumblebee venom. Similarly, people with a wasp allergy often also react to hornet stings. Very rarely, horse fly bites can cause systemic allergies. Mosquitos rarely cause aggravated local reactions . Bees sting only for defence, mostly in the vicinity of the hive, and people rarely get in the way.  The wasp population increases very rapidly in late summer. Therefore, there is a lack of food at this time of year and wasps visit people to feed on desserts and meat. stings are very common due to this conflict situation.

    How Are Reactions From An Insect Sting Treated

    If your child has been diagnosed with an insect sting allergy, always keep two epinephrine auto-injectors on hand in case of a severe reaction. If your child starts having serious allergic symptoms, like throat swelling or trouble breathing:

    • Give the epinephrine auto-injector right away. Every second counts in an allergic reaction.
    • Then call 911 to take your child to the emergency room. Your child needs to be under medical supervision because even if the worst seems to have passed, a second wave of serious symptoms can happen.

    An epinephrine auto-injector comes in a small, easy-to-carry container. It’s simple to use. Your doctor will show you how to use it. Kids who are old enough can be taught how to give themselves the injection.

    Your doctor also might instruct you to give your child antihistamines in some cases. But always treat a serious reaction with epinephrine. Never use antihistamines instead of epinephrine in serious reactions.

    What Happens In An Insect Sting Allergy

    When someone is allergic to insect stings, the body’s immune system, which normally fights infections, overreacts to proteins in the insect’s venom. When stung, the body sees these proteins as harmful invaders.

    The immune system responds by working very hard to fight off the invader. This causes an allergic reaction, in which chemicals like histamine are released in the body. This release can cause symptoms such as:

    • wheezing
    • a feeling like something bad is about to happen
    • a drop in blood pressure, causing lightheadedness or passing out

    A serious allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can cause different symptoms at different times. A reaction is considered anaphylaxis if someone has:

    • any severe symptoms, such as trouble breathing, repeated vomiting, passing out, or throat tightnessor
    • two or more mild symptoms, such as hives with vomiting or coughing with belly pain

    Anaphylaxis can begin with some of the same symptoms as a less severe reaction, but these can quickly become worse. Anaphylaxis that’s not treated can be life-threatening. A person with anaphylaxis needs treatment with injectable epinephrine right away.

    Does Allergic Reaction To Bee Sting Worsen Over Time

    Allergic reactions to bee stings tend to get worse over time. Most people are not aware that they are allergic to bee venom until they experience the second sting that causes more severe allergic reaction than the previous one. Bee venom triggers a more dangerous immune system reaction that causes people who initially experience mild allergic reaction to experience worse the next time.

    It is because the immune system produces immunoglobulin, which is a kind of an antibody that protects the body against threatening substances like parasites and viruses. In response to a bee sting, the body secretes this antibody that results in severe allergic reactions like swelling, hives, respiratory problems, and more.

    Effective Emergency Treatment For Anaphylaxis Is Available

    Bee Sting Reactions (With images)

    Patients at risk of anaphylaxis are advised to:

    • Have an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis and adrenaline autoinjector readily available to treat anaphylaxis.
    • Wear medical identification jewellery, which will increase the likelihood that adrenaline will be administered in an emergency.
    • Avoid medication that may increase the severity of anaphylaxis or complicate its treatment. Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors fall into this group.
    • Seek urgent medical assistance if stung or bitten.

    First Aid Is Adequate For The Treatment Of Minor Allergic Reactions To Bees

    Bees usually leave their barbed sting in the skin and die. Flicking the sting out as soon as possible will reduce the amount of venom injected. Use the edge of your fingernail, a car key or credit card. If possible try not to squeeze the venom sac, as this may increase the amount of venom injected. By contrast, wasps and bull ants rarely leave their sting in the skin. Cold packs and soothing creams often help for minor reactions. Oral antihistamines can be useful for treating itch. Very large and uncomfortable local reactions may need cortisone tablets to settle the swelling.

    Tips To Prevent Bee Stings

    • Cover food and drinks while outside
    • Pick up any trash
    • Remove fallen fruits
    • Be cautious around flowers

    Around 85 to 90 percent of people are not allergic to bees and only have local venom reactions such as redness, swelling and soreness, says Charlton. They can be treated in a number of ways. He recommends:

    • Ice
    • Over-the-counter medications like hydrocortisone cream, antibiotic ointment, anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen

    You can also take an appropriate dose of Benadryl as a precaution.

    Can You Give Me More Information About The Test For Duplications Of The Gene Encoding

    Elevated basal serum tryptase levels have been associated with a wide range of multisymptom complaints including cutaneous flushing and pruritus, dysautonomia, functional gastrointestinal symptoms, chronic pain and connective tissue abnormalities including joint hypermobility. A recent NIH study1 reported the identification of germline duplications and triplications in the TPSAB1 gene encoding -tryptase that segregated with inherited increases in basal serum tryptase.Gene By Gene, in collaboration with the NIH, has developed a clinical assay to identify people with an increase in -tryptase copy number using droplet digital PCR , a method which is based on water-oil emulsion droplet technology. Individual DNA molecules are separated in a water-oil emulsion droplet and used as a template for PCR. Following PCR, each droplet is analyzed to determine the target DNA template concentration for TPSAB1 and TPSB2 in the original sample. Total copy number of TPSAB1 and TPSB2 for normal individuals is 4; individuals with a duplication in the TPSAB1 gene have a total copy number of 5 or more.

    How Is Anaphylaxis Treated

    An anaphylactic reaction is a medical emergency and immediate treatment is required. The first step is removal of the inciting substance whenever possible, such removing a bees stinger. Next, the pet is stabilized to prevent or minimize systemic shock, ensuring the airway is open and blood pressure and circulation are maintained. Intravenous fluids, placement of a breathing tube and administration of emergency drugs such as epinephrine, corticosteroids, atropine and/or aminophylline is often necessary. In mild cases, it may be sufficient to administer antihistamines and possibly corticosteroids, followed by close monitoring for 24-48 hours.

    Treating A Severe Reaction

    an urgent shot of epinephrine, which will help to reduce the severity of the allergic reaction. Doctors may also administer oxygen and intravenous fluids.

    If someone has an epinephrine injection device , they should use it immediately. Epinephrine temporarily reverses the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. A person with a severe allergy should carry an EpiPen with them at all times.

    Anyone experiencing one or more symptoms of anaphylaxis should get to an emergency room as soon as possible, even if they have self-administered epinephrine. Although rare, venom anaphylaxis can cause cardiac arrest within 5-10 minutes of being stung.

    While waiting for the emergency services to arrive, the person should lay on their back with feet elevated. Doing so will help to counteract weakness and dizziness by assisting blood flow to the heart.

    Is Bee Sting Allergy Hereditary

    Unlike most allergies, bee sting allergy is not hereditary. Even if one or both of your parents  are allergic to bee stings, this doesnt mean that you will also have the same form of allergy. Allergies develop when the immune system identifies a particular substance like food, pollen, animal dander, or insect venom as harmful. These substances are called allergens, which triggers the immune system cells to excrete chemicals like histamine that results in allergy symptoms.

    How Can I Get Treated For Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia Syndrome

    Until therapies directly related to the genetic change are discovered, symptoms are treated individually. Because tryptase is made by mast cells, and many symptoms seen among individuals with the hereditary alpha tryptasemia syndrome have been associated with the release of mast cell-derived mediators such as histamine, several of the clinical approaches used to treat the results of mast cell activation including antihistamines may be used and often are helpful. These approaches should be discussed with your doctor. Treatment usually requires trial and error and a lot of patience. Also, treatment may only be partially successful, but unfortunately, there are no randomized clinical trials yet to show definitive treatments that work for hereditary alpha tryptasemia syndrome.

    What Are The Clinical Signs Of Anaphylaxis

    Bee Sting Reaction Photograph by Dr P. Marazzi/science ...

    Clinical signs are dependent on the route of exposure , the amount of antigen, and the level of the pet’s IgE response.

    “Clinical signs are dependent on the route of exposure, the amount of antigen, and the level of the pet’s IgE response.”

    The most common clinical signs of anaphylaxis include itching, red skin swellings called wheals or hives, a swollen face or muzzle, excessive salivation or drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea. In systemic anaphylaxis, the dog will have difficulty breathing and may be cyanotic .

    Treatment For Bee Sting Allergies

    The treatment for bee sting allergy will depend upon the severity of the allergic reaction.

    Treating a mild to moderate reaction

    After a bee sting, remove the stinger as soon as possible using a pair of tweezers, taking care to avoid squeezing the venom sack. Removing the stinger will limit the amount of venom released into the bloodstream.

    According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology , localized reactions will usually only require home-treatment. Using a cold compress, applying steroid ointments, and taking antihistamines should help to reduce itchiness and .

    Symptoms should subside over the course of a couple of days.

    Treating a severe reaction

    Severe, systemic reactions require an urgent shot of epinephrine, which will help to reduce the severity of the allergic reaction. Doctors may also administer oxygen and intravenous fluids.

    If someone has an epinephrine injection device , they should use it immediately. Epinephrine temporarily reverses the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. A person with a severe allergy should carry an EpiPen with them at all times.

    Anyone experiencing one or more symptoms of anaphylaxis should get to an emergency room as soon as possible, even if they have self-administered epinephrine. Although rare, venom anaphylaxis can cause cardiac arrest within 5-10 minutes of being stung.

    Do I Need To Worry About My Future If I Have Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia Syndrome

    While the course of symptoms can be quite variable over time and we do not know the natural history of this disease, we at present have no reason to suspect those with multiple alpha alleles will have a shortened life span. This disorder has likely been present for many generations within specific families, and, while our judgment is only based on the patients we have seen, having multiple alpha alleles appears compatible with long, productive lives.

    Treating A Mild To Moderate Reaction

    After a bee sting, remove the stinger as soon as possible, taking care to avoid squeezing the venom sac. A person may want to use a pair of tweezers to do this. Removing the stinger will limit the amount of venom released into the bloodstream.

    Use a cold compress, apply steroid ointments, and take antihistamines to help reduce itchiness and .

    Symptoms should subside over the course of a couple of days.

    Why That Bee Sting Might Be Good For You

    Allergy sufferers, rejoice. Two new studies suggest that your sneezing and wheezing may actually protect you. Researchers report that mice that develop an allergic response to the venom in honey bee stings are more likely to survive potentially lethal doses of the same venom later on. The findings show that allergy can be beneficial and reveal some of the molecular machinery at work, but experts say the implications for humans are still unclear.

    In humans and other mammals, the immune system fends off unfamiliar and potentially harmful substances, such as viruses or toxins, in one of two ways. The so-called type 1 reaction responds to viruses, bacteria, and other microbes by destroying them, while the type 2 reaction uses an array of symptomsincluding sneezing, coughing, and diarrheato expel allergens from the body.

    Because the type 2 response and the antibody it produces, immunoglobulin E , have been associated with resistance to worm infections, many scientists think that they evolved to protect against parasites but that they have no modern-day protective purpose. In the parasite-free developed world, they run rampant, reacting to benign substances such as pollen or peanuts with annoying or, in the case of anaphylactic shock , life-threatening consequences. Or so the prevailing theory goes.

    It was an answer an allergist wouldnt expect, Galli says. The second time around, the mice were protected.

    What You Can Do To Prevent Allergies

    If you have an allergy, you will need to take steps to prevent the symptoms. While there are some treatments available, not all of them, work properly. This is because we are all different. Medicines can only be created for the average person and in some cases, are strong enough just to minimise the symptoms and not completely get rid of them.

    Doctors will recommend that you avoid the allergens. This is the only way to guarantee that you wont have any symptoms at all. More exposure could mean that glass of milk you once could tolerate is now something that sets off your allergies! You wont know before you have it, which means you could put your health and life at risk.

    It can be difficult to avoid everything. You cant control what other people have around you. If your allergy is that severe, you will need to look out for ways that you can limit that type of exposure. Talk to your boss or your childs school principal about methods to take when youre out of the house when that severe.

    But what about dust, mould, and other common, everyday allergens? Most these arent things you can avoid. The good news is that the body wont usually have a severe reaction to these. We all tend to have allergic reactions to these items, but the body knows how to work against them without setting off the antibodies.

    What To Know About Bee Sting Allergies

    June 9, 2018

    For most people, a bee sting only produces temporary pain and irritation at the site of the sting.

    For others, bee stings cause an allergic reaction that can range from mild to severe. In extreme cases, a bee sting can cause life-threatening .

    In this article, we discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of bee sting allergies and how to avoid getting stung during the summer months.

    Natural Treatments For Bee Stings

    Maria Cavallazzi

    Bees are definitely our friends, as youll know if youve ever watched The Bee Movie, but they can also be painful foes.

    Towards the beginning of autumn, bees can become more aggressive for a few different reasons, so its best to try to avoid them and be prepared in case of stings.

    One of these reasons is nectar dearth, which is when there is not enough nectar from nearby flowers to go around, and can cause attacks by competing hives to rob them of their nectar.

    Compounding this problem, when nectar robbery occurs, bees will emit an alarm pheromone to warn their hive however, this also triggers the alarm pheromone in the attacking insects, causing quite the fray.

    If you notice a lot of dead bees around or beneath the entrance to a hive, this is likely whats happening.

    Other animals, such as skunks, will also attack hives for their nectar, with similar results, and this often happens at summers end when nature is preparing and stocking up for the lean winter months.

    Finally, the heat and humidity that are the hallmarks of late summer in Ontario affect bees by making them cranky, and more prone to stinging.

    But what can you do if you experience a bee sting?

    Are there natural treatments available?

    Keep reading to find out.

    Allergic Reactions To Bites And Stings

    Insect sting allergy

    Most insect bites and stings result in a localised itch and swelling that settles within a few days. Severe allergic reactions to insects are usually due to bees, wasps or the Australian Jack Jumper ant. Insect bites are a less common cause of anaphylaxis than insect stings. Effective treatments are available to treat allergic reactions to bites and stings.

    ASCIA PCC Allergic reactions to bites and stings 2019133.63 KB

    Skin Allergies In Dogs

    The last reaction is allergic dermatitis, and it is rampant in dogs. Three things cause allergic dermatitis: , food allergies, and atopicor environmentalallergies.

    Dermatitis from fleas is the easiest to treat. In these cases, the dog reacts to saliva injected into the skin as the flea feeds. Its like having mosquito bites all over you. The key with this type of allergy is that the itch is more intense over the tail head. You usually see fleas, or you may find flea dirt, which looks like black pepper on the skin surface.

    We treat these cases by applying a product that kills fleas before they bite. Ive seen dogs that have had horrible red skin covered in scabs, and a week after a flea medication is applied, they are healing beautifully.

    In an atopic allergy, the dog reacts to airborne allergens such as pollen, molds, fungus, and house dust. These are often seasonal, meaning that the dog itches only at certain times of the year. The itch can be anywhere on the body, but it is common for affected dogs to scratch their ears or lick their paws.

    Food allergies are reactions to foods, specifically ingredients in the food like corn or chicken. The symptoms are the same as atopic allergies.

    As you can see, allergies show up in different ways. Some are life-threatening and can cause death in minutes. Others, although less serious, are a source of considerable frustration. Each is treated differentlyspeak to your veterinarian about the best medical solution.

    How Can I Get Tested For Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia Syndrome

    Patients who suspect that they may have hereditary alpha tryptasemia syndrome should first have a baseline blood tryptase test drawn by their doctor if they havent already. It should not be drawn immediately after a major allergic reaction, as that can lead to an elevated tryptase for a different reason. A serum level greater than 10 ng/ml is suggestive of alpha tryptasemia, while a level lower than 8ng/ml makes this diagnosis far less likely. There is no commercially available test for the genetic duplication, and it cannot be identified through usual genetic testing including microarrays, whole exome sequencing, or whole genome sequencing. The research-based test that can diagnose alpha tryptasemia is under development.

    Most Allergies Get Worse With Frequent Exposure

    On the other hand, allergies can get worse over time. There will be people who had mild symptoms as a child and now cant go anywhere near certain products as an adult.As people get more exposure to a certain item theyre allergic to, the symptoms get worse. What used to be a mild irritation turns into life-threatening symptoms. This is especially common with a bee sting or latex allergies.

    More exposure meaning worsening symptoms does make sense. The body starts to get used to the antihistamines released to fight against the bodys reaction to the food or item. Think of the allergy as bacteria and the antihistamines as antibiotics. Eventually, the become resistant to antibiotics, and more are needed. In the case of allergies, more antihistamines are needed and eventually drugs to prevent and hold back allergies just dont work.

    Remember that your immune system thinks that the innocent items and food are dangerous. More exposure means that your body must work harder to fight the More antibodies are released, so you end up with more symptoms as the antibodies get to work. The items linger because the immune system isnt working on anything and that leads to more antibodies being released.

    There is nothing that we can do to prevent this. The only option we have is to avoid exposure to the This can be almost impossible in some situations.

    How Can Bee Sting Allergy Be Prevented

    Bee Sting Allergy in some cases may be dangerous, but it is always better to protect yourself. Some of the things that you can do to prevent something like a Bee Sting Allergy are:

    • Never swat at insects.
    • Any beehives around the home should be removed immediately
    • Wear protective clothing when near beehives. This is especially for beekeepers.
    • Be careful when eating or drinking outside.
    • Keep trash covered.

    If these things are followed, then you can most of the time avoid getting stung by something like a bee and avoid getting Bee Sting Allergy.

    Also Read:

    Members Of The Project

    Professor Adnan Custovic Principal investigator

    Background:  Around 4,500 hospital admissions per annum are attributed to food allergy, of which one third are due to severe, anaphylactic reactions. Another common cause of severe, life-threatening reactions is allergy to hymenoptera venom.  We and others have shown that measurement of IgE response to specific allergenic molecules may be more useful in predicting the presence of clinical allergy than currently used skin or blood tests based on whole extracts. By using such allergenic components or synthetic epitopes in diagnostic tests, a detailed analysis of a patients sensitisation profile can be determined and association between the pattern of such sIgE responses and clinically relevant aspects of the allergic disease investigated. However, no tests to date can accurately predict the severity of reaction. For example, our collaborators from Slovenia have recently observed that in case of insect sting allergy, there are no differences in IgE component profile between patients with large local reactions only compared to those with severe, life-threatening anaphylactic reactions. Causes of anaphylaxis are unknown, and there are no published studies on the genetics of anaphylaxis, in part due to the difficulties in precise ascertainment of cases and controls.

    Study design: Genome-wide association study

    How Is It Diagnosed

    Anaphylaxis is diagnosed by a medical history of recent exposure to an offending substance and the presence of characteristic clinical signs. In severe cases, blood tests may reveal elevations in liver enzymes and dehydration . Abdominal ultrasound may show an enlarged liver, edema in the gallbladder wall, and fluid around the abdominal organs. Intradermal skin testing and IgE blood tests may be performed to identify specific allergens at a later time.

    How Common Is Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia

    Elevated serum tryptase is present in perhaps up to 6 percent of the general population. While large studies of multiple different ethnicities need to be done, the estimate is that hereditary alpha tryptasemia may be present in a similar percentage of the general population. Because that means that there could millions of people carrying multiple copies of the alpha tryptase gene, it should come as no surprise that some people will have more than one explanation for their symptoms. Again, it must be stressed that there is great variability from person to person in terms of what symptoms the duplications or triplications do or do not cause.

    Natural History And Risk Assessment

    Bee Sting Allergy Led to Death of a 49

    Humility is appropriate in approaching this topic for two reasons: first, almost half of subjects who die of apparent allergic reactions to stings have no known history of an earlier systemic reaction and second, sensitization to insect venoms is much more common than is clinical allergy to the same insect venoms. Further, any prediction of risk based on published studies cannot be extrapolated with confidence to a specific patient. Nevertheless, from epidemiological and deliberate sting study outcomes, the following strong trends are apparent:

  • Subjects who have experienced only enhanced local or even generalized cutaneous reactions run a relatively low risk, of the order of 5-20%, of a systemic reaction, which is usually of limited severity, to a subsequent sting by an insect of the same species.
  • A previous severe systemic reaction and, in particular, hypotensive anaphylaxis indicates a high risk of a further severe reaction.
  • In deliberate sting studies, higher proportions of subjects who have had recent systemic allergic reactions to jack jumper ant or honey bee stings have had a similar reaction to their next sting compared with yellow jacket-allergic subjects . Such outcomes will vary with the age of subject; the severity of the index sting reaction, venom delivery in the sting challenge and possibly the time elapsed since the last sting.

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