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HomeMust ReadIs Coughing A Common Allergy Symptom

Is Coughing A Common Allergy Symptom

Your Eyes Are Itchy And Watery

Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Treat Cough From Allergies

While you might notice some redness or discomfort around your eyes when you’re sick with a cold, it’s more likely that allergies are causing eye symptoms like watering and itching, Dr. Rosenstreich said.

Your nose and throat might feel itchy with a cold, said Dr. Metcalfe, but a cold usually doesn’t affect the eyes. Allergies may also cause some swelling around the eyes, added Dr. Parikh.

Can Allergies Cause A Chronic Cough

Yes, allergies can absolutely cause chronic coughing. Conditions like hay fever and asthma are usually the culprit of your allergy-related coughing. There are other medical conditions besides allergies that can cause chronic coughing as well.

Coughing typically happens because of irritation in your nasal passages, throat, or airways. Irritation in these areas causes mucus production, as the mucus is trying to protect your body from damage.

Excess or chronic mucus production is your bodys way to try and flush out your allergens.

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How Are Seasonal Allergies Diagnosed

Talk with your doctor if you think your child might have seasonal allergies. The doctor will ask if the same symptoms happen at the same time each year after your child is around an allergen, and do an exam. The doctor may be able to make a diagnosis, or might refer you to an allergy doctor for allergy skin testing or a blood test.

To find which allergens cause a person’s symptoms, allergists usually do skin testing. During skin prick testing, an allergist or nurse puts a tiny bit of a liquid containing an allergen into the skin by making a small scratch or prick on the skin. They usually do skin testing on a person’s forearm or back. The allergist then waits 15 minutes or so to see if a red, raised bump, called a wheal, forms. If it does, there might be an allergy. The allergist uses a ruler to measure the wheal and the redness around it.

Even if a skin test or a blood test shows an allergy, a child must also have symptoms to be diagnosed with an allergy for sure. For example, a child who has a positive test for grass pollen and sneezes a lot while playing in the grass would be considered allergic to grass pollen.

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Grass And Tree Pollen

Pollen is a tiny substance released by plants to fertilize other plants.

Tree, ragweed, and grass pollen commonly cause allergic reactions in affected individuals during the spring, summer, and fall months.

Depending on where you live, grass and tree pollen allergies may also be bothersome during the winter.

Can Allergies Cause A Cough

Allergy Concept Illustration Stock Vector

Yes, and you can blame it on your immune system. When your body mistakes a substance like pollen or mold as a harmful invader, it sets off an intense response to try and flush it out, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . During this process, your cells release histamine and other chemicals, which triggers an allergic reaction. Cue the cold-like symptoms, including a sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and coughing.

Allergy coughs are typically caused by swelling or irritation of the airways, the AAAI says. And, if you develop post-nasal dripwhen the mucus hanging out in your sinuses trickles down the back of your throatthat can also cause a cough, Dr. Bassett says.

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What Are The Triggers For Allergy Or Asthma

Asthma and allergy coughs are caused due to irritation or swelling of the airways. A chronic dry cough can occur due to allergies like hay fever. If you are sensitive to pollen, mold, dust, pet dander or other allergens, then you may also experience a cough. Allergies can worsen asthma symptoms, causing them to become severe.

Here are some common allergy triggers:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux

Allergists are the best go-to doctors for chronic cough because of their holistic medical approach. They have specific expertise in allergic rhinitis and sinus infections, which cause postnasal drainage leading to chronic cough. Allergists are also experts in treating asthma, which is usually present in 25% of patients with chronic cough. Moreover, they are experienced in dealing with heartburn or GERD, which may cause a cough.

If allergies, asthma and the conditions listed above have been ruled out by your allergist, then your chronic cough may be due to other reasons like:

Dust Allergies And Coughing

Now that weve established why do we actually cough, its easier to judge whether we can cough during allergies or not. Its pretty easy to understand that if our body is constantly coughing then theres definitely something wrong with our throat or lungs. Its the first red sign. However, if we talk about allergies then yes allergies can cause coughing. Our immune system is basically using coughing as a defensive action against anything that might have wandered into our bodies. People who have dust allergies are usually the ones who start coughing when they get an allergic attack. Meaning if your body inhales pollen or dust particles, it would rebel against it by coughing it all out.

While all of this is happening your body will release chemicals like histamine that would produce cold-like symptoms such as a stuffed or runny nose, sore throat, etc.

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What Are Colds And Allergies

They have different causes. You get a cold when a tiny living thing called a virus gets into your body. There are hundreds of different types that can get you sick.

Once a cold virus gets inside you, your immune system, the body’s defense against germs, launches a counter-attack. It’s this response that brings on the classic symptoms like a cough or stuffed up nose.

The viruses that cause colds are contagious. You can pick them up when someone who’s infected sneezes, coughs, or shakes hands with you. After a couple of weeks, at the most, your immune system fights off the illness and you should stop having symptoms.

It’s a different story with allergies. They’re caused by an overactive immune system. For some reason, your body mistakes harmless things, such as dust or pollen, for germs and mounts an attack on them.

When that happens, your body releases chemicals such as histamine, just as it does when fighting a cold. This can cause a swelling in the passageways of your nose, and you’ll start sneezing and coughing.

Unlike colds, allergies aren’t contagious, though some people may inherit a tendency to get them.

Can An App Detect Covid

Causes of Chronic Cough in Adults

New artificial intelligence technology may be able to distinguish COVID-19 cough from other types of cough, per

sneezing, sore throat, and runny or stuffy nose fatigue, body aches, and headaches sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing body aches, fatigue, and loss of smell or taste

The most definitive way youll be able to tell is through testing. You can use tests that determine whether you have COVID-19, the flu, or both and yes, you can get both COVID-19 and the flu at the same time.

While no specific tests exist for the common cold, they can sometimes help you rule out other conditions. If a healthcare professional rules out COVID-19 and flu, a cold could be a likely cause of your cough. Colds also tend not to last as long as the flu or COVID-19.

If you have a cough related to COVID-19, you may experience chest discomfort and interrupted sleep a concern when youre trying to rest and recover.

Some methods you can use to specifically address your cough include:

  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This helps to keep your throat moist and reduces irritation.
  • Use a cool mist humidifier if the air in your home is very dry. You could also take a hot shower with the door closed to generate plenty of steam.
  • Consume cold or hot foods, like popsicles, warm tea, broth, or ice chips. These can all soothe irritated throats and reduce coughing.
  • Consider over-the-counter cough drops or cough-reducing lollipops.
  • Consume a teaspoon of honey.

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How Long Does Covid Cough Last

An estimated 2.5% of people reported a cough that lasted 11.2 months after hospitalization for COVID-19. While most peoples coughs dont last quite this long, an estimated 19% of people experience a cough after theyve gotten over most of the symptoms of COVID-19.

Coughing is a reflex that helps clear the airways of mucus, dust, and other irritants. A cough can also be a symptom of irritated airways. Even after recovering from COVID-19, your airways could take a little longer to heal.

What Allergies Cause A Cough

Allergies that may cause or contribute to an allergic cough are as follows:

  • Second-hand cigarette smoking

Dr Mayank said, Factors like air pollution, dust, pollen and such may set off a response from your immune system in the form of an allergic cough.

You may also be prone to an allergic cough if you have:

  • Upper airway cough syndrome
  • Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis and Atopic cough

Dr Mayank continued, Apart from allergies, disorders like Hay fever, asthma also make you more prone and sensitive to allergy-triggering elements like animal fur, dust and such.

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Is It Really Allergies Or A Cold Or Do You Have Covid

We should all keep in mind that we are still living in a global pandemic, and COVID-19 symptoms often mimic those experienced with allergies, the common cold and the flu.

Before assuming that youre experiencing a cold or allergies, particularly if youre off to work or a social gathering, its always wise to seek advice from your health care provider, Dr. Pero said. It doesnt hurt to also take an at-home COVID-19 antigen test, particularly if your symptoms are suggestive of a cold, and if your symptoms arent at a time when you typically experience allergies.

Recovery After Allergic Cough

Allergy symptoms

After a course of anti-allergy medicines and following the prevention tips, Priyanka noticed a massive improvement in her condition.

In a follow-up visit Priyanka said, People dont understand how irritating can persistent cough be especially, when it is triggered by factors that arent in your control

Now that I know whats causing this reaction, I can take the right preventive steps along with anti-allergy medicines. As soon as the pollen-heavy season starts, I start wearing a mask when I go out and take my anti-allergy medicines when needed.

I feel much better now and I can finally enjoy the changing seasons and not dread them.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Allergy Cough

The symptoms of allergic cough depend on what caused it.

Broadly speaking, the symptoms of allergy cough may include:

  • Dry cough or cough with mucus which may manifest in certain settings like during pollen-heavy season or in presence of animals
  • Congestion of nose and throat

These symptoms may be triggered by seasonal changes or occupational and environmental factors like pollutants. They may also differ in intensity from one day to the next depending on the presence of the irritant, says Dr Mayank.

In her consultation, Priyanka revealed that she experienced a cough with mucus, sneezing and congestion, which made her feel weak and tired.

No : Skip The Cough Medicine

Over-the-counter cough and cold medications are not recommended for children under the age of 6, according to newly revised guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. That, Dr. Cameron explains, is because they usually dont workand they are sometimes linked to serious side effects.

A lot of the over-the-counter medications have decongestants and antihistamines. Decongestants are associated with cardiac arrhythmias, and antihistamines have an increased risk of drowsiness and depression of breathing, she says. So those medications, if not dosed according to weight or given at the proper intervals, can be dangerous.

Instead, Dr. Cameron says just a teaspoon or so of honey can go a long way. âItâs amazing how well honey can soothe the irritated throat and make the cough stop,â she says. But because of a risk of botulism, this approach shouldnât be used for kids under the age of 1, she cautions.

Dr. Cameron also suggests using a humidifier, saline drops and a bulb syringe to suction out the nose. Gargling with a little bit of water might help, too. And if there is any pain, acetaminophen or ibuprofen may also be used.

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How Can Allergy Symptoms Be Treated By A Doctor

Allergists, like Dr. Kevin Farnam, MD, are medical doctors who specialize in the treatment of allergies and asthma. These specially trained clinicians can treat your stubborn allergy symptoms by first, diagnosing, and then prescribing medications that can help.

Many mild allergy cases can be treated without seeing a doctor. When allergies interfere with your day-to-day activities, you can take back control of your life by seeing an allergist.

An allergist can treat all kinds of allergy problems including:

  • Allergic rhinitis or hay fever is a reaction that occurs primarily from environmental allergens
  • Anaphylaxis is rare and a potentially fatal allergic reaction caused by triggers such as food, a medication, or an insect sting
  • Asthma is an allergy symptom that causes muscle spasms in a persons breathing airway that blocks air to the lungs
  • Atopic or contact dermatitis are allergies that cause hives or dermatitis on the skin

Visiting an allergist could include:

  • A complete history and physical exam
  • Allergy testing to see what is causing your symptoms
  • Education to help prevent allergies by avoiding them
  • Medication to treat symptoms
  • Allergy shots to alleviate symptoms

You should see an allergist if your allergies are causing chronic sinus infections, difficulty breathing, or the discomfort of sneezing, wheezing, or other symptoms that disrupt your life.

Is It An Allergy Or The Common Cold

Tussionex To Treat Coughs and Upper Airway Symptoms with Allergies and Colds – Overview
Topics in this Post

Did you know a sore throat or runny nose may be something other than a common cold? Taking a closer look at these and other symptoms can help you understand if its a cold youre up against or allergies that may be affecting you.


If youre allergic to pollens, you may feel an improvement with spring and summer allergy symptoms during colder winter months. However, if you suffer from indoor allergies, such as mold or dust mites, you may notice allergy symptoms are more pronounced during winter when you spend more time indoors. This is because your homes furnace sends dust, mold spores and insect particles into the air. When inhaled, these particles often cause allergy symptoms for someone who is allergic.


Colds are due to viruses, which are contagious. Theyre often spread by someone who sneezes or coughs, or by hand shaking and other direct physical contact. After a couple weeks, your immune system fights off the infection and your symptoms usually resolve.

Allergies are due to an immune reaction to something in the environment. Often, this includes dust or pollen. This causes the body to release histamine, just as it would with a cold, which causes nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing. Allergies are not contagious.


Consider these additional differences between a colds and allergies:


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How To Deal With That Nagging Cough

If youre dealing with a nagging cough that is lingering for days, weeks or months, youre not alone.

Coughing is one of the most frequent reasons patients see doctors, and it ranks in the top five reasons patients come to see us at the Ear, Nose and Throat and Allergy Clinic, said Christine Franzese, MD, an allergist with University of Missouri Health Care.

Coughing is part of the bodys defense against disease. It pushes out bacteria, mucus and foreign particles from the respiratory tract to protect the lungs from infection and inflammation. While coughing has a purpose, it can also cause its share of problems.

It can disrupt your sleep, affect school and work performance, it can even prevent people from being socially active or going places because they are so self-conscious, Franzese said.

A physician can diagnose the cause of the cough and identify the proper treatment. There are many reasons for lasting coughs. The most common causes for nonsmokers are postnasal drip, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease , chronic bronchitis and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for high blood pressure. Smoking is the primary cause of chronic coughing that can lead to more serious health problems, such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and lung cancer.

Locate And Replace All The Filters In Your Home Often

Filters are around to well filter. You will want to make sure that you keep filters clean and/or replace them as needed. A dirty filter will lead to poor performance and increase the risk of not filtering out cough-causing allergens/spreading them everywhere. Plus a clogged filter is much harder on the machine.

Furnace or HVAC Unit

This machine is pumping air all around your house. This filter definitely needs to be replaced often. If you live in an apartment or rental, the landlord or maintenance crew can help you with locating and installing a new filter.

HVAC filters are not designed to remove small particles like a HEPA filter, but changing the filter will still help.

Air Conditioning Window Units

Most A/C units have some sort of filter which is usually washable. The more often you run your A/C the more often you may want to clean it.

Vacuum cleaners, Including Robot Vacuums

In general, you need a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter. This is going to trap all the allergens you suck up around the house. Vacuums tend to have more than one filter, and some are washable.

Ensure you are giving TLC to all the filters on your machines.

Most robot vacuums just have one HEPA filter that needs to be replaced. Look in the instruction manual for filter replacement recommendations set by the manufacturer.

Cabin Air filter

This filter is almost always located behind the glove box.

Air Purifier Filter

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