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HomeMust ReadWhy Are My Allergies Suddenly So Bad

Why Are My Allergies Suddenly So Bad

Can Thunderstorms Make Allergies Worse

Why are seasonal allergies so bad this year?

A good, steady downpour can be helpful for those suffering from nasal allergies. Big droplets of rain clean pollen from the air, and with enough water those pollens soon drain away. So, a thunderstorm should be helpful too, right? Not so fast! There’s a link between thunderstorms and asthma symptoms. Thunderstorms can actually make allergies worse.

Hospital records suggest asthma outbreaks are more common following thunderstorms. One study found that asthma visits to emergency rooms increased by 3 percent in the 24 hours after a thunderstorm. Why? Although it’s still debated, the main theory is that thunderstorms rupture pollen grains near the ground, causing them to spread and be released back into the atmosphere.

Evidence suggests the first 20-30 minutes of a thunderstorm are the worst for those with allergic rhinitis. Even allergy-sufferers who aren’t usually prone to asthma are at more risk of developing asthma during these storms. One research group advises anyone with allergies to avoid going out in a thunderstorm. If you’re stuck outside when one hits, they suggest covering your face with a cloth to keep pollen out of your airways.

Runny Noses In Cold Weather

As the weather starts to turn cold and crisp, you might notice that you are packing your pockets with tissues. But having a runny nose in cold weather usually isn’t due to allergiesit is non-allergic vasomotor rhinitis. This non-allergic form of rhinitis may result in a runny nose, post-nasal drip, and/or nasal congestion. It is caused by a number of triggers, including temperature changes, windy weather, changes in humidity, strong odors, perfumes, and smoke.

How To Alleviate Your Allergy Symptoms

Leeds recommended wearing a brimmed hat and sunglasses to keep pollen out of your eyes and nose. A solid rinse can also work wonders after spending time outside.

Wash your hands and face after being outdoors for long periods of time, and consider changing your clothes, she said.

If you are particularly sensitive, limit your time outdoors on poor air-quality days. Consider washing your eyes and nose with a saline solution. You might also want to swap out your contact lenses for eyeglasses, as pollen can cling onto lenses and irritate the eye. Cleaning your lenses more frequently and opting for daily disposable contacts can also help relieve itchy, watery eyes.

Pollen can get trapped inside your home, so keep your windows shut and car doors closed. Vacuum often to get rid of allergens trapped in your carpet. If you have AC, set it to nonrecirculated air.

AAFA also recommends using a HEPA air filter to purify the air in your house. And pets can be pollen magnets, so giving them a good rub down is a good idea after a springtime walk, Gupta said.

You might also want to hold onto your face mask a bit longer. The masks we use to protect ourselves against the coronavirus act as a barrier against pollen, too. The better the mask, the better the protection.

N95 masks are ideal for this, but standard masks most people are using to protect one another from COVID-19 also work, Mendez said.

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What Causes Allergies Later In Life

Just like childhood allergies, we do not completely understand why some people develop allergies and others dont. We do know there are complex genetic and environmental factors involved. Scientists have proposed theories about why allergies occur, including the hygiene hypothesis that attributes allergic disease in part to the use of antimicrobials and the high standard of cleanliness in modern societies.

Adults can also present with new-onset environmental allergies. In some cases, the patient may have had a tendency to develop allergies all along, but their environment changed, putting them in more contact with the triggering allergen .

Bacteria Buildup And Digestive Tract Infections

Why are allergies so bad right now?

When your body digests food, it extracts nutrients and sends them to the bloodstream. The waste products are sent to the colon. Disrupting the digestion process can cause an overgrowth of bacteria.

Some bacteria can cause infection in the intestines and digestive tract. This may cause a higher volume of gas than normal and a strong-smelling odor. People with digestive tract infections also often have abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Visit your doctor to determine you have a bacterial infection. If you do, theyll prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection and get you feeling better.

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Skipping Your Evening Shower

After a long day, the last thing you may want to do before falling into your bed is take a shower and shampoo your hair. But you should. Not taking a shower before you go to sleep allows the pollen that’s accumulated on your body, hair and clothing to get into bed with you. This could not only make your symptoms flare up, but also prevent you from getting enough sleep. Make nightly showers part of your routine to remove pollen before bedtime.

It Might Be A Chemical Sensitivity Not An Allergy

Allergies are an immune-system reaction to an organic substance, while synthetic-fragrance reactions are considered sensitivities, and they work differently. Instead of causing an immune-system response, the fragrance particles stick in your airways and irritate them, just like what would happen if you inhaled a plume of black pepper, says Dr. Sokol. Companies add scents to everything from trash bags to laundry detergent these days. At least 51 million adults also suffer because of it, according to a report in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Thats up 200 percent in the past decade.

Unlike with allergies, theres no test to narrow down which synthetic substance youre sensitive to. And typical allergy treatments wont do anything for you. But you can control these sensitivities: Today, I only buy products with packaging that explicitly says 100 percent natural or unscented.

For more-standard allergy sufferers, there are other ways to allergen-proof your life. Theres no magic fabric to help shed pollen or dander, so wear what you want, but when you come indoors, take off your shoes and put the clothes youre not washing immediately in a sealed bin. Shower right away to get offending particles off your body, especially your hair. We cant all control what were allergic to, but maybe you can do me and millions of others a favor and use unscented soap and shampoo. Bless you.

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Why Your Spring Allergies May Be Kicking In Earlier This Year

  • Spring increases in pollen can lead to allergy symptoms.
  • These allergies can be mistaken for a viral infection.
  • Allergy season is also coming earlier now thanks to climate change.
  • Several factors can make your allergy symptoms worse, including air quality, a changing immune system, and your level of pollen exposure.
  • Strategies to control seasonal allergies can include avoidance, medications, and immunotherapy.

Spring means we will soon see plants budding and blooming with new life. However, if you get seasonal allergies, it can also mean your allergy symptoms will be coming back to life.

Seasonal allergies also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis are a reaction to pollen, the yellowish powder that we often see building up on our cars in the spring.

Pollen is produced by cone-bearing and flowering plants as a part of reproduction. Grains of pollen must travel from the anther of the plant to the stigma for the plant to produce fruits or seeds.

While insects can pick up pollen and transfer it in many cases, other plants release pollen into the air, where it is transported via wind. This is the main cause of seasonal allergy symptoms.

When you come in contact with pollen grains, your immune system mistakes pollen for an intruder.

It then responds to this perceived invader by releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause the telltale symptoms of an allergy, such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes.

It’s Not Just You Who’s Suddenly Having Seasonal Allergies

Why Allergy Season Is So Bad This Year And How To Handle It

The World Allergy Organization reports that the prevalence of allergies has risen in industrialized countries over the past 50 years. In 2018 alone, more than 19 million adults in the U.S. were diagnosed with hay fever , according to the CDC. Meng Chen, M.D., an allergist at Stanford Universitys Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research, says her office is seeing more cases each day. Its something I oftentimes hear from patientsIve never had allergies, and all of a sudden, I, an adult, have developed all of these allergies, she says. What the heck is going on?

For one thing, the world is warming up, and that leads to longer allergy seasons as much as 27 days longer, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Then theres all the moving around we dothe average 30-year-old will have already moved about six times in their life. If some resident in your building has cats, or your new bedroom faces a field of sagebrush, you may develop a reaction youve never experienced before.

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Can You Develop Allergies Later In Life

It is certainly possible to develop allergies in adulthood. Adult-onset allergies can occur seemingly out of nowhere due to exposure to new allergens in the environment, family history and changes in the immune system. The most common food allergies in adults are peanuts, fish, shellfish such as shrimp, lobster and tree nuts .

Theres no way to avoid getting adult-onset allergies if youre susceptible to them, since you cant reasonably expect to know every trigger that could cause an allergic reaction and then avoid it. In addition, there is some recent research that indicates avoiding allergens can make it more likely for an individual to develop allergies, because the immune system is unfamiliar with more substances.

Can I Prevent Hay Fever

There is no way to prevent hay fever, but lifestyle changes can help you live with allergies. You can relieve hay fever symptoms by avoiding irritants as much as possible. To reduce symptoms, you should:

  • Avoid touching your face and rubbing your eyes or nose.
  • Close windows in your home and car during the spring, summer and early fall when pollen counts are higher.
  • Enclose pillows, mattresses and box springs in dust mite covers.
  • Keep pets off couches and beds, and close doors to bedrooms you dont want them to enter.
  • Use filters in your vacuum cleaner and air conditioner to reduce the amount of allergens in the air.
  • Wash your hands often, especially after playing with pets.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen when youre outside. Change your clothes as soon as you come indoors.

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Spring Allergy Solutions To Try At Home

If pollen is an allergy trigger for you, the best thing that you can do is avoid it. Of course, thats a lot easier said than done whether you live in a rural town or a major city, youre going to come into contact with pollen every time you step outside.

While you cant escape outdoor allergens, you can take steps to keep them out of your home and reduce your exposure.

Start by keeping track of pollen counts. Check your local weather station or a trusted national source like AAAAI before you plan your day, then take the following precautions:

  • Keep your doors and windows closed when pollen counts are high.
  • Set car and home air conditioning systems to recirculate indoor air.
  • During allergy season, wash your bedding and vacuum carpets more frequently to remove any lingering pollen.
  • Change your clothing and/or shower after spending a lot of time outdoors.
  • Dry clothes in a drying machine instead of hanging them up outdoors on a line or rack.
  • Take your shoes off at the door to avoid tracking pollen into your home.
  • Do most of your outdoor activities in the morning and evening, as pollen counts tend to peak around midday.

Can Allergies Go Away With Time

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The short answer is yes.

Even if you develop allergies as an adult, you may notice they start to fade again when you reach your 50s and beyond.

This is because your immune function is reduced as you get older, so the immune response to allergens also becomes less severe.

Some allergies you have as a child may also go away when youre a teen and well into your adulthood, perhaps making only a few appearances throughout your life until they disappear permanently.

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Allergy Season May Be Starting Earlier

Dr. Monica T. Kraft, clinical assistant professor in the division of allergy and immunology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, said allergy season could come earlier than it used to.

Climate change has led to earlier and longer pollen seasons in some parts of the United States, said Kraft. With warmer weather comes more pollen in the air as early as February.

According to a report from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America , between 1995 and 2010, warmer temperatures in the United States had caused the pollen season to be 11 to 27 days longer.

The report states these warmer temperatures create more airborne pollen, stronger airborne allergens, and even more allergy symptoms.

Effective Treatments Are Available

Seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor about medications that will relieve your symptoms. Although medications do not cure allergies, they are much more effective with few side effects. It is important to use them correctly, and to avoid medications that can cause problems such as frequent decongestant nose sprays or tablets.

Antihistamine tablets or syrups help to reduce symptoms , but they are not as effective in controlling severe nasal blockage and dribble. The advantage of antihistamines is their flexibility you can take them when you have symptoms, and avoid them when you are well. Antihistamine eye drops can also be helpful in controlling watery eyes due to allergies.

Intranasal corticosteroid nasal sprays have a potent action on inflammation when used regularly . These need to be used regularly and with careful attention to the way in which they are used. Different brands of INCS vary in strength and effectiveness, so it is important to read the labels and check details with your pharmacist or doctor.

Combination medications containing an antihistamine and intranasal corticosteroid nasal spray are available and offer the combined advantages of both medications.

unblock and dry the nose, but should not be used for more than a few days as they can cause long term problems in the nose

Natural products such as salt water nasal sprays or douches can be effective in relieving symptoms.

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No : Allergic Shiners

Dark circles are another sign of allergies. You get them when you’re always rubbing itchy eyes. Take antihistamines to put a stop to symptoms like itchy, teary eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. If you already take them but they donât work really well, talk to your doctor about changing your treatment plan.

What Is The Outlook For People Who Have Hay Fever

What Makes Allergy Symptoms Bad?

Hay fever can make you feel miserable, but it doesnt cause serious health problems. Most people with hay fever manage symptoms with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medication.

People with airborne allergies have a higher risk of ear infections and sinus infections. Because hay fever can make it tough to get a good nights sleep, you may feel tired during the day. If you have asthma, hay fever can make your asthma symptoms worse.

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Random Allergy Attacks: Why Am I Having Them

According to the urgent care in Katy, TX, more and more adults are arriving in the urgent care with symptoms they cant explain. They are quickly diagnosed with allergy attacks, but this leaves them confused because they have never had any problems with allergies before in their life.

Does this sound familiar and frustrating? If you have been left searching urgent care near me in a panic because youve suddenly broken out in a rash and found your throat swelling shut, then perhaps you have developed adult onset allergies.

Choosing The Right Allergy Medication

Allergy medications can greatly reduce your symptoms, but what medications should you be taking?

The answer depends on the severity of your symptoms and to what exactly youre allergic, says allergy and asthma specialist Dr. Reichmuth.

For mild seasonal allergies, over the counter medications usually do the trick. But if you feel like your allergies are getting worse year after year and your usual OTC medications are losing their effectiveness, it might be time to see an allergist.

An allergist can help you create an effective allergy management plan based on your symptoms and how long they last.

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Allergies In Spring Versus Fall

There is a significant difference between detecting allergies in the spring and fall.

  • The severe allergy season has been exacerbated by the mild winter, the transition from winter to spring is more visible.
  • Temperatures increase above freezing, causing snow to melt, plants to flower and bud, and more foliage to appear.

Because of the milder temperatures, mold that would typically die off in the winter months persists. Many people have had severe allergies as a result of this, as well as exceptionally high quantities of tree pollen.

Even those who ordinarily have no allergies or just experience minor symptoms have had severe responses this spring. So, if you have seen unusual allergy responses in 2021, you are not alone.

Do Flower Bouquets Bring Allergies On

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When you have seasonal allergies, pollen counts are something to keep track of. It’s a common comic devicea would-be Romeo handing a woman flowers, only to watch her face flush and sneeze. But are flowers to blame when your seasonal allergies hit? Probably not. Most people aren’t allergic to the pollen in flowers. Instead, it’s the grasses, weeds, and trees that tend to present allergy problems.

Why not flower pollen? As it turns out, flower pollen is relatively heavy. It doesn’t travel as far or as easily as smaller, lighter pollen particles. That’s because flowers are designed to attract bees and other insects, which carry the pollens themselves. Other plants need smaller pollen so the wind can carry it to new locations.

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