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HomeCauseCan Spring Allergies Cause Vertigo

Can Spring Allergies Cause Vertigo

Sinus Infections And The Eustachian Tube

Why your allergies might be causing vertigo

Allergy symptoms and cold symptoms can have the same problem. They can lead to too much congestion can lead to more serious health effects. When sinus congestion leads to a full-blown sinus infection, it can clog the bodys Eustachian tube, the pathway that connects your inner ear to the back of your throat. This pathway helps regulate your bodys sense of balance. A sinus infection will result in your Eustachian tube filling up with mucus and fluid, inhibiting your bodys ability to stay balanced.

The State Of East Coast Air In Fall 2021

For four season lovers on the East Coast, fall ushers in orange-red leaves, pumpkin patches, warm apple cider, and you guessed it, the potential for hurricanes. While living on or by the water is a huge plus for East Coasters, hurricane season leaves less to be desired. Because hurricanes can affect areas more than 100 miles inland, this weather event poses a threat to your familys and homes safety, no matter how far off the coast you reside.

For many, resulting air quality issues are often forgotten in the aftermath. Although hurricanes tend to be brief, yet disruptive, they can leave a lasting effect on your air quality once the storm rolls by. Plus, floodwaters and damage from high-speed winds and rain can lead to excess moisture in the air, leaving behind the potential for unwanted mold growth indoors.

Hurricane Season: What to Expect in 2021

Who could forget last years record-breaking season? According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , the 2020 season serves as a reminder to all residents in coastal regions or areas prone to inland flooding from rainfall to be prepared for the 2021 season. But, is 2021 predicted to be as worrisome as 2020? Yesand no.

Hurricane Season: Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality

Heres how each award-winning component helps your family Breathe the Fullness of Life at home during hurricane season and beyond:

A Symptom Of Anaphylactic Shock

Dizziness is one possible symptom that may accompany a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylactic shock. Food allergies, medication allergies and allergic reactions to insect stings are commonly linked to anaphylactic shock, which may be life-threatening. You may experience:

  • swelling in your throat or tongue
  • trouble breathing
  • feeling nauseous or faint

This can be a life-threatening condition and you need to be seen by a doctor right away. If you think you are having a severe allergic reaction, go to your nearest emergency department or call 9-1-1.

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A Side Effect From Allergy Medication

Many people reach for over-the-counter antihistamine pills to treat allergies. Dizziness may be a possible side effect, depending on the type of antihistamine that you take.

The oldest antihistamines on the market which tend to cause drowsiness as a side effect are more likely to cause other side effects, including dizziness, in some people.

If this happens, your doctor may recommend that you switch to newer antihistamines, which dont tend to cause side effects like dizziness or drowsiness. Talk to your doctor about which medication may be right for you.

Difference Between Vertigo And Dizziness

Allergy Symptoms

Vertigo is a symptom of dizziness, but not everyone who gets dizzy experiences it. When youre dizzy, you may feel unsteady or light in the head. You may want to sit down or hold on to something next to you. Vertigo, on the other hand, makes it feel like you or everything around you is moving or spinning, even though you are still. Vertigo is disorienting and may cause you to stumble or fall.

Don’t Miss: How To Cure Chronic Allergies

Can Allergies Make You Dizzy

You may think your feet and legs keep you balanced, but its actually the earsspecifically the inner earsthat work to keep you upright.

Allergies can cause swelling in the eustachian tubes, which normally drain fluid away from the middle ear. The buildup creates a pressure imbalance in the ears that can lead to dizziness.

The inner ear contains the vestibular system, which sends the brain information about balance and motion. Allergies can cause parts of your inner ear to become inflamed or swollen, disrupting their function.

Headache and dizziness may be symptoms of an inner ear balance which may be caused by or associated with allergies, Dr. Derebery says.

An imbalance in the inner ear may also indicate a vestibular migraine. This is a severe headache causing unsteadiness or dizziness, and could cause vertigo.

A Few Drops A Day Can Take The Allergies Away

At-home sublingual immunotherapy drops provide relief to allergy sufferers.

Dorinda Neisel once spent an entire day trying to get out of bed. Each time she would attempt to stand up, dizziness forced her back to the ground. From the floor, she had to crawl on her hands and knees to the bathroom, and immediately back to bed. Her vertigo was so bad she never made it out of her room that day.

It was chronic, Dorinda recalled about her prolonged dizziness and ringing in her ears, to the point it interfered with my driving.

Dorindas primary care doctor suspected neurological issues and ordered a magnetic resonance imaging exam. While she was relieved the MRI did not show any reasons for concern, Dorinda was left with more questions than answers.

She visited the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic on the UC Health West Chester Campus to determine if something within her inner ear was causing her vertigo.

Alfred Sassler, DO, UC Health ear, nose and throat specialist and associate professor of otolaryngology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, conducted a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosed Dorinda with Menieres disease, a disorder of the inner ear that can lead to dizzy spells and hearing loss. In most cases, Meniere’s disease affects only one ear and can occur at any age, but it usually starts between young and middle-aged adulthood.

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Reduce Quick Head Movements

Especially when dizziness is a primary symptom, do not stand up quickly or spin around. Notice how you may feel sicker when cleaning or cooking, activities which have a surprising amount of quick stooping and getting up.

If you do have to be very active, take breaks. Applying a cool compress to the back of the head often helps nausea and feelings of dizziness.

Can Allergies Cause Vertigo

Allergies, Sinus Infections and Vertigo: Is There a Connection?

Seasonal allergies that affect the sinuses, otherwise known as allergic rhinitis, affect nearly eight percent of the adult population in the United States. Because these allergies are so common, sometimes people dont realize that they can also be quite serious. Depending on how difficult a patients allergies are and how effective available treatment is, symptoms can range from mild discomfort to a debilitating struggle.

Vertigo is an uncommon but severe allergy symptom. It is most common in sufferers of allergic rhinitis. Since seasonal allergens enter the body through the nose and mouth, the body reacts by trying to flush them out with mucus. Unfortunately, our bodies often overproduce mucus, which is why individuals with allergic rhinitis sometimes suffer from sore throats due to post-nasal drip.

Some allergy sufferers have such a significant build-up of fluid in their sinuses that it can affect their vestibular system. The vestibular system, and the eustachian tubes in particular, are responsible for our sense of balance. If the eustachian tubes in the inner ear become blocked by fluid, patients can experience a variety of worrying symptoms, including dizziness and lightheadedness. If the blockage is particularly stubborn, they can also suffer from vertigo.

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Why Your Allergies Might Be Causing Vertigo

This years strong allergy season continues for at least the next several weeks, and for some sufferers the amount of pollen in the air is causing vertigo.

The temporary dizzy spells arent common results of allergies, Dr. Thomas Leath said, but they can happen when high levels of pollen cause inflammation in parts of the inner ear that regulate balance.

Leath, an allergist with Allergy and Asthma Associates in Austin, said he gets patients who complain of vertigo when the allergy season is particularly bad, and it can be serious.

It can lead to falls. If it happened while you were driving, it can be very dangerous, he said.

Most of what Leath sees are the common symptoms, like the ones Jake Miles deals with. Sometimes it puts me out with something that feels like the flu for weeks at a time, Miles said.

A singer in a local band, his allergies make it hard to hit the notes he wants to. Even though he was raised in Austin, he told KXAN, hed consider moving to get away from his symptoms. Its a sentiment others share during allergy season.

Its miserable, a woman told KXAN while walking on the trails at Zilker Park.

This year, its been hitting me kind of hard, Michele Bibby said, adding shes willing to deal with her allergies to enjoy Austins natural spaces. Its too beautiful not to come out here.

If it gets to that point, treatment can include steroid shots or pills, he said.

Healthy Home Assessments Help Homeowners

As a result, Total Home Performance began offering healthy home assessments to evaluate the health and safety issues that could be negatively impacting homeowners. This begins with a visual inspection of the property to identify things like moisture, mold, pest intrusion, or other potential contaminants. Based on this inspection, they can perform specific tests for things like volatile organic compounds , mold, and moisture to pinpoint the root cause and lay out a plan to eradicate these issues.

Humidity control is especially vital for many homeowners along the eastern shore since they butt up against the Chesapeake Bay and other inlets leaving them vulnerable to the impacts of excess humidity like mold, mildew, discomfort, and structural damage.

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How To Treat Your Dizziness

The best way to treat allergy-induced dizziness is to treat your allergies themselves. Whether you have spring allergies or fall allergies , management looks pretty similar: Avoid allergens, if you can, and turn to medication if you cant.

When I see patients with dizziness, we try a nasal steroid spray to see if that reduces inflammation and opens up the Eustachian tubes, Dr. Aronica says. If their dizziness gets better, that suggests cause and effect.

Prescription nasal steroid sprays like fluticasone and triamcinolone can ease the inflammation in your nose, sinuses and Eustachian tubes.

You can also ease your allergies with over-the-counter medications and prevent your symptoms from getting worse by keeping outdoor allergens out of your home. Keep your windows closed, bathe outdoor pets frequently and wash your clothes after youve spent time outdoors, especially if youre doing something allergy-inducing, like hiking, raking leaves or mowing the lawn.

Hay Fever Can Cause Stuffy Ears

Sinus Pressure and Dizziness Without Congestion: 5 Causes and Solution ...

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports that more than 50 million Americans experience allergies at some point during the year, with spring allergies being the most common. This type of allergy, known as hay fever, is caused by exposure to mold spores and pollenating trees, grasses and weeds.

Allergies are the result of your immune system overreacting to a foreign substance that is normally harmless. During this overreaction, the chemical histamine is produced, which is what is responsible for your allergy symptoms, including increased mucus production and inflammation.

This inflammation can affect your Eustachian tubes the passageways connecting your middle ears to your throat. These tubes are responsible for allowing fluids to drain. When the tubes are swollen, fluid becomes trapped, leading to a plugged or stuff-up feeling in the ears.

Also Check: Do Ficus Trees Cause Allergies

Medical Care For Houston And Beyond

If you need to see a doctor, then call Emergency Hospital Systems. Our experts will help you get to the bottom of your medical problem. Whether you need a diagnosis or treatment advice, we will offer professional, caring services. Click on the locations tab as shown above to find the hospital closest to you.

Fight For Healthy Air

At AprilAire, we believe everyone deserves to Breathe the Fullness of Life, and were not the only ones that feel this way. Through our Proud Partnership with the American Lung Association, we aim to fill every home with Healthy Air. Both AprilAire and the Lung Association believe that breathing Healthy Air should be available to everyone, and maintaining healthy Indoor Air Quality is an important step for your lung health. Read more about our partnership and the efforts of the American Lung Association on their website.

*Disclaimer: The American Lung Association does not endorse any product, device, or service.


We take the importance of caring for others to heart at . We believe we have a purpose beyond the individual work we do and that being a successful company also means Being a Good Neighbor. Its one of our core values, and something we put into action each year.

We remain committed to helping our local communities in a number of ways, including financial contributions and volunteering. In the past, weve raised funds to provide pack-n-plays to mothers in need, volunteered at local blood drives, and held various donation drives throughout the year.

While our partnership opportunities may look different in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, were excited to continue our work with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, whose mission statement reads:


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What If Your Dizziness Is Caused By Something Else

If a steroid nasal spray doesnt work, I encourage patients to follow up appropriately with their primary care physician or the doctor who referred them just to make sure were not missing something else, Dr. Aronica notes.

A number of other conditions can cause dizziness and vertigo, so if your allergies arent the culprit, you may need to see a neurologist or an otolaryngologist to figure out whats going on.

Healthy Air Is On The Way

Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever & Seasonal Allergies) Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

Find an AprilAire professional near you.

Whats the State of Your Air this fall? Lets take a look! Depending on where you reside in the nation, your air quality could be impacted by unplanned weather-related events, like drought, flooding, or poor air quality from nearby city smog or local wildfires. As we fall into autumn, there are three climate-related reasons you need Healthy Air distinct air quality inhibitors that we think about depending on where we live. Keep reading to find out what you should be on the lookout for this season and how you can protect your home and family from the residual effects outdoor air can have on your Indoor Air Quality.

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Lets Talk About Indoor Air Why Is It Important To Have Fresh Air Ventilation And Air Filtration Technology In Each Home

I dont think its any surprise to a customer when we bring up air filtrationso the concept of having the filtration and air purification in whatever capacity that might be is important. They understand very easily the difference in upgrading from a one-inch filter to a media air filtration system.

When it comes to ventilation, thats a much bigger conversation. These houses are built so tight today. We have more and more builders that we are working with that are building these ENERGY STAR® homes. So, its an airtight house and with our cold climate, we dont open the windows. Natural ventilation isnt sufficient anymore because you dont have the opportunity to open up the house like you used to.

Tell Us About The Fight For Air Climb

The American Lung Associations Fight For Air Climb is the nations premier stair climbing challenge. At 38 events nationwide, children and adults of all ages participate in this celebratory stair-climbing adventure. Pre-pandemic, the Fight For Air Climb was held in several of our countrys most iconic skyscrapers. This year, the Lung Association invited participants outdoors for a one-of-a-kind adventure to support healthy lungs and clean air. In fact, Dale was among the companys team of more than 50 employees that climbed the stairs at Milwaukees American Family Field on May 22nd, proving he puts his feet, time, and talent behind causes he supports.

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Is Dizziness A Symptom Of Allergies

Dizziness can be a symptom of nasal, or respiratory, allergies . You get nasal allergies when your immune system mistakes certain airborne substances for a foreign substance. In response to the allergens, your body releases histamines. Histamines help your body get rid of harmful substances. In addition to dizziness, they often cause sneezing, increased mucus production, and wheezing.

The two main causes of dizziness due to airborne allergens are:

  • Inflammation of the lining of the eustachian tube, also called the auditory tube
  • Oral anthistamines

The auditory tube normally equalizes the pressure in the middle ear. When it’s blocked by inflammation, pressure builds up. This is what makes your ears feel plugged. Sometimes, this can result in dizziness or balance problems.

Allergy medications containing antihistamines, such as Zyrtec or Benadryl may cause dizziness as a side effect. They can also make you feel lightheaded.

Why Allergies Make You Dizzy

Allergies and Hearing Loss

Your Eustachian tubes are tiny tubes that connect your ears to your sinuses. They drain fluid and equalize the air pressure inside of your ears, which contributes to your sense of balance. They also lead to your vestibular system, located in your inner ear, which is responsible for sending your brain signals about balance.

It makes sense, then, that if your Eustachian tubes are swollen or blocked, you may start experiencing dizziness or vertigo. And what can cause your Eustachian tubes to become swollen or blocked? You guessed it: allergies.

Inflammation and mucus build-up in your Eustachian tubes is called Eustachian tube dysfunction. And though it doesnt always cause dizziness or vertigo, they can be among the symptoms.

When you have inflammation in the nose and sinuses, you can also have inflammation in and around the Eustachian tubes, which can cause those tubes to narrow, Dr. Aronica explains. Fluid can then build up behind the ear and impact the vestibular system, which can cause dizziness.

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