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HomeCauseWhat Causes Allergies This Time Of Year

What Causes Allergies This Time Of Year

Treatment For Pollen Allergies

Seasonal Allergies: Fact or Fiction with Dr. Jeff Millstein

A direct way to manage pollen allergies is to reduce your exposure to pollens. Pollen counts are published in the media and can help you to plan to avoid exposure.

Tips to reduce your exposure to pollen include:

  • Stay indoors in the morning, if possible grass pollens mainly circulate in the morning.
  • Avoid mowing grass or wear a mask if you do stay indoors when grass is being mowed.
  • Keep windows closed in your home and car.
  • Avoid picnics in parks or in the country during the pollen season.
  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
  • Plant a low-allergy garden around your home, especially near the windows of your home.

Dog Skin Allergies: From Ringworm In Dogs To Canine Atopic Dermatitis

The majority of allergies in dogs manifest on the skin, whether or not the allergen has come into direct contact with the skin. This can make it tricky to diagnose the cause of the dog skin allergy.

It is important to pay close attention to the allergic reaction, especially when and where it occurs.

Getting Help For Allergies

See a GP if you think you or your child might have had an allergic reaction to something.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction can also be caused by other conditions.

A GP can help determine whether it’s likely you have an allergy.

If they think you might have a mild allergy, they can offer advice and treatment to help manage the condition.

If your allergy is particularly severe or it’s not clear what you’re allergic to, they may refer you to an allergy specialist for testing and advice about treatment.

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What Causes Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis occurs when your bodys immune system reacts to an irritant in the air. The irritants are so tiny that you can easily inhale them through your nose or mouth.

Allergens are harmless to most people. But if you have hay fever, your immune system thinks the allergen is intruding. The immune system tries to protect your body by releasing natural chemicals into your bloodstream. The main chemical is called histamine. It causes mucous membranes in the nose, eyes and throat to become inflamed and itchy as they work to eject the allergen.

Seasonal and perennial allergies can result from many allergens, including:

  • Dust mites that live in carpets, drapes, bedding and furniture.
  • Pollen from trees, grass and weeds.
  • Pet dander .
  • Mold spores.
  • Cockroaches, including their saliva and waste.

Food allergies can also cause inflammation in the nose and throat. If you think youre having an allergic reaction to something you ate, get medical help right away. Food allergies can be life-threatening.

Pollen Can Trigger Asthma

Allergic Rhinitis: Causes &  Home Remedies for Hay Fever

Pollen can directly trigger asthma and allergic rhinitis. Small particles of allergens can penetrate deep into the airways of the lung. Thunderstorms can also contribute to this:

  • When pollen granules come into contact with water, starch granules are released that are small enough to be breathed into the airways, causing allergic rhinitis and asthma in some people
  • People who wheeze during spring and/or summer, should see their doctor for advice.

Pollen seasons can last for months

In Australia pollen numbers are lower on the east coast where most winds come from the sea, and where there is protection from westerly winds by the Great Dividing Range. Pollen numbers are higher on the Victorian south coast because most winds are from the north carrying pollen from the northerly grasslands. In South Australia and Western Australia, the amount of pollen can vary according to the wind.

Pollination times vary with the plant variety and its location.

  • Grasses flower next, and the weed ‘Plantain’ flowers from August through to May.
  • The principal grasses growing in the northern coastal areas are subtropical and mainly flower in January, February and March. Allergenic grasses in the southern part of Australia are mostly Northern hemisphere grasses, with the main flowering period from October to December.

    Diagnosis is important

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    Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies

    Hay fever can make the nose, roof of the mouth, back of the throat, and eyes itch. Itching may start gradually or abruptly. The nose runs, producing a clear watery discharge, and may become stuffed up. In children, the stuffy nose may lead to an ear infection. The lining of the nose may become swollen and bluish red.

    , possibly caused by the same allergy triggers that contribute to allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

    Can I Prevent Hay Fever

    There is no way to prevent hay fever, but lifestyle changes can help you live with allergies. You can relieve hay fever symptoms by avoiding irritants as much as possible. To reduce symptoms, you should:

    • Avoid touching your face and rubbing your eyes or nose.
    • Close windows in your home and car during the spring, summer and early fall when pollen counts are higher.
    • Enclose pillows, mattresses and box springs in dust mite covers.
    • Keep pets off couches and beds, and close doors to bedrooms you dont want them to enter.
    • Use filters in your vacuum cleaner and air conditioner to reduce the amount of allergens in the air.
    • Wash your hands often, especially after playing with pets.
    • Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen when youre outside. Change your clothes as soon as you come indoors.

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    Allergies Caused By Fleas And Parasites

    Almost every dog will get fleas, ticks, mites, or other parasites at some point in its life. Usually, these parasites are easily removed, and the dog will not have an adverse reaction. However, some pets will develop allergies, mainly relating to biting parasites. It is typically the parasites saliva that causes the allergic reaction in dogs.

    Flea bite hypersensitivity in dogs will cause extreme itching and discomfort to your pet, this is known as flea bite dermatitis or pruritus. Symptoms and signs include:

    • excessive scratching
    • hair loss
    • formation of scabs or lesions on the skin.

    Symptoms are episodic and tend to worsen in summer months, as well as when the pet ages.

    Diagnosis of a parasite or flea allergy is relatively straightforward, as you or your veterinarian will be able to identify the parasites on the dogs skin.

    Treating the allergic reaction usually involves removing the parasite, either with a topical medicine or by grooming. This should stop the reaction.

    For excessive itching, vets may prescribe steroids , antihistamines or antibiotics for a secondary infection.

    Can You Recover From Allergies

    Sinus Infections: Symptoms may be more than just allergies

    Allergy symptoms can vary during a persons lifetime, depending on where they live and what theyre exposed to. If your primary issue is fall allergies and then you move someplace where pollen is less abundant, youll probably experience a drop in symptoms when autumn comes around.

    Ultimately, there is no cure for allergies. But by arming yourself with allergy medication, preventative measures and pollen forecasts, you can finally enjoy autumn, rather than sneeze your way through it.

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    Contact Allergies In Dogscontact Allergies Can Cause Dog Skin Problems

    Contact allergies in dogs are treated by removing the allergen, and in extreme cases with antihistamines or steroids to treat the symptoms. It can sometimes be challenging to identify the allergen, especially if your dog develops an allergy to a product that you have been using for some time.

    Try keeping a record of every substance that you are putting on your dog, and cross-referencing when the allergic reaction occurs. This can help you to identify the allergen and then remove it.

    Managing Your Hay Fever

    Identifying the allergen/s causing the symptoms is an important part of managing hay fever. In some cases the cause may be obvious but in others your doctor will need to consider your medical history together with the results of allergy tests , which may require referral to a specialist.

    Some medications may help relieve the symptoms of hay fever. Ask your GP or pharmacist for advice. You may be advised to try:

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    What Should I Do If I Develop Adult Onset Allergies

    If you believe you have developed allergies as an adult, avoid any suspected allergens while you are waiting to see your allergist. Your allergist may order some tests such as blood or skin tests to further evaluate your allergies.

    If allergy testing confirms a diagnosis of allergy, your allergist will work with you to develop a treatment plan including avoidance measures, medications, and/or other treatment options such as immunotherapy for environmental allergies.

    Youre Not Consistent With Your Medication

    What Causes Spring Seasonal Allergies?

    It takes you three months to use up your 30-day supply of OTC allergy meds and you get your allergy shots only when youre feeling crummy. Sound familiar? Compliance is what both Dr. Shah and Dr. Leija cite as the biggest reason their patients cant get ahead of their symptoms.

    It takes about two to three days for allergy medicine to kick in, explains Dr. Leija. And you cant just stop when you feel better or when the pollen count in your area is low. Pollen counts vary so much by the weather and the barometric pressure, he explains, so consistently taking your medication on days when numbers are low will prep you for when they surge again.

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    Dog Food Allergiesfrom Chicken To Grains

    Just like people can be sensitive or allergic to certain foods, so can dogs. Food allergies in dogs can manifest in a number of ways, not just through an upset stomach.

    Skin problems and breathing problems can also indicate a dog food allergy, as can an ear infection. Scooting can also often be a sign of a food allergy in dogs.

    What Are Adult Onset Allergies

    Adult-onset allergies are those allergy symptoms that manifest later in life. This could be anywhere from younger adulthood, such as in a persons 20s, to a persons senior years, when they are 70 or 80 years old. Typically, if you lived through your 20s and your 30s without any new allergies, the chances of getting adult-onset allergies diminishes.

    The strangest part about adult-onset allergies is that you can wake up today irritated by an allergen that didnt bother you yesterday. You could have been in contact with said allergen every single day for years with no adverse effects. Now, you have a runny nose, itching eyes and uncontrollable sneezing around that allergen.

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    Seasonal Allergies With Changes In Weather

    The phrase allergy season is one that most people are familiar with, and millions of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies each year. But the fact is that its not just seasonal change that can trigger allergies, but shifts in weather as well. And these can happen at any time of the year!

    This is because changes in weather introduce new allergens, or higher concentrations of certain allergens, into the air, triggering reactions in people allergic to those specific allergens. Common causes vary seasonally and regionallybelow we take a look at some of the most common weather-related causes of allergy flare-ups, and provide some solutions for minimizing the effects.

    Do Certain Weather Events Trigger Allergies?

    Yes, absolutely. Just as the change of seasons and the gradual changes in weather that follow can cause allergies to flare up, so can isolated weather events, like wind and rain.

    Dry, windy days:

    • Gusts of wind can blow pollen and other allergens into the air, causing hay fever and other reactions. If you have a pollen allergy, its wise to stay indoors with the windows shut on windy days.

    Rainy, humid days:

    Colder temperatures:

    • Those with allergic asthma often find that cold air is a trigger, particularly when outside exercising.

    Hotter temperatures:

    How do the Seasons Affect Your Allergies?

    Winter into Spring

    Spring into Summer

    Effective Treatments Are Available

    Why Do We Get Allergies?

    Seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor about medications that will relieve your symptoms. Although medications do not cure allergies, they are much more effective with few side effects. It is important to use them correctly, and to avoid medications that can cause problems such as frequent decongestant nose sprays or tablets.

    Antihistamine tablets or syrups help to reduce symptoms , but they are not as effective in controlling severe nasal blockage and dribble. The advantage of antihistamines is their flexibility you can take them when you have symptoms, and avoid them when you are well. Antihistamine eye drops can also be helpful in controlling watery eyes due to allergies.

    Intranasal corticosteroid nasal sprays have a potent action on inflammation when used regularly . These need to be used regularly and with careful attention to the way in which they are used. Different brands of INCS vary in strength and effectiveness, so it is important to read the labels and check details with your pharmacist or doctor.

    Combination medications containing an antihistamine and intranasal corticosteroid nasal spray are available and offer the combined advantages of both medications.

    unblock and dry the nose, but should not be used for more than a few days as they can cause long term problems in the nose

    Natural products such as salt water nasal sprays or douches can be effective in relieving symptoms.

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    Baby Benadrylan Easy Way To Treat A Dog Bee Sting

    Benadryl for dogs? Baby Benadryl is a milder form of the popular over-the-counter antihistamine medication, and many vets recommend it for a dog with allergies, or when a bee stings a dog.

    Usually, the recommended dosage for dogs is 1mg per pound of body weight, 2 to 3 times daily. Baby Benadryl is 12.5mg per chewable tablet, so a 25-pound dog, two tablets would be enough. Always consult a veterinarian before giving your dog Benadryl or any other medication.

    Home Remedies For Fall Allergies

    Though the steps above will help you come into contact with less pollen, its just about impossible to fully avoid pollen. If youre still sneezy, get an assist from science and hit up a drugstore or pharmacy to try an over-the-counter medication designed to relieve your allergy symptoms.

    Many allergy medications are safe and now available over the counter, including nasal steroid sprays like fluticasone and triamcinolone, and the long-acting, non-sedating antihistamines such as loratadine and cetirizine, Dr. Aronica says. These medications are generally very good at managing most allergies.

    Take your allergy medicine before your allergies get bad, especially on days predicted to have high pollen counts. Local news channels and online weather websites offer pollen forecasts that can help you stay up to date.

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    Runny Noses In Cold Weather

    As the weather starts to turn cold and crisp, you might notice that you are packing your pockets with tissues. But having a runny nose in cold weather usually isn’t due to allergiesit is non-allergic vasomotor rhinitis. This non-allergic form of rhinitis may result in a runny nose, post-nasal drip, and/or nasal congestion. It is caused by a number of triggers, including temperature changes, windy weather, changes in humidity, strong odors, perfumes, and smoke.

    How To Reduce Allergy Symptoms

    Seasonal Allergies and Your Eyes: Causes, Symptoms and ...
    • Limit your time outdoors during the day, and opt to only go outdoors in the evening as pollen counts are substantially lower come nightfall
    • Wear a mask if you intend on mowing the lawn or partaking in garden work
    • Do not plant flowers that will flower, as the pollen in them will make you ultra sensitive to their allergies
    • Clean your HVAC system on a regular and consistent basis as the filter can collect a plethora of allergy-causing agents

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    When Do People Usually Get Hay Fever

    You can have hay fever any time of the year. Seasonal allergies occur in the spring, summer and early fall when trees and weeds bloom and pollen counts are higher. Perennial allergies can happen year-round. They result from irritants that are always around, such as pet dander, cockroaches and dust mites.

    What Allergens Are High In The Fall

    Weeds and pollen become rampant during longer summers.

    Balmy temperatures let much of the country hit the beach for a few extra weeks each yearbut while your spirits soar, so do ragweed and pollen counts.

    Counts usually drop significantly by the first week of September, explains Joseph Leija, M.D., founder of the Gottlieb Allergy Count, which provides the official allergy count for the Midwest. But when it gets rainy, grasses and weeds grow out of control depending on where you live. This can include the following:

    • Ragweed

    More weeds mean more pollen, a big cause of hay fever , Dr. Leija explains, which affects up to 60 million Americans each year, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

    Ragweed in particular seems to wreak havoc during the fall months, explains Dr. Parikh, reaching peak levels in mid-September. Just one ragweed plant can produce up to 1 billion pollen grains and it can travel far, especially in the Eastern and Midwestern parts of the country, the AAFA says.

    Mold becomes a bigger issue.

    Nothing looks more quintessentially autumn than leaves falling into big piles. But once foliage starts to decay, it becomes a breeding ground for mold, Dr. Parikh says. Breathing in spores can aggravate asthma and cause heavy breathing, wheezing, and other upper respiratory symptoms in those with mold allergies.

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    Treatment For Asthma From Pollen Allergies

    If you have asthma caused by pollens, your doctor will prescribe the correct medication and help you to develop a plan to manage your asthma. Make sure you follow your asthma action plan.

    Asthma can be well controlled with the appropriate medication in almost all people. The main types of medication are:

    • Relievers act quickly to relax the muscles around the airways. This is the medication used during an asthma attack.
    • Preventers slowly make the airways less sensitive to allergy triggers and reduce inflammation inside the airways. These are taken daily.
    • Combination therapies preventers containing 2 different medications.

    If you have an asthma attack, follow your asthma action plan. In case of emergency, call triple zero and ask for an ambulance. Tell the operator that someone is having an asthma attack.

    The signs of an emergency include when the person:

    • finds it very difficult to breathe
    • is unable to speak comfortably or if their lips are turning blue
    • has symptoms that get worse very quickly
    • is getting little or no relief from their reliever inhaler.

    While waiting for the ambulance, give 4 puffs of reliever medication every 4 minutes.


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