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Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Eye Styes

What Are The Symptoms Of Allergic Pink Eye

What are seasonal allergies?

Symptoms of allergic pink eye include:

  • Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid
  • Increased amount of tears
  • Swelling of the eyelid

In allergic conjunctivitis, these symptoms are usually present in both eyes .

See your ophthalmologist , optometrist , or family doctor if you have any of these persistent symptoms.

A Longer List Of Symptoms For Eye Infections

Red, itchy watery eyes and a burning sensation are common symptoms of eye allergies and infections. However, the latter has a longer list of symptoms, which include pain, a gritty feeling in the eyes, sensitivity to light, a thick discharge and a mucus-like discharge . In general, if you experience pain in your eyes or theres anything other than tears thats being discharged for them, theres a strong chance your eyes might be infected. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your eye doctor as soon as possible.

Viral eye infections usually clear up on their own, although cold compresses and lubricating eye drops can help you manage symptoms. However, for bacterial eye infections, youll need to get a prescription.

Eyelid Allergy Treatment: 7 Natural Home Remedies

Now that we have broken down some of the most important background information regarding eyelid allergy causes and symptoms, lets go ahead and discuss some of the best ways that you can start treating yourself from home. Although visiting a doctor may provide you with some of the quickest and most effective results for your personal case, there is nothing wrong with trying to handle things on your own. Below, we will review 7 different products that you should consider if you want to fight your eyelid allergy symptoms straight from home.


Some of the most difficult periods of the day for those who have eyelids allergies is when their symptoms start to spiral out of control. When it matters most, having something that can provide instant relief will be one of the most effective tools in the fight against your allergies. Ideally, this treatment tool is also something you can have around indefinitely.

Price & Quantity of Treatments

One of the best reasons to keep a cooling eye mask like this one around for fighting allergies is that they are very affordable and will last you indefinitely. Typically, a product like this can last as long as you are able to keep it clean and intact. In other words, this is one of the absolute most affordable eyelid allergy treatments for those on a very tight budget.

Type of Product & Process of Treatment

Specific Symptoms That It Fights

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Styeshow We Get Them And How To Get Rid Of Them

Do you have something that looks like a pimple on the outside or inside your eyelid? Is it terribly uncomfortable and unsightly? That would be a stye. Also known as anexternal or internal hordeolum, a stye is an infection caused by the staphylococcus bacterium. While not serious, they can still be thoroughly unpleasant. Read on to learn where styes come from, how to prevent them, and how to get rid of one once its there:

How we get them

Styes are most commonly caused by the blocking of an oil gland at the base of the eye lash. The first signs are pain, redness, and tenderness. Sometimes, the entire eyelid swells as well. They can be triggered by poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, lack of hygiene, and rubbing the eyes. The bacterium is found in the nose and is transferred easily when you rub your nose then your eye. Styes are contagious, so its possible to get one by sharing pillowcases, bedsheets, washcloths, or cosmetics with an infected person.

A Stye Otherwise Known As A Hordeolum Stye Is A Bacterial Infection Of The Eyelid That Causes A Tender Red Lump To Form Either In An Eyelash Follicle Gland Known As A Gland Of Zeis Or Within One Of The Oil Producing Meibomian Glands Within The Eyelid A Number Of Different Bacteria Can Be Responsible For The Infection In Either Internal Or External Styes

Eyelid pain

In addition to redness, discomfort and swelling, a stye can have a number of other symptoms, including:

  • Light sensitivity
  • A rough or gritty feeling
  • Irritation like there is something in your eye
  • Watery eye
  • A crust at the edge of the eyelid
  • A droopy eyelid

A stye itself is not contagious but the bacteria can be spread to other people, causing them to develop styes as well.

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How Are Itchy Eyes Treated

It is important to see your pharmacist or optometrist to work out the cause of your itchy eyes.

Itching caused by an allergy can be helped with antihistamine or anti-inflammatory eye drops. It can help to use artificial tears to wash away any allergens on the surface of your eye. Sometimes you may need to take an oral antihistamine.

If you have something in your eye, try to wash it out with warm water or a saline solution. If that doesnt work, you should see a doctor within 24 hours.

Eye Allergies Topic Guide

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What Is The Basic Anatomy Of The Outer Eye

Eye allergies mainly involve the conjunctiva, which is the tissue lining that covers the white surface of the eyeball and the inner folds of the eyelids. The conjunctiva is a barrier structure that is exposed to the environment and the many different allergens that become airborne. It is rich in blood vessels and contains more mast cells than the lungs.

The lacrimal glands are located in the upper and outer portions of the eye. They are responsible for producing the watery part of tears, which keeps the eye moist and washes away irritants. The tears also contain important parts of the immune defense such as immunoglobulins , lymphocytes , and enzymes.

The cornea is the transparent sheath in front of the lens of the eye. The cornea has no blood vessels and very little immune activity.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis, also called “allergic rhinoconjunctivitis,” is the most common allergic eye disorder. The condition is usually seasonal and is associated with hay fever. The main cause is pollens, although indoor allergens such as dust mites, molds, and dander from household pets such as cats and dogs may affect the eyes year-round. Typical complaints include itching, redness, tearing, burning, watery discharge, and eyelid swelling. To a large degree, the acute symptoms appear related to histamine release.

Allergy assist

Conjunctivitis with atopic dermatitis

Allergy alert

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis

Allergy fact

Giant papillary conjunctivitis

How Do You Treat Them

Seasonal Allergies: Which Medication is Right for You?

If they do not resolve on their own, apply warm compresses to the site four or five times a day. Cleaning the area may also help. An over-the-counter eyelid scrub or foam once a day can clean the area and decrease the amount of bacteria there. Gently massaging the eyelid may also open the gland.

Avoid wearing contact lenses or makeup, and do not apply lotions to your skin.

If they dont go away on its own or it gets worse, medical treatment may be needed. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or steroid. In other cases, they may have to make an incision or lance them in order to drain them.

It is not recommended that patients lance them themselves with needles, as that can lead to infection.

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Quick Remedies For A Swollen Eyelid

For eyelid inflammations, these quick tips can help prevent infection and improve most symptoms.

  • Wash hands regularly and avoid touching the affected eye. Conditions like styes are contagious, and you risk it spreading to the other eye with excessive touching or rubbing.
  • Apply a warm compress multiple times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.
  • Wash bedding and towels often and when you notice symptoms.
  • Avoid lotion or other cosmetics near the swollen eyelid
  • Eye drops can help combat eye dryness or flush out any irritants

If conditions dont improve over a few days, consult your doctor for recommended treatment options.

How Hay Fever Affects Your Eyes

We’re sure youll be familiar with the symptoms: frequent sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, and irritable, red or watery eyes. If so, youll be well aware of the frustration that many people feel as a result of hay fever. In this article, were going to look deeper into the causes of hay fever and how it affects the eyes, as well as ways to avoid hay fever and various treatments.

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Why Is My Eyelid Swollen

Swollen eyelids are a fairly common eye condition caused by inflammation or excess fluid in the connective tissues surrounding the eye. Depending on the cause, swollen eyelids can sometimes be somewhat painful, affecting the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both. Swollen eyes can also be caused by many other factors, including allergies, styes, a blocked gland, traumatic eye injury, and conjunctivitis .

Different Types Of Eye Mucus & What They Mean

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There are different causes of eye mucus. Some are normal, while some may be abnormal eye discharge.


Eye boogers in the inner corner of your eyes commonly form while sleeping. You do not blink at night because your eyes are closed for hours, so the oils that keep your eyes protected can build up over time. This excess mucus can cause eye boogers, and is usually not a cause for concern.

Pink Eye

Pink eye may be a root cause behind your crusty eyes in the mornings. Pink eye is also known as conjunctivitis.5 It refers to an infection or inflammation of your conjunctiva, which is the membrane that lines your eyelid and covers the white part of your eye.4

If the blood vessels in the conjunctiva become inflamed, they make your eyes appear red or pink. This is where pink eye gets its name.

Dry Eye

Dry eye can also be a reason for waking up with eye crust. If your eyes are dry, you may start noticing more crust than usual.

You can also get dry eyes from allergies, which makes them create extra discharge to flush away the allergens.


A stye, which is also known as a hordeolum, is a small and red bump that grows on your eye. It usually grows along the base of your eyelash or just beneath your eyelid.2 Styes can be quite painful.

You may get a stye for a number of reasons. A bacterial infection is usually why. But you can also develop styes from conditions like blepharitis, which causes your eyelids to become red and swollen at the base.2

Blocked Tear Duct

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Eye Allergies: Causes Symptoms And Treatment

Eye allergies red, itchy, watery eyes that are bothered by the same irritants that cause sneezing and a runny nose among seasonal allergy sufferers are very common.

Eye allergies also appear to be on the rise worldwide. In particular, increases in environmental pollution in industrialized and developing nations appears to be a major contributor to the heightened sensitivity of allergic individuals and the increasing numbers of people suffering from ocular allergies.

In addition to symptoms of sneezing, congestion and a runny nose, most of these allergy sufferers also experience itchy eyes, water eyes, red eyes and swollen eyelids.

In some cases, eye allergies can play a role in conjunctivitis and other eye infections.

If you think you have eye allergies, here are a few things you should know including helpful tips on how to get relief from your red, itchy, watery eyes.

Eye Drops Can Provide Relief

Many of the eye drops you can buy over the counter from the pharmacy contain active ingredients that are the same as those that treat nasal allergies. Different active ingredients treat different aspects of allergies. Antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers prevent the release of histamine and other compounds that cause itchy eyes. Artificial tears and tear substitutes used for dry eye syndrome keep eyes lubricated and help rinse away allergens. drops minimize the appearance of blood vessels, which cause red eyes. Some kinds of eye drops may not be appropriate for some individuals, so discuss any you intend to use with your doctor first. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops and steroids are available from your doctor by prescription. Ask your doctor for an eye care routine that is best for you.

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What Looks Like Pink Eye But Isnt

Other conditions may cause a red or pink eye, such as iritis and uveitis , blepharitis , a stye , or chalazion . A foreign body or substance in the eye, or an injury causing damage to the surface of the eye can also cause symptoms. Injuries, exposure to chemicals or other toxic substances, severe pain, or loss of vision should always be evaluated immediately.

Drink Lemon Juice To Tackle Allergic Reactions

How to reduce seasonal allergies

Lemon contains the flavonoid hesperetin and vitamin C. Both these compounds have antihistamine properties and can help prevent an allergic reaction. One case study found that a woman who was sensitive to a variety of substances from detergents, dust, and pollen to perfumes experienced relief from symptoms when she had lemon juice. Interestingly, the lemon juice worked in half an hour and cleared symptoms of not only eye allergy but also nasal allergy.78

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What Are Eye Allergy Symptoms And Signs

Typical symptoms associated with eye allergies include inflammation of the conjunctiva that is caused by a reaction to allergens. The inflammation causes enlargement of the blood vessels in the conjunctiva , resulting in a red or bloodshot appearance of the eyes. These allergy symptoms can range from very mild redness to severe swelling associated with discharge.

How To Get Rid Of Eye Boogers

You can get rid of eye boogers on your own most of the time. If they are persistent, you may need to visit your doctor.

At-Home Remedies

If you are at home, always make sure to wash your hands before you start touching your eyes. Touching your eyes with dirty hands can lead to irritation and an infection. Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water.

After washing your hands, you can soak a washcloth in warm water to gently wipe away the crust. Gently massage the eye boogers away with the warm washcloth for a few minutes.6 Artificial tears can also help.

If you have an extreme case of eye crust, such as pink eye or a stye, you will need to take other actions like applying warm compresses. Too much mucus can cause pain and discomfort if you do not get it treated promptly.

When to See a Doctor

Talk to your doctor if your eye crust is getting worse, if it is turning into a yellow mucus or green mucus, or if it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

Some eye conditions are uncomfortable, like an infected eyelash follicle. Others are contagious, like pink eye. You do not want to endure discomfort or spread your eye infections to anyone else.

You should also talk to your doctor if you have a chronic condition like seasonal eye allergies or wear contact lenses that irritate your eyes. They may be able to prescribe you medicine or eye drops to help dry and irritated eyes or whatever allergic reaction you experience.

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How To Prevent And Treat Allergic Conjunctivitis Symptoms

If the treatments mentioned above fail to provide relief from irritating allergic conjunctivitis symptoms, others can help relieve your allergies. Some of these treatments include:

  • Antihistamine pills
  • Prescription eye drops
  • Allergy shots/immunotherapy

The best way to prevent symptoms is to determine your allergy trigger and do your best to avoid it. For example, if your child is allergic to pollen, keep track of daily pollen counts in your area, and have your child stay indoors and keep your windows closed when the count is high.

If your child is allergic to pet dander, dont keep a pet in the house, and have your child wash their hands every time they come in contact with a pet. Vacuum and dust often to keep your household dust-free.

If your childs eyes are itchy, red and watery, call ABC Childrens Eye Specialists PC with offices in Mesa and Phoenix, Arizona, for an appointment, or request one online.

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What Is The Treatment For Dry Eye

Swollen Eyelid Causes &  Treatment Options

Artificial tears lubricant eye drops are the main treatment for dry eye. They can keep the eye moist and reduce symptoms. You can buy artificial tears at a drug store or grocery store without a prescription. They come in liquid, gel or ointments. Preservative-free artificial tears are best for long-term use, but they are more expensive.

Other things you can do to help improve dry eye include:

  • Try to blink a lot, especially when you are reading or using a computer. This helps keep your eyes moist.
  • Avoid excess air conditioning or heating as much as you can. Also avoid sitting directly in the flow of cold or hot air.
  • Use a humidifier in your bedroom and any other space where you spend a lot of time.
  • Use goggles or moisture chambers if your doctor or nurse suggests them. Moisture chambers are special devices that fit on your glasses. They can help keep your eyes moist. You can buy moisture chambers at most stores that sell glasses.

Additional treatments include prescription eye drops and anti-inflammatory medicines. If these are not successful, tear duct plugs or surgery that requires the assistance of an ophthalmologist may be recommended.

Many people with difficult-to-control dry eye struggle with wearing contact lenses and may need to stop using them for as long as symptoms persist.

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