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HomeMust ReadCan Rain Make Allergies Worse

Can Rain Make Allergies Worse

Cold Weather Thunderstorms Can Trigger Asthma Attacks

How Does Rain Affect Allergies? — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

For people with asthma, a variety of triggers can result in inflamed airways, provoking an asthma attack. It turns out weather is one of them.

With exercise-induced asthma, cold weather can signal trouble. When breathing in fast, the air they exchange doesnt have a chance to warm up, says David Hagaman, MD, medical director at the Vanderbilt Asthma, Sinus and Allergy Program. As a result, the increased cooling of the airway triggers the airway to react by swelling.

For the many asthma patients who list pollen as a primary trigger, thunderstorms can be a real problem. A recent study in the journal Allergy described how wind in thunderstorms carries pollen grains at ground level that get into the lower part of the airway, sending high numbers of asthma patients to hospitals for the treatment of asthma attacks.

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Moderate Rain Is Best For Allergies

Some rain is good, but heavy rain showers can lead to problems for people who suffer from mold, dust, and grass allergies.

Rain causes plant growth , and it can also create damp conditions that lead to mold and mildew.

Additionally, during a rainstorm , the force of the falling rain can splinter clumps of pollen into many, many smaller particles that can spread more rapidly. For this reason, its a good idea to stay out of rainstorms if youre sensitive to pollen.

To wrap up, is rain good for allergies? Moderate showers can knock down pollen levels temporarily, but heavy showers can actually increase several types of allergens.

So keep an eye on the weather this spring, and after light showers hit your area, take a step outside and breathe in that fresh April air.

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America:

The Weather Channel:

While it may feel to some like the war against COVID-19 is over, the Delta variant is spreading through both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Subsequently, there are other variants being monitored by the World Health Organization. As pharmaceutical companies and health officials try to stay ahead of these variants, mechanical ventilation can serve as a trusted and effective solution since we spend 90% of our lives indoors.

Is Rain Good For Allergies

Some seasonal allergy sufferers celebrate the rain because it relieves their symptoms, while others dread it. Why the difference in attitude? It’s because depending on your allergy, rain can either be a good sign or a bad sign.

Let’s start with the good things about rain for allergies. Some pollens scatter and collect on outdoor surfaces, accumulating over time. When steady or heavy rains come, they wash away this accumulation of pollen, and that is good news if those types of pollen give you sneezing fits. What’s more, the moisture in the air can weigh down pollens, sending them down to the ground. With enough rainwater, the pollen then flushes down the drain and away from your sinuses.

Of course there’s bad news, too. Sometimes when it rainsespecially during sudden downpoursthe airborne pollens clump together on their way down, then crash apart when they hit the ground, scattering everywhere, and perhaps eventually through your nostrils. There are other problems as well. After enough rain has poured, mold starts to grow, aggravating anyone with mold spore allergies. You may be able to escape somewhat if you reduce the humidity inside your home, which discourages mold. Grasses thrive after the rain too, so grass pollen allergies can also intensify soon after rainfall.

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Does Hay Fever Mean Youre Allergic To Hay

Nope. In the early 19th century, a British amateur scientist named John Bostock wrote about his allergic symptoms in detail for the first time. He began to find others with similar problems and studied their cases. He wrote in 1825 about a popular idea at the time: the smell of hay caused seasonal allergies. .

Even Bostock didn’t believe the smell of hay caused these problems. He noticed his symptoms cropped up in the summertime, and called the affliction summer catarrh . Clearly that one didn’t catch on.

Why hay fever has stuck isn’t clear. The term has survived for more than 200 years, though. It’s outlasted other terms, including rose cold and rose fever. Just like we once thought hay fever was caused by the smell of hay, people once believed the smell of roses caused the condition, too.

How Weather Affects Allergy Forecast

Study shows rain may make allergies worse

Weather plays a direct role in the severity and length of the allergy season. Weather conditions will increase the amount of pollen production to yield high pollen levels or decrease pollen production to yield low pollen levels.

A mild winter can signify an early allergy season, since trees tend to start pollinating earlier.

Dry, windy weather spreads pollen quickly, producing a higher distribution of pollenincreasing allergy symptoms.

A late freeze can delay tree pollination, producing lower pollen counts.

Rain can reduce the pollen count by washing pollen from the air, thereby providing relief for allergy sufferers. Although sometimes rain can cause an adverse effect: rain in late fall or winter can increase tree pollination amounts, causing higher pollen levels. Increased rain in spring makes grass grow faster to produce more unwanted pollen.

To determine an accurate allergy forecast, weather is analyzed, including winter weather conditions, freeze dates, and rain conditions. Current pollen data also helps determine an allergy forecast.

If you have a pollen allergy its likely you are all too familiar with itchy watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat, hives, fatigue, and irritability. Wouldnt it be nice to have access to an allergy forecast so you can have advance warning when pollen levels will be high?

Be prepared for every allergy season with, your number one destination for your local allergy forecast.

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How Do I Deal With This

The only way to avoid any of these reactions is to stay inside, which isnt all that realistic. Dr. Nicoara strongly believes in getting asthma and allergy symptoms under control. She explains, If you already have inflammation in your nose and sinuses from allergy or your lungs from asthma, anything that youre exposed to whether thats a fragrance or pollen is going to tip you over the edge and be a problem. Allergy treatment can tackle allergy related symptoms and reduce inflammation. By taking control of these conditions, the weather shouldnt cause much of a difference in your symptoms.

Custom sublingual immunotherapy with the La Crosse Method Protocol may get those conditions under control for the long haul affordably and conveniently. For those with asthma induced by allergy, allergy drops may help to eliminate not only allergy symptoms, but may also eliminate asthma symptoms.

How Can I Ease My Allergy Symptoms On A Rainy Day

“Don’t forget to take your allergy meds on a regular basis,” Dr. Elliott said, noting that nasal steroid sprays take at least five days to kick in, so they need to be taken for the entirety of allergy season in order to be effective. “On high pollen count days and when there is a storm, have a non-drowsy, as-needed antihistamine handy.”

If your allergy symptoms seem to get worse after it’s rained, Dr. Jain recommends being proactive about treatment in order to avoid experiencing a flare. “You can start taking a daily non-sedating antihistamine such as Zyrtec or Claritin during the rainy season. You can also begin using nasal sprays or your inhaler as needed or at the onset of any mild symptoms,” Dr. Jain said. “Saline nasal sprays are an effective way to reduce irritation or drying out of the nasal mucosa. Intranasal steroids, like Flonase, are also a great controller option to reduce swelling, congestion, postnasal drip, and nasal drainage caused by inhalation of environmental allergens.”

If you know what you’re allergic to, Dr. Jain suggests reducing exposure to known allergies as much as possible. If you don’t, it’s important make an appointment with an allergist so you can get tested and find out the best way to manage your symptoms.

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Fight For Healthy Air

At Aprilaire, we believe everyone deserves to Breathe the Fullness of Life, and were not the only ones that feel this way. Through our Proud Partnership with the American Lung Association, we aim to fill every home with Healthy Air. Both Aprilaire and the Lung Association believe that breathing Healthy Air should be available to everyone, and maintaining healthy Indoor Air Quality is an important step for your lung health. Read more about our partnership and the efforts of the American Lung Association on their website.

*Disclaimer: The American Lung Association does not endorse any product, device, or service.


Air quality experts say that it is safe to resume flying, but travelers must take advanced precautions before traveling like taking shorter flights when possible, wearing masks, and social distancing.

In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, Joseph Allen, an assistant professor of exposure assessment science at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, makes the case that airplanes do not make you sick. In fact, airplanes have comparable levels of air filtration and fresh air ventilation to a health care facility.

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Higher Temperatures More Pollen Worse Symptoms

High pollen and no rain makes allergies worse for sufferers

Research into public health-related climate impacts is becoming an increasingly urgent area for exploration, as individuals and healthcare systems start to feel the impact.

In this article, Dr. Anjeni Keswani, the Director of the Allergy and Sinus Center at The George Washington Medical Faculty Associates, describes how shes seen a shift in ragweed pollen symptoms in her patients, as symptoms start earlier in the year and last longer.

As allergy seasons lengthen, so too does the economic burden as the number of individuals experiencing allergy symptoms at any one time increases. The current cost for managing allergic rhinitis is estimated to be around $3.4 billion – most of which goes to prescription medication.

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Can You Get A Shot To Prevent Allergies

There is a shot you can take to end or reduce your allergies. The practice is called immunotherapy, and it’s well-established. Doctors have been giving out allergy shots for more than 100 years, in fact. The idea is to slowly introduce an allergen or group of allergens into an allergic person’s body over a long period of time. If done correctly, this usually reduces allergy symptoms significantly and helps reduce the need for allergy medicines as well.

Allergy shots take a real commitment on the part of the patient. It’s a 3-5 year process in fact. Initially a patient must receive one or two shots a week for about three and a half months. This is called the build-up phase, and sometimes patients opt to receive more shots sooner, which can shorten this phase to about a month. After the build-up phase, allergy shots are given once or twice a month for several years. That’s a lot of visits to the doctor’s office!

Recently a new form of immunotherapy has emerged. Sublingual immunotherapy comes in the form of a liquid or tablet you can take at home. The medicine goes underneath your tongue once a day. People tend to like the convenience of this at-home therapy, but it has some drawbacks too. For one, studies suggest it may not be quite as effective as the shots. It’s also less likely to help if you have multiple allergies. An immunologist can help you decide on the most effective treatment.

Can Rainy Weather Cause Shortness Of Breath

If you feel like you get winded easier when it rains, its not your imagination. Dr. Pien says its very possible, especially for people with asthma and COPD.

Rainy weather can cause shortness of breath. Its most likely when there are changes in humidity, temperature and pollen. And these changes can affect people with asthma and COPD, says Dr. Pien.

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How Rain Makes Allergies Better

When it rains, the pollen that rests on the ground and our cars is washed away. It also helps prevent pollen from blowing through the air. After the rain, the humidity in the air helps keep pollen counts down, too.

However, that relief is short-lived, CEENTA allergy specialist Roy Lewis, MD, said. The pollen count will go back to the same level, if not higher, the next day.

How Does Rain Worsen Allergies

Hay fever: Does rain make your symptoms worse? Expert ...

Its true that rain can wash pollen from the air, but it also breaks up pieces of pollen on the ground, causing them to spread. When the pollen grains rupture, they can remain in the air for quite some time until theyre inhaled into your nose and lungs. In fact, people can experience symptoms for days or weeks after a rain if not properly treated.

Indirectly, rain worsens pollen allergies by nourishing the plants that produce the pollen. This is especially true in summer months when the weather is warm.

In addition, rain creates moisture, causing mold to grow in piles of yard debris. This means people with pollen and mold allergies can be especially triggered after a good rain.

In rare circumstances, thunderstorms can trigger asthma attacks. This phenomenon is known as thunderstorm asthma, which occurs due to a combination of air flow, humidity and electricity stirring up pollen.

Read Also: Claritin.

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Hay fever affects many people around the globe and there are many symptoms to recognise in diagnosing it. Hay fever is usually worse around late March through to September, especially when it is warm, humid and windy. An expert has revealed how a change in weather can make your symptoms worse.

Articles On Seasonal Allergies

Do your eyes water on windy days? Are you always stuffy when it rains? That’s no surprise. Weather is a common allergy trigger.

The connection between your symptoms and the weather depends on what youâre allergic to. Here are a few common triggers:

  • Dry, windy days. Wind blows pollen into the air, causing hay fever. If you have pollen allergies, shut the windows and stay indoors on windy days.
  • Rainy or humid days. Moisture makes mold grow, both indoors and out. Dust mites also thrive in humid air. But if you’re allergic to pollen, humid or damp days are good. The moisture weighs down the pollen, keeping it on the ground.
  • Cold air. Many people with allergic asthma find that cold air is a problem, especially when they exercise outside. It can trigger a coughing fit.
  • Heat. Air pollution is worst on hot summer days. Ozone and smog can be a serious trigger for people with allergic asthma.

The change of seasons also has a big effect on allergies.

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How To Avoid Worsening Of Asthma During Rains

It is not possible to control rain but with proper preventive measures and management technique you can avoid asthma attacks or reduce it from worsening. First of all stay inside your house when it is raining. Less exposure outside will reduce exposure to pollen from entering into the air passage.

Avoid living for long period in damp area in your house. Dampness invites growth of molds. If you stay in this area for long time, there is risk of molds entering into the airways. Stay in clean and dry place. Prevent dampness in your house.

Patients already suffering from asthma must take their prescribed medicines regularly during rainy season. This will help to reduce possibility of asthmatic attacks in first place and if present will reduce its exacerbation.

Can Butterbur Extract Improve Allergy Symptoms

Is It a Cold or Allergies?

Butterbur is a plant related to the sunflower that produces a pinkish purple flower. Some suspect the plant’s active ingredient, petasin, may act as an antihistamine, a chemical that eases the effects of allergenic substances.

The question is: does butterbur work? It’s hard to say. Some evidence seems to suggest it does. Other studies show no difference from placebo. If you decide you want to try it though, you need to be careful for two reasons. First, raw butterbur herb extract contains toxic alkaloids that can cause cancer and liver damage, so be careful when purchasing. Second, some people are actually allergic to butterbur itself, especially people with ragweed allergies.

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Does Rain Make Allergies Worse

Rain itself doesn’t make allergies worse, but the ways a shower or storm affects the environment can cause you to feel an uptick in your symptoms. Sanjeev Jain, MD, PhD, a board-certified allergist and immunologist at Columbia Allergy, explained that most allergy symptoms are caused by breathing in microscopic amounts of pollens and other environmental allergens that cover outdoor surfaces or float in the air. Rain can actually help wash out this pollen, resulting in a temporary decrease in pollen counts in the weather-affected area. “When there is less pollen to inhale, symptoms are less likely to occur,” Dr. Jain told POPSUGAR.

However, the relief is often short-lived. “Although allergy sufferers may notice an improvement in symptoms while it is actively raining, as the rain starts to dry up they may notice a worsening of allergy symptoms,” Dr. Jain said. “The pollen that was washed out of the air can now be found on the ground and can start circulating in the air again once dried.” Furthermore, plants and flowers begin to bloom after receiving a watering from the rain. This combined with any wind can cause allergy symptoms to flare up and be even worse than the symptoms you experienced before.


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