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HomeDoes Staying Inside Help Allergies

Does Staying Inside Help Allergies

When To Seek Medical Care For Indoor Allergies

Does Staying Inside Help Seasonal Allergies? | FLONASE

If the symptoms of the allergic reaction worsen or do not improve with removal of the allergen, call a physician. If you are having persistent nasal, eye, or chest symptoms, see your doctor. If your respiratory problems are severe , go to the emergency department or seek care from your physician as soon as possible.

Do Air Purifiers Help With Allergies

We’re answering an all-important question do air purifiers help with allergies?

If you’ve been wondering, do air purifiers help with allergies, you’re in the right place. Air purifiers are designed to clean the air in a room by trapping allergens and pushing filtered, clean air back into the space.

Why do we need air purifiers? Well, the air inside our homes contains a combination of solid particles and liquid droplets, known as particulate matter. The particles vary in size and something like dust, for example, is made up of fine particles whereas pet dander, is much more coarse.

As we breathe, these particles can make their way into our bodies, and air purifiers are designed to remove the airborne irritants responsible for allergies by trapping them in a filter. For more on this, head to our full feature on how do air purifiers work?

Most air purifiers capture particles like dust and pollen, but those with high-efficiency particulate air filters, will remove particles larger than 0.3 microns, including animal dander, which is a common allergy trigger. HEPA filters have a multilayer network of very fine fiberglass threads thinner than a strand of a human hair making them more efficient at capturing smaller particles.

Are Allergies In Kids Different Than In Adults

It can be especially difficult to control allergies in kids, Dr. Leeds says, adding that kids tend to spend more time outdoors and, thus, are exposed to more pollen. A high pollen count day is not going to deter them from going to the playground, says Dr. Leeds. Thats unlike an adult who might say, ‘Im going to drive my car to work, keep the windows rolled up, and not take that walk during lunch.’

Another difference is that allergies in adults are usually well-established, while in kids there is the hope that they will outgrow them, Dr. Leeds says.

With kids, we talk about the concept of atopy, which is an allergic predisposition, she says. For a child with a strong family history of any allergiesand especially for those who develop symptoms early in lifedoctors look out for the four main allergic diseases: eczema, food allergies, nasal allergies, and asthma. These allergic diseases, in general, are increasing in prevalence, she says.

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How To Get Rid Of Allergens In Your Home

Indoor allergens trigger the same reactions youd expect from outdoor irritants, with one major exception allergens in your home cause year-round allergy symptoms that are normally associated with hay fever or seasonal, allergy-induced asthma. Here are 10 things you can do to allergy-proof your home:

First Know Your Pollen Count

What Can I Do To Help My Allergies At Home?

Pollen is the invisible annoyance. The average pollen particle is smaller than the width of an average human hair, according to the American Academy of AllergyAsthma& Immunology.

But once pollen reaches your nose and throat, it can trigger an allergic reaction if you are the sensitive type. And about 35 million Americans are sensitive to pollen, according to National Institutes of Health estimates.

It’s easy enough to check the pollen count in your locale through the National Allergy Bureau, a section of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, which maintains an online site for pollen counts.

Pollen counts calculate a given pollen in a specific amount of air during a particular period, such as 24 hours, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Ask your allergist exactly what you are allergic to, and when that pollen peaks, so you can be ready to take action before the pollen triggers bad allergic reactions, says Russell B. Leftwich, MD, an allergist in Nashville, Tenn.

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Question : What Is The Treatment For Allergic Reactions To Indoor Allergens

Avoidance of identified indoor allergens can be very effective in controlling allergy symptoms. If such avoidance is not possible or incomplete, antihistamines are a common treatment for reactions to indoor allergens. These are medications that fight the effects of the histamine released during an allergic reaction by blocking the action of the histamine on the tissue.

The so-called first-generation antihistamines include diphenhydramine , chlorpheniramine , dimenhydrinate , brompheniramine , clemastine fumarate , and dexbrompheniramine . Dryness of the mouth and sleepiness are well-known side effects of first-generation antihistamines. Newer second-generation antihistamines sometimes referred to as non-sedating antihistamines, include loratadine , fexofenadine , cetirizine , and azelastine . These second-generation antihistamines typically have a slower onset of action, are longer acting, and do not have the sedating effects of first-generation antihistamines.

Decongestants are drugs that reduce swelling in the nasal passages. These drugs can be helpful in reducing allergy symptoms, but they do not treat allergic reactions. Decongestants are available as pills or tablets or can be taken by nasal spray. nasal sprays often cause a so-called “rebound effect” or worsening of symptoms if taken for too long, so they should not be used for more than five days without a doctor’s recommendation. They should be used with caution in people with heart disease.

Allergies Vs Cold Vs Flu Vs Covid

While symptoms for all of these conditions can overlap, there are some key differences.

Allergies can sometimes be confused with the common cold or the flu, but with a cold or the flu you will have a fever and be more fatigued, you can have body pain, not just sneezing and itchy eyes, says Dr. Lahari Rampur, an allergist who sees patients at UW Medical Center Montlake and Harborview Medical Center.

Sneezing, runny nose, post-nasal drip, and itchy, puffy, watery eyes are common seasonal allergy symptoms and can also happen if you get a cold.

Flu typically involves a fever, body aches, chills, fatigue and possibly a headache or cough. With COVID-19, the most common symptoms are a fever, throat pain, or a new cough or new shortness of breath, though runny nose or nasal congestion can also occur. Some people lose their sense of smell or taste or have gastrointestinal symptoms.

If all you have are allergies or a cold, you probably wont get a fever or body aches and if you do, they will be mild. If you do get the flu or COVID-19, youre unlikely to have sinus or eye symptoms.

While seasonal allergies can make someone wheeze or cough, , it will usually be pretty mild.

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Is It Coronavirus Or Allergies

One of the activities many of us can participate in while is going outside and enjoying the weather.

After all, from what we know about , it’s clear that outside is better than inside. However, for many, being outside also bring on the sniffles and sneezes of hay fever.

Unfortunately, novel coronavirus symptoms can look similar to many other conditions, including seasonal allergies.

Seasonal allergies are caused by pollen being released into the air, causing some to have an allergic reaction. For anyone with hay fever, step outside, and you might sneeze or end up with itchy eyes.

This year, many people who are allergic to trees and grasses are worried that they could have the coronavirus.

Learn more: If you care concerned you might get COVID, the best thing to do is to . If you’re not yet sure about the vaccine, see these .

Indoor Allergies: First Know The Symptoms

Is It Allergies or a Cold? Here’s How to Decode Your Child’s Symptoms

Half the battle of treating indoor allergies is recognizing you have them, says allergist Asriani Chiu, MD, associate professor of pediatrics and medicine , in Wisconsin. Allergy symptoms can be hard to pinpoint because they often mimic cold symptoms. Yet there are differences.

Typical indoor allergy symptoms include:

  • A drippy nose with watery, clear secretions
  • Symptoms that linger for weeks

Cold symptoms differ in a few crucial ways, including:

  • Nasal secretions are discolored
  • You have chills and body aches
  • Symptoms linger a week or 10 days

It also helps to understand the most common indoor allergy triggers.

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How Can I Protect Myself And/or My Child From These Seasonal Allergies

During the pollen and mold season, we recommend jumping in the shower as soon as you get home every night to rinse the pollen off. Put cold, wet washcloths over your eyes and gently squeeze them to rinse the pollen out of your eyes. You may need to keep the air conditioner running through much of the season to keep the pollen out of the house. We never recommend staying indoors all summer, however! We encourage everyone to spend time outside playing as a family.

Allergy Symptoms And Signs

Allergies are exaggerated immune responses to environmental triggers known as allergens. Allergies are very common, and about 50 million people in North America suffer from allergies. One of the most common forms of allergy is allergic rhinitis , which produces symptoms like:

  • nasal congestion,
  • Houseplants

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Allergy Dos And Don’ts: Skip Exercise

If you have allergy symptoms, should you exercise as usual? Peters says go ahead but do what you feel comfortable doing. “Try some exercise and see if it helps or makes you feel more tired,” says Dr. Novey. “People are individual and this can go both ways.” If you are allergic to pollen, Peters suggests skipping outdoor morning exercise, when pollen counts are at their highest. Put off your workout until later or simply do it indoors.

Indoor And Outdoor Airborne Allergens: What Are They And How To Prevent Them

9 Ways to Help Summer Allergies

Medically reviewed by Rosanna Sutherby, PharmD on March 24, 2020. To give you technically accurate, evidence-based information, content published on the Everlywell blog is reviewed by credentialed professionals with expertise in medical and bioscience fields.

Each year, over 50 million people around America suffer from allergiesâmaking allergies the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States.

From itchy eyes and a runny nose, to the more severe reactions like chest pains, airborne allergies cause unpleasant symptoms for many of us. If your allergies are acting up, it might be time to take a closer look at what allergens are in the air today. From outdoor allergens like pollen to common indoor allergens like dust mites, allergens in the air can have different effects on those who come into contact with them.

Thankfully, once you identify whatâs triggering your allergy symptomsâour at-home allergy test can help with thatâyou can take steps to reduce your exposure to triggering allergens and ease your symptoms.

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Letting Furry Friends Sleep In Your Bed

Sure, you love your pets, and snuggling up with them in bed can be cozy. But this tempting habit could be making your allergies worse. Pollen can settle into your pets’ fur, triggering symptoms. Keep your pets out of your bed, or better yet, keep them out of your bedroom altogether.

If your symptoms are particularly bothersome, restricting pets to certain rooms so they can’t wander can help reduce the spread of potential allergens. These steps may be helpful but they’re not foolproof. Allergens can still spread beyond the rooms that pets occupy. If you have pets and you also suffer from seasonal allergies, it’s also a good idea to bathe or groom them at least once a week.

An Effective Treatment To Allergies

But, Austinites shouldnt be held captive indoors by allergies because there are effective treatments. If, after trying over-the-counter treatments, you continue to experience allergy-related issues, your next step may be contacting your local allergist concerning allergy immunotherapy.

Allergy immunotherapy can be a more proactive approach for allergy suffers, and today comes in the form of injections, drops or tablets. Immunotherapy helps your body get used to the allergens that affect you. Your doctor will prescribe a series of injections or allergy drop doses of the allergy-causing agent until the body no longer mounts an immune response. Some studies have shown up to one-third of patients can achieve significant relief from their allergies by the end of a three-year immunotherapy treatment.

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Risks And Side Effects

While most of the supplements and tips described above can provide natural allergy relief safely, there are some precautions to keep in mind.

When allergies are mild or moderate, they are usually not very threatening and go away with time. However, severe allergic reactions can be dangerous and require medical attention.

Anaphylaxis is the term for a severe allergic reaction, which can happen due to contact with food allergens, drugs/medications or insect stings. Symptoms usually affect the lungs, blood vessels or heart and can include:

  • trouble breathing
  • rash
  • vomiting

If you or your child experience these symptoms, head to your doctor or the emergency room right away to prevent complications.

What can you do for severe allergies? Your doctor may need to prescribe allergy shots or prescription asthma medications, such as bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids.

Discuss these options with your health care provider, and consider trying the natural allergy relief remedies described above in addition to using medications.

Should I Take Or Give My Child Over

Eye Allergy Remedies – Tips for Itchy and Watery Eyes

The over-the-counter allergy medications are both safe and effective. Steroid nose sprays, such as Flonase, Rhinocort and Nasocort, may help your nose and eye symptoms even if you dont have allergies. 24-hour antihistamines, such as Claritin, Clarinex, Allegra, Zyrtec, and Xyzal, will also help but typically only if you have allergies. It is safe and considered effective to use a steroid nose spray and 24-hour antihistamine together.

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Keep Your Carpet And Rugs Clean

Studies have shown up to 85 percent of dust, dander, and pollen comes in on the bottom of shoes. And while carpets can help keep your floors warm and comfortable, they tend to exacerbate indoor allergies. They can trap irritants like pet dander, dust, and pollen, only to re-release them again every time someone walks on the carpet. Worse yet, its virtually impossible to vacuum up particles that become trapped in the carpet.

If you have carpet, be sure to vacuum at least once a week with a HEPA-certified vacuum. Consider having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year. Try placing a small, washable mat near your door to help trap dust, pollen, and other irritants before they are tracked into your living space.

Question : What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Reactions To Indoor Allergens

Indoor allergens can cause symptoms in susceptible people. Seasonal allergic rhinitis can be caused by indoor allergens and manifests as nasal congestion, runny nose, watering of the eyes, sneezing, and postnasal drip. Symptoms of asthma, including wheezing or difficulty breathing, can also occur in susceptible individuals.

Allergic reaction to indoor allergens can also cause conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the lining membranes of the eyes. Symptoms of this condition include red, watery, and itching eyes.

Allergic symptoms involving the skin include eczema, or allergic dermatitis, characterized by a skin rash associated with itching. This usually results from direct contact with the allergen.

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Hanging Clothes Outside To Dry

Air-drying your wet sheets, towels and other laundry outside might be tempting. It is, after all, less expensive and more energy efficient than using a dryer. But your laundry will likely also be coated in pollen after drying in the afternoon breeze since pollen easily clings to fabric. And climbing into a bed with these “spring fresh” sheets or wrapping yourself in a towel that was hung outside to dry could make your allergy symptoms worse.

Visit A Provider If Your Allergy Symptoms Dont Improve

Make staying at home fun: 5 things to do to help you stay ...

Dont let seasonal allergies stop you from enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Use our tips and tricks to help nip your symptoms in the bud.

However, if your allergy symptoms dont improve, its time to visit a provider.

Schedule an appointment with one of our internistsor family medicine providers who have expertise in treating allergies and immune system disorders, and well help get you back to feeling your best!

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Allergy Prevention And Treatment

Allergies affect a wide number of Americans more specifically, up to 30% of adults and 40% of children. While seasonal allergies arent contagious, they can still pack a punch. Without prevention plans or medication, people suffering from allergies can be in for a long, uncomfortable season.

Here are some ways to minimize your exposure and keep seasonal allergies under control:

Stay inside on dry, windy days. The best days to go outside are after its rained, when the air is clear of pollen.

Delegate outdoor maintenance like mowing lawns or planting flowers to someone else in your household, friends or neighbors. Staying outdoors for too long can trigger your allergy symptoms, especially if theres a high pollen count.

Keep track of outdoor pollen counts in your area through mediums such as weather apps, radio stations or television. Outdoor pollen counts measure the levels of pollen in the air, which are usually highest in the early morning.

What About Allergies To Pets

The “dander,” or skin shedding, of an animal is more potent in causing allergic reactions than the animal’s fur or hair. In addition to the skin sheddings and fur, allergic reactions can occur to the saliva and/or urine of cats, dogs, horses, and rodents.

The scope of the animal allergy problem is enormous. These allergies are believed to affect up to 20% of North Americans and are directly related to the increasing popularity of pets, particularly cats and dogs. Studies have shown that dog allergens were found in all examined homes in the U.S., even those without family dogs. Likewise, almost all homes were shown to contain cat allergens.


The most well-known indoor allergy is probably due to Felis domesticus, the domesticated cat. The main allergen is a protein that is produced by the sweat glands in the skin and appears in the skin flakes or dander that are shed from cats. The allergen is also found to a lesser degree in the fur, saliva, and urine of cats. Even with a past history of tolerance to cats, it is possible for a person with an allergic tendency to develop a sensitivity to cats after constant exposure.

Allergy facts

  • An estimated 30% of households in North America have at least one cat.
  • About 6% of the U.S. population is allergic to cats.



Allergy alert

Remember that a trip to the barn not only exposes you to animal dander, but also to mold, pollen, and lots of other irritants as well. If you suffer from asthma, be careful and be prepared.


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