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What Are The Most Common Allergy Symptoms

Which Foods Cause Allergic Reactions

5 Most Common Allergy Symptoms (Conditions A-Z)

More than 170 foods are known to cause allergic reactions, but out of these, eight foods are responsible for 90% of allergies. These are known as the Big 8. They are:

  • Milk
  • Runny nose
  • Fatigue

While many people think allergies are something that people get starting in childhood, this isnt always true. A food allergy can develop at any time. In fact, adult-onset food allergies are not only common, theyre on the rise. When food allergies strike for the first time in adulthood, they usually do so in the 30s and 40s. Another peak for adult-onset food allergies is people in their 50s and 60s. Approximately 15% of people with food allergies develop them in adulthood.

Most Common Allergies: Symptoms And Solutions

It is estimated that allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, and their prevalence is on the rise in other parts of the world as well. The allergens, which are the substances that trigger allergic reactions, exist everywhere and in hundreds of varieties. Women of all ages suffer from allergies, desperately searching for effective treatments and relief. Read on to learn more about the most common allergies, their symptoms, and the available solutions to manage them.

Down Kitty Animal Dander

Do you notice sneezing, coughing, red, watery eyes, or skin rashes every time a furry pet is near? You may be surprised to find that even a furless mammal can cause the same problems! If that’s true, chances are you’re one of the many people who suffers from a pet dander allergy.

Pet dander is a protein mix secreted in an animal’s skin and saliva, so even a hairless cat or a shaven dog could set off allergies. Reduce your allergies by avoiding pet hair and dander. Try vacuuming more often. Investing in a home air filtration system may also be helpful.

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What Happens In A Food Allergy Reaction

Food allergy reactions can vary from person to person. Sometimes the same person can react differently at different times. So it’s very important to quickly identify and treat food allergy reactions.

Reactions can:

  • be very mild and only involve one part of the body, like hives on the skin
  • be more severe and involve more than one part of the body
  • happen within a few minutes or up to 2 hours after contact with the food

Food allergy reactions can affect any of these four areas of the body:

  • skin: itchy red bumps ; eczema; redness and swelling of the face or extremities; itching and swelling of the lips, tongue, or mouth
  • gastrointestinal tract: belly pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • respiratory system: runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath
  • cardiovascular system: lightheadedness or fainting
  • Sometimes, an allergy can cause a severe reaction called;anaphylaxis, even if a previous reaction was mild. Anaphylaxis might start with some of the same symptoms as a less severe reaction, but can quickly get worse. The person may have trouble breathing or pass out. More than one part of the body might be involved. If it isn’t treated, anaphylaxis can be life-threatening.


    What Is An Allergic Reaction


    An allergic reaction is the way your body responds to the allergen. A chain of events occur that result in an allergic reaction.

    If you are prone to allergies, the first time youre exposed to a specific allergen , your body responds by producing allergic antibodies. The job of these antibodies is to find the allergens and help remove them from your system. As a result, a chemical called histamine is released and causes symptoms of allergies.

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    Signs Of Food Allergies

    Sometimes the symptoms of food allergies take a few hours to detect. Other times, the signs are instant. But for the most part, food allergy signs and symptoms are consistent. Here are some of the most common issues food allergies may cause:

    • Swollen Tongue or Face: If you feel your tongue swelling up or someone alerts you that parts of your face are swelling after you ate something, you likely have an allergy to that food.
    • Labored Breathing: Having trouble breathing is one of the more serious signs of food allergies. If you feel your throat closing, it’s important to call 911 immediately.
    • Vomiting: You may start throwing up when you consume foods you’re allergic to.
    • Diarrhea: This is a common symptom of either a food allergy or sensitivity. If you experience this often after eating certain foods, you could be allergic to them.
    • Hives: Hives appear as itchy red dots all over your body. They are a dead give away of all kinds of allergic reactions.
    • Itchy Rashes: If you feel like your skin is on fire or feel itchy all over after eating a certain food, you are most likely having an allergic reaction.
    • Sweating: If you start sweating suddenly, it could be an early sign of an allergic reaction.

    What Are The Types Of Allergies And How Are They Treated

    You can be allergic to a wide variety of substances including pollen, animal dander, mold and dust mites.


    Seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is an allergic response to pollen. It causes inflammation and swelling of the lining of your nose and of the protective tissue of your eyes .

    Symptoms include sneezing, congestion , and itchy, watery eyes, nose and mouth. Treatment options include over-the-counter and prescription oral antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, nasal steroids, nasal antihistamines, and nasal cromolyn. In some people, allergic asthma symptoms can be caused by exposure to pollen.

    Your symptoms can be reduced by avoiding pollen. Stay indoors when pollen counts are high, close your windows, and use air conditioning. Ask your healthcare provider about immunotherapy to treat pollen allergy.

    Dust mites

    Dust mites are tiny organisms that live in dust and in the fibers of household objects, such as pillows, mattresses, carpet, and upholstery. Dust mites grow in warm, humid areas.

    The symptoms of dust mite allergy are similar to those of pollen allergy. To help manage dust mite allergies, try using dust mite encasements over pillows, mattresses, and box springs. Also, remove carpet, or vacuum frequently with a high-efficiency filter vacuum cleaner. Treatment may include medications to control your nasal/eye and chest symptoms. Immunotherapy may be recommended if your symptoms are not adequately controlled with avoidance methods and medications.


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    Diagnosis Of Seasonal Allergies

    • A doctor’s evaluation

    • Sometimes a skin test or an allergen-specific immunoglobulin test

    The diagnosis of seasonal allergies is based on symptoms plus the circumstances in which they occurthat is, whether they occur only during certain seasons. This information can also help doctors identify the allergen.

    Typically, no testing is necessary, but occasionally, the nasal discharge is examined to see whether it contains eosinophils .

    What Are Typical Allergy Symptoms

    Most Common Food Allergy Symptoms? Darien, CT

    Allergy symptoms differ depending on the type of allergy and body part involved. For example, food allergies may cause different symptoms than nasal allergies or eye allergies. The severity of symptoms may also vary, ranging from mild irritation to a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.;

    Typical symptoms of most allergies include:;

    • Hives, blisters, or rashes on the skin
    • Skin redness or dryness
    • Nausea with or without vomiting
    • Pain in the abdomen
    • Malaise or a feeling of being unwell
    • Swelling over the lips, tongue, around the eyes, or on the entire face

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Food Allergy

    Allergic symptoms may begin within minutes to an hour after ingesting thefood. The following are the most common symptoms of food allergy. However,each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

    • Vomiting

    • Wheezing

    • Lowered blood pressure

    According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, itdoes not take much of the food to cause a severe reaction in highlyallergic people. In fact, as little as 1/44,000 of a peanut kernel cancause an allergic reaction for severely allergic individuals.

    The symptoms of food allergy may resemble other problems or medicalconditions. Always consult your child’s doctor for a diagnosis.

    What Happens When An Allergic Reaction Occurs

    Every persons reaction to substances is different. Most people are exposed to numerous chemicals throughout the day and no symptoms or reactions happen. However, for some people, exposure to specific chemicals, foods, or other substances can create a response from the immune system. When this occurs, there are generally some type of outward sign of the reaction, which is the immune systems way of fighting it off.

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    The Most Common Allergens Broken Down By Season

    Spring allergy symptoms typically start around the end of March or the beginning of April. These types of allergies are classified as “tree” allergies, with ash, birch, oak, and olive trees among the most common types churning out pollen during this time, explains Dr. Marks-Cogan. Late springstarting in May and lasting into the summer monthsis when grass allergens begin to wreak havoc, she adds. Common examples of grass allergens include Timothy , Johnson , and Bermuda .

    Summer allergy symptoms start to flare up in July and typically last through August, says Dr. Marks-Cogan. During this time, look out for summer allergy symptoms caused by weed allergens like English plantain and sagebrush , she adds.

    After the summer, late fall marks the start of ragweed allergy season, explains Dr. Marks-Cogan. Ragweed allergy symptoms usually begin in August and continue throughout November, she says.

    Last but not least, winter allergies are most commonly caused by indoor allergens like dust mites, pet/animal dander, cockroach allergens, and mold spores, explains Dr. Marks-Cogan. Technically these allergens can affect you year-round, but most people struggle with them during the winter months because they’re spending so much time inside and getting less fresh air, she says.

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    Have you ever experienced burning, stinging, itchy skin or hives after wearing makeup? You may be among the one in four people who have reported a skin reaction from beauty products. These reactions aren’t limited to makeup, either: allergic reactions to cologne, perfume, or shampoo can have similar results.

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    Can You Get Rid Of A Food Intolerance

    The best protection against food intolerances and allergies is to avoid the food altogether. In the case of food intolerance, after identifying and eliminating the food from your diet for a period, you may sometimes be able to slowly reintroduce the food in small quantities. Babies may become free of certain food intolerances as they grow.

    Most food allergies are lifelong conditions. Many children outgrow allergies to milk, egg, soy, and wheat, and some children outgrow nut allergies. Allergy treatments involve the careful introduction of the allergen in microscopic quantities to teach the immune system to tolerate it, but it may not work for everyone, and it is not an option for people who have severe reactions. This should only be done under the guidance of a doctor.

    People with severe food allergies have a risk for anaphylaxis and may be advised by the doctor to always carry epinephrine shots to be administered in an emergency.

    Treatment For Food Allergy

    There is no medication to prevent food allergy. The goal of treatment is toavoid the foods that cause the symptoms. After seeing your child’s doctorand finding foods to which your child is allergic, it is very important toavoid these foods and other similar foods in that food group. If you arebreastfeeding your child, it is important to avoid foods in your diet towhich your child is allergic. Small amounts of the food allergen may betransmitted to your child through your breast milk and cause a reaction.

    It is also important to give vitamins and minerals to your child if he orshe is unable to eat certain foods. Discuss this with your child’s doctor.

    For children who have had a severe food reaction, your child’s health careprovider may prescribe an emergency kit that contains epinephrine, whichhelps stop the symptoms of severe reactions. Consult your child’s doctorfor further information.

    Some children, under the direction of his or her health care provider, maybe given certain foods again after three to six months to see if he or shehas outgrown the allergy. Many allergies may be short-term in children andthe food may be tolerated after the age of 3 or 4.

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    Tree Nut Allergy Symptoms

    People allergic to tree nuts can react in many different ways. Symptoms can include hives, vomiting, low blood pressure, or difficulty swallowing. Some people can also experience itching in the mouth, throat, skin, eyes, or other parts of the body. People allergic to tree nuts should avoid eating them or any foods that may contain them.

    Allergy Symptoms And Diagnosis

    Top 10 Most Common Food Allergies Symptoms To Watch Out For

    More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies every year. Anyone can have or develop allergies, which are the sixth leading cause of illness in the United States. As common as allergies are, diagnosing them isnt always simple.

    Diagnosis of allergies involves several factors such as identifying an individuals symptoms and when they occur, reviewing family and medical history, undergoing a physical examination, and testing.

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    How Common Are Food Allergies

    Eight foods cause most food allergy reactions. They are milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

    • About 32 million people have food allergies in the U.S.7,8
    • About 26 million U.S. adults have food allergies.7
    • About 5.6 million U.S. children have food allergies.8
  • In 2018, 4.8 million children under 18 years of age had food allergies over the previous 12 months.2
  • Milk is the most common allergen for children, followed by egg and peanut.9
  • Shellfish is the most common allergen for adults, followed by peanut and tree nut.9
  • What Are The Symptoms Of Allergies

    Allergy symptoms are classified as mild, moderate or severe:

    • Mild reactions include local symptoms such as a rash or hives, itchiness, watery/red eyes, hay fever and runny nose. Mild reactions do not spread to other parts of your body.
    • Moderate reactions include symptoms that spread to other parts of your body. Symptoms may include itchiness, hives, and/or swelling and trouble breathing.
    • A severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, is a rare, life-threatening emergency in which your bodys response to the allergen is sudden and affects the whole body. Anaphylaxis may begin with severe itching of your eyes or face. Within minutes, more serious symptoms appear, including throat swelling , abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, hives and swelling . You may also have mental confusion or dizziness, since anaphylaxis may cause a drop in blood pressure.

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    Allergy Facts And Figures

    An allergy is when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen. It could be something you eat, inhale into your lungs, inject into your body or touch. This reaction could cause coughing, sneezing, hives, rashes, itchy eyes, a runny nose and a scratchy throat. In severe cases, it can cause low blood pressure, breathing trouble, asthma attacks and even death.

    There is no cure for allergies. You can manage allergies with prevention and treatment. More Americans than ever say they manage allergies. It is among the countrys most common, but overlooked, diseases.

    Most Common Food Allergies And How To Spot Them

    What are the most common food allergies in kids?

    Food nourishes the body. It provides you with the nutrients you need to function properly. Unfortunately, the body can react to healthy foods as though they were harmful. If this happens to you, you may have a food allergy.

    Its estimated that roughly 32 million Americans have a food allergy. Unfortunately, many people dont even know they have them. In this blog, Dr. Ulrike Ziegner at Riviera Allergy Medical Center discusses what causes food allergies and how you may be able to spot them.

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    Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies

    Hay fever can make the nose, roof of the mouth, back of the throat, and eyes itch. Itching may start gradually or abruptly. The nose runs, producing a clear watery discharge, and may become stuffed up. In children, the stuffy nose may lead to an ear infection. The lining of the nose may become swollen and bluish red.

    The sinuses may also become stuffed up, causing headaches and occasionally sinus infections . Sneezing is common.

    The eyes may water, sometimes profusely, and itch. The whites of the eyes may become red, and the eyelids may become red and swollen. Wearing contact lenses can irritate the eyes further.

    Other symptoms include coughing and wheezing and sometimes irritability and trouble sleeping.

    The severity of symptoms varies with the seasons.

    Many people who have allergic rhinitis also have asthma , possibly caused by the same allergy triggers that contribute to allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

    Treatment For Allergic Reactions In Illinois

    If you are experiencing any of these allergic reactions, then it might be time to consult the best allergists in town. We, at Oak Brook Allergists, will help you find the best method of treatment that will address your allergic concerns. This will ensure that you will experience a healthy, active, and productive life ahead of you.

    To schedule an appointment, you may drop by any of our offices at Elmhurst, Downers Grove, Naperville, or Plainfield, Illinois. You can also call us at 574-0460.

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    Animal Dander And Cockroaches

    Dander are flecks of skin shed by cats, dogs and even birds. Dander can trigger allergies. You might also react to the proteins from oil glands in an animal’s skin or proteins from an animal’s saliva.

    It may take two or more years for you to develop an allergy like this. Once you have symptoms, though, they may last until you donât come into contact with the animal anymore. If you donât have pets, it might be cockroaches that youâre allergic to.

    Symptoms include sneezing, congestion, and itchy and watery eyes.

    Do this:

    • Avoid the animals that cause your allergies when possible. If youâre allergic to your pet, ask your doctor if thereâs anything you can do that would help, like keeping it off your bed and couches.
    • Bathe your pet every week. Get someone who isnât allergic to do it if you can.
    • You can also take medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal steroids to help. Allergy shots might also help.
    • If you have cockroach allergies, be sure to keep trash in closed containers and take it out of your home promptly. You may also want to consider getting an exterminator.


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