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HomeWhere To Apply Essential Oils For Allergies

Where To Apply Essential Oils For Allergies

Using Peppermint Oil For Allergies

5 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, analgesic

Best For: Hay fever, sinusitis, sinus headaches, stuffy nose, coughs, itching, red bumps

With its high menthol content and strong, fresh, minty scent, peppermint oil is one of the best in class when it comes to clearing up your sinuses almost immediately. Although not an antihistamine like other oils, its incredibly effective at opening up your airways and relieving a scratchy throat that can cause coughing. That being said, anything that can helps you breathe and feel better is more than welcome.

As an anti-inflammatory, it also works wonders for headaches caused by a build-up of sinus pressure. As an added bonus, it also provides much-needed relief for itching caused by allergies and insect bites because its so cooling, reduces swelling and soothes away any pain.

How to use peppermint oil for allergies

Chest rub: To relieve congested sinuses and a cough, mix 2 to 3 drops of peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender oils with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the chest for a few minutes. Also apply to the temples and the back of the neck to ease a headache.

Diffuse: Use a mix of peppermint with lavender and lemon oils for relief from both allergy symptoms and sinus headaches.

Itching Relief: For immediate cooling relief, apply a mixture of 2 drops peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon carrier oil directly onto the allergy bumps or bites.

Using Roman Chamomile Oil For Allergies

How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antimicrobial, decongestant, sedative

Best for: Hay fever, sinusitis, blocked nose, skin allergies, hives, red bumps, eczema

When it comes to sorting out hay fever, Roman chamomile essential oil – another potent anti-inflammatory and antihistamine – can be used to soothe irritated sinuses and so help clear up all that excess mucus, a blocked nose and sneezing. A study suggests that a combination of chamomile, lemongrass and sandalwood oils can actually reduce the histamine response by almost half.

Chamomile has also been shown to provide quick relief for many skin allergies whether they be easing the itchiness from eczema, hives, or other allergic rashes. Its great for calming the nervous system too

How to Use Roman Chamomile Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Diffuse a few drops each of Roman chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon or lavender essential oils for instant and effective relief from the sniffles and sneezing.

Hay fever: Add one drop of Roman chamomile oil to one teaspoon of jojoba oil and dot around the eyes , across the nose and cheeks.

Eczema & Skin Allergies: Blend a couple drops of Roman chamomile essential oil and one teaspoon of carrier oil, and apply direct to the skin with a cotton ball.

So if youve already tried your share of remedies to help relieve your seasonal and skin allergies, and are looking for a natural alternative, maybe its time to add essential oils to your first-aid kit


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The best essential oils for allergies can also be used in a variety of ways in order to suit a variety of preferences. For those seeking instant relief, you can brew them in an essential oil diffuser to inhale them or add a few drops to your bath or shower to reap their congestion-clearing benefits. They can also be applied topically to the sinuses, under the nose, down the front of the neck or behind your ears, but experts recommend combining them with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or rosehip seed oil to prevent skin irritation and potentially clogging your pores.

Below, explore the best essential oils for allergies that will fortify your allergy relief regimen and enrich your wellness routine.

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Personal Inhaler Seasonal Allergy Blend

Place the cotton wick from the inhaler into a small glass bowl. Carefully drip 15 drops of your master blend onto the wick.

If you need to, use tweezers to move the wick around to absorb any drops that missed the wick and landed in the bowl. Insert the wick into the inhaler, adding the cap and cover.

To use: remove the cap and, holding the inhaler beneath your nose, take a few slow, deep breaths. Repeat this process whenever you need to.

Which Essential Oil Brand Is Best

Essential oils for allergies

For the best results, you will want to choose a high-quality essential oil brand that is 100% pure and offers third-party testing for quality control.

My favorite essential oil company is Rocky Mountain Oils, followed by Edens Garden, and Ancient Apothecary by Dr. Axe.

You can find those oils here:

  • Rocky Mountain Oils buy;here;and get free shipping on any order
  • Edens Garden buy;here;and get free shipping on any order OR order through;
  • Ancient Apothecary by Dr. Axe you can order directly from his website or through;

I hope youve found this post on essential oils for allergy symptoms helpful. Let me know how these oils work for you in the comments below.

Dear mom, I have so much more Id love to share with you

Filed Under: Essential Oils, Natural LivingApril 19, 2019

Read Also: Clarintin

What Other Supplies Will I Need

Youll need a carrier oil and a roller bottle.; A carrier oil is any vegetable oil to which you can add the drops of essential oils.; It allows the oils to mix together and dilutes them a bit .;Fractionated coconut oil is popular.; I also really like sweet almond oil.

A roller bottle allows you to apply the essential oils very easily.; You simply roll them right onto your skin!; You can purchase them on Amazon.

Using Essential Oils For Seasonal Allergies

Essential oils are a great solution for seasonal allergies! There are many essential oil options to use, many ways to use these wonderful oils, and they are a more natural option for treating seasonal allergies.

We went through some of the more popular essential oils for allergies above, but here are a few common allergy symptoms and oils that can remedy them.

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Safety Tips For Using Essential Oils For Allergies

  • Always use reputable sources tochoose high-quality oil
  • Read and follow the usageinstruction carefully
  • Never apply unmixed essentialoils to your skin
  • Do not make any internal use ofessential oils
  • Breastfeeding women, pregnantladies, and children should consult with a qualified health professional beforeusing essential oils
  • Go for a skin test foridentifying allergic reaction before choosing to apply it on larger body parts.If nothing happens after 24 hours, you can safely use it. Test each essentialoil separately to understand its impact on your body.
  • Before you start essential oiltreatments for any health issues always consult with a certified healthprofessional or doctor.
  • USFDA doesnt regulate the use of essential oils, so we always adviseyou to exercise caution before extensively using it in your daily life.

The Best Essential Oils For Allergies And How To Use Them

Allergy Relief with Essential Oils

·Post may contain affiliate links.

Spring is here and so is everything that goes with it. The trees are budding, flowers are blooming, the pollen count is rising, and allergies are flaring up. While I absolutely love springtime, I dont love allergy season.

As Ive gotten older, I have unfortunately become more prone to allergies. And heres the thing with allergies: Everybody experiences symptoms differently. I personally tend to get more headaches and vertigo. But I know others who regularly experience sneezing, coughing, and sore throats. ;;;

Some of the most common allergy symptoms include:

  • Congestion
  • Scratchy throat
  • Rash or hives

Seasonal allergies are pretty common in the United States. In fact, more than 50 million Americans experience allergies each year. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to substances that it views as harmful. But those reactions can look different with each individual.

Because everybody experiences allergies differently, effective treatments and remedies will vary from person to person as well. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. You just have to figure out which remedies work best for you. ;

Hopefully, Im going to make that task a little easier for you. Today, Im going to be sharing some of the best essential oils for allergies and how to use them. ;

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Powerful Essential Oils To Offer You Quick Relief From Irritating Allergies

Because youre tired of feeling miserable

If youre one of the 50 million Americans suffering from allergies, theres no doubt you absolutely dread certain times of the year.

Whether you have seasonal or skin allergies, left untreated, they can make you feel fed-up and miserable – a runny nose, blocked sinuses, watery eyes, sneezing, a scratchy throat, coughing fits, inflamed itchy skin, and even asthma attacks – are amongst the many symptoms.

And while you may have tried your share of meds like antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants, these often have side effects and might just be making it worse

Its no wonder many are turning to natural home remedies like essential oils for quick and immediate allergy relief

Difference Between Nasal Inhaler And Nasal Spray

A major difference between a nasal inhaler and nasal spray is the convenience. Since nasal inhalers come in a very small tube thats simply sniffed during use, its very portable and easy to use anywhere. Meanwhile, over the counter nasal decongestant sprays arent usually as compact and travel-friendly.;

Nasal inhalers and nasal sprays also often have different ingredients. Typically, nasal sprays have decongestants such as Oxymetazoline and Propylhexedrine. These can have negative side effects as mentioned above. They also often contain Phenylcarbinol and Benzalkonium Chloride. These are preservatives that can damage nasal tissues. Its often recommended not to use nasal sprays long-term because of their effects after excess use.;

Nasal inhalers and sprays are also used differently. While nasal inhalers have vapors that are inhaled, nasal sprays are a liquid that you squirt into your nose. When using a nasal spray, you have to be very mindful of how youre pumping it. If used incorrectly, it can run down your throat or drip from your nose. Meanwhile, a nasal inhaler isnt a liquid so theres no mess involved.

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A Brief History Of Essential Oils

What are essential oils good for? And how can humans incorporate them more into their daily routines? Indeed, humans have been asking themselves these questions since the period of Ancient Egypt. Believe it or not, the ancient Egyptians cultivated different plants for their precious oils and utilized them in cosmetics, medicine, and their religious practices. As mentioned in this article, enfleurage, the oldest technique of essential oil extraction, was first used in Egypt around 3,500 BCE.

During the same period, beneficial uses for essential oils were also discovered in India and China, eventually becoming a vital part of the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine. Furthermore, the wisdom of the cultures in Egypt inspired the ancient Greeks, especially Hippocrates, to include essential oils in the holistic treatment of ill patients during therapies. As time went by, the Romans also took up many of these practices and started implementing aromatic baths to promote optimal physical and mental health.

Even though the Church forbade excessive or regular bathing during the Dark Ages, the different ways to use essential oils were not forgotten. In fact, people used a variety of oils to mask the stench. Luckily, aromatherapy rose to glory during the Renaissance period, and Paracelsus, an extraordinary physician, even managed to treat leprosy with the help of plant extracts.

Ease Your Allergy Symptoms The All

Allergy Relief

Many individuals;suffer from allergies. An allergy is the immune system’s abnormal response to contact with a specific substance. This substance is called an allergen and the allergic reaction is also known as a histamine reaction.; There are many allergens in our environment, including food, grass, pollen, mold spores, insect bites, fabrics and much more. Allergy symptoms vary from person to person;but can often include swelling, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Since more than 40 million people in the United States suffer from various allergies, it’s important to have treatment options readily available. If you are looking for an all-natural alternative to popular;medications, you’ve come to the right place. We spoke to Dr. Patrick Fratellone, an expert in naturopathic medicine and the founder of Fratellone Medical Associates, to find out which essential oils he prefers to use in his practice. Here are five of his favorite picks:

1. Melaleuca – This is a commonly used essential oil from the botanical myrtle family. The leaves of the Melaleuca tree have been used for centuries for a variety of conditions including healing cuts, wounds, and skin infections. Dr. Fratellone frequently uses this oil for treating mold and fungi allergies.


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Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Are Essential

To get the effects you are looking for when using essential oils, therapeutic grade essential oils are highly recommended, especially when using them to treat symptoms related to allergies and when you are using them around pets.

Therapeutic grade essential oils are extracted from natural plants and are pure. Some companies develop essential oils and use the pure oil from the plant, but add fillers, such as natural carrier oils, or chemicals as false scents and fillers, kind of like cheap perfumes that can be as toxic on your body as well as the bodies of any animals you use them around.

Therapeutic grade essential oils are your best choice to use when using essential oils for pet dander, and preventing and treating symptoms caused by allergies to pets. If you intend to use essentials oils directly on yourself or your pets, you will need to dilute them and use extreme caution when using them on cats. It is imperative that you follow proper instructions when creating home remedies for dog and cat allergies, even when you are using therapeutic grade essential oils.

See also:

Using Lemon Oil For Allergies

How it helps: Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antibacterial

Best for: Hay fever, asthma, sinusitis, post nasal drip, cough, home disinfectant, mold, dust mites, pet dander

Another natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, this bright fresh oil has been shown to offer relief for not only seasonal allergies like hay fever, but also asthma attacks and post nasal drip. It eases the inflammation and reduces mucus build-up which can cause coughing and sinus infections.

But lemon essential oil is probably best known as a powerful anti-bacterial and disinfectant to use around the home – especially useful if you are allergic to dust mites and pet dander. Lemon oil can kill off bacteria and eliminate any allergy triggers on surfaces and in the air. Perk up – relief is in sight

How to use lemon essential oil for allergies

Disinfectant: Eliminate any allergy triggers like dust, pollen, mold, mites and dog or cat dander. Add 40 drops of lemon oil and 20 drops of tea tree oil to a 16-ounce bottle filled with distilled water and a little white vinegar. Spray everywhere where allergens may lurk – the air, any soft surfaces like furniture, beds or drapes, and hard surfaces like counter tops and tables.

Diffuse: Combine 3 drops each of peppermint, lavender and lemon essential oils to disperse the fresh, cleansing scent throughout your home.

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Essential Oil Allergy Recipe

by StaceyFiled Under: Blog, Health

Looking for natural assistance for your seasonal allergies?; This DIY essential oil allergy recipe is my favorite, easy blend using common and inexpensive essential oils.;;

It seems like all I have to do is flip the calendar to May, and my allergy season begins!; Is anyone else with me?;;

As a kid, I never had a single allergy.; I had no clue what some people suffer .; And then, after college, I moved to Michigan.; And I got lambasted.; My eyes were so red and itchy that I could hardly wear my contacts anymore.; It felt like a yucky, months-long cold!; What the heck?;

A little over a year later, we moved to Colorado, and my allergies were still present . I had hoped the move would solve the problem!

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

How I Use Essential Oils for Allergies and Sinus Relief

Latin name: Chamaemelum nobile

Roman Chamomile may help calm irritation and has cleansing properties. It also helps support healthy immune system function

Chamomile essential oil blends well with: bergamot, cedarwood, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, manuka

Safety: Dilute for topical use. Do not use during pregnancy

Buy roman chamomile;here.

Also Check: Reading Allergy Test Results

Try This Essential Oil Allergy Blend

The first step is to create a blend that you can use in a variety of ways.

Clean an empty 5ml essential oil bottle. Add the recommended drops of essential oils directly to the bottle before replacing the cap. Store in a cool dry place.

25 drops Tea Tree

35 drops German Chamomile

25 drops Cedarwood

This master blend for allergies combats the issue on a few fronts. All of these oils contain a combination of constituents that have antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant properties.

Because of this, these oils can reduce your reaction to allergens, calm any inflammation caused by allergens, and reduce congestion caused by those allergens.

One caution: If you are on medications that are metabolized by CYP2D6, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, or CYP3A4 you should avoid using German Chamomile. Replace with Lavender or Sweet Marjoram instead.

Once youve made your master blend, you can use it in so many ways.

Use this essential oil allergy blend anytime you need fast relief. Its such a time saver!


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