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HomeCauseCan Food Allergies Cause High Platelet Count

Can Food Allergies Cause High Platelet Count

What Happens When You Have Elevated White Blood Cells

Platelet Count Drop: Causes & Treatment | Dr. Sharat Damodar

In addition to your total white blood cell count, InsideTracker also measures the different types of white blood cells, which can give clues as to what may be causing the elevated white blood cell count. The types of white blood cells include: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. Neutrophils, which account for about 70% of white blood cells, can increase in response to bacterial infections as well as to physical or emotional stress. A high lymphocyte count may occur when there is a viral or bacterial infection. Increased monocytes can indicate chronic inflammation. Elevated levels of basophils and eosinophils may occur when there is an allergic response or in cases of a parasitic infection.

Complete Blood Count Testing In Children

CBC tests in adults and children are similar, but there are a few notable differences.

In infants, a blood sample may be taken by pricking their heel with a tiny needle instead of trying to draw blood from a vein.

In addition, many of the test results from a CBC may be interpreted differently based on a patients age. For that reason, it is important to know that the doctor may adjust the reference range listed by the laboratory to match the age of a child.

Complications Associated With Primary Thrombocythemia

Since this condition can lead to blood clots and bleeding, it can lead to some serious complications if left untreated. Blood clots caused by primary thrombocythemia can cause stroke when it occurs in the brain. Some of the symptoms include blurred vision, confusion, weakness and numbness in the limbs, difficulty speaking, and seizures. It may also cause a heart attack when a blood clot blocks the arteries. A high platelet count can also cause nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums, and bleeding from the rectum.

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Can I Take The Test At Home

There are few options available for at-home CBC testing. At-home test kits involve a fingerstick, which means that you prick your finger with a small needle to produce a drop of blood. That blood is applied to a special test paper and is then sent to a lab.

After the lab is done analyzing the blood, it provides results either online or through a smartphone app. Results usually take 2-3 days after the sample is received.

These at-home tests do not provide a diagnosis or confirm a specific illness or disease. Diagnosis and disease confirmation can only be provided by a doctor. For this reason, it is important to talk to a doctor before and after taking an at-home blood count test.

What Causes High Platelet Count

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  • Increase in platelet count or thrombocytosis has been observed in people who dont have any health problem. However, some people with platelet count increase could have disorders like myeloproliferative disorder, a bone marrow disease in which excess cells are produced.
  • There is an increase in platelet count after undergoing splenectomy or spleen removal.
  • Reactive thrombocytosis due to inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease could cause high platelet count.
  • Estrogen and oral contraceptives could cause high platelet count.
  • Living in high altitude can increase an individuals blood platelets.
  • Heavy exercise also causes blood platelets to soar up.
  • People who have increased platelet count can still experience bleeding problem if their platelets do not stick together to create a blood clot that will plug a broken blood vessel.
  • Unregulated blood clotting and increase in platelets could result to throboembolism, wherein a blood clot blocks the flow of blood in a blood vessel. Thromboembolism in blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and heart muscles can cause death.

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How To Increase Platelet Count With Healthy Foods: Reduce The Fatigue Of Thrombocytopenia With Dietary Changes

Platelets are blood cells produced by the bone marrow whose main function is to manage bleeding. Thrombocytopenic is a medical condition of having low platelet count. This is caused by chemotherapy, medications , viruses , diseases and immune disorders .

Other drugs can also affect platelet counts, like sulfa, heparin, and quinidine. Low platelet count in some cases are self-limited in nature and can be treated with rest and eating healthy foods to increase platelet count but in some cases, mostly in adults, it is nvariably chronic and requires medical treatment and platelet transfusion.

Platelets contain cytoplasmic compounds and granules, which enable them to adhere to each other and stick to damaged or torn blood vessels. They circulate for 10 days before normally being eliminated by the spleen and liver. People need an adequate number of healthy functioning platelets, about 150,000 to 300,000 in each cc of blood, to prevent the red blood cells from leaking from uninjured vessels and to thwart hemorrhage. Low platelet count and poor quality platelets often manifests in symptoms of petechiae, bruising, and bleeding.

What Causes High Platelets

Platelets are made in the bone marrow, the tissue located inside the bones. Abnormally high platelet production can occur independently, for reasons that are not known or as a symptom of another condition .

Thrombocytosis is the presence of high platelet counts in the blood, and may be primary or reactive .

Although it is often asymptomatic , it may predispose to thrombosis in some patients. Thrombocytosis can be contrasted with thrombocytopenia, a loss of platelets in the blood.

Some of the causes of high platelet counts are the removal of the spleen, infections, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis .

The increase in platelet counts can be due to a series of disease processes:

  • Myeloproliferative disease

The great majority of the causes of thrombocytosis are acquired disorders, but in some cases they can be congenital, such as thrombocytosis due to congenital asplenia.

Spleen removal:

Splenectomy, or splenectomy, is associated with elevated platelet counts throughout life. The spleen helps eliminate excess platelets from the bloodstream.

An increase in platelet count can also be caused by inadequate functioning of the spleen. The use of low doses of aspirin is recommended to help prevent bleeding or episodes of blood clotting.



Rheumatoid arthritis:

Neoplasias mieloproliferativas:

Chronic inflammatory diseases:


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Food Allergies In Children

No parent wants to see their child suffer. Since fatal and near-fatal food allergy reactions can occur at school or other places outside the home, parents of a child with food allergies need to make sure that their childs school has a written emergency action plan. The plan should provide instructions on preventing, recognizing and managing food allergies and should be available in the school and during activities such as sporting events and field trips. If your child has been prescribed an auto-injector, be sure that you and those responsible for supervising your child understand how to use it.

In November 2013, President Barack Obama signed into law the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act , which encourages states to adopt laws requiring schools to have epinephrine auto-injectors on hand. As of late 2014, dozens of states had passed laws that either require schools to have a supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for general use or allow school districts the option of providing a supply of epinephrine. Many of these laws are new, and it is uncertain how well they are being implemented. As a result, ACAAI still recommends that providers caring for food-allergic children in states with such laws maintain at least two units of epinephrine per allergic child attending the school.

Cause Of A High Dog Platelet Count

What are the Causes of Increased Platelet Count in Blood Report — How to Lower it..

My 14-year-old male dachshund’s platelet count is high. What would be a cause for this? All of his other CBC results are totally normal, however the platelet count is 775, and the reference range says 170-400 is normal. His behavior is normal. He is eating and drinking normally. Not really any more lethargic than any other 14-15 year old dog. He still plays with his toys and is ravenous as usual. His WBC is 10.7 and RBC is 6.3. Could it be because of his anxiety when visiting the vet? It’s been

  • By: Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    Increased platelet counts are rarely cause for any concern, especially if the rest of the complete blood count is normal. It may indicate a recent history of bleeding and very rarely is an indicator of a particular type of bone marrow disease called Megakaryocytic Leukemia. This disease is uncommon and again unlikely because the rest of your dog’s blood count is normal. Sometimes changes like this are termed “idiopathic” meaning we don’t know why they happen and in this case it is no cause for concern. You may wish to have another complete blood count taken in about a month. If his platelet count continues to rise discuss having a bone marrow biopsy taken with your veterinarian, especially if his other values become abnormal.Kara, DVM

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What Do Platelet Count Tests Test

A healthy platelet count is between 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. If your platelet count is within that range, that may show that you have an average amount of platelets. However, if it falls under 150,000 or above 450,000, that could suggest that you have a health problem. Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis are two possible conditions that a low or high platelet count could be a sign of.


If your platelet count test shows that you have a platelet count of under 150,000 per microliter of blood, that means you have thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia means that your body has trouble making enough blood clots to help you guard against injury or impact. People with thrombocytopenia find themselves bruising or bleeding quite easily.

It is usually caused by:

  • Medications
  • General problems with the bone marrowâ


Thrombocytosis is when the mean number of your platelets within your blood is higher than average. There are two types of thrombocytosis: primary and secondary.

Primary thrombocytosis is when abnormal cells get into bone marrow and increase the production of platelets. This condition is relatively mysterious, and its causes are not known.

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Ear Infections In Dogs

The cause for most dog ear infections is either yeast or bacteria that’s trapped in the ears. Yet, ear mites, wax buildup, or allergies can also cause painful ear infections in dogs.

Platelets bind together to clot broken or leaking blood vessels and prevent unnecessary blood loss, so a low platelet count compromises your dog’s ability to control bleeding, which can lead to bruising and excessive bleeding. Thrombocytopenia is the condition of low blood platelets in dogs.

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Common High Platelet Count Symptoms


The three primary components that constitute the blood are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The platelets play an integral part in our body system, specifically in blood clotting and the coagulation process.

The platelets, having a very important function in our blood regulatory system, are the smallest of the three. Platelets work to stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs at the site of injury. Apart from this main function, there are also other innumerable variety of roles associated, controlled, and manipulated by the blood component.

The amount of circulating platelets should be normally around the count of 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of blood.

Failing to have your platelet levels monitored regularly, especially when experiencing medical conditions relevant to platelet disorders, can put you at risk to a further abnormally higher or lower count. In both cases, the changes should have been highly reflected and observed using diagnostic procedures used to detect abnormal platelet count to allow for a medical conclusion.

Among the most important therapeutic care approaches remains to be the regular monitoring of blood platelet count to help identify any needed changes in your medical treatment plan.


When the following signs and symptoms are confirmed to be associated with thrombocytosis, the condition should be attended with great care. Read about high platelet count in children.

What Are The Causes Of Elevated White Blood Cell Count

platelet levels

InfectionAs infection-causing bacteria or viruses multiply in the blood, your bone marrow produces more white blood cells to fight off the infection. Infection can also lead to inflammation, which can in turn cause the number of white blood cells to increase.

Smoking or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Essentially, COPD means that you have a lung and airway disease like emphysema or chronic bronchitis that blocks proper airflow. It is commonly caused by cigarette smoking, which results in inflammation in the lungs and air passages. As you gain more inflammation in your lungs and airways, your body will produce more white blood cells to fight it off.

LeukemiaLeukemia is a type of cancer that dramatically increases your number of white blood cells. Leukemic white blood cells are often non-functional, which may increase the risk of infection in these cancer patients.

Immune system disordersSome auto-immune disorders like Crohns or Graves disease can elevate your white blood cell levels. If you have one of these conditions, your doctor should monitor your white blood cell levels.

StressFinally, emotional or physical stress can also cause elevated white blood cell counts. The good news is that white blood cell levels will return to normal after the stress is gone.

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It Is A Condition In Which The Blood Contains More Platelets Than Normal

Platelets are small fragments of blood cells that help the blood to clot.

Possible complications of high platelets may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots.
  • Brain damage

In a healthy person, there is usually a normal platelet count that ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood .

However, these limits are determined by the lower and upper 2.5th percentile, and a deviation does not necessarily imply any form of disease.

However, it is considered that more than 750,000 are serious enough to warrant investigation and intervention. A high platelet count can be identified by routine blood testing.

The appearance of high platelets is divided into two medical categories: primary thrombocythemia and secondary thrombocytosis .

In primary thrombocythemia : the cause of high platelets is unknown, and it occurs as an independent condition.

In secondary thrombocytosis : high platelets occur as a symptom of another disease or condition, such as anemia, infection or cancer.

In many cases, high platelets may not produce specific symptoms. In other cases, the elevation of platelet levels leads to the development of unwanted and unnecessary blood clots throughout the body, which can produce a series of symptoms.

The presence of high platelets is rarely associated with a medical emergency. However, in some cases, high platelets can cause blood clots, hemorrhages, or strokes.

If your high platelet condition is persistent or worrisome, seek immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis Of Thrombocythemia Or Thrombocytosis

Thrombocythemia or thrombocytosis is diagnosed with the help of three factors such as medical history, physical exam, and diagnostic tests. You may need a doctor who specializes in blood diseases and conditions such as a hematologist.

Medical History: A brief medical history is obtained to find the factors that can affect your platelets such as medical procedures or blood transfusions, recent infections or vaccines, over-the-counter medicines, eating habits, amount of alcohol consumption, as well as a family history of high platelet counts.

Physical Exam: The medical history is next followed by a brief physical exam. The physical exam concentrates on finding signs and symptoms of blood clots and bleeding. Since secondary thrombocytosis can occur due to infection, your doctor may try to find anything suspicious such as an infected wound. Your doctor would also try to find other disease conditions which might cause an increase in the number of platelets.

Diagnostic Tests: Finally a series of tests are ordered by your doctor to help diagnose a high platelet count. Some of the common tests are discussed below:

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High White Blood Cell Count What You Should Know

White blood cells play an important role in your bodys immune system, searching the blood for invading viruses, bacteria, and fungi. When a foreign virus or bacteria enters your blood, the white blood cell , recognizes and destroys the invading particle before it can cause disease. There are several different types of white blood cells, each with their own function. Some directly destroy the foreign bacteria, while others attack your own cells that are infected by viruses. Other types of white blood cells can even play a role in allergic reactions!

What Other Information Should I Know

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Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your doctor will order certain lab tests to check your body’s response to romiplostim injection.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

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What Is Platelet Count Test

Platelet count test is a part of a regular Complete Blood Count , a panel of laboratory tests that examine different components of the blood such as white blood cell count, red blood cell count, or mean platelet volume . Platelet count is a measure of the number of platelets in a given sample of blood. The test result is interpreted by a doctor to determine if a patient has bleeding disorders, bone marrow diseases , and other health problems.

Platelet count test is also ordered by the doctor if a patient has unexplained bruises in his/her body and it takes an unusually long period of time to stop bleeding from a small cut or wound in the skin.

How To Raise My Dog’s Low Platelet Count

  • How to raise my dog ‘s platelets at home: Give them natural coconut water, which helps to increase platelets due to its content of vitamin A, C, iron, potassium and calcium. This drink is also suitable for dogs , so you can safely give it to them. It is also recommended to keep your dog at home for a few days.

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