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What Does An Allergy Shot Do

Why Do I Have Allergies

How do allergy shots work?

Allergies are a sign of an overactive immune system. If you have allergies, your body overreacts to substances that are safe for most people, such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting

A severe form of reaction anaphylaxis may make it difficult to breathe or cause you to lose consciousness. Anaphylaxis is potentially deadly. If youre at risk for anaphylaxis, we prescribe an epinephrine pen that you carry with you wherever you go.

They Can Take A Few Years To Really Work

Allergy shots aren’t a quick fix. While some people may start to feel better during the build-up phase of their treatment, most people won’t experience noticeable improvement until they’ve been in the maintenance phase for six to 18 months, Dr. Dziadzio said.

In fact, a February 2017 JAMA study found that it took three full years for allergy shots for hay fever to be more effective than placebo shots. The maintenance phase for most allergy shots is usually continued for three to five years. Some patients experience long-lasting relief after that, and some may need continued treatment.

What Is Immunotherapy Is It The Same As Allergy Shots

Immunotherapy refers to treatment and management plans that train the immune system to act differently than it normally would. For example, treating your immune system not to react to allergens.

There are multiple types of immunotherapy used for allergies. Subcutaneous immunotherapy refers to immunotherapy that is done under the skin, via a shot. Subcutaneous immunotherapy, then, is another term for allergy shots. SCIT is a long-term treatment designed to reduce the severity of symptoms for allergy sufferers. For some, their allergies may even stop completely. This type of immunotherapy is considered the gold standard for allergy treatment.

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First What Are Allergy Shots

Allergy shots are a type of immunotherapy aimed at reducing or eliminating allergy symptoms.

Allergy shots use tiny doses of a specific allergen to desensitize your immune systems response to that allergen. By regularly exposing your body to small amounts of an allergen, you can develop an immunity over time. That can erase your symptoms .

You may benefit from allergy shots if:

  • Other treatments dont work or dont provide long-lasting relief
  • You want to cut back on taking over-the-counter medication
  • You have allergies that cant be controlled by other medications

There are few things to consider if youre wondering if you should pursue allergy shots.

How To Know Its Time To Try Allergy Shots

All Youve Ever Wanted to Know About Allergy Shots

How can you know if allergy shots are right for you? Patients are a good fit for allergy shots if they:

  • Have no fear of needles
  • Have a condition that can be treated with allergy shots
  • Wish to reduce long-term use of allergy medications
  • Have no control over exposure to an allergen
  • Have had little success with controlling symptoms via medications

Allergy shots are not right for every patient. Any patient considering allergy shots should consult with their doctor or allergist to discuss their options.

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They Contain Allergens So Reactions Can Happen

Allergy shots work by exposing patients to tiny amounts of whatever it is they’re allergic to. The amount of allergen in each injection increases gradually over time so the body can build up a tolerance.

“It changes the person’s immune system from having a bad reaction to pretty much ignoring the allergen,” Dr. Dziadzio said. “For some people, it decreases their allergies enough so they can come off medicine entirely, and for some it helps their medicines be more effective.”

But because allergens are involved, reactions to the shots themselves are possible. These can range from swelling and itching at the injection site to sneezing and a runny nose, to, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock, which is severe and could be life-threatening. That’s why it’s recommended that patients stay at their healthcare provider’s office for 30 minutes after each shot so they can be monitored and treated for reactions if they do occur, according to MedlinePlus.

How Long To I Have To Keep Getting My Allergy Shots

There are two phases to allergy shot therapy: a build-up phase and a maintenance phase.

  • Build-up phase: In this phase you will start with a low dose injection and build to a higher dose of allergens over time. For typical immunotherapy this phase lasts from 6 to 10 months, depending on how often you get your shots and how well you tolerate them. The build-up phase for venom therapy generally lasts for 10 weeks.
  • Maintenance phase: When you reach your effective therapeutic dose you will begin the maintenance phase. During this phase you receive your allergy shots less often, usually every 3 to 4 weeks. The maintenance phase typically lasts 3-5 years .

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Who Can Benefit From Allergy Shots

You may benefit from allergy shots if you have:

  • Asthma that allergies make worse
  • Allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis
  • Have a heart condition.
  • Take certain medicines, such as ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers.
  • Are pregnant. Pregnant women should not begin allergy shots. But, they may be able to continue allergy shot treatment that was started before they became pregnant.

Food allergies are not treated with allergy shots.

What If I Have More Questions

Do-It-Yourself Allergy Shots

If youre still wondering, Are allergy shots worth it?, the immunologists at Florida Medical Clinic are here to help. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Daniel Reichmuth in Land OLakes, Wesley Chapel or Zephyrhills, FL, please .

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Always talk with your doctor before starting or stopping medications.

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Getting The Most Out Of Treatment

We do have a number of patients who come to our clinic either actively receiving shots from another physician or having been on allergy shots in the past who remain symptomatic. Some have even been on shots for 20-30 years or longer! This is usually explained by the fact that the amount of allergen extract in the shot is insufficient or by the fact that their tests were incorrectly interpreted in the first place and they were never really allergic at all! Patients should ask their shot provider if the contents of their shots and the schedules by which they are administered meet current AAAAI/ACAAI guidelines. Also, patients should be aware of what is actually contained in their allergy shots. The use of generic mixes of allergens is very popular and can be potentially harmful if the patient is not allergic to each component of the mix.Shot providers should be able and willing to discuss the contents of the shot, the amounts of each allergen, the schedule by which the shots will be administered, and how this plan follows the guidelines for allergen immunotherapy.

Allergy Shots Are Effective

Allergy shots are usually a very effective way of treating chronic allergies. It may take some time, but most people find that regular shots can help them when other common treatments havent worked. Studies show that 85% of people who suffer from hay fever see a reduction in their symptoms when they receive shots.

Many people avoid allergy shots because theyre afraid of injections. But the benefit is that the pain of an injection lasts just a moment while the relief of no more symptoms can last a lifetime.

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Can Allergy Shots Treat Food Allergies

No. Avoidance is the only treatment for food allergy. There is no cure. Neither desensitization nor shots have proven to be a safe or effective way of reducing food allergy reactions. If interested in being part of future research for treatments, contact the Family Allergy & Asthma Research Institute.

Resource Center: Allergy Shots

Now Accepting Telemedicine Visits

For those suffering from long term allergies, allergen immunotherapy is appealing. This therapy is also known as allergy shots and is a course of treatment for a number of allergies . It works to decrease sensitivity to the trigger allergens and can result in a resolution of symptoms even after the therapy has stopped.

Who Can Benefit From Allergy Shots?

While anyone can receive this type of therapy, doctors do not recommend the treatment for very young children . Also, other medical conditions must always be taken into account and discussed with your care team.

The decision to undergo this therapy should always be a discussion you have with your allergist or immunologist. Some things you may want to include in that discussion:

  • How long have you been suffering from this allergy, and how severe are your symptoms?
  • Are you able to manage your symptoms by controlling your environment and medication?
  • Are you trying to avoid long-term medication?
  • Does your insurance cover the treatment?

How does this therapy actually work?

Think of it as a vaccine. The doctor will inject you with a specific amount of your trigger allergen. Each shot will slowly and gradually include more of the allergen. This helps your body to develop a tolerance and immunity to your allergen.

This happens in two specific phases:

Phase two: Maintenance phase This phase will be different. Once the doctor establishes that your effective dose is reached, there are longer times between treatments .

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Allergy Shots: Are They Worth It 5 Things You Need To Know

If you suffer from allergies, youre familiar with the constant congestion, sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and other hay fever symptoms that always spring up as springtime rolls around. Or maybe your symptoms plague you all year long because of ever-present pets, mold, and dust.

Perhaps youve tried oral decongestants, nasal sprays, and eye drops all with no long-term success. If thats the case for you, youre not alone. Allergies are the 6th most common cause of chronic illnesses in the US.

Fortunately, one of the most effective treatments is one of the simplest: an allergy shot. Weve asked Dr. Daniel Reichmuth, one of our expert immunologists, to share insight into the question, Are allergy shots worth it?

How Immunotherapy Works

Immunotherapy works like a vaccine. Each shot contains a small amount of the allergens that are causing your symptoms. The shots start at a low dosage and increase with time. The goal is to get your body to tolerate the allergen. A higher tolerance means fewer symptoms.

Allergy shots are effective over time, as they require three to six months for symptoms to improve, and some people need shots for longer to get the maximum benefit. Your doctor works with you and monitors your progress. We develop an individualized plan and meet with you periodically to review your treatment. If your allergic symptoms are constant, you might need to see us every six to 12 months. Patients who are doing well can have treatment reviews once a year.

After your shot, we ask that you stay in our office for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure that there are no reactions. On the off chance of a reaction, we ease your discomfort and adjust your dose so you have a smaller risk of reaction in the future.

To make an appointment, call 216-778-2213. Referrals are not required.

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What Are Allergy Shots

The origins of allergy shots date back to 1911, and theyre an effective form of treatment for many.

Theyre a form of immunotherapy, which is a way of trying to change or train your immune system so it doesnt react to your allergens or the things youre allergic to, says Jessica Hui, M.D., an allergy and immunology physician at National Jewish Health. Essentially, the goal of allergy shots is to help your body create a lasting tolerance to your allergens.

Who Should Take An Allergy Shot Instead Of Allergy Medication

What are Allergy Shots? – Dr. Gayatri S Pandit

Allergy shots are a great idea for anyone whos frustrated with their allergies and doesnt want to take over-the-counter antihistamines, like Claritin or Zyrtec or nasal sprays for the rest of their life, says Dr. Shah.

They might also make sense if youve tried several allergy medications without seeing benefits or are chronically exposed to what youre allergic to and unable to avoid your allergens. If you have a serious condition, such as heart disease or severe asthma, however, some experts recommend you avoid allergy shots.

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Allergy Shots: Could They Help Your Allergies

Last Updated July 2022 | This article was created by editorial staff and reviewed by Leisa Bailey, MD

Another name for allergy shots is allergen immunotherapy. It is a type of treatment that relieves symptoms for people who have chronic allergies. Allergy shots contain small amounts of the thing you are allergic to, called an allergen. The first shot you get has a low amount of the allergen. The dose increases with each shot. Over time, this process helps your body fight the allergen. Your immune system creates antibodies to block its effect. The result is your allergy symptoms become less severe.

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Antihistamines Can Make Allergy Shots Easier

Taking an oral antihistamine before each shot can help reduce side effects and reactions. “We really encourage patients to take them beforehand, especially as they get closer to their maintenance dose and their local reactions can get pretty bad,” Dr. Dziadzio said.

Of note, taking an antihistamine can help prevent most reactions but not all. MedlinePlus indicated that completing pretreatment with antihistamines “does not prevent anaphylaxis,” when the body has an extreme immune system response to something foreign.

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What Are The Risks Of Allergy Shots

Overall, allergy shots have a low risk for side effects or adverse reactions. A few people may have a severe allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis, which is why your allergy shot can be administered only by a medical professional. Most women, men, and children experience only mild symptoms or some swelling at the injection site.

My Allergy Shots Arent Working Why Could That Be

Immunotherapy: How Allergy Shots Work (With images)

There are a few different reasons why you may not be finding relief from immunotherapy.

The first is time. As stated previously, immunotherapy is a slow process. It can take several months for your symptoms to start disappearing. If youve been receiving consistent shots for a year and havent noticed any changes, talk to your immunologist about next steps.

Alternatively, you may be allergic to something that wasnt identified in your allergy test and isnt included in your treatment formula. Your immunologist may have you retested or administer a different kind of test.

Lastly, you might not be receiving a high enough dose. Shot schedules start with very small amounts which are slowly increased over time. Its possible you may need a higher dose or need to receive injections more often. Your doctor can advise you on your options.

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Changes In Your Health

If at any time during the course of your immunotherapy you develop a new medical condition, you become pregnant, or you start a new medication, please tell the nurse. In particular, high blood pressure or heart medications and certain antidepressants cannot be taken with allergy shots. You should not get your allergy shot if you are have a fever, rash, asthma symptoms, or increased allergy symptoms.

Are Allergy Shots Effective

When the treatment is done correctly, allergy shots can be as much as 90% effective at reducing symptoms. They can also prevent the development of new allergies or prevent diseases like asthma from getting worse.

However, not everyone should get allergy shots. Allergy shots are usually only recommended when:

  • Medication cant control your symptoms, and you cannot avoid the allergen.
  • Allergy medications interact with other medications you take, causing side effects or reducing the effectiveness of either medication.
  • You want to reduce your long-term use of allergy medications.

Allergy shots are not recommended if:

  • You are trying to treat a food allergy, latex allergy, or medication allergy. Allergy shots are not effective against these types of allergies. It is best to avoid these substances altogether.
  • Your child is under 5 years of age: Allergy shots are not recommended for children under 5 because these children may find it challenging to cooperate with the program, or express that they are having a negative reaction.
  • Have a heart condition or cardiac disease.

When deciding if allergy shots are right for you, you and your allergist should also consider:

  • The length of allergy season and the severity of your symptoms.
  • Your current medications.
  • Your time availability .
  • The cost of the treatment and your insurance coverage.
  • Whether other options, like oral pills, are better suited to your situation.

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Con: They Can Take Some Time To Start Working

You wont see immediate results with immunotherapy. It can take anywhere from three months to a year for allergy shots to start working. And once they do start working, youll need to continue with the shot every so often for maintenance.

This is not a quick fix, Dr. Harbour said. Typically we tell clients that this is something we commit to for the long haul.

In the meantime, your vet might recommend a prescription medication, like Apoquel or Atopica, to manage your dogs symptoms.

Or they might recommend a dog-safe over-the-counter antihistamine, which is usually best paired with an omega-3 supplement.

Allergy Shots Are Usually Very Safe

How Do Allergy Shots Work

Allergy shots are well-tolerated by most people, and any side effects tend to be minor. Your doctor will discuss possible side effects to look out for during your visit. Shots are suitable for most patients over the age of five.

The most common side effects are typical of any injection, which include redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site.

If you experience trouble breathing, dizziness, or throat swelling after an injection, its important to let your allergy provider know immediately. These may be signs of anaphylaxis, which is a rare but serious side effect. Your doctor will ask you to wait in the clinic for half an hour after getting an injection to monitor you for signs of anaphylaxis.

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