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HomeCan Allergy Cause Weight Loss

Can Allergy Cause Weight Loss

Chinese Medicine And Inflammation

Intestinal Worms Causing Weight Gain, Stress, Food Allergies, Constipation and Insomnia

Chinese medicine calls inflammation fire or heat. Its a very old medical system with terminology that has not changed very much in the last 3000 years. It has always explained inflammatory conditions as mostly caused by faulty diets and stress. Those conditions were largely found in the West where people had poor diet and way too much stress.

For over 850 years Chinese medicine held the belief that the immune system is rooted in the digestive system. The root of immune-problems is addressed by healing the digestive system. I had seen great results in treating allergies and autoimmune conditions purely with Chinese medicine applying these very principles. I have always tried to explain everything I learned about Chinese medicine theory in the scientific model if possible. Maybe I feel this urge because I was first trained in Western medicine. But with this piece, I always struggled. There was really no literature talking about a direct link of the gut and the immune system that would satisfy me. This changed with the research of the gut microbiome.

Getting More Energy For Exercise Routines

Weight loss isnt just about the diet. We need to do the exercise to build and tone the muscles. The exercise will help to boost our metabolic rate and increase a number of calories we burn. It also boosts the happy hormones in the body, making us want to do more and eat food that is good for us.

Well, food allergies stop us from doing exercise. Honestly, tell me that when youre in pain, you want to do exercise. I bet you cant!

All we want to do is curl up in a ball and wish the pain would go away. In some cases, the pain is so bad that we can barely walk, let alone do any other exercise. No number of painkillers helps us get off the couch and get through a regular day.

Even if you werent in pain, your mood would slump. The inflammation causes a drop-in energy levels, and you just dont feel like you can get out and exercise. Its the last thing on your mind!

Not doing exercise is doing you no favors when it comes to weight loss. You dont burn any extra calories, and you dont help to boost some calories your muscles need because you dont build them up!

When you exercise, you also eliminate some of the snacking. After all, you cant do both, can you? The chances are that when you do exercise, you dont want to ruin the hard work with snacking. It makes you want to stick to that healthy diet, and youll find it easier to create balance.

How Do Food Allergies Relate To Weight Gain

Food allergies and sensitivities can have a ripple effect when it comes to weight gain. While the allergy or sensitivity you experience does not directly cause your body to put on extra pounds, the reactions you experience may indirectly lead to weight gain.

If you experience a food sensitivity, and feel lethargic, your daily activity level and motivation may decrease dramatically, leading to higher numbers on the scale.

For allergy sufferers, inflammation may be to blame for weight gain. Inflammation is one of the reactions that occurs when the immune system is triggered by food allergies.

Chronic inflammation is caused by several diseases and conditions, including insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain. Insulin regulates the bodys ability to metabolize the food we eat. When the body becomes insulin resistant it isnt able to properly metabolize foods. This inability is associated with increased weight gain especially around the lower abdomen. This is why eating a healthy diet is essential to disease prevention.

Left untreated, food sensitivities and allergies may also lead to weight gain because youre unable to continue the same level of daily fitness.

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What Is Lactose Intolerance

This is an inability to properly digest lactose a sugar found in cows milk and dairy products. The condition is also known as lactose malabsorption or otherwise as lactose intolerance . What causes lactose intolerance? The malabsorption happens when your small intestines do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase which is needed to digest lactose a disaccharide sugar found exclusively in mammalian milk.

When this non-digested milk sugar is unable to be absorbed into the body via the small intestine lining, it moves into the large intestine where it interacts with the bacteria there, causing a number of symptoms and discomfort .

How Allergies Are Making You Fat

Weight Loss After A Food Allergy Diagnosis

definitely1. Are you sure youre tracking calories correctly?www.fitday.com2. Do you know what real hunger feels like?3. Lack of nutrientspica4. Lack of exerciseGAIAM TVExercise raises histamine levels, please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise. 5. Overestimating how many calories exercise burns

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When To Call Your Doctor

Its important to see your doctor if you are experiencing a hoarse voice that lasts beyond a few days. While most causes of hoarseness are benign and are due to transient causes such as a cold, it may also be a symptom of something more serious.

If your symptom persists, its important to make an appointment with your doctoreven if you think theres a reasonable cause. Doctors vary on what they call persistent. In general, if your symptoms last more than two weeks, progressively worsen, or are associated with other symptoms, you should make an appointment.

If you notice the sudden loss of voice or have other concerning symptoms, such as weakness in a part of your body, visual changes, or lightheadedness, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

How Food Intolerance Makes You Fat

One of the most common causes of food intolerance is repeatedly eating foods your body cant handle, creating a system-wide immune response. And when your immune system remains fired up on a regular basis, chronic inflammation is the result.

Long-term inflammation expands your waistline in more ways than one! From knocking your hormones out of whack and sparking insulin resistance to interfering with your digestive system and causing fluid retention, inflammation sabotages your weight and your health.

If your goal is to be lean and healthy, eliminating the foods your body doesnt tolerate and getting rid of chronic inflammation are absolutely essential.

But how do you know which foods to avoid? After working with thousands of clients struggling with weight loss resistance, Ive identified these seven foods most likely to stand in the way of lasting weight loss.

A smoothie makes the perfect way to break your fast and be the best fat burner! I’ve compiled over 50 of my favorite recipes in this Smoothie Guide. Claim your FREE guide here.

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Can Gluten Intolerance Lead To Health Problems And Weight Gain

With all the news about gluten and gluten-free diets, you may be wondering can gluten intolerance lead to weight gain? In fact, if your body cant process gluten you can have many problems including weight gain. However, weight gain isnt as common as weight loss.

With gluten intolerance, your body has trouble absorbing the protein gluten thats found in wheat, barley, and rye. As you continue to eat these foods you may have a wide array of digestive problems weight gain being one of them.

Gluten intolerance can cause gas, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. The symptoms you experience will be individual. One of the best ways to discover whether or not youre tolerant to gluten is to eliminate gluten from your diet and see if symptoms subside.

Many people find that a gluten-free diet can promote weight loss and better digestive health. A lot of that is because foods that are high in gluten also tend to be high in refined sugars, fats, and artificial ingredients.

But if you continue to eat gluten and you have an intolerance, you could actually end up having problems with too much weight loss. This isnt the kind that helps you shape up for summer its the kind that sends you to the hospital and makes you very ill.

Gluten intolerance can exacerbate problems such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other auto-immune disorders because it causes inflammation in your body. It can even cause a severe allergic reaction called celiac disease.

Healthy Bodies Produce More Leptin

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If your body is healthy and without allergic symptoms, youll find that you have more leptin. This is a chemical that your body needs. It helps to maintain weight, so avoids you gaining too much even if you dont have the healthiest of diets! You may even overeat but the right amount of leptin will help to boost the metabolism naturally and improve the weight maintenance. Yes, this is the case for those annoying people who seem to be at a healthy weight no matter what they eat!

Inflammation inhabits the production of leptin. The more foods that you eat that youre allergic to, the more inflammation you will experience. Your body then must produce more anti-inflammatory elements, which then directly affect the leptin in the body.

Without the leptin, your body can tackle the weight gain. It can maintain the healthy weight, and you start gaining without even doing anything necessarily bad. You can have a good diet and create a calorie deficit, but your body struggles because youre eating the wrong types of foods.

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Can Seasonal Allergies Cause A Hoarse Voice How Hay Fever Affects Your Voice

Posted on byTeenStar

Stuffy noses, congestion, and itchy sinuses can all take their toll on your voice. These are of course bad news for singers but are also increasingly common.

Can seasonal allergies cause a hoarse voice? Yes, but there are ways to combat a croaky voice caused by allergens. Find out how hay fever, pollen and other matter attack the respiratory system, so you can better prepare to combat and prevent the effects.

In this article, well explain why these issues may be arising, which mediations to avoid and what alternative remedies will be most effective.

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So What About Weight Gain

How in the world does an allergy contribute to putting on weight? First of all, many patients are craving the very foods they are allergic to. Sugar and high-glycemic foods, including common allergens such as wheat and corn, will initially stimulate the feel good neurotransmitter in the brain called serotonin. This is familiar to anyone who eats for comfort and knows the temporary good feeling that comes from eating certain foods. The effect doesnt last long however and leaves people craving again. Added to this is the allergy effect the inflammatory cytokines eventually cause a decrease in serotonin which compounds the whole issue of cravings.

The second connection between food allergies and weight gain is the anti-inflammatory hormone called cortisol. The body naturally makes cortisol to control inflammation. Unfortunately cortisol also increases blood sugar and with chronic food allergies the persistent inflammation will stimulate ongoing cortisol production leading to persistent blood sugar stimulation. Now the body makes more insulin to control the sugar and before long insulin resistance and diabetes take hold. Cortisol also causes fat to accumulate around the midsection leading to an apple shaped body.

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How Does A Person Become Allergic

Allergens can be inhaled, ingested, or enter through the skin. Common allergic reactions, such as hay fever, certain types of asthma, and hives are linked to an antibody produced by the body called immunoglobulin E . Each IgE antibody can be very specific, reacting against certain pollens and other allergens. In other words, a person can be allergic to one type of pollen, but not another. When a susceptible person is exposed to an allergen, the body starts producing a large quantity of similar IgE antibodies. The next exposure to the same allergen may result in an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction will vary depending on the type and amount of allergen encountered and the manner in which the bodyâs immune system reacts to that allergen.

Allergies can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Generally, allergies are more common in children. However, a first-time occurrence can happen at any age, or recur after many years of remission. Hormones, stress, smoke, perfume, or environmental irritants may also play a role in the development or severity of allergies.

Your Allergies Are Stopping You From Losing Weight

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Dietitians have one common belief: food allergies prevent people from losing weight. There are certain symptoms that make it extremely hard for the metabolism to work as it is meant to. Some symptoms can directly affect the metabolism by slowing it down when you want to speed it up. Instead of burning more calories, your metabolism is holding onto the calories for use later. Of course, with a slower metabolism, youll never actually use the calories, and you end up storing more and more.

In short, youre making yourself fat. Well, your allergies are making you fat. Allergies have three main symptoms: inflammation, weight gain, and bacteria growth.

Lets focus on the first symptom. Inflammation is a symptom that we commonly know about. However, we think of it in a different way. We often think of the swelling in the face, hands, and even neck. This type of inflammation is common in nut allergies and can be extremely dangerous.

The truth is some of the inflammation is just inside. Usually, youll get it within the digestive system, causing chronic pain and discomfort. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or Crohns disease, you will have the pain because of the inflammation that occurs.

Its impossible to lose the weight when you must deal with the inflammation. It constantly gets in the way and makes you feel much heavier and bigger than you really are.

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What Causes An Allergy

An overly sensitive immune system is what causes allergies. Your immune system is supposed to protect your body against illnesses and viruses, but, unfortunately, if your immune system is extremely sensitive, it will negatively respond to allergens like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites.

Your body reacts to these allergies by increasing the production of mucus, which then causes sneezing, nasal swelling, itchiness in your nose and eyes, and other types of symptoms. Your symptoms can also change as you get older.

People with allergies react to their allergens in ways that vary for each individual. Allergic reactions can also vary from one season to another or from one allergen to another.

Allegra & Weight Loss

Fact Checked

Allegra is the brand name for fexofenadine, a type of allergy medicine.This medication is a type of antihistamine that may help reduce the symptoms commonly associated with allergy attacks, such as itching and sneezing. Like many medications, Allegra may cause certain side effects 4. Although weight loss is not a common side effect of this drug, some people may experience digestive problems after taking Allegra.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Your Mind Will Be In The Right Place

Inflammation and pain affect the mind. When the symptoms are causing bloating and weight gain, your stress hormones increase. You instantly feel bad about yourself and will look for anyway to improve your mood.

Of course, we usually reach for the bad stuff! And in many cases, youll reach for the food that is making your allergy symptoms worse! You are creating a vicious cycle that you understand little about.

We tend to base our eating decisions on the mood that were in. If were stressed or upset, we look for the food that we think is going to better. We want the sugar rush, or we give into the cravings that we have. Well reach for chocolates and empty-calorie snacks that do nothing for our bodies. They offer absolutely no nutrients but are high in calories, so we end up eating far more calories than our bodies need.

We also eat foods that are lower in calories. We support our weight loss efforts to start creating a calorie deficit.

Well find it easier to stick to these diets. Feeling good about ourselves makes us want to stick to this way of feeling. Not only do we eat food that supports out gut, but well in the right mood to cut out the food that causes some of the allergy symptoms.

How Food Allergies Affect Weight Gain

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Are your food allergies causing you to get fat? If you cut out the foods that are causing allergies, could you improve your weight loss efforts? You may not even notice that you have food allergies or intolerances, experience pain, and discomfort daily without really understanding why.

Well, there are various symptoms of allergies that can affect your weight loss efforts. Even if youre not actively trying to diet, you may find that you gain weight daily because of the symptoms of your food allergies.

Its important to understand symptoms of allergiesits not all about rashes and swelling! There are various symptoms that you may have never have linked to allergies.

So, heres a look at all you need to know about food allergies and how they affect weight gain and your dieting efforts. Use the knowledge to improve your overall health.

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Lactose Intolerance Weight Loss

Milk and dairy products have been with us for millennia. Some cultures have credited this food source as the primary reason for their survival over hundreds of years. Not until comparatively recently have people considered the natural fat in dairy as something associated with health problems. The creation of low fat and no-fat dairy products nearly a hundred years ago added to the belief that dairy foods were fattening and that in turn made them subject to concerns about health issues.

Presently this has made some believe that lactose intolerance weight loss is a way to shed those extra stubborn pounds. However, could this condition of being unable to digest milk and dairy products cause you to lose weight? What do science and experts say about this?


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