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HomeCauseCan Window Air Conditioner Cause Allergies

Can Window Air Conditioner Cause Allergies

Install Air Quality Products Within The Hvac System

Can your air conditioner make you sick? The signs to look out for

If you find you need greater filtration or reduction of airborne allergy and asthma triggers, install air quality equipment. Theres a variety of options available including media air cleaners, air purifiers, dehumidifiers and humidifiers.

When installed within the HVAC system itself, the air quality equipment filters the air throughout the whole house. Portable units are usually insufficient and require more maintenance.

Air Cleaners

Some examples include the Carrier ® Infinity ® Air Purifier DGAPA and the Carrier Comfort EZ Flex Cabinet Air Filter EZXCAB.

Carrier ® Infinity ® Air Purifier – DGAPA

With whole house coverage, this air purifier uses Captures & Kills technology to trap up to 95 percent of particles between 1.0 and 3.0 microns. Based on third-party testing, it even shows a greater than 99 percent kill rate for common cold surrogate Streptococcus pyogenes and human influenza.

Ever feel like your family passes the same cold germ or flu bug around for weeks? It could be in your homes air, continually re-infecting you. It also offers flexible installation in upflow, downflow or horizontal flow furnaces.

Using easy to replace, long-lasting MERV 15 filters, Carrier offers a 10-year parts limited warranty.

Carrier Comfort EZ Flex Cabinet Air Filter – EZXCAB

Another option uses the deep-pleated style MERV 10 filter to promote airflow while it removes up to 65 percent of particulates as small as 1.0 micron.

Ultraviolet Air Purifier Light


The Dangers Of Your Window Air Conditioner

You only have to experience one summer in the desert to know what hot really is and Santa Fe, for all of its beauty, is prone to scorching desert summer temperatures. To keep cool during the summer air conditioning is a must. Many people opt for simple window units rather than spending more money on a central air unit. And while this may be a cheaper fix, window AC units have many dangers their users arent always aware of.

For starters, in order to use a window unit, a window must be available but the main problem here is with efficiency. Unlike central air, which can have multiple vents into multiple rooms, window units are static and can only cool one location. This is not the most ideal configuration to cool a house. Get supreme air conditioning installation in Santa Fe, NM, for your healthy environment.

Window AC units can also negatively affect your health. Window units draw heat and humidity out of a room, which leaves the air dry. Dry air can dry out the membranes of the nose, leaving the user more susceptible to allergens and even respiratory infections. Also, if the filters arent changed frequently, this can add to the problems since allergens will be blown around the room. Add to this the fact that many window unit outer seals crack easily causing more allergens and pollutants to circulate indoors.

How Central & Standalone Air Conditioning Affects Allergies

With central and standalone air conditioning units, the airflow in a dwelling is restricted. And while this means that new allergens are not being introduced into the air from open windows, this also means that any allergens or impurities in the air are trapped and are continually being recirculated through the building. Therefore, anyone who is allergic to the specific allergens or contaminants that are trapped will be continually affected by them.

Additionally, air conditioning can provide an ideal environment for other allergens to grow and thrive. In the case of central air conditioning, cooler air passes through ducts located in the attic and walls. When these blasts of cool air mingle with much warmer air, it produces condensation which is an ideal environment for mold to grow. Mold is one of the main irritants that plague allergy sufferers.

With a standalone or window air conditioning unit, you have to worry about being more susceptible to respiratory illnesses, as well. A window unit works by drawing the heat and humidity from the room to lower the ambient temperature. This dehumidifier effect actually can dry out the mucous membrane of your nose and make it more susceptible to airborne viruses and impurities. In this way, air conditioning cannot just exacerbate allergy symptoms, but asthma attacks, as well.

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Could Air Conditioning Actually Be Good For Allergies

While air conditioners are sometimes blamed for causing allergies or illnesses, they could actually be good for allergy sufferers!

Air conditioners trigger allergic reactions when there are already irritants in the environment, when your system is poorly maintained, and when your filters are dirty.

However, when you have clean filters, a clean environment, and a well-maintained air conditioner, allergies and irritants wont stand a chance. This is especially the case for refrigerated systems if the air in your home is already clean, the system will simply cool it, re-filter it and spread it back throughout your home. Refrigerated systems work best when windows and doors are closed too, meaning no irritants are coming in from outdoors!

While evaporative systems require open windows and doors, they will continually distribute fresh, filtered air throughout your home. So as long as your system is in good condition, your evaporative cooler can also be great for helping allergy sufferers.

Modern air conditioners also come with a range of air purifying features to help those with allergies and sensitivities. Well explore some of these features later on in the article!

Air Conditioning Cough Cure

Can You Be Allergic to Air Conditioning?

Are you one of those people who start coughing as soon as the air conditioning comes on? If so, youre not alone. Many people experience whats known as air conditioning cough.While the exact cause of air conditioning cough is unknown, its believed to be related to the drying effect that air conditioning has on the air. When the air is dry, it can irritate the throat and lungs, causing a cough. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help ease your air conditioning cough.First, try using a humidifier in your home or office to add moisture to the air. You can also drink plenty of fluids and avoid caffeine, which can further dehydrate you. If your air conditioning cough is really bothering you, you may want to see your doctor.In rare cases, air conditioning cough can be a sign of a more serious problem, such as asthma. So, if youre one of those people who start coughing as soon as the air conditioning comes on, dont despair. There are things you can do to ease your cough. And, if your cough is severe or doesnt go away, be sure to see your doctor.

Recommended Reading: How Do You Get Allergies

How Do All These Contaminants Find Their Way Into My Breathing Space

Humidity is possibly the most prevalent promoter of your HVAC system developing contaminants. This begs the question Why do I have excess humidity on my home? You might have an oversized air conditioner. If your air conditioner is too powerful, it will cycle on and off more frequently and not stay on long enough to remove humidity from the air. High humidity can also be caused by inadequate ventilation. A qualified HVAC installer can correct this problem by re-routing ductwork or adding makeup air.

You may have neglected maintenance, which could mean your equipment is operating inefficiently. When your systems evaporator and condenser coils are dirty, it could interfere with the transfer of heat, which will result in inefficiency and a struggle to remove humidity from the air. Coil cleaning and other preventative maintenance work is part of most service contracts with HVAC professionals. Investing in an air conditioning tune up, could help stop an air conditioner allergy problem before it starts.

Related article: AC Maintenance: The Cure For Springtime Allergies

Treating The Causes Of Indoor Air Pollutants

Installing the proper filters and replacing them on a timely basis are crucial elements for combatting air conditioner allergy problems. If, like most people, you are convinced that the air filter in your system is adequate to ward off contaminants, don’t be fooled. Your air filter serves as a tool to stop dust and other debris from entering your air conditioning equipment to maintain a healthy and efficient system.

Here are some precautions you can take to help prevent allergic reactions:

  • Keep doors and windows closedIts an effective way to help purify the air on the inside without letting contaminants in from the outside. This only works if the filters are clean.
  • Change the air conditioner filters regularlyThis stops the recycled air becoming dirty, as the air conditioner circulates polluted air.
  • Get a high-quality pre and secondary filterInvesting in a pre-filter and secondary filter prolongs the life of your air filter and increases the number of pollutants that get trapped.

Here are a few HVAC maintenance tips that can reduce seasonal allergy reactions:

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Poor Indoor Air Quality

If the indoor air quality is not good, the air conditioner can distribute the airborne pollutants throughout the home. Here are the common indoor particulates that can cause allergies:

  • Pollen: It enters your home through open doors, windows, clothing, and shoes. It is known to trigger hay fever and sinus-related allergies.

  • Dust mites: They can breed inside the air conditioning unit and feed on human skin. Dust mites are found in mattresses, pillows, carpets, blankets, and other furnishings and are known allergy triggers.

  • Pet dander: Some people are allergic to dander that contains proteins. Air conditioners can circulate pet dander that goes airborne, resulting in allergies.

  • Mold: It can develop inside high moisture areas in the home or inside ducts and air conditioners, from where the spores can travel through the house. Ensure proper duct cleaning and maintenance by a professional duct cleaning company, especially before the allergy season.

  • Bacteria and viruses: When airborne bacteria and viruses like measles, influenza, chickenpox, and legionella infiltrate the AC, air ducts can circulate them indoors, making the family sick.

Can Pollen Come Through The Window Air Conditioner

Can your air conditioner make you sick? The signs to look out for

Yes, pollen can come through the window air conditioner. When your air conditioner, especially the filter is not properly maintained, small particles present in the air like, mold, dust mites, pollutants, and pollen get trapped in them and then get airborne into your room when you switch on your AC unit. Therefore, you must ensure your unit always stays clean and also see to it that your filter is regularly replaced to improve the overall air quality of your room.

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Ac Air Filter A Game Changer

The first and foremost thing that can keep you safe from allergens is an air conditioner air filter. An air filter can serve as a shield against air pollutants, and they come in many forms and ratings. A good way to measure the effectiveness of a filter is by looking at its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV rating. A higher MERV rating means the filter is more effective at blocking out harmful particles.

A filter with an MERV of at least eight should be used. For applications in more sensitive areas, a HEPA filter, sometimes also known as an air conditioner allergy filter, can be used to block out more than 99.9% of the harmful particles in the air. It is the best air conditioner filter for allergies.

Getting the right filter is only part of the story. You should also check it regularly and clean it if needed. Air conditioner filters should be cleaned/routinely washed as part of routine maintenance. It is recommended to clean air filters after 250 hours of usage and change your air filters after every 3-4 months, depending on your use.

Tip #: Use Air Filters And Air Purifiers

Keeping your environment clean is the most effective way to combat allergies and irritants, but improving air quality using air filters and air purifiers can also help.

Your best option is to install an air purifier in the ductwork of an air conditioner. Having an additional purifier means your system can work double to reduce outstanding allergens.

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How Can I Stop Being Allergic To Ac

Its estimated that about 30% of people in the US are allergic to air conditioning. If youre one of them, youre probably all too familiar with the symptoms: stuffy nose, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing. But theres good news there are a few things you can do to lessen your symptoms and make AC tolerable.First, try to keep your AC unit clean. A build-up of dust and pollen can trigger your allergies, so make sure to regularly clean your unit . You might also want to consider using a HEPA filter, which can trap smaller particles that can cause allergies. Second, keep your AC unit well-maintained. If your unit isnt working properly, it can circulate dust and pollen throughout your home. Be sure to have it serviced regularly to keep it running smoothly. Finally, try to keep your home as clean as possible. Vacuum often and dust with a damp cloth to capture pollen and dust before it has a chance to circulate through your AC unit. By taking these steps, you can help lessen your symptoms and make AC tolerable.

Can My Air Conditioner Cause Allergies

Regular cleaning helps prevent foul odors.

While your air conditioner may seem to be the guilty party when your allergies flare up inside your home, the air conditioner itself is not causing your allergies. Instead, it’s simply failing to protect from outside allergens that should be filtered out before entering your home.

Air conditioners are equipped with air filters that, when properly installed and changed on the recommended schedule, will remove a high percentage of allergens and other particulates out of the air being blown into your home. The air conditioner itself is also not designed to produce any chemicals or airborne additives that would trigger an allergic reaction.

But when air conditioners aren’t properly cared for, they can both allow certain allergens into your home, and become a breeding ground for allergens on its own.

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How To Keep Pollen Out Of Air Condition

Many homes usually experience pollen invasions during spring. Although most of these people have a working HVAC system , unfortunately, most of them hardly know to keep pollen and other allergens out. In this section, I will be discussing how you can use your AC unit to keep out pollen.

1. Get matching HEPA filters for your AC unit.

We have 4 different types of air filters, but unfortunately, not all these filters are capable of keeping out small spores and allergens from the air in circulation in your room. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the filter model you have in your AC unit to see if it is the required filter for your unit or you can ask your HVAC technician to do the verification for you during the weekly or monthly maintenance of your system.

To curb the growth, of prevent pollen and other allergens from infesting your room, make use of a HEPA filter or a top-rated filter capable of improving the air quality of your home. However, these kinds of filters have downsides, they are usually thicker than the regular filters and therefore, contribute additional workload to your AC unit. Consequently, to avoid overworking your HVAC system, you should change them more often.

2. Trust your air conditioner

3. Keep your condenser away from pollen and other plants

Air Conditioner Allergy Treatment

If you suffer from allergies, you know how miserable they can make you feel. Sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose are just a few of the symptoms that can leave you feeling drained and exhausted. And if your allergies are triggered by pollen, mold, or dust mites, the warmer months can be especially tough.But theres no need to suffer! There are a number of air conditioner allergy treatments that can help you get your allergies under control and enjoy the summer months. Here are much air conditioner allergy treatments to consider: 1. Air Purifiers An air purifier is a great way to remove allergens from the air in your home. Look for an air purifier with a HEPA filter, which is designed to capture 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger. 2. Cleaning Your Air Conditioner If your allergies are triggered by mold or dust mites, its important to keep your air conditioner clean. Be sure to clean the coils and filter monthly. You may also want to consider using an air conditioner cover, which can help to keep dust and dirt out of the unit.

3. Keep the Humidity Low Mold and mildew thrive in humid environments. By keeping the humidity in your home low, you can create an inhospitable environment for these allergens.

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Best Ac Filters For Allergies And Asthma

Like I said earlier, there are lots of filter choices for homeowners to choose from, but choosing the one that can protect against allergens is usually difficult even for some experts. And that is why in this section, I have compiled a list of the top 5 best filters that are effective against dander, pollen, and every other capable of causing allergens.

  • Filter kings MERV 11 filter
  • Filterete MRP 1000 Micro Allergen defense.
  • AIRX filter Allergy MERV 11
  • Aerostar AC and air filter MERV 13
  • Filterete AC furnace healthy living ultra allergen.
  • How Do You Properly Maintain Your Ac To Prevent Allergies

    VERIFY: Do air-conditioners cause sinus congestion?

    There are several ways to properly maintain your air conditioner that are easy and inexpensive:

  • 1Replace your AC air filters regularly more frequently if you have pets.
  • 2Clear the ductwork from dust, both above and below your house.
  • 3Make sure there are no leaks and drips in any part of the unit.
  • 4Be mindful of any gaps or open doors and windows while your air conditioning unit is running.
  • Read Also: Can Allergies Make Your Eyes Red


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