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What Is Pet Dander Allergies

Signs Of A Pet Dander Allergy

Symptoms of Pet Dander Allergies

Pet allergens cause telltale symptoms. The immune system reacts to the foreign substances in pet urine, saliva or dander. Despite common belief, no pets are truly hypoallergenic even hairless pets produce allergy-inducing proteins. If you experience some of the following symptoms, you may have pet allergies:

  • Inflamed, itchy eyes.
  • Red skin rashes or hives.
  • Asthma episodes.

These symptoms may appear right away or after several days, depending on the severity and your sensitivity. You need not come in direct contact with an animal to experience an allergic reaction pet allergens can sit on clothing, furniture or carpet fibers. They can even hang suspended in the air. In mild cases, allergic reactions may be hardly noticeable. In severe cases, allergic reactions can be life-threatening.

How To Help Prevent Pet Dander Allergies

The best way to avoid a pet dander allergy is to avoid contact with them or where they live. Though thats pretty much impossible, and if youre an animal lover, not interacting with animals is a horrible prospect.

Luckily, you have a myriad of options that can help eliminate pet allergies or at least mitigate the severity of allergic reactions. Lets break it down and explain how it works into the following categories.

Contact Houston Sinus & Allergy

Pets are a beloved part of the modern home those who experience pet allergies need strategies to overcome or reduce their symptoms. Once you know the signs of a pet allergy, you can take steps to manage your symptoms or reduce your allergic reactions through treatment. Antihistamines, decongestants, allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy methods all provide much-needed allergy symptom relief.

If youre interested in allergy treatment, contact Houston Sinus & Allergy today. At Houston Sinus & Allergy, we provide expert in-house treatment, requiring no hospital visit. We can help alleviate your pet allergy symptoms for a more comfortable and fulfilling life. Feel free to reach out with any questions about pet allergy treatment options.

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Why Is Pet Dander A Problem

For people with allergies, pet dander is a real problem. Many people suffer from pet dander allergies. The dander contains a protein that causes allergic reactions.

In addition, the protein is also found in the urine and saliva of these animals as well. So, every time the animal empties its bladder the protein from the urine can stick to the skin.

Even if you take your dog outside and down the street to do its business, you are going to bring some of that allergen back inside in the form of tiny droplets of urine that touch the skin. Once that bit of skin is shed, it has a double dose of the protein that causes the allergic reaction. Dose one is the skin itself and dose two is the protein from the urine.

But wait, theres more! The protein that causes allergic reactions is also found in the saliva of the animal too. Now every time the cat or dog licks, it spreads the protein.

Since our pets bathe by licking their fur and skin, they add more of the allergy-causing protein. The skin that was groomed by the pet has a double dose of the protein thanks to the saliva.

When you inhale these tiny particles of skin, skin + urine, or skin + saliva your immune system thinks it is under attack by germs.

In allergic people, the immune system misidentifies these harmless proteins as evil invaders. It creates a specific antibody for the protein. The next time it sees the protein, it cues the antibody to start stimulating mast cells.

  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Stuffy nose or a runny nose.

Dog Dander Allergy: Symptoms Risks And Management

Pets can be a major source of allergy in children. Lets understand how ...

According to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA, up to 30 percent of people with allergies are allergic to cats, dogs, and pets in general.

As we all know, we cant deny the loyalty and affection that our pets give freely to our families.

It can be disturbing to learn that you or your kids are allergic to your family dog despite the love you may have towards it.

Contrary to common belief, it is not the pet hair that results to allergies, but rather the proteins found in their saliva, urine, and dander.

Below, we will explore pet dander allergy and explore the common dander allergy symptoms.

NOTE: This article is NOT intended as medical advice, and is provided for informational purposes only. ALWAYS see a qualified medical practitioner for advice on dealing with allergy symptoms.

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Over The Counter Allergy Medicines

Nasal and Oral Corticosteroids

  • Flonase Nasal Spray offers 24-hour relief of allergy symptoms. The active ingredient is Fluticasone propionate
  • Rhinocort Allergy Spray for 24-hour relief of congestion, sneezing, runny nose, and itchy nose. The active ingredient is Budesonide.

Oral Antihistamines

  • Claritin Reditabs is a 24-hour oral allergy medicine. The active ingredient is loratadine.
  • Zyrtec Allergy Relief Tablets offer 24-hour relief of upper respiratory allergy symptoms. The active ingredient is Cetirizine HCl.

Natural Remedies

  • Saline sinus rinse – Mix 3 teaspoons of non-iodized salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 8 ounces of water to create a sinus rinse. You can use an ear dropper or purchase a sinus rinsing device to apply the mixture and help relieve symptoms.
  • Plant-based supplements – Taking supplements that contain rosmarinic acid may help alleviate symptoms.
  • Some Foods may reduce inflammation that leads to allergy symptoms : Ginger, Bee pollen, Citrus fruits, Turmeric, Tomatoes, salmon/oily fish, onions

Essential Oils

When To Treat Pet Allergy Symptoms

Allergies are a bit different than some conditions in terms of treatment. In most scenarios, you take medicine after you get a headache or cold.

Allergies demand a preemptive strike. Its almost always better to take allergy medicine ahead of exposure to fend off a full-blown allergy attack, whether its pet dander, pollen, or other allergens.

Lets revisit the scenario of visiting a friend with a pet.

I always recommend pre-treating at least 30 minutes ahead of the exposure, says Dr. Sindher. That goes for people with allergies plus asthma too.

I recommend pre-treating with their asthma medications as well. If the situation is avoidable, then the recommendation is definitely to avoid.

When the symptoms arent treated right away, its like a raging allergic storm. Once there is inflammation in the nose it is really hard to get it back down, adds Dr. Sindher.

So, even if you pop an allergy pill after the fact, it could take hours and repeat doses to feel better.

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Are There Long Term Effects For People Regularly Exposed To Pet Dander

Some pet loving families have a poor immune system response to common pet allergens while others develop symptoms of pet-related asthma. For those who struggle with breathing properly in the presence of pet dander or other common pet allergens, their respiratory function can decline and the overall health of the lungs can be impacted. Since each person is an individual, it is impossible to define the amount of pet-related allergens in a home that it takes for someones health to be significantly impacted.

Among the recurring health problems people with allergies to pet dander and other common pet-related allergens may see are as follows:

  • Rashes of the skin

How Are Pet Allergies Diagnosed

Effects of Pet Dander on Humans – From the makers of ZYRTEC®

If you sneeze or get teary-eyed around pets, you may wonder why allergy testing is necessary. The allergy symptoms mentioned above could show up in a host of other conditions, too.

Some folks might have a virus, a sinus infection, or even acid reflux, says Daniel Sullivan, MD, an allergist, otolaryngologist, and surgeon specializing in allergies at the Health First Medical Group in Melbourne, Florida.

Or you might mistake a pet allergy for a pollen one since youre sneezing after exposure to a cat or dog who played outside or rolled in pollen. When in fact, you might just be allergic to pollenor both.

Thats where allergy testing is very handy, and thorough physical exam, adds Dr. Sullivan.

Allergists give a virtually painless allergy skin test. A tiny amount of allergen is dropped on your skin, and the area is gently scratched. If redness and swelling appear at the test site, youre allergic.

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Best Products To Help Eliminate Pet Dander

While pet dander is particularly tricky to get rid of, certain home products and cleaners can help cut down on the amount of dander in the air and environment. Here are some recommendations to help pet allergy sufferers cope.

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the author. However, Great Pet Care may make a small affiliate commission if you click through and make a purchase.

What Kills Pet Dander

There is no definitive answer to this question as each pet is different and therefore each pet dander situation is unique. However, there are a few things that can help reduce or eliminate pet dander in your home. First, regular vacuuming and dusting will help to remove any dander that is present. You may also want to consider using an air purifier to help filter the air and keep the dander from circulating. Finally, bathe your pet regularly to help reduce the amount of dander that is on their fur.

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How Dog Dander Affects You

Normally, the role of our immune system is to fight foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria and get rid of them.

The above response is usually initiated to protect us against the otherwise deadly diseases and infections that would stem from the bacteria.

For individuals with allergies, however, they usually have over-sensitive immune systems, meaning they overreact, even to relatively harmless substances like dog dander, pollen, saliva, and urine.

Their immune systems often react to pet dander in the same manner as harmful bacteria and viruses.

The signs and symptoms of pet dander such as sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing are the side effects of the body`s attempt to destroy or flush out the allergen.

So, what are some dog dander allergy symptoms?

Symptoms Of Pet Dander Allergies Allerpet Pet Allergy Relief

Each person that suffers from a pet dander allergy displays a unique set of symptoms. While it is incredibly rare, there are cases where these symptoms can be life threatening.

In most cases a pet dander allergy reaction starts with itchy, red and watery eyes.

This is very similar to what a sufferer of hay fever will experience during the high pollen time of the year.

Hives are also possible. A breakout of red spots all over the body is common in most pet dander allergy sufferers.

Whether or not this symptom occurs is usually dependent upon how long the exposure lasts.

In rare cases repository symptoms can occur. This symptom is generally reserved for those that have a severe allergy to pet dander. In most cases this symptom requires the victim to seek immediate medical attention.

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What About Other Pets

We mentioned cats and dogs, but what about all the other cute critters like rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, and such? You can be allergic to them, but the most potent allergens from these animals are saliva and urine.

And where do that saliva and urine end up? In the bedding of their cages. A lot of allergens can be packed into a small space.

  • Dont hold the animal too close to your face
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after handling
  • Use bedding that is less likely to produce dust that will disperse into the air when the critter moves about
  • Clean the cage a couple of times a week and don gloves and a mask to keep allergens away

Are Pet Dander Allergies The Same As Pet Hair Allergies

Many people assume pet dander is pet hair, but this is inaccurate. Dander is dried skin cells. It’s lightweight and can float in the air before it settles on household items.

While dander involves airborne allergens, pet hair plays a significant role in carrying dander, acting like a vehicle for the substance to move around and through your home. After dander is shed, the pet’s hair holds the minute particles of skin and carries it through the air, releasing the allergens whenever it’s disturbed.

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Is Dog Hair Bad For Lungs

Not only can pet dander cause itchy eyes and a runny nose, but pet dander can potentially be harmful to your respiratory system. According to the American Lung Association this can lead to a decline in the ability of the lungs to function. Make sure that you and your loved ones are safe let’s start at the basics.

Manage Pet Dander Exposure

How to Minimize Pet Dander — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

If you know you have an allergy to cats or dogs, keep them out of your bedroom at all times. It sounds heartless, especially when you love snuggling with your pet, but it could really help you sleep better if theres no direct exposure to allergens and sneezing all night.

Now, thats not a guarantee there wont be any allergens here and there, but it will cut down your exposure. To further cut down allergens, consider running an air purifier.

HEPA filters work the best, but they will fill with pet hair before getting any type of filtration if you have a pet in the home, says Dr. Sullivan.

An air purifier in the bedroom where pets arent allowed is more effective, he says. Use HEPA filters in air conditioners and forced-air heating, and cover your bedroom vents with cheesecloth to help capture allergens before they hit your nose.

Dont pet, hug, or kiss a cat or dog. But if you cant resist, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Chances are, if you just pet the cat or dog, you could walk away without any symptoms.

But if you rubbed your face next to theirs, the allergens are probably in your hair, on your face, and clothes, and washing your hands wont make much difference. It really depends on how sensitive you are to the dog or cat.

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Pet Dander Vs Dandruff: Whats The Difference

Pet dander and dandruff are often confused. Dander is microscopic pieces of shedding skin cells mixed with dried saliva. The proteins found in pet dander are the cause of watery eyes, sneezing, and wheezing in those with pet allergies.

As with dander, dandruff is made up of the same proteins that cause allergies in those with sensitivities. The main difference between dander and dandruff is the white visible flakes of dead skin that you can see on your pets fur.

Whereas dander is natural for your pets to produce, dandruff is a sign of an underlying health issue. Pet dandruff can be caused by many different internal and external factors. Some of these causes of dandruff include:

  • Allergic reaction to cat food or litter
  • Changes in temperature & humidity
  • Poor grooming habits

In cases of excess dandruff, you may want to first rule our mites, fleas, ticks, parasites, or other external issues. Feeding your pet a high-quality food can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the amount of dandruff pets produce.

Also, consider adding supplementation, including omega-3s. A deficiency in omega-3s may cause coat issues, like dandruff.

Ready to detox your pets? Purchase Poli Pet Renew here. Purchase Poli Pet Boost here.

Which Animal Are The Most People Allergic To

Around 27% of homes in the United States are home to a cat and 32% of homes hows the dog according to research it is reported that twice as many people report reaction to cats than to dogs.There is not a cat or dog that is non-allergenic. Hairless or shorthaired pets contribute allergens and dander issues equally compared to longer haired breeds. In saying that the fur from some animals may be carrying allergens such as dust which may in itself be another trigger.One of the most common symptoms or reaction to pet allergens or dander is asthma. Continual breathing of these allergens may bring about a decline in the performance of the lungs. Individuals who are susceptible to these allergens may potentially experience lower and upper respiratory tract difficulties including wheezing, tightness of the chest, a continual running nose uncontrollable sneezing and congestion. They may also suffer from rashes eczema, watery eyes or itchy eyes.

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Myths About Pet Dander

There are many myths about what causes pet allergies. Some are true some are false. Here are some common myths and some information about pet dander and allergies.

Myth #1: A pets fur causes allergies.

False. Dander, saliva, skin, and urine cause allergies, not fur.

Myth #2: Dogs and cats who shed more cause more allergy problems for people.

True. While all cats and dogs carry allergens, long-haired pets can trap more dander in their fur. When they shed, those allergens are dispersed throughout the house and sit on clothing, floors, and furniture.

Myth #3: Rodents are better to have for allergy sufferers.

False. Rodents may have less fur but still carry allergens, just as dogs and cats do.

Myth #4: Restricting pets to a few rooms makes allergies easier to tolerate.

False. Although allergens would be more concentrated in those rooms where the pets stay, allergens can still carry to other rooms on clothing and shoes.

Myth #5: You can be allergic to some breeds of cats and dogs and not others. True. Your tolerance level for allergens could differ from one pet breed to another. Not all pets carry the same allergens, and you may find youre less likely to experience allergies depending on the breed and species. Cats carry twice as many allergens as dogs.

Myth #6: If you discover that you are allergic to your pet, you must rehome the pet.

Myth #7: You can become desensitized to your pet.

Myth #8: Pets with little or no fur are better for people with allergies.


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