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How To Treat Allergies In Toddlers

How Can You Prevent Allergic Reactions

Treating peanut allergies in toddlers

The most effective way to prevent allergic reactions is to avoid allergens. Once you know what allergens your child is allergic to, ask their doctor how they can avoid them.

For example, if your child is allergic to grass, their doctor may encourage them to wear long pants and socks outside.

If theyre allergic to dogs, their doctor may advise them to avoid petting them.

If theyre allergic to certain foods, their doctor will emphasize the importance of never eating them. For example, they will likely encourage you and your child to read ingredient lists, ask questions about restaurant menu items, and take steps to avoid contaminating dishes and cooking surfaces with allergens.

Causes Of An Allergic Cough In Children

Among the causes of allergic cough in children, doctors call such typical irritants as dust, pollen of flowering plants, animal fur , bird feathers spores of mold fungi and bacteria that enter the child’s body through the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, an allergic cough can begin not only in spring or summer, but at any time of the year.

Dry allergic cough in children is very often a protective reaction of the body to ticks that live in … Ordinary house dust. So, according to medical statistics, the etiology of bronchial asthma in 67% of children who have this diagnosis is an allergy to dust mites. By the way, in our apartments live the hordes of these microscopic arachnids – almost 150 species of dermatophagoid or pyroglipid ticks. Their main food is the systematically peeling particles of the upper layer of the human skin . Wastes of mites contain proteins, which cause allergic reactions in people with increased sensitivity.

The greatest tendency to allergy, including in the form of a cough, was noted in children who had diathesis in infancy . According to doctors, these children are predisposed to allergies from birth.

It should also be borne in mind that the probability of the occurrence of an allergic cough in children is higher where there are people in the family who suffer from allergies. Allergic cough is most often diagnosed in children aged one to seven years.

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Natural Remedies For Stomach Symptoms

If your child has diarrhea, encourage them to eat a bland diet. For example, many people recommend rice, toast, bananas, and applesauce. Its also important for them to drink plenty of water and other fluids.

If your child feels nauseous, encourage them to rest and stay still. Get rid of strong scents that might make their upset stomach worse, such as candles or air fresheners.

You can also look for special antinausea wristbands at your local drug store. Theyre designed to stimulate a pressure point that might help relieve nausea. Though there is no strong evidence these work, they are low-risk.

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Diagnosis Of An Allergic Cough In Children

To reveal the real cause of an allergic cough can only the doctor-allergist. For this purpose, a child’s examination is carried out, including a whole set of laboratory tests , finding out the state of respiratory organs and the pathological processes occurring in them , as well as allergen tests.

But the paramount task of diagnosing an allergic cough in children is to determine the allergen that causes the disease. And here comes to the rescue a proven method – allergic skin tests . They are made on pollen of plants, household allergens, and also on medicinal irritants – to children at the age of four years and older.

Another method of diagnosis in allergology is the enzyme immunoassay . This method allows to detect and measure the number of specific antigens that the body produces and releases into the blood plasma in response to the penetration of foreign cells. By the type of antigen it is possible to find out which allergen caused such a reaction of the organism.

The most modern method of diagnosing allergies, including the diagnosis of allergic cough in children, is the method of multiple chemiluminescence – MAST. Comparing the allergen detected in the patient with a whole set of standard allergens, you can put the most accurate diagnosis, even with hidden forms of allergy.

How Seasonal Allergies Affect Children

Allergic Reaction in Children: Treatment and Care

Children are just as prone to seasonal allergies as adults are. Allergies can occur due to seasonal pollen, dust, pets, and/or mold. While these kinds of allergies are uncommon in babies under one year old, they are quite common in toddlers and older children. Seasonal allergies can develop in children as early as one or two years old, and commonly develop between the ages of three and five. If you yourself or another parent has seasonal allergies, your children will be more prone to developing allergies as well.

Many different environmental factors contribute to seasonal allergies. Indoor factors such as dust, dander, and mold can cause allergies at any time of year, however, outdoor culprits such as pollen typically cause allergies in the spring, summer, or fall. Allergy symptoms are the immune systems response to these pollen or mold particles. They will likely return every year around the same time if your child is allergic to certain types of pollen. Of course, when and if your child experiences allergies and to what is completely dependent on where you live and the specific plants and weather conditions in the area.

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Other Allergies In Children

1. Pet allergy

Pet dander , urine, and saliva could be potential allergens . The symptoms of pet allergy may include a skin rash, runny nose or sneezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, and itchy or red eyes.

The treatment varies based on the severity of the symptoms. The mild ones may go away by washing hands with soap and water. Vacuuming and keeping the house clean can help get rid of the pet dander. However, the severe symptoms may be treated by allergy shots . The child should preferably avoid the pet to prevent allergies in the long run.

2. Medicine allergy

Certain medications could cause mild to severe allergic reactions in children. The symptoms may include pimples or redness from different kinds of steroids, purple or red rashes from antibiotics , purple area due to certain blood-thinners, and blisters due to sulfa, penicillin, or some antibiotics . Allergic reactions are very common with antibiotics mainly penicillin groups. Always note what drugs your child is allergic too and avoid it next time.

Based on the severity of the symptom, drug allergies in children may be treated with epinephrine, antihistamines, or corticosteroids as prescribed by the doctor. If the medication is temporary, then the symptoms go away on suspending the dosage. Parents can also discuss with their childs doctor about alternative medicines that are unlikely to trigger an allergy.

Treating Symptoms With Allergy Shots

If you’ve tried pills, sprays, and rinses but your child continues to suffer, talk to their allergist about allergy shots . This treatment exposes your child to increasing amounts of the allergen though shots. In the long run, it makes the body less reactive to triggers.

“They are still the cornerstone of long-term treatment,” says Dr. Demain. “We have shots for almost every common allergen, and they also reduce the risk for developing new allergies and asthma.” The only real drawback? Getting your kid on board with a plan involving needles. The treatment starts out with two shots a week for up to two to three months, then tapers down to once a week, then every other week, and finally monthly.

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Food Allergy And Your Kiddo Podcast

Dr. Alice Hoyt is board-certified in allergy & immunology, pediatrics, and internal medicine. The Food Allergy and Your Kiddo podcast is dedicated to giving clear, evidence-based information about food allergies. This includes symptoms, skin and blood testing, oral food challenges, epinephrine treatment, prevention, and mental health support for families.

  • Ask about food allergies before parties and other events
  • Brainstorm alternatives to food for school activities such as crafts, holidays, and birthdays
  • Train schools and restaurants on anaphylaxis prevention and treatment

Ayurvedic Herbs For Allergies

The Kid Fix – How do I treat my child’s seasonal allergies?

Several potent Ayurvedic herbs offer tremendous help in controlling allergies in children and adolescents. These include Commiphora mukul , shilajit, Phyllanthus emblica and Piper longum . I especially recommend guggul supplements when there are underlying food allergies and sinus infections. Guggal acts like a steroid without the side effects. It is also a great anti-inflammatory herb. Guggul has shown remarkable results in treating chronic ear and sinus infections.1 For these I recommend taking a guggul supplement tid for 3-4 months.

I personally have found that a combination of Emblica officinalis , Adhatoda vasica , Ocimum sanctum , T. cordifolia , Glycyrrhiza glabra, Trikatu , and Terminalia belerica works like a charm on allergies and asthma. Most of the pediatric patients of asthma and allergies get almost 100% relief following the above stated protocols. However, not all adult patients of asthma get 100% relief.

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What Causes Food Allergy

Before having a food allergy reaction, a sensitive child must have beenexposed to the food at least once before, or could also be sensitizedthrough breast milk. It is the second time your child eats the food thatthe allergic symptoms happen. At that time, when IgE antibodies react withthe food, histamines are released, which can cause your child to experiencehives, asthma, itching in the mouth, trouble breathing, stomach pains,vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

Symptoms Of Nasal Allergies In Children

  • Stuffy nose
  • Itchy nose, throat, eyes and ears
  • Clear discharge from the nose

There is a growing concern of long-term use of dose related side effects of corticosteroids, antihistamines etc. So, there is a growing interest in Ayurvedic herbal remedies for nasal allergies among parents for their children for better clinical efficacy and safety profile.

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Tips To Relieve Seasonal Allergy Symptoms In Babies And Toddlers

Allergy symptoms are no fun for kids, and if left untreated, they can lead to sinus and ear infections. See an allergist, who can figure out the triggers causing your little ones symptoms and recommend effective and safe treatments.

In the meantime, the best way to relieve sneezing, itching, runny nose and coughing in babies and toddlers is to try to avoid allergens whenever possible.

Here are a few tips to prevent and relieve seasonal allergy symptoms:

Does Your Child Need To See A Doctor

How To Treat Childrenâs Seasonal Allergies Naturally ...

Its important to get your childs symptoms diagnosed as soon as you notice changes to the eye.

This not only helps your child get proper treatment, but also reduces the chances of your child spreading the condition to others. With untreated pink eye, your child can be contagious for up to two weeks.

During the exam, your childs doctor will look at your childs eyes and ask you about other symptoms.

There is a rare chance that the doctor will want a sample from the eye to send to the laboratory for testing, generally if it hasnt cleared up after treatment.

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Pay Attention To The Signs

The symptoms of toddler seasonal allergies are:

  • Dark under-eye circles
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache

You may also hear seasonal allergies referred to as Hay Fever or allergic rhinitis. Despite its name, there is no fever associated with these seasonal allergies.

If youre having trouble distinguishing between a cold and allergies based on your childs symptoms, there are a few key differences. The common cold is often accompanied by a fever and discolored mucus and doesnt typically affect a childs eyes. Additionally, allergy symptoms start immediately after exposure to a specific allergen and tend to last much longer than the common cold, going on for weeks, or even the duration of an entire season.

What Should I Do If My Child Has Allergies

The most important way to identify possible allergies is to watch your childs reaction to foods and different environmental settings, but some allergies can be less obvious to identify. Allergic symptoms such as a stuffy nose and sneezing can also resemble a common cold or sinus infection. Kids with allergies may be more prone to getting multiple ear infections or nose and throat infections. The good news is that helping control the allergies can often lead to less infections and illness.

Discussing your childs symptoms, when they occur, and how severe they have been with your primary care physician or ENT specialist, or otolaryngologist, is the most important way to determine what may be making your child sick. Common tests are performed to diagnose exactly what your child is allergic to, and how significant the allergy is. Skin tests can be done easily in the office with minimal discomfort. In some cases, blood tests can be ordered.

Even though there is no cure for allergies, the symptoms can be managed to improve the quality of your childs life and decrease suffering. The best first step is to avoid allergic triggers and let everyonefamily members, teachers, parents of your childs friendsknow that your child has a certain reaction. At the grocery store or restaurants, be aware of cross-contamination of foods that may not directly contain something your child is allergic to, but were cooked with them or near them.

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The Best Allergy Medicines And Treatments For Kids

No one can stop plants from blooming throughout the seasons, but we rounded up medications that will help sniffling kids feel better today, tomorrow, and for the long haul. Check out the best seasonal allergy treatments for every child.

Seasonal allergies happen when the body perceives certain outside elements as a threat, and the immune system releases antibodies and histamine in response. The main triggers are pollen from trees in the spring, grasses in the summer, and weeds in the fallalthough mold can also trigger allergies throughout the year.

Allergy symptoms may include sneezing, runny nose with clear mucus, itchy and watery eyes, nasal congestion, sinus pressure, scratchy throat, and itchy nose and ears. Unlike the common cold, which lasts seven to 10 days, seasonal allergies may stick around for weeks or months at a time, says Fuad Baroody, M.D., director of pediatric otolaryngology at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

Untreated allergy symptoms can negatively affect a kid’s life. For example, congestion might lead to “fatigue, poor concentration in school, and learning problems because kids won’t be sleeping well at night,” says Todd Mahr, M.D., Director of Pediatric Allergy/Asthma/Immunology at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin. He adds that constant nose-blowing and congestion may cause social tension, shyness, or teasing.

Can I Give My Child Allergy Medicines

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Over-the-counter treatments such as saline sprays, nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines can work for children, but Dr. Hong recommends that parents talk to their pediatrician about the different medications and proper dosing. Its also important to be on the lookout for how allergy medications make children feel.

Monitor whether medications make them sleepy, Dr. Hong suggests. Some liquids or pills can cause sleepiness, so you want to make sure that you either dose them at night or choose one thats a little bit better for your child during the day so theyre not drowsy.

If your child is having allergy symptoms all of the time, Dr. Hong advises being proactive and seeking medical treatment so they can focus on school instead of their runny nose and sneezing all day long.

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How To Treat Nasal Allergies In Children

Nasal Allergy is an allergic reaction to the tiny particles known as allergens. When a person allergic to these allergens breathe in allergens through the nose or mouth, the body reacts by releasing a natural chemical known as histamine. Common causes of nasal allergies include dust mites, mold, pet dander, pollen from plants, trees etc. Nasal Allergies are not contagious.

Nasal allergies represent a common health problem in paediatric age group as well. The chronic nature of disease and its association with other comorbid conditions such as eczema, asthma etc. has shown a significant negative impact on quality of life on children such as their performance in school and cognitive functioning.

How To Prevent Pink Eye In Toddlers

Practicing good hygiene is the main way to prevent pink eye, but managing a toddlers hygiene habits or movements is not very easy.

Your child is curiously exploring the world. Touching objects and interacting with others is part of their development. Additionally, its difficult to keep your child from rubbing irritated or infected eyes.

You can try to reduce your childs chances of developing viral or bacterial pink eye by:

  • limiting your childs exposure to children with the condition
  • helping your child to wash their hands frequently
  • changing their bed sheets, blankets, and pillowcases regularly
  • using clean towels

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Inform Your Childs School Of Their Allergies

Seasonal allergies can seriously disrupt your childs school day. In addition to feeling crummy, seasonal allergies can also disrupt sleep, making it harder to concentrate.11You may also notice that your childs symptoms get worse at school. This may be because classrooms often have more allergen triggers than at home.12

If your child experiences allergy symptoms at school, discuss with your childs teacher or a school administrator about some strategies to help decrease your childs exposure in the classroom. Preventive measures could include keeping windows shut on high-pollen days and installing a HEPA filter in the classroom. Keeping the classroom dusted and swept can also help reduce allergic symptoms, as other children will likely shed pollen from their clothing and bodies.

Once you develop a treatment or preventative plan, make sure to share it with school staff. This plan should include a list of your childs allergies and any medications your child takes.13

Learn more about helping your child avoid allergies at school here.

  • Antihistamines should be given if yourchild is exhibiting allergy symptoms.


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