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HomeExclusiveHow To Eat Bee Pollen For Allergies

How To Eat Bee Pollen For Allergies

Ways To Use Bee Pollen:

Using Bee Pollen to Combat Seasonal Allergies

Now that you know all of its great benefits, it’s good to know how to use it in your daily diet.

  • Use Bee Pollen Granules as a topping over yogurt, cereal or oatmeal.
  • Add Bee Pollen to cooling homemade granola.
  • Blend Bee Pollen Powder or Granules into a smoothie. Our Antioxidant Smoothie recipe is a fan favorite.
  • Incorporate into raw protein bars, raw desserts or candies. This is a great Bee Pollen Granola Bar recipe.
  • Sprinkle pollen powder over popcorn. Here are some other inspirations for How To Use Bee Pollen Everyday
  • Use granules as a garnish on top of dark chocolate, like in our Superfood Chocolate Bark with Bee Pollen recipe.
  • Use Bee Pollen Powder as a coating for sugared almonds or hazelnuts.
  • Toast whole wheat bread, smear with a nut spread and sprinkle with bee pollen granules.
  • Stakich Bee Pollen products are all natural and pure with no additives. Our Bee Pollen has never been heated or dried so all of its enzymes are kept intact, providing you with all the nutritional benefits your body needs. Check out our entire bee pollen line here: Bee Pollen Products

    Note: Bee pollen can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. Do not consume it if you are allergic to bees. The information on this website has been provided for educational purposes only. We are not certified health professionals and are unqualified to offer medical advice. Talk to your doctor before introducing any new foods into your diet.

    Bee Pollen Recipes Which You Can Easily Prepare At Your Home :

  • Milk with bee pollen and juices. Prepare 17 fl Oz of lukewarm milk, one freshly squeezed orange juice, half of the freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1.7 Oz of honey, 0.35 Oz of bee pollen powder. Put bee pollen and honey in lukewarm milk, stir well, let it cool and then add orange and lemon juices. This multivitamin drink will improve your immune system.
  • Sour milk with bee pollen. Take one and a half cup of sour milk or plain yogurt and add one tablespoon of bee pollen powder to it. Stir well. I suggest this recipe especially to older people as it is able to improve liver, heart and endocrine system functions.
  • Sour milk with honey, bee pollen, and carrot juice. Take one and a half cup of sour milk or yogurt, add one freshly squeezed tangerine juice, two tablespoons of carrot juice, a tablespoon of honey and tablespoon of pollen powder. This drink is exceptional for kids because of improves appetite and fights against anemia
  • Sportsmen drink. Prepare 34 fl Oz of milk, add 7 Oz of honey, 1,7 Oz of bee pollen, one egg, freshly squeezed lemon, tomato, and orange. The sportsmen should take this drink half an hour before the match, a couple of tablespoons. This drink contributes to the necessary psychological concentration and improves physical strength.
  • Why Bee Pollen Works For Allergies

    What is difficult for many doctors and others to comprehend is the concept of eating substances to which they know they are allergic.

    For example, why would I eat bee pollen if I’m allergic to pollens?

    The concept is similar to vaccinations.

    When you put a small amount of the seemingly harmful irritant into your body, your immune system builds defenses or immunity against the foreign substance.

    This will make the immune system ready to handle any of that substance in larger quantities the next time it comes into contact with it. So there is no hyper-reaction” like sneezing, itchy eyes or rashing out.

    The outcome is that over time your body becomes less and less sensitive to the pollens, grasses and trees come spring and summer time and you remain allergy free.

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    What Is The Best Treatment For A Dog With Itchy Skin

    Oatmeal is an age-old remedy for our dry, itchy skin that happens to be safe for use on our canine friends, too! In fact, most doggie hypoallergenic shampoos include oatmeal as an active ingredient to soothe and fight irritation. Start by grinding plain oatmeal into a powder to sprinkle in your dogs warm bath.

    Can Dogs Eat Bee Pollen Granules

    The Top 8 Health Benefits of Bee Pollen  Nutritional ...

    Yes, it is very safe for dogs and we have many customers using bee pollen with their pets. 1) Place a few raw bee pollen kernels in their food on day one. 3) If you observe no adverse reaction after theyve eaten the pollen, place slightly more granules in their food in one of their meals the following day.

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    Do Bees Eat Dead Things

    While most bees get their nutrients from nectar and pollen, vulture bees feast on the meat of dead animal carcasses. This, of course, means that they also need the proper parts to be able to cut up that dead flesh. Once home, they take that meat and mix it with their digestive fluid in order to make it edible.

    Bee Pollen For Allergies: Testimonials

    From Shaun A.

    I normally don’t contact sellers unless I have a question about a product, but I feel compelled to extol your bee-pollen. I suffered from very severe seasonsal allergies. To put this into perspective, prior to the bee-pollen therapy, I spent nearly every spring of my 27 years with contant asthma attacks, eyes that would shut from swelling, and sneezing to the point of nose bleeds. I saw on TV that local honey was used as immunotherapy because of the pollen the bees would leave behind. So I just ordered your bee polen, since you guys are right in my radius . After 2 months of first using it, the Spring came. I was able to take 1 zyrtec and be symptom free. Two years later, today, the pollen count is an 11/12, something that used to send me possibly to the ER. My windows are open my nose is completely clear.

    Laura W. recently sent me this…

    “P.S. I love the Bee Pollen , and it definitely made a difference in hayfever/pollen problem.”

    As Told by Carrie L. from Maine

    “My husband has terrible allergies! When I met him he was allergic to my dog and that was a very big problem for us. There was NO WAY I was going to part with my 4-legged companion but I really wanted him around as well so I started looking into natural antihistamine blockers.

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    Is Bee Pollen Nutritious

    Bee pollen contains many nutrients. Over 200 substances are found in the pollen grains from different plant species. The amount of certain nutrients can vary, depending on the plant species from which the bees collected the pollen.

    All three major nutrients and a wide variety of additional nutrients are found in bee pollen. Some of the nutrients include:

    • Vitamins B1, B2 and B6, which all help your body turn food into energy
    • Copper, which is needed for many processes in the body
    • Flavonoids, compounds called antioxidants, which may decrease your risk for chronic diseases

    How Should I Take Bee Pollen

    Benefits of Bee Pollen – 5 Reasons to Eat Raw Bee Pollen Everyday

    When considering the use of herbal supplements, seek the advice of your doctor. You may also consider consulting a practitioner who is trained in the use of herbal/health supplements.

    If you choose to use bee pollen, use it as directed on the package or as directed by your doctor, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider. Do not use more of this product than is recommended on the label.

    Do not use different forms of bee pollen at the same time without medical advice. Using different formulations together increases the risk of an overdose of bee pollen.

    Do not take topical bee pollen by mouth. Topical forms of this product are for use only on the skin.

    Store at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light.

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    Bee Pollen And Allergies: The Studies

    Consider the following data as reported in the Journal of Allergy:

    • 73 % of patients with hay fever averaged a 75% improvement in their symptoms when given Bee Pollen orally
    • 78% of asthma patients averaged a 75% improvement after taking Bee Pollen
    • 17.8% of hay fever sufferers and 33.3% of asthmatics experienced a complete improvement on oral Bee Pollen supplements
    • the earlier Bee Pollen supplementation was begun prior to allergy season, the greater the rate of its success

    Here is another positive study as reported in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research in April 2009.

    Scientists at the Juntendo University School of Medicine in Japan fed mice bee pollen on a daily basis.

    What they found was that the number of mast cells activated was reduced in a dose dependent manner .

    Mast cells are responsible for the production and release of histamine when you come into contact with an allergen. Histamine triggers the inflammatory response you know as sneezing, itching, a runny nose and coughing. Hence the term anti-histamine when it comes to allergy drugs.

    Reducing the amount of histamine being produced is VERY good for allergy sufferers. This study supports bee pollen’s ability to do this.

    What Is Local Bee Pollen

    Heres a look at several key findings from the available studies: One of the most common uses for bee pollen is the management of seasonal allergies, such as hay fever. Its thought that ingesting pollens will help the body to build resistance to these potential allergens and, in turn, reduce allergy symptoms.

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    Contrary To Popular Belief Bee Pollen Doesnt Just Benefit Bees Learn How This Supplement Can Support The Health Of Your Dog

    Unlike honey, bee pollen is a product of bees thats still widely misunderstood. But this nutrient-dense powerhouse supplement is packed with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, protein and fats and its a great dietary addition for both humans and their canine companions. It has one of the most complete nutritional profiles in the world, made up of 35% protein and 50% carbohydrates. Its also high in chromium, cobalt, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, iron, folic acid, and much more! Below is a closer look at bee pollen and what it can offer your pup.

    How Much Bee Pollen Granules Should I Take

    Allergic Reaction to Bee Pollen?

    If it is your first time taking fresh bee pollen, we suggest that you take 2 3 granules per day for one week. After one week, slowly increase the granules of bee pollen by 4 -5 per day. The goal should be to work your way up to taking anywhere from one teaspoon to one tablespoon of pollen per day.

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    What Can I Give My Dog To Stop Itching From Allergies

    When combined with water and blended into a thick paste, baking soda can dry out rashes on the skin, alleviate itching, and reduce redness and inflammation. 6 All you have to do is combine 50 percent baking soda with 50 percent water and apply the paste to your dogs skin. After about 20 minutes, rinse completely.

    Bee Pollen For Allergies

    Bee pollen is commonly marketed as a natural treatment for allergies, and theres widespread belief that eating local honey can prevent allergies by exposing you to pollen, similar to a vaccine.

    Does it work?

    First, theres no evidence that it does.

    But does the claim even make sense?

    Like many alternative medicine treatments, the use of pollen to treat allergies is based on an appeal to nature fallacy. In short, being natural doesnt mean something is better, safer, or more effective.

    But lets break the claim down further.

    Pollen grains are kind of like plant sperm. When plants have sex, pollen fertilizes the female ovules, which develops into seeds. But since plants are immobile, the pollen itself has to move, a feat they accomplish using either wind or animals.

    When most people think of flowers, they think of the those with brightly-colored petals. But why would plants spend their energy making these showy displays? To attract animals to help them have sex! Bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, hummingbirds, and even bats visit the flowers for sugary nectar, and in the process, the heavy, sticky pollen adheres to parts of their bodies. When the animals visit the next flower, some of the pollen is transferred.

    What does this have to do with allergies?

    But it cant hurt, right?

    The take-home message

    This claim is a myth that doesnt make sense and is not supported by evidence.

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    Using Bee Pollen For Allergies: Can It Really Help

    Using bee pollen for allergies is one of the natural allergy remedies that have become more popular in recent years. Could bee pollen help you to alleviate your allergy symptoms?

    The truth is that theres little scientific evidence to support the use of bee pollen as a natural allergy remedy. But its also true that there have not been many controlled studies performed to help shed more light on the subject.

    Theres a great deal of anecdotal evidence supporting the use of bee pollen for allergies. Many people firmly believe that bee pollen has at least helped to diminish their allergy symptoms.

    Some people even give bee pollen credit for completely eliminating their allergy problems.

    But the problem with anecdotal evidence, of course, is that it cannot be substantiated.

    John Doe may believe wholeheartedly that bee pollen cured his allergy symptoms. But theres no proof. Theres no evidence that shows that what worked for John Doe will work for you.

    Getting With The Buzz Can Actually Benefit Your Health

    How to use Bee Pollen and Flaxseed in your diet

    Get more Spoon in your feed.

    Breaking news: bees arent good for just their honey. Bee pollen is one of the richest and purest natural foods out there. Consuming it in small amounts can actually strengthen your immune system, help build resistance to allergens and curb hunger.

    If youre on the prowl for a new superfood that will give you a natural boost of energy, look no further.

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    Bee Pollen For Weight Loss

    Studies have shown that pollen helps in the recovery of muscle protein and energy metabolism in old rats exposed to severe food restriction, proving that its useful in the prevention or recovery of malnutrition.

    But what about weight loss? Is bee pollen a metabolism booster?

    Pollen helps regulate hormones, and it possesses metabolic activity containing amino acids that help increase your metabolism by dissolving fat cells in the body. We also know that pollen contains an enormous amount of essential vitamins and minerals, helping nourish the body of people with poor eating habits. It only takes a small amount to receive these nutrients, and an ounce of bee pollen is only about 90 calories.

    Many manufacturers make bee pollen pills or supplements that claim to help you lose weight fast, but there is little scientific evidence proving this to be true. In fact, the FDA had to recall Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen capsules because it found it contained undeclared sibutramine and phenolphthalein, weight-loss drugs that are no longer used in the U.S. because they may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

    The FDA reported that it received more than 50 adverse event reports associated with the use of tainted bee pollen weight loss products from customers and health care providers.

    What Is Buzzy Bees

    The Buzzy Bee is a popular toy in New Zealand. It resembles a bee with rotating wings that move and make a clicking noise while the toy is pulled along the ground. Possibly based on an earlier American concept, it was designed and first produced in Newton, Auckland in the 1930s, by Maurice Schlesinger.

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    Can Bee Pollen Help You Lose Weight

    Using bee pollen as a food source is simple. In addition to using it as a cereal, yogurt, or salad topper, people may also use it in smoothies and other similar drinks to enhance their nutritional intake. As a supplement, it is also available. When utilizing pollen products, use caution because they might trigger allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or anaphylaxis.

    Nutritional Benefits Of Pollen

    Benefits of bee pollen

    A supply of bee pollen is like holding a whole health food store in the palm of your hand. With the addition of roughage and water, the human body can survive on honeybee pollen alone. This is because it is the only food which contains, in perfect balance, all 22 known essential nutritional elements which humans require to achieve and maintain optimum vitality. Refer to the bottom of this page for an analysis of the average bee pollen content. Bee pollen may be eaten by the teaspoonful as a food supplement, 1-2 teaspoonfuls daily. Stir it into yogurt, honey, or applesauce. Sprinkle it on your salad or cereal or take it straight with water or fruit juice. Do not heat the pollen, however, since doing so will destroy many of the nutrients it contains. If you are a new pollen consumer, start off with small doses to gauge how your bodys system will accept pollen. Doing so will help minimize a reaction to the natural substance. Like any food, there is a small chance of an allergic reaction to the pollen, if there is no reaction within 5 minutes, continue with larger doses.

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    Is Bee Pollen Safe

    Bee pollen appears to be safe for most people, at least when taken for a short term. But if you have pollen allergies, you may get more than you bargained for. Bee pollen can cause a serious allergic reaction — including itching, redness, shortness of breath, hives, swelling, and anaphylaxis.

    Bee pollen is not safe for children or pregnant women. Women should also avoid using bee pollen if they are breastfeeding.

    Bee pollen may cause increased bleeding if taken with certain blood thinners like warfarin. Check with your doctor before taking bee pollen if you take any medications, over-the-counter medicines, or herbals.

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