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HomeExclusiveCan Seasonal Allergies Cause Ringing In The Ears

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Ringing In The Ears

This Morning: Doctor Gives Advice On Hay Fever Amid Pandemic

Seasonal Allergies Tips. How to get rid of hay fever and allergies.

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Hay fever – also known as allergic rhinitis – is a common allergic reaction which occurs at particular times of the year. Rhinitis refers to irritation or inflammation of the nose. There are many symptoms when it comes to diagnosing hay fever but here is how to tell if you have a pollen allergy from a sign in your ears.

Tinnitus & Histamine Intolerance

As mentioned above, histamine is released during an allergic reaction in order to protect us from the threatening substance. Some people have an intolerance to histamine, which may be caused by the excessive release of histamine by certain kinds of cells, or a deficiency in the enzyme that breaks down dietary histamines.

The symptoms of histamine intolerance vary from person to person. Some people experience tinnitus as a symptom, but as with most symptoms of histamine intolerance and food sensitivities, it can be hard to make the connection.

If youre experiencing tinnitus, the first step should be to consult with a practitioner and rule out other causes, such as a buildup of wax in the ears or a head injury. If the cause cannot be found, you may want to try out a low histamine diet. It is helpful when experimenting with this kind of diet to keep a food diary tracking what youve eaten, and when you experience tinnitus and/or other symptoms.

If you find that your symptoms improve on the low histamine diet, you can try re-introducing one food at a time in order to pinpoint which foods are most problematic for you.

High histamine foods that may trigger tinnitus and other symptoms include aged cheeses, cured meats, fermented foods, and wine. Other substances that may be related to tinnitus in those who are sensitive include MSG, caffeine, and foods high in sugar or sodium.

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease

An autoimmune reaction occurs when the body produces an allergic reaction to itself. AIED occurs when the bodys immune system attacks the inner ear. This leads to a rapid hearing loss, as quickly as just a few weeks. It may occur in one ear or both, possibly at different times.

Its not known why AIED happens. It may be more likely in people with other autoimmune issues such as arthritis, allergies or rashes. About one-third of those with AIED also have symptoms of Menieres disease.

For most people, allergies are seasonal and can be treated with over-the-counter medicines such as antihistamines and decongestants. These types of drugs will help with all symptoms, including itchy eyes, a watery or stuffy nose and full-feeling ears. Allergies affect hearing on a short-term basis by making it difficult to hear. If any difficulty hearing continues, its best to see a health care professional.

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How To Prepare For Allergy Season

If you experience seasonal allergies, dont wait until you begin to experience symptoms to seek help. By getting a headstart on your allergies, you are in the best position to reduce them before they spiral into pain. In some cases, you might prevent them altogether.

As allergy season progresses, if you experience new symptoms, your ear doctor can modify your treatment plan accordingly. A proactive approach is especially important if you work outdoors or if the symptoms are so bad that they interfere with your ability to live a normal life.

If you still have questions about how allergies affect your ears, feel free to contact Happy Ears Hearing Center. Start by finding a location near you. We look forward to taking care of you and your family.

Can Allergies Cause Hearing Loss

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Your bodys immune system responds to allergens by producing histamine antibodies, which are the cause of allergy symptoms like itchiness, runny or stuffy nose, and inflammation. All of your senses are connected, so when you experience swelling and congestion in the nose, throat and sinuses, your ears can also be affected. The excess mucus production that occurs when histamines are activated can cause a feeling of pressure or clogging in the ear. Other symptoms of ear or hearing issues stemming from allergies include:

  • Discomfort
  • Vertigo or balance issues
  • Mild hearing loss or muffled hearing

The symptoms above can mean that the Eustachian tube, the drainage passage for the middle ear, is blocked or obstructed. Since the middle ear amplifies and transfers sound between the inner and outer ear, any inflammation or blockage there can interfere with your hearing.

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Why Ears Are Sometimes Affected

The ear can be divided into three main sections: the inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear. Allergies can affect each area in varying degrees. It is also not uncommon to experience different symptoms throughout the season or from year to year.

One common ear-related symptom some people experience is an itchy outer ear. The ear might even swell and turn red. This happens when the outer ear has an adverse reaction to the presence of pollen or other irritants.

Discomfort in the middle ear can happen when mucus build-up affects pressure in the ears and makes drainage difficult or impossible. This can cause pressure to build up, which can lead to discomfort and pain. It can often cause itchiness, as well. Middle ear infections are fairly common among children while their immune systems are developing.

The worst discomfort and pain arises if your inner ear becomes involved. Your ear plays an important role in your ability to maintain balance and equilibrium. So, disturbances in this region could lead to nausea, dizziness, and loss of balance. Some people might even experience temporary hearing loss.

Sometimes, your ear-related symptoms might not have started in the ear. Instead, congestion can build up pressure that radiates to the ears and cause pain and discomfort. This is why its so important for people not to self-diagnose and self-medicate by using drops in the ears without a doctors directions.

Ringing In Ears Allergies And Cure

ByJohn Cielo;;|;;Submitted On October 16, 2008

Ringing in ears allergies are not the only things that can cause ringing in ears. The sounds that are driving you crazy are actually symptoms of some other root problem, and, although ringing in ears allergies certainly can produce the ringing sounds there are many other underlying conditions that can do so.

So the first thing you need to understand is that ringing in the ears is not a disease, but, a symptom of some other underlying conditions that you may have and which your doctor would normally look for once having established that you have ringing in ears. He or she would then decide on the most appropriate treatment for you. But many times you can report with tinnitus and no obvious underlying conditions can be found, which makes things kind of difficult.

The main causes for ringing in ears are damage / problems caused by noise, sinus, stress, and Meniere’s disease. These are things like ear infections, damaged hearing, impacted ear wax, high blood pressure, allergies, and so on.

And apart from ringing in ears, sufferers can also hear sounds that are described as ticking, clicking, whooshing, buzzing, hissing, etc. It is also believed that the type of sound you hear is a function of the underlying cause or causes.

Now, if you are certain you can go along with your tinnitus as it is just now, then it probably isn’t so bad that you need to do anything else. Just continue with whatever your doctor recommends.

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Hearing Loss Treatment In Denver Co

We know how frustrating hearing loss can be. The expert doctors at Advanced ENT can determine if your hearing loss is connected to allergy, sinus issues, or ear wax issues and help determine the best treatment for the underlying cause of your symptoms. Find relief from swelling, pain and hearing loss with our specialists.

Do Allergies Cause Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus

can allergies cause ringing ears dizziness

Spring has sprung! Along with ushering in warmer weather and beautiful blossoms, the season, unfortunately, increases pollen production and allergy symptoms. Although airborne allergens exist throughout the year, we see a dramatic increase in patients who suffer from allergy-related hearing loss and tinnitus in springtime. This may lead you to wonder: Do allergies cause hearing loss or tinnitus? Yes, in fact, allergies can impact hearing.

Take our Tinnitus Impact Survey to determine the severity of your tinnitus

Allergic rhinitis, more commonly referred to as hay fever, can cause a variety of symptoms, including itchy eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, a feeling of pressure in the ear, and the sensation that the ear is clogged. For some patients, the inflammation and/or excess fluid diminishes the persons ability to hear or creates tinnitus symptoms . Those already suffering from tinnitus may hear louder ringing or experience worsening tinnitus symptoms.

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Allergies And Your Nose

Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is the term typically used to describe the allergic reaction that happens in your nose. You may have uncontrollable sneezing or a runny and stuffy nose.

Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief

If you suffer from severe allergies or frequent sinus infections, youre probably all too familiar with the fast-acting power of nasal spray. And while these sprays can clear a stuffy nose in seconds, not all nasal sprays are created equal.

There are four common types of nasal sprays on the market today:

  • Saline: Because saline sprays are made from mostly salt and water, theyre safe to use every day.
  • Antihistamine: These sprays are typically used to relieve congestion and usually cause less drowsiness than antihistamine pills, and are available by all available over the counter. Talk to one of our Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia board-certified allergy specialists about which one we recommend.;
  • Steroid: These sprays can be;used as a preventative measure and to control allergy symptoms. They are available over the counter and can be used daily during allergy season to provide relief.
  • Decongestant sprays are popular because they instantly shrink the blood vessels in your nose and alleviate congestion. However, they can also cause nasal spray addiction. This is because people find themselves needing the spray to breathe easily even when allergies are not making them congested.

Ear Symptoms Of Allergies

Having allergies means the the immune system is over responding to some type of substance, that does not normally trigger a response. Common substances that cause allergies are pollen, mold, pet hair, dust, pollution and some types of foods. Allergies can be seasonal or year round and the symptoms can be mild or severe. Along with runny itchy eyes, stuffy nose, rashes and fatigue, there are also ear related symptoms of allergies. To help fully manage this condition, it is important to know what symptoms to look for and to seek medical care early.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Environmental Allergies Can Cause Poor Hearing Tinnitus And A Loss Of Balance

Image: Kari Perrin

For those with environmental allergies, Florida can provide a year-round supply of irritating allergens, from pollen to indoor dust mites. Aside from the typical allergy symptoms like runny nose and itchy eyes, allergy sufferers can also experience hearing loss, tinnitus and even poor balance.

Dr. Nilamben Patel at;Allergy Associates of Sarasota;says environmental allergens can cause pressure to build up in the middle and inner ear. The fluid that builds up;to prevent the allergen from reaching further into the ear canal presses against the ear drum. It is caused by your body releasing the chemical histamine.

“This histamine release is what causes typical allergy symptoms to arise, and when the pressure buildup is so strong in the ears, it can cause that annoying ringing and even a loss of balance, because your inner ear and equilibrium is being messed with,” says Patel.

Patel says there are many ways to cure this common allergy symptom.

“The first line of defense for those experiencing muffled hearing or clogged ears due to allergies is over-the-counter antihistamines,” says Patel. “Medications like Claritin, Zyrtec and their generic bottles can begin working within a few days.”

If after all treatments and remedies your ears are still a cause for concern, Patel recommends seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist.

How To Cope With Stuffy Ears

Allergies Causing Hearing Loss

Clogged ears can have several causes; this time of year it’s likely allergy-related. Over-the-counter antihistamines or decongestants might help relieve the problem of excess fluid if it is caused by allergies. Some other remedies that can reduce fluid build-up include exercising, eating a low-sodium diet, or eating fruits and vegetables that act as diureticsgrapes, watermelon, celery, bell peppers and asparagus all offer health benefits that include reducing fluid retention.

Since continuous pressure in the middle ear could result in permanent hearing loss, if you are experiencing any changes in hearing be sure to see a hearing healthcare professional or otolaryngologist to make sure the problem isnt something more serious.

The excess fluid build-up as a result of allergies, barometric pressure changes or inner ear conditions can not only cause a feeling of fullness or pressure, but can also cause conductive hearing loss as a result of sound being prevented from traveling to the cochlea. Another risk of excessive fluid build-up when the Eustachian tubes arent functioning properly is ear infections; the increased fluid provides an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive.

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How To Keep Hearing Aids Dry

To;make sure hearing aids stay working properly when the weather changes, be sure to wear a hat or use an umbrella when going out in the rain. Youll also want to dry your hair and ears thoroughly after showering prior to putting in your hearing aids. Lastly, in addition to regular cleaning, use a hearing aid;dehumidifier;overnight or anytime your hearing aids are exposed to excess moisture.

If you suspect hearing loss, be sure to see a hearing healthcare professional if your hearing problems persist after the barrage of wet weather, sudden barometric changes and allergy season ends, so you can enjoy the beautiful sounds of springtime for years to come.

How Do Allergy Doctors Diagnose An Ear Problemcaused By Allergies

Before you can obtain the propertherapy for your ear and hearing issues, you need to figure out ifthe issue is caused by an allergy or something else. If your familydoctor has ruled out an acute infection or damage, an allergy expertcan help you identify any allergens that may be affecting your ears.

Skin testing will very certainly beused by your allergy doctor. A puncture, injection, or patch is usedto deliver a small quantity of different possible allergens to yourskin in this type of testing. Youve identified the issue if yourskin responds to a specific allergy. Allergens can also be identifiedby the antibodies they produce in the blood.

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When Allergies Are A Problem

If your allergies are particularly severe, you are dependent on allergy medication or your symptoms are getting worse then you should see your doctor to rule out other conditions.

I specialize in chronic, complex conditions using non-pharmaceutical, scientifically backed techniques to achieve lasting health.

There are ways to address underlying chronic conditions and inflammation so that your reactions to environmental allergies are not as severe.

If you would like to speak to me to ask questions about functional medicine, allergies or how I can help you, please schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation or call or text my office at 913-728-5291.

My clinic offers functional medicine appointments as well as manual chiropractic treatments. I do online consultations for those out-of-state or outside of the United States.

If you think that you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.; No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information. Nor should you ever delay seeking medical advice or treatment due to the information contained on this Website.

Is Allergy Season Affecting Your Hearing

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Do you dread allergy season because of the sneezing, sniffling and watery eyes? What you might not realize is along with the red eyes and runny nose, allergies can affect your hearing too. Seasonal allergies can cause swelling and build-up of mucus in the middle ear.

Normally, a tube called the Eustachian tube that connects your nose to your throat helps to equalize pressure, but allergies can cause this tube to malfunction. When it does, you may experience a sense of fullness in your ear, popping, and reduced hearing. The decreased hearing is usually associated with sounds being “muffled” or hard to distinguish. Popping your ears will often relieve the symptoms temporarily.

Allergists see lots of cases of Eustachian tube dysfunction during allergy season, and it can be associated with hearing problems. In some cases, Eustachian tube dysfunction can cause other symptoms like dizziness and balance problems. If you suffer from tinnitus or ringing in the ears, allergies and Eustachian tube dysfunction can make the ringing and abnormal sounds louder. ;

When your Eustachian tubes aren’t working properly due to allergies, fluid builds up in your middle and further worsens hearing problems. In some cases, bacteria enter the fluid and cause a middle ear infection. So, allergies can impact how clearly you hear and even increase your risk for an ear infection.


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