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HomeDo Allergies Cause Scratchy Throat

Do Allergies Cause Scratchy Throat

How To Treat A Sore Throat From Allergies

According to Dr. Burgert, you can treat allergy-induced sore throat with over-the counter-pain medication like Tylenol or Motrin. Even better, you can eliminate the cause of the sore throat with antihistamines like Zyrtec, Claritin, or Allegra. Steroid nasal sprays can also decrease the production of watery mucus.

Laryngitis And Hay Fever

Laryngitis is the medical term for an inflamed voice box. If you suffer from hay fever, your vocal cords will swell when pollen enters your airways. This swelling could turn into laryngitis in severe cases. Laryngitis often stems from other illnesses like colds and flu too. Hay fever presents a lot of the same symptoms as common colds postnasal drip, congestion, and sore throat. 

The symptoms of laryngitis are hoarseness, significant voice loss, and a dry, scratchy throat. These can all be caused by allergies. Taking a complete voice rest is the best option when you have laryngitis. If you try to sing at this stage, you risk setting back your recovery and prolonging the voice loss. You may have to refrain for just a few days, but its more likely youll be out of action for a week or two, vocally speaking.  

How Does It Feel

A tickle in the throat can feel like a snag and an itchy or rough patch in the back of the mouth. People may also be hoarse and have difficulty speaking.

If post-nasal drip is the cause of the tickle, the throat can feel irritated and sore. Individuals may also feel as if they have a lump in their throats, which is often due to swelling of the tonsils.

Treatment for a tickle in the throat will aim to resolve one of the underlying causes.

What’s The Best Way To Manage A Sore Throat From Allergies

Fact: You dont need to suffer through this, and allergists say there are a few things you can do to try to relieve your pain. Ultimately, Dr. Wada says, the best treatment is a combo of tackling your nasal symptoms and sore throat. Try these treatment options.

  • Use an antihistamine. Antihistamines block the effects of histamines, lessening the risk youll develop allergy symptoms, including a sore throat, Dr. Wada says.
  • Try a nasal steroid spray. Nasal steroid sprays help reduce inflammation in your nasal passages, Dr. Wada says, and could help tamp down on post-nasal drip.
  • Gargle with warm salt water. Not only does it feels soothing on your throat, Dr. Wada says, the salt in the water can help pull mucus out of the area and make you feel better.
  • Have some honey. If a cough is behind your sore throat, consider having a spoonful of honey. Research has found that honey can reduce how often and how intensely you cough when youre sick. Honey can also be soothing for sore throats for anyone over age one, Dr. Wada says.

If you have a sore throat from allergies and this is a regular thing for you, Dr. Parikh recommends talking to your doctor or allergist about allergen immunotherapy, which are shots you can take to help reduce your reaction to allergens. These can make you less allergic to the trigger over time, Dr. Parikh says.

Korin Miller

Dry Itchy Throat From Dry Air

Causes of Itchy Eyes, Nose, Throat, and Skin

During winter, the number of people complaining of mild itch in the throat may increase. The cause is attributed to dry air. In addition, air conditioners producing warm, dry air thickens the mucus in your respiratory system. This will irritate the throat.

If you identify this as the cause of throat irritation, it is advised that you use a humidifier. Adding moisture to air will make your throat and nose hydrated, thus producing relief for a dry itchy throat faster.

What Is The Best Medicine For Itchy Throat

The good news is that much of the discomfort from a sore or itchy throat can be treated with over-the-counter medications or natural remedies.Some of these medications include:

  • Chloraseptic sprays.
  • Throat lozenges like Cepacol or Halls.
  • Vicks VapoCOOL throat spray.

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Why Can Seasonal Allergies Cause A Sore Throat

Allergies happen when the body perceives a foreign substance as a threat, and the immune system produces antibodies and histamine in response. This creates an inflammatory reaction that makes you feel downright crummy. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, sinus pressure, and dark circles under the eyes . But under the right circumstances, allergy sufferers could develop a sore throat as well. 

Why does this happen? Children with allergies often have increased mucus production in the nasal passages that drips down the back of the throat. This is referred to as postnasal drip, explains Sanjeev Jain, M.D., a board-certified allergist and immunologist at Columbia Allergy. As the mucus drips down the throat, it causes irritation to the mucosa that lines the throat, and this can result in the sensation of a sore throat.

Keep in mind that sore throat can have other causes as well. For example, it often appears with viral upper respiratory infections and bacterial infections , says Natasha Burgert, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician for Pediatric Associates in Overland Park, Kansas. Sore throat might also be a symptom of COVID-19 in kids. Contact your pediatrician if you dont know the cause of your childs sore throat; they may need to diagnose and treat it.

What Are Dust Allergy Symptoms

If you have an allergy to dust mites, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Persistent coughing
  • Mucous dripping from the back of the nose to the throat, which is also known as a postnasal drip
  • Itching, reddened skin
  • Watery, red, irritated, and itchy eyes
  • Excessive sneezing

If you already have asthma, you can expect your symptoms to be more severe. Be prepared for:

  • Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath that makes it hard to engage in physical activities and sleep well
  • Wheezing or whistling each time you take a breath
  • Consistent chest pain and tightness
  • An inability to breathe at times

There Are Various Reasons Why You Could Be Experiencing A Cough Or Sore Throat

Post-nasal drip will also irritate your esophagus and occurs because of sinusitis or the more chronic allergic rhinitis also known as Hay Fever. Post-nasal drip occurs when your sinuses become clogged, hence the term plugged up. Usually, youll experience additional symptoms, such as nasal congestion, sneezing and a runny or itchy nose, similar to symptoms we notice when our allergies are acting up.

Even food allergies can cause a sore throat. Generally, youll notice almost instant swelling and enlarging of the throat, which can quickly advance to anaphylaxis. This is a much more serious allergic reaction than an irritated throat. Often allergy medications , such as Benadryl, can have side effects such as a dry, scratchy throat, along with dry mouth. Consult a doctor before taking any medication and monitor your reactions to these types of allergy medicines.

For those with more serious allergies, symptoms can last an entire season, especially in the springtime. The flu and common cold will generally only have symptoms for a week to two weeks. If it is allergies, you will most likely also experience:

  • tiredness
  • itchy, watery eyes
  • post-nasal drip

Its important if you are experiencing these symptoms to get tested by your local allergist. Rather than treating the symptoms, its best to find and treat the cause.

Can Dust Allergies Cause Hives Fever Sore Throat And Sinusitis

Generally, a dust allergy will cause the symptoms we covered above. These include coughing, postnasal drip, red and itchy skin, an itchy nose and throat, watery eyes, congestion, and sneezing.

There is a difference between itchy skin and hives. If your skin itches, you may scratch it until it turns red and swollen, and sometimes even until it bleeds. This is still not hives, though, which is an allergic reaction. According to the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation , hives can occur, but this is considered rare.

Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, can occur if the dust mite irritation causes inflammation which can trap mucus in your sinuses. This can become infected causing sinus pain and discolored, foul tasting nasal discharge.

Is It Allergies Or The Common Cold

More often than not, parents and teens will flock to the doctor at the sign of a scratchy throat only to find that they cannot be treated because they are simply having an allergic reaction. Many people fail to realize that a scratchy sore throat can be a precursor to the common cold.

Furthermore, a scratchy throat might stem from another form of irritation like stomach acid, a reaction to the dry air, pollution or an allergic reaction. While the trip to the doctor may seem wasted, it is never a bad idea to gain that peace of mind. The good news is that a scratchy throat is a conditional allergy and isnt something you will have to suffer from for the rest of your life. Furthermore, it is not typically a severe reaction and can be avoided by way of prevention and treatments.

Start With Some Home Remedies For Cold And Allergy Symptoms

When you start feeling icky, some simple home remedies can provide temporary relief. For starters, try to get more rest. Both allergies and colds can cause tiredness, so listen to your body and take it easy.

Also, take advantage of saltwater to soothe irritated nasal passages and scratchy or sore throats.

For your nose, use a neti pot. A neti pot can be picked up at any local drugstore or online, and typically comes with packets to mix with warm, distilled water to create a saltwater solution to pour through your nasal passages.

For your throat, simply mix a quarter or half teaspoon of table salt into an 8-ounce glass of warm water. Take a sip and gargle for a few seconds like you would with mouthwash. Then spit and repeat until the solution is gone. You can do this a couple times a day.

What Are The Symptoms Of Allergic Rhinitis

Itchy Throat and Ears: Causes and How to Get Rid of It ...

Hay fever symptoms can appear throughout the year. Outdoor allergies are worse in the spring, summer and early fall. In warm weather, weeds and flowers bloom, and pollen counts are higher. Indoor allergies, such as those that result from pet dander and dust mites, can get worse in winter because people spend more time indoors.

Symptoms of hay fever include:

  • Nasal stuffiness , sneezing and runny nose.
  • Itchy nose, throat and eyes.
  • Headaches, sinus pain and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Increased mucus in the nose and throat.
  • Fatigue and malaise .
  • Sore throat from mucus dripping down the throat .
  • Wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing.

Scratchy Throat From Smoking Or Vaping

Cigarette smoke is one of the major irritants of the oral cavity. It can cause plaque, white patches in the mouth and throat or leukoplakia and even an itchy back of the throat.

Smoking or vaping causes the inflammation of the lung tissue as well as the back of the throat. As your cough progresses, the problem develops from throat irritation and itch to bronchitis and cardiopulmonary diseases. One of the best ways to get rid of an itchy throat fast is to quit smoking. Visit a doctor if you have a persistent cough and scratchy feeling in your throat.

When Did You Begin To Feel Unwell

If you remember being around someone who had an upper respiratory infection a few days before you started feeling ill, you may have caught a viral infection. Viruses are spread by contact with sneezes, coughs, and contaminated surfaces such as door handles. Allergies, on the other hand, can begin immediately after coming in contact with triggers such as pollen. If you think you might be experiencing a seasonal allergy, check the pollen count in your area; if levels are high, allergies may be the culprit.

How Is Hay Fever Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will examine you, ask about your symptoms and evaluate you for other conditions, such as a cold or asthma. To measure your antibodies to specific allergens, your provider may take a blood sample and send it to a lab for testing. This blood test is called an immunoglobulin E test. It can detect all types of allergies, including food allergies.

Your provider may recommend a skin prick test to determine what allergens are causing your symptoms.

How Hay Fever Affects Your Voice

Hay fever is a common allergy around 30% of the population suffer with it. Suffering from hay fever is like having a chronic cold; it causes sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and a stuffy/runny nose. But most worryingly for singers, hay fever can also cause voice loss.  

Hay fever causes congestion in your airways and this leads to postnasal drip . This irritates the vocal cords, which may already be inflamed from any pollen youve breathed in.  

If your vocal cords become swollen or irritated, it can cause your voice to crack, thin, and eventually disappear.    

What Is A Skin Prick Test

This common test is painless and accurate, though it may be a little uncomfortable. Your provider places a small sample of different allergens on your skin and scratches or pricks the skin with a needle. Scratching the skin allows the allergen to get under the surface.

If youre allergic to the allergen, the area will become red, itchy and irritated in 15 to 30 minutes. You may develop raised, hive-like welts called wheals that show an allergic reaction. A skin prick test is a safe, effective way to determine which allergens are causing your symptoms.

Allergies To Mold And Mildew

Like pollen, mold and/or mildew can also cause a sore, scratchy throat. Typical reactions to a mold or mildew allergen are swollen nasal cavities, itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, and a cough. The runny nose is part of the sore throat, as is the coughing: both feed on the other. More severe cases will result in fatigue and sinus pressure. Mold and mildew can be found in older homes, bathrooms, and in grassy fields at the change of the season, so be prepared.

Seasonal Allergies Or Covid

Many restrictions for preventing the spread of the coronavirus can also help minimize allergy and asthma symptoms.

With allergy season overlapping the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, a runny nose or scratchy throat can cause panic and concern of a greater, more severe issue. COVID-19 can cause life-threatening symptoms, but the majority of people who contract the virus will experience mild to moderate symptoms.

Laren D. Tan, MD, a pulmonologist at Loma Linda University Health, says many patients who suffer from allergies may have difficulty distinguishing between allergy symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms.

Tan offers advice on how to tell the difference between a virus and allergies:

Scratchy Throat And Ears

Allergic Sore Throat Kill Alcohol Throat Sore Does ...

Itchy ears is a sign of infection in the ear canal. They will easily scab and form discharge or even start to ring or produce a thumping sound. Ear infections can easily spread into the nose and throat. The cavities are connected. The reason why you feel scratchy throat irritation and itching ears is that infections and allergies such as rhinitis can spread symptoms to these organs.

C Soothe A Hoarse Voice

Inflamed vocal cords from singing, shouting. Image courtesy of

One of the causes of a tickle in the throat is shouting, too much singing and talking. In order to get rid of an itchy throat from shouting or a hoarse voice, avoid activities that lead to straining your voice. Prevent overworking your vocal cords or larynx. Here are other home remedies and cures you can try to soothe a scratchy throat.

Scratchy Throat After Eating And Fruit Juice

Some acidic fruits and juices can irritate your throat

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, Oral allergy syndrome may happen after eating certain fruits You may get the same from fruit juice. Acidic fruits are likely to irritate your oral lining and trigger a cough. Here are the fruits are known to cause this symptom.

  • Orange juice
  • peaches and
  • Oranges

If you notice that you get an irritated throat after juicing or after drinking any of these juices, the cause could be the fruits you have eaten or the juice you will have taken. Spicy foods can also be a source of irritation in the mouth and back of the throat.

How Is Allergic Rhinitis Treated

Several allergy medications can improve symptoms and help you live with hay fever. These treatments come in many forms, including liquids, pills, eye drops, nasal sprays and injections. Talk to your provider before taking any medication, especially if youre pregnant or have other health concerns. Your provider may suggest:

Antihistamines: Antihistamine medications are available with a prescription or over the counter. They work by blocking the histamine that your body releases during an allergic response. Antihistamines come as pills, liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays and inhalers. They include:

  • Loratadine .
  • Fexofenadine .
  • Levocetirizine .

Antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol when taking antihistamines, especially if youre going to drive.

Decongestants:These medications relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses. You can take decongestants by mouth or use a nasal spray. They include:

  • Afrin® nasal spray.
  • Phenylephrine nasal spray .
  • Pseudoephedrine .

    Decongestants can increase blood pressure and cause headaches, trouble sleeping and irritability. Nasal decongestants can be addictive if used longer than five days. Be sure to talk to your provider before taking them.

Corticosteroid nasal sprays: These sprays and inhalers reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hay fever. The most common nasal sprays are Flonase®, Nasacort® and Rhinocort®. Side effects include headaches, nasal irritation, nosebleeds and cough.

Symptoms Of Scratchy Throat

Note that a scratchy throat may not just be a symptom of an approaching cold, it might come from allergies, irritation and other sources. However, as soon as the source of your scratchy throat is identified, then the treatment can be done and this is can be more effective.

The symptoms of a scratchy throat include an itchy feeling or burning sensation at the back of your throat, tenderness along the neck and this would likely happen especially after eating or swallowing and in some cases, drinking as well.

Other possible symptoms that can manifest for scratchy throat problem includes:

  • Stomach Pain
  • Hoarseness
  • Dry cough and sneezing

However, it is important to mention that the symptoms will vary from person to person and will also depend on the possibility of other health concern present in the sufferer. Whatever the case, the most important thing is to consult your doctor as soon as you feel these unusual manifestations of these symptoms.

Can Allergies Cause Sore Throat

Sore throat and allergies often go together to compound the misery of people living with allergies. Typically, an environmental allergen causes nasal congestion and sinus drainage down the back of the throat, making it scratchy or painful. This irritation can cause coughing and throat irritation or even trouble speaking. 

Some of the most common allergens that cause a sore throat include:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Pet dander, particularly dog and cat fur

Symptoms Of Post Nasal Drip

The most common symptom of post nasal drip is the feeling of mucus running down your throat. Other symptoms include:

  • Sore, scratchy throat
  • Coughing, especially at night while youre trying to sleep
  • The need to clear your throat often
  • Frequent swallowing
  • Nausea or stomach upset due to swallowed mucus
  • Feeling a blockage or lump in your throat

Cancer Of The Lungs Thyroid Throat

Cancers can also trigger a severe cough and itchy back of the mouth. It is however important to know that irritation in the throat in itself does not mean you have throat cancer or cancer of the lungs and thyroid. If you suspect or are worried that the symptom could be caused by cancer, see a doctor for proper diagnosis and early treatment to prevent the spread of the cancer cells.

Treating Your Allergies With Immunotherapy

Sore throat at night: Causes, treatments, and remedies

For many patients, these measures are not enough to provide relief for their allergy symptoms. Allergen immunotherapy prescribed by Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia, can reduce allergy symptoms and any associated sinus or ear infections 80-90%. Consult with one of our Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia specialists. to find the treatment plan right for you.

How Can You Tell A Cold From Allergies

This can be challenging, Dr. Wada says. Still, there are a few signs that you might be dealing with one vs. the other.

Typically, allergies will last longerweeks to monthswhereas colds will last one to two weeks, Dr. Wada says. Colds also tend to have more body symptoms like muscle aches and even a fever, Dr. Parikh says. And, unless you develop an infection related to your allergies, you shouldnt get a fever from allergies.

What About Herbal Remedies

If you are suffering from a sore throat with your seasonal allergies, you are also likely to be experiencing other symptoms such as sneezing or nasal congestion. If this is the case, then a remedy tackling all symptoms of seasonal allergies is likely to be the most effective. For example, Pollinosan Allergy Relief Tablets combine several different herbs in a formula devised by Alfred Vogel to target the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Can Pollen Cause A Sore Throat

According to Tottori Allergy and Asthma Associates, tree pollen can indeed cause the same itchy, scratchy sore throat as other allergies. This is generally thought to be caused by inflammation, which builds up sinus pressure in the sinuses. Sore throats caused by allergies tend to be long-lasting and accompanied by other sinus symptoms like a runny nose or persistent cough. The intense sinus pressure can result in powerful headaches as well.

Can Allergies Cause Fever

The short answer is allergies dont cause fever.  But, allergy symptoms can make you more vulnerable to a viral or bacterial infection, which can lead to a fever. So, its common to blame a fever on your allergies, even though technically that isnt the cause.

Allergies are caused when your immune system overreacts to common things in the environment such as tree and grass pollen of common dust mites in your home. The typical allergy symptoms most people experience include:

  • Coughing
  • Diarrhea or nausea are common if you have food allergies
  • Headache or sinus pain
  • Wheezing or asthma

If you have a fever, body aches, and a sore throat, its likely caused by a viral infection from a cold or flu.

What Is A Scratchy Throat

A scratchy throat is one condition that could be irritating or annoying to the sufferer in the sense that it may not progress into a full blown sore throat but still continues to be a burden to the sufferer. It is a common way to describe an itchy, irritated or an inflamed throat. Scratchy throat has been experienced by a lot of people many time in their lifetime and like mentioned earlier, it could just be a mild irritation that may not warrant seeing a doctor while at other times, it could progress fully into a full blown sore throat. If it remains at a mild level, it can last for just a few days except it becomes a sore throat which will take longer to heal. However, whatever the situation, it is important to note that a scratchy throat is a problem which can irritate and affect the so many things in your life like sleeping, eating and talking peacefully.

Picture 1: Woman with a scratchy throat

What Are The Symptoms Of Coronavirus

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , COVID-19 symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and a fever. You just dont get fevers from allergies like you do with the flu, COVID-19, or the common cold, Kobernick says.

It is also rare to have a stuffy or runny nose with COVID-19. The disease causes symptoms like body aches and tiredness that arent associated with environmental or perennial allergies.

Unlike allergies, a viral infection occurs as a cascade of events, mediated by chemical messengers as a result of being infected. The cause is different, says Kobernick, but the end result can look very similar.

Allergies are generally prolonged, whereas COVID-19 symptoms are contracted and progress more seriously over a shorter period of time.


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