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HomeExclusiveWhat Allergy Medicine Helps With Post Nasal Drip

What Allergy Medicine Helps With Post Nasal Drip

Which Treatments Are Available

(*Post Nasal Drip*) Relief

Allergic post nasal drip is treatable with a steroid nasal spray that helps reduce swelling in the nasal passage which contributes to congestion. Antihistamines are used to relieve symptoms like sneezing and itchiness, while decongestants are regularly prescribed for congestion. Antibiotics can be administered to deal with nasal drainage caused by sinus infections, but also steroid nasal sprays, antihistamines, and decongestants are prescribed similarly to allergy treatments. However nasal decongestants are not recommended to be used for more than three days because it can cause a rebound effect that leads to worsening symptoms. A helpful tip for people suffering from post nasal drip is to sleep upright or with their head elevated which has been known to reduce the intensity and frequency of coughs during the night and early morning.

What Are The Symptoms Of Post

Even though post-nasal drip is happening all the time, you may experience other symptoms when its more noticeable than usual, Dr. Parikh says. Those include:

  • Sore throat
  • Feeling like you need to clear your throat
  • Hoarseness

Youll also likely have symptoms of whatever condition is causing your post-nasal drip in the first place, Dr. Scangas says.If its overproduction from the nose and sinuses, youll see the symptoms getting worse when your allergies get worse, when your eyes get more itchy, and when your nose is more congested, he says.On the other hand with chronic sinusitis, its often more consistent post-nasal drip. This can present with increased sinus pressure, , and nasal congestion.

However, if you dont have any nasal symptoms with your post-nasal drip, it could be more of an acid reflux issue, Dr. Scangas says. This occurs when the end of your esophagus does not close as it should, allowing the contents of your stomach to leak back up and cause irritation, often in the form of heartburn.

Upper Airway Cough Syndrome

Upper airway cough syndrome is treated with first-generation antihistamines and medicines taken as tablets. A response to treatment helps confirm the diagnosis. Decongestants should only be used for a short time.

Talk to your doctor if you are constantly clearing your throat or have an irritating cough. Finding out the cause of your symptoms and treating the cause should make you feel a lot more comfortable.

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Zyrtec Vs Claritin For Postnasal Drip

Post nasal drip may occur for various reasons – allergies , colds or flu, various drugs , cold temperatures, bright lights, hormonal changes and spicy foods.

Thin postnasal drip secretions caused by allergies may be treated with antihistamines. Second-generation antihistamines such as Zyrtec and Claritin may offer better relief than older-type antihistamines such as promethazine . Intranasal antihistamines, such as azelastine, have a faster onset of action and appear more effective than oral antihistamines although require more frequent administration. Other treatments include decongestants, cromolyn, and corticosteroid nasal sprays.

In the treatment of post nasal drip caused by nonallergic causes, oral second-generation antihistamines are not very effective. However, the intranasal antihistamine azelastine is effective. Azelastine improves all rhinitis symptoms including nasal congestion, postnasal drip, sneezing and sleeping difficulty. The most common side effect is a metallic after taste however, this is more likely at higher dosages and tends to dissipate with continued use.

If thin nasal mucus secretions become thick and turn yellow or green, bacterial infection is likely and a doctor should be seen to obtain antibiotics.

What Are The Treatment Options

8 Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip  Info You Should Know

Diagnosing post-nasal drip may include a detailed ear, nose, and throat exam, endoscopy , or X-rays. Post-nasal drip can be difficult to cure, and treatment varies according to the cause:

Related Conditions

Several other conditions may feel like post-nasal drip but are swallowing problems caused by a backup of solids or liquids in the throat. Conditions that may be related to post-nasal drip include:

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Can A Post Nasal Drip Cause Food Allergies

Post-nasal drip is most commonly associated with atopic allergies, although dogs with food allergies may also have the problem. Your veterinarian can prescribe medication to alleviate post-nasal drip. A number of canine health conditions, some of which can be life threatening, can cause nasal allergy symptoms.

How To Stop Post

Technically, this isnt something you want to stop entirely, given that post-nasal drip helps clear out your sinuses. But, if its particularly intense, there are a few things you can do to lighten the flow:

Figure out the source.

Identify what is triggering it and treat the trigger, Dr. Parikh says. So, if its seasonal allergies, visit an allergist and figure out whats causing your symptoms and the best course of treatment. If you suspect you have a sinus infection, talk to your doctor to ensure a proper diagnosis.

Then, consider OTC medications.


If allergies are the issue, nasal steroids like Flonase or Nasacort and long-acting antihistamines like Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec, or Xyzal can help, Dr. Parikh says. If you think reflux may be an issue, consider trying OTC stomach acid reducers, like TUMS or Pepcid, when heartburn flares up.

Make some lifestyle changes.

If you suspect acid reflux is behind your issue, Dr. Scangas also recommends doing your best to avoid spicy foods , eat at least two to three hours before bed, and sleep with your head elevated.

However, if these changes do not help or OTC meds dont offer relief, talk to your doctor, who may be able to offer prescription medications if you have a severe form of reflux, known as gastroesophageal reflux disease .

Use a saline nasal rinse.

Post-nasal drip starts in your sinuses, and clearing those out with a sinus rinse can help ease up the onslaught, Dr. Parikh says.

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Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit

The Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit is another great choice for people looking for an effective product to combat post nasal drip. Mostly, this product relies on saline, which draws out the mucus by attracting it with salt. Once the accumulated mucus has been pulled out of the posterior portion of the nose and throat, its suctioned out using the included bottle.

While it does offer effective and instant relief against mucus and congestion, the formula isnt quite as powerful as the first name on the list. Without the menthol property, relief doesnt last quite as long, requiring users to repeat the process when mucus accumulates hours later.

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

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Drink enough water each day. The CDC recommends 2.7 liters per day, which is about 11 eight-ounce glasses, but some people require even more. Karpuzoglu says drinking water or even broth will help thin the mucus in the throat, allowing it to flow freely through the throat and keep your body well-hydrated. This will help replace the fluids lost during a cold or the flu.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Post Nasal Drip

Post nasal drip is most commonly identified by the accumulation and drainage of mucus down the back of the nose and throat. People who experience post nasal drip may have other common symptoms, including:

  • A frequently clearing of the throat
  • A sore or scratchy throat
  • A feeling like a lump or something stuck in the throat
  • A cough or hack that is often worse in the evening
  • Constant spitting or swallowing of mucus
  • A feeling of nausea due to excessive mucus in the stomach
  • Bad breath

Other Approaches To Easing Post

Sally Found that NAC helped ease her upper respiratory tract challenges:

I have had COPD for several years . My lungs are the weak link in an otherwise healthy body.

I take NAC and find that it helps break up things and clear my lungs and stop the nagging, little cough that is caused by COPD. Recently, I had a bad bout of pneumonia and bronchitis for which I took Mucinex. It was helpful but when I went back to the NAC things got better.immediately.

Linda found that Mucinex plus a neti pot nasal rinse eased her symptoms:

I had never had a sinus infection until I was in my early 60s and didnt know what they were. Then I got sick for weeks at a time. Finally I figured it out and went to a doctor for relief.

Id been taking OTC cold tablets that didnt help at all and seemed to make it worse. I got so stuffed up and impacted that I couldnt breathe through my nose at all and didnt think Id ever get better. The doctor told me to only take a med with guaifenesin as the main ingredient. Around the same time I read about neti pots.

From then on whenever I got a cold I took Mucinex with guaifenesin and used the neti pot to try and ward off getting a sinus infection. This has been a very successful regimen for me. I still get an occasional cold, maybe once a year, but they are milder now and dont last as long.

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What Are The Most Effective Cures For Post

Some of the most effective cures for post-nasal drip are antihistamines and allergy medications. Antibiotics can also be useful when symptoms are related to bacterial infections. Typically, post-nasal drip causes mucus to run down the throat, and produces constant throat clearing, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes, an upset stomach. In addition to infection, post-nasal drip can be caused by allergies, hay fever, and eating spicy foods.

Before a successful treatment plan can be put into place, the exact cause of the post-nasal drip needs to be determined. This can sometimes be difficult, and the condition is often chronic and resistant to common remedies. Medical professionals will sometimes refer the patient to an allergist if traditional treatments do not work.

Antihistamines are widely prescribed as effective cures for post-nasal drip. They work by counteracting the body’s reaction to allergens, helping to prevent the body from overproducing mucus that could drip down the throat. Although antihistamines can relieve congestion, they may also cause a dry mouth, urinary retention, sleepiness, and morning grogginess. may also be used, since they can also reduce nasal inflammation and mucus production. These medications may cause palpitations, restlessness, and insomnia, however.

Tips To Manage Postnasal Drip At Home/auxillary Management

2 Pack
  • Elevating the head while sleeping will help in the mucus drainage and reduce the amount of mucus accumulating in the throat.

  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps in thinning out the mucus and thereby helps in drainage and prevents dehydration.

  • Drinking warm teas and broths helps in relieving other symptoms like sinus and sore throat.

  • Steam inhalation will help out in thinning out the mucus.

  • Avoiding pets, preventing molds by using a dehumidifier and exhaust fan is essential.

  • Use allergen-proof covers on mattresses and pillows.

  • Washing the bed linen once a week in hot water and drying it in the heat of the sun is essential to prevent dust and allergies.

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How Do I Treat Post

Since post-nasal drip is a broad issue with many causes, there are several types of treatment. Bacterial infections can be cleared up through the use of antibiotics, but the flu or a simple cold wont respond to this type of treatment since they are caused by virus. In cases of a cold, flu, allergy or sinusitus, antihistamines and decongestants usually help alleviate symptoms.

To ensure that you receive the proper remedy, an examination by an Ear Nose & Throat doctor is highly recommended.

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Spigelia Antihelmia: For Postnasal Drip With A Discharge Of Bland Mucus


It is suited to individuals who are feeble and debilitated.

The patient is affected with chronic postnasal drip. The patient complains of tickling and itching of the nose.

The nose becomes dry anteriorly. There is also a discharge of mucus from the nose during face pain.

The complaints are worse from touch, motion, noise, turning, washing, concussion.

They feel better by lying on the right side with head high.

Dosage and potency:

30C,200C potency can be administered to the patient. 4-5 pills twice or thrice a day as per the state of the patient.

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Post Nasal Drip Symptoms

A sensation of mucus dripping is the commonest, and apart from it, other symptoms depend upon the underlying disorder.

-The feeling of constantly wanting to clear your throat or swallow

-Itchy sore throat. There is always a tickly feeling in the throat.

-Cough is worse at night, and it is a ubiquitous presence and is persistent.

-Coughing up clear, yellow, green, or brown mucus.

-A sensation of the lump at the back of your throat and a burning feeling in the throat.

-Excess mucus that goes into your stomach can cause nausea.

-If the mucus happens to block your eustachian tube, it could lead to an ear infection.

-Sinus infection is also very much a possibility if these passages are clogged. This leads to facial or sinus pain and headache with discomfort.

-Bad breath is also known as halitosis.

-Blocked or runny nose, sneezing.

-Hoarse voice

-Pus or white patches are covering the throat or tonsils.

-There can be constitutional symptoms like body ache, fatigue, fever with chills, with enlarged lymph nodes in the throat. There can also be decreased sense of smell, nasal congestion, puffiness under the eyes, redness, and watering.

-Heartburn is also noticed in those people who are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux.

-Upper airway cough syndrome includes

  • Postnasal drip

  • Dry cough, which is persistent for more than eight weeks

  • Unpleasant sensation in throat

What Is Postnasal Drip

Cold-Weather Sickness Remedies : How to Cure a Post-Nasal Drip

Postnasal drip occurs when mucus from your sinuses drips down to the back of your throat. When mucus trickles down the back of your throat, it causes your throat to feel irritated. You may feel the need to constantly clear your throat, but not feel relief when you do so. It is likely that you also experience a constant cough and sore throat. Postnasal drip is a common diagnosis, and common amongst those with allergic asthma.1,2

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Post Nasal Drip Homeopathic Medicines

The conventional line of treatment only aims at control of symptoms, but homeopathy aims at cure.

Homeopathy is a science that doesnt focus only on illness and symptoms but also on the patient. So after the complete detailed history of present and past disease and considering the family illness, a drug is prescribed per the patients state.

Duration of treatment would vary from person to person depending upon several categories like age of the patient, state of the patient, severity of the illness, etc.

Sinusitis And Ear Infections

The Sinus Info Center notes stomach acid sometimes travels as high as the throat and voice box, and even higher. They note symptoms such as sore throat, hoarseness, throat clearing, painful swallowing, and a feeling of fullness in the throat. Acid can cause sinusitis in children and adults, and ear infections in children.

Dr. Robert OâReilly and his team, at DuPont Hospital for Children in Delaware, published a study in 2008 on the incidence of reflux in children with chronic ear infections. The study included over 500 children with chronic ear infections, and 64 children with no history of ear infection. They found the stomach enzyme pepsin in the ear canals of 20% of the children with chronic otitis media.

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Physical Findings Of Laryngotracheal Reflux

In his book, Are You Sick of Being Sick?, Dr. Barrett describes physical findings associated with reflux. In his practice he found changes in the appearance of the uvula and ear drum. He also noted swelling and scarring of the nasal turbinates. These findings can be crucial in the diagnosis of the client who has reflux, with no common gastric symptoms like heartburn.

What Is Causing Your Irritating Post Nasal Drip


by Alan S. Berger, M.D. | Feb 15, 2019 | Post Nasal Drip

Post nasal drip is irritating. It can cause congestion, a cough and a sore throat. It feels as though liquid is running down the back of your throat, and in many cases, it is. Post nasal drip is actually part of a condition called rhinitis an inflammation of the lining of the nose.

Post nasal drip, its causes and treatmentsPost nasal drip occurs when mucus accumulates in the back of the nose. The mucus may drip down the back of the throat, either because there is excessive buildup, and/or because the nose is blocked and there is no way for the mucus to run out the nose. In reality, mucus mixes with saliva and exits down the throat daily. We dont notice it until it becomes thick and there is more of it than usual.

The main symptom of post nasal drip is the sensation that fluid is running down the back of the nose but other symptoms can include a nagging cough, hoarseness, congestion, or a sore throat.1

Post nasal drip can be caused by myriad conditions or substances and, interestingly, what causes the condition in one person may not cause it in another. Some of the causes of post nasal drip include:

  • The common cold
  • Extremely cold or dry air
  • Dust or other particles in the air
  • Pregnancy
  • Objects stuck in the nose

In addition to medications and the antibiotics that may be prescribed by your physician, there are home remedies that may help ease your symptoms:

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