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HomeNewsWhat Helps With Animal Allergies

What Helps With Animal Allergies

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Help Your Dog Beat Allergies

Omega-3s Omega-3s have incredible anti-inflammatory properties that many dogs need during allergy season. Omega-3 fatty acids provide optimal nourishment to the skin and coat and even help relieve joint pain! They also help skin retain moisture and hydration.

A key part of my treatment protocol when helping to manage allergies is Omega-3 fatty acids. Supplements rich in Omega-3s, like Side by Sides Shine Through Supplement, also help brain and cell function, says Dr. Birken.

Probiotics Allergy symptoms worsen if the digestive system is out of balance. Having a healthy gastrointestinal tract is essential for dogs as all food nutrients are absorbed and assimilated here.

Probiotics help bring balance and harmony to the gastrointestinal tract.

A healthy gut is essential in ensuring my patients have strong immune systems. And a strong immune system supports healthy skin. I prescribe Belly Balance Probiotics as part of my treatment plan when managing pet allergies, says Dr. Birken.

  • Helps maintain Gut Flora In The Digestive Tract Provides Enzymes and Factors Necessary for Proper Digestion Assists in the Digestion and Absorption of Essential Nutrients Provides

Can You Live With A Pet If You Are Allergic

Dr. Gupta says that while no cat or dog is hypoallergenic, it may be possible to have a peteven if you have pet allergiesif youre absolutely set on the idea. In addition to the immunotherapy that she recommends, she also suggests the following:

  • Purchase a HEPA filter
  • Clean floors regularly with a high-efficiency vacuum cleaner
  • Dont allow your pet to sleep in the bedroom with you
  • Give your pet a bath once per week

Chances are if youve fallen in love with your pet before you discovered youre allergic, youll likely want to find a way to keep your four-legged friend around. It will take more work and likely be more expensive, but it is possible to have a pet even if youre allergic.

Tips To Reduce Pet Allergies

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Lyuba Burakova / Stocksy United

Spring means allergy season is here, and allergies to pets can be a big problem for pet lovers. Hot weather games may be fun or may mean more time spent indoors avoiding sunburn for both people and pets. Its also the time of year for pollen, mold, and dust, so allergy sufferers double up the dose of misery. Even if you arent directly allergic to your cat or dog, they act like furry dust mops that trap and hold allergens that may set you off.

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Allergy Shots For Severe Pet Allergies

Allergy shots are small doses of the pet allergen, over a period of time, which then lets the immune system see the allergen in small doses, says Ratika Gupta, MD, allergist/immunologist and the other co-author of What? I Could Be Allergic to That?Dr. Gupta recommends allergy shots as the best line of defense against severe pet allergies.

Also known as immunotherapy, allergy shots are supervised by your immunologist or allergist. This can essentially be considered a cure for allergies, Dr. Gupta says. However, they require a time commitment and can be expensive.

An Overview Of The Naet Technique

Allergy Testing  11th Street Veterinary Hospital

1. First, the specific allergens affecting the animal are identified through applied kinesiology . When a NAET practitioner is working with your dog or cat, a surrogate is used. This surrogate is most often yourself, as the animals guardian.The surrogate holds a small glass vial of a potential allergen, consisting of water and the allergens energetic vibration.

With one hand, the surrogate holds the vial in direct contact with the dog or cat and extends her free arm towards the practitioner. The surrogate is asked to keep lifting her arm with even, upward pressure as the practitioner gently pushes the arm down. If the surrogates arm becomes weak under gentle downward pressure, this indicates the dog or cat has a sensitivity to the allergen in the vial. This sequence is repeated with several allergens.

If the surrogates arm becomes weak under gentle downward pressure, this indicates the dog or cat has a sensitivity to the allergen in the vial.

2. The next step is the allergen clearing process. The glass vial containing an identified allergen is secured to a collar-like band around the dog or cats neck. The vial must stay in contact with the animal for approximately 20 minutes.

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What Causes Pet Allergies

For many people, animal allergies can stem from proteins contained in an animals dander or dead skin cells, both of which can flake off regularly. Pet dander can cause an allergic reaction at any time of year especially during the winter months when people spend more time indoors. If you think you might have an animal allergy, see an allergist for confirmation.

What Causes A Pet Allergy

The job of the immune system is to find foreign substances, such as viruses and bacteria, and get rid of them. Normally, this response protects us from dangerous diseases. People with pet allergies have over-sensitive immune systems. They can react to harmless proteins in the pet’s urine, saliva or dander . The symptoms that result are an allergic reaction. The substances that cause allergic reactions are allergens.

Pet allergens can collect on furniture and other surfaces. The allergens will not lose their strength for a long time. Sometimes the allergens may remain at high levels for several months and cling to walls, furniture, clothing and other surfaces.

Pet hair is not an allergen. It can collect dander, urine and saliva. It also can carry other allergens like dust and pollen.

Cat and dog allergens are everywhere. Pet allergens are even in homes and other places that have never housed pets. This is because people can carry pet allergens on their clothing. Also, allergens can get into the air when an animal is petted or groomed. Pet allergens can also be stirred into the air where the allergens have settled. This can happen during dusting, vacuuming or other household activities. Once airborne, the particles can stay suspended in the air for long periods.

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How Are Animal Allergens Treated

Treatment may include:

  • Avoidance. Limit your exposure to or stay away from the animal you are allergic to. Don’t pet, hug, or kiss the animal.

  • Allergy shots . Talk about this option with your allergist or healthcare provider.

  • Medicines. These can include antihistamines, bronchodilators, or nasal sprays. Take as directed by your healthcare provider. Always talk with your provider before taking over-the-counter medicines.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Pet Allergy

Dog & Cat Tips : Home Remedies for Dog Skin Allergies

Cat and dog allergens can land on the membranes that line the eyes and nose. Reactions include swelling and itching of the membranes, stuffy nose and inflamed eyes. A pet scratch or lick can cause the skin area to become red. It is common to get itchy eyes after petting an animal then touching your eyes.

If allergen levels are low or sensitivity is minor, symptoms may not appear until after several days of contact with the pet.

Many airborne particles are small enough to get into the lungs. For some, this exposure can cause severe breathing problems. Highly sensitive people can begin coughing, wheezing and have shortness of breath within 15 to 30 minutes of inhaling allergens. Sometimes highly sensitive people also get an intense rash on the face, neck and upper chest.

Contact with a cat can trigger a severe asthma episode in up to three in ten people with asthma. Cat allergies also can lead to chronic asthma.

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Saline Irrigation Using Neti Pot

A lot of Americans have found relief from nasal allergies through nasal saline irrigation. It is a technique which uses a saline solution to thin out the mucus by flushing the toxins and allergens out of the nasal passage. Neti pots are used to gently pour the solution into the nostril. These pots resemble a small teapot and are made of ceramic or plastic and are easily available in a chemist store. The usage of the same originated from ayurveda.

The saline solution is prepared by mixing a teaspoon of salt in 16 ounces of lukewarm distilled water. After filling the solution in the neti pot, it is gently poured in one nostril by tilting your head to a 45-degree angle. After pouring, the solution should flow out of the other nostril. In some cases, it might also enter the throat. This isnt harmful and should be spit out. Once you are done cleansing, blow your nose to get rid of any extra solution.

What Causes Dog Allergies

Dogs secrete proteins that end up in their dander , saliva, and urine. An allergic reaction occurs when a sensitive persons immune system reacts abnormally to the usually harmless proteins. Different breeds produce different dander, so its possible to be more allergic to some dogs than others.

The allergen eventually finds its way into the animals fur. From there, it collects in carpets, on clothing, on walls, and between couch cushions. The pet hair itself is not an allergen, but the hair can hold dust and dander.

Pet dander can remain airborne for long periods of time as well. It can eventually find its way into your eyes or lungs.

The symptoms of a dog allergy may range from mild to severe. Symptoms may not appear for several days after exposure in people with low sensitivity.

Some clues you may be allergic to dogs include:

  • swelling and itching in the membranes of the nose or around the eyes
  • redness of the skin after being licked by a dog
  • coughing, shortness of breath, or wheezing within 15 to 30 minutes of exposure to allergens
  • rash on the face, neck, or chest
  • a severe asthma attack

Children with dog allergies will often develop eczema in addition to the above symptoms. Eczema is a painful inflammation of the skin.

People used to believe that exposing a newborn to the family dog could cause a child to develop a pet allergy. Thankfully for dog owners, the opposite appears to be true. Several studies in the past few years including one published in the

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Ways To Help Your Itchy Dog With Allergies

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Itching, scratching, and chewing are all signs of skin problems in dogs. The most common skin problem in dogs is caused by allergies. Fortunately, there are several ways to manage itching and allergies in dogs. Sometimes you can do certain things at home to prevent or ease mild itching before a secondary infection occurs. In other cases, you will need to consult with your veterinarian. Failure to manage your dog’s allergies can lead to other issues, such as hair loss and skin infections. Here are the best ways to manage allergies in dogs.

How To Deal With A Pet Allergy

Dog and Cat Allergy Facts That Will Leave You Frozen ...

If you suffer from a pet allergy and own an animal, or just happen to come into contact with one, youll be well aware of the many symptoms that can arise. Many people will get relief by using antihistamines but these can come with some nasty side effects. Natural remedies, however, offer a kinder alternative. Here I go through a few options to help you manage pet allergies better.

Louise Baillie

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For Cats Its On The Tongue

Cats and dogs cause allergies in completely different ways. When it comes to cats, proteins in the saliva tend to be a major cause of allergy symptoms. Since your feline friend likes to stay clean by licking, all of that saliva ends up on your cat’s fur as well. When it dries, the proteins are released into the air you breathe.

The protein causing the most problems is Fel d 1. Fel d 1 is particularly sticky, meaning it can attach to surfaces where cats have never been for example, inside offices, schools, and other public places carried there by cat owners. Then again, places where tabbies live have the highest concentration of the offending protein. Even if a feline is removed from a home, it can take several months for its proteins to decrease in carpets and as long as five years for them to decrease in a mattress. Encasing the mattress may be your best bet in such situations.

While all felines shed the protein, some shed more than others. Male tomcats who are not neutered shed more proteins than female cats because their testosterone stimulates the production of the protein. Cats who have mites or ticks are also more likely to spread their proteins because they bite and groom their skin more frequently. So neutering your pet and keeping it free from irritating infestations can be helpful steps. Bathing your tabby is also useful. Kittens are usually more accepting of this, but mature cats can also be gradually accustomed to this cleaning process.

Sensitivity Or Allergy: What’s The Difference

A food sensitivity, also called a food intolerance, means your dog cant properly digest a particular food. Typically, a dog with a food sensitivity will show symptoms within an hour of eating the offending ingredient. One example is lactose intolerance, an inability to digest milk products well, which tends to cause diarrhea, gas, and/or vomiting. In dogs that cant process the nutrients necessary for healthy skin, food sensitivities may also cause itchy skin or ears, and repeated scratching can lead to hair loss and repeated infections. A food allergy, though it may cause similar symptoms, is a different condition.

An allergy is an immune response to something the body mistakenly perceives as a threat. This response requires extended exposure to the trigger, so symptoms may take a long time to show up. Many dogs suffer from flea allergy, for example, in which the body reacts to flea saliva with intense itching. Allergies to environmental factors, such as pollen, dust, and mold, are also relatively common in dogs.

Food allergies, however, in which the immune system reacts to an ingredient in the dietusually a proteinas though it were a dangerous intruder, are actually not very common. A 2016 study published in the journal BMC Veterinary Research found that true food allergies occur in only 1%2% of dogs.

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What Causes Food Sensitivities And Allergies

Food sensitivities and food allergies can occur in dogs of any breed and at any age. But we know that the longer the exposure to a particular food, the more likely a dog is to develop a sensitivity or allergy to that food. Thats one reason that feeding your dog the same thing for many months or years can lead to problems.

The foods that are most often associated with true allergies in dogs are beef, dairy products, and chickennot because these foods are especially allergenic but because they are the ones most prevalent in commercial dog food. Allergies to other foods, including wheat, egg, lamb, soy, pork, rabbit, and fish, have also been identified.

Its the proteins in these foods that trigger allergies in dogs. Carbohydrate sources are much less likely to cause food allergies, so grain-free diets typically contain just as many potential food allergens as standard diets. Preservatives, artificial colors, and flavorings in your dogs food are also unlikely to cause true allergies, although these ingredients sometimes trigger sensitivities or adverse reactions.

Get Tested For Allergies So You Know For Sure What’s Causing Your Symptoms

Pet Allergies & Medications : Coping With Pet Allergies

You probably already know the basics of allergic reactions: Theyre your immune system overreacting to an otherwise harmless substance, as the Mayo Clinic explains.

In the case of pets, the allergy has nothing to do with fur, as many people believe. Rather, it comes down to animal dander, an otherwise harmless protein found in a pets skin, saliva, and urine, according to the Mayo Clinic. Your pet can spread dander all over your place when she scratches behind her ears, chases a favorite toy around the room, and otherwise lives a delightful animal life. Lovely!

Its easy to only think of dander when it comes to cats and dogs, but there is a whole world of pet possibilities out there, people. Parakeets, horsespretty much every animal with feathers or fur has dander, Alice Hoyt, M.D., an allergist in the allergy and clinical immunology department at Cleveland Clinic, tells SELF.

Thats why all the hype about hypoallergenic pets contains more baloney than the average third graders sandwich. A 2011 study published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy looked at 190 one-dog homes and found no difference in the concentration of allergens in homes with hypoallergenic breeds compared to other dog breeds. This makes perfect sense, because length of fur, shedding, and other similar variables dont affect the amount of dander a pet has, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology .

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Tips For Helping House Guests With Dog Or Cat Allergies

If you know someone who has pet allergies, you know pet dander, saliva, or urine can be major irritants. From sniffly noses to watery eyes to persistent sneezing, entering a pet-friendly home when your body isnt so pet-friendly can be unpleasant.

When you and your furry friends are expecting guests in your home, there are some things you can do to make their visit better. Laura Ispas, MD, and the team at Allergy Asthma & Immunology Institute in Leesburg, Virginia, offers these five tips for helping house guests with dog or cat allergies.

Is It Safe For My Dog To Eat Insects

Catching and eating flies, moths, and other insects is normal hunting behavior for a dog. Like their wild cousins, dogs have evolved to eat a variety of foods, and their diets have historically included insects, which are high in protein.

The occasional fly or moth is pretty safe for your dog to eat, but many insectssuch as cockroaches, June bugs, and caterpillarscarry diseases or contain toxins that may make your dog sick. Wild crickets often carry bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can infect dogs, but farmed crickets are raised under controlled conditions, following good agricultural practices and strict hygiene regulations.

The crickets that Jiminys uses in its products are washed after harvesting and then either roasted or pasteurized before being ground into meal. Finally, batches are lab tested for pathogens and parasites.

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