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Is It Allergy Season In Arizona

What Are The Worst Allergy Months In Arizona

Arizonans face tough allergy season during COVID-19 pandemic

Its not uncommon to see allergens like pollen every month because theres always something growing somewhere in Arizona. Irritants like dust and pollution also are present throughout the year. In metro Phoenix, allergy symptoms are typically most intense in the spring as trees, plants and grass come back to life.

Finding Relief From Your Desert Allergies

Of course, it isn’t enough to list everything that can cause allergic reactions. The list above is in no way exhaustive. Medical journals exist for such lists.

What can you do about these pollens that make you feel awful and limit your outdoor activities?

  • Protect your HomeAs much as possible, try to keep dust out of your house. For the inside of your home, get a good quality air purifier. When emptying the dust, do so outside.When arriving home from work or a day out, change and shower. This keeps pollens and dust youve picked up while out from getting everywhere in your home.Another way to collect dust involves cheesecloth. Put cheesecloth over the vents in your house to trap dust and pollens. Fold it over several times, because the holes in cheesecloth are very large, so several layers are required for this to be effective in catching allergens. Cheesecloth is inexpensive and can be removed, cleaned, and reused.In your yard, try to alter your landscaping to better manage your allergies. If a certain species of grass bothers you, plant a different grass. Also, look into landscaping designs that use fewer plants. The same goes for trees, get rid of the ones which aggravate your allergies most.

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I Don’t Have Allergies Why Do I Have Symptoms

Leyko said the recent rain doesn’t only affect people with allergies.

“People react to weather changes,” Leyko said. “Storms coming in, barometric pressure changes and humidity. Some people just react to that in itself.

“So these environmental physical changes that have nothing to do with allergies, those do affect our noses. Our noses respond to various stimuli so that it itself can cause some congestion and some pressure in the head.”

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What Is An Allergic Reaction

Now that you know some allergens that you may face in Arizona, lets talk about allergic reactions. You may be all too familiar with some of the symptoms already: stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and even rashes.

Understandably, you might think that the main cause of these reactions is one of the allergens we mentioned before. After all, your bodys immune system has a way of fighting off foreign substances, so they must be the cause of your allergiesright?

In truth, the real cause of your allergies is not the allergen itself, but how your immune system can overreact in response.

Typically, an immune system will produce something called a histamine.

Histamine is a neutralizing agent that is produced when a foreign substance comes into contact with the body.

A healthy immune system produces the right amount of histamine to help your bodys defenses against allergens.

On the other hand, an unhealthy immune system may overproduce histamine. This overproduction of histamine can lead to the symptoms we mentioned before.

If an unhealthy immune system is the cause of your troublesome allergies, what can you do to fix it?

When Is Allergy Season In Phoenix

Winter weather affects allergy season

Pollen, dust, and pollution can be found in the Valley any time of the year, but we don’t want it to ruin your day. Knowing what you may be allergic to can help you better manage them.

In Arizona, allergy symptoms are the most problematic in the spring, when trees, plants, weeds and grass come back to life after the winter. At one-point allergists used to recommend that their patients move to the desert to escape allergy symptoms, but with many non-native trees and plants being introduced to the desert landscape, that recommendation is occurring less and less.

Allergies in Phoenix and surrounding areas also tend to have another peak in the late summer months of August and September when certain weeds and shrubs are thriving.

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Where To Get Allergy Treatment When All Else Fails

Allergies can be a really tough issue to deal with. Fortunately, Arizona has some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country, and there are plenty of ways to enjoy them without compromising your health! At AlphaMeD we focus on keeping you healthy so you get back to life. If your experiencing allergic reactions or need relief from Arizona allergies come see us! AlphaMed is a group of neighborhood urgent care clinics in Arizona. We offer a range of walk-in services including allergy and minor allergic reactions. Book an appointment online or walk-in to our Urgent Care clinics today.

Whats The Weather Like In Arizona In The Winter

The Arizona desert warmed up early this year. The cooling temperature that we enjoy during the winter season was so minimal that the winter season was virtually non-existent. Spring made its appearance early with mild and pleasing temperatures but not pleasing for the allergy sufferer who began dealing with symptoms early on.

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Allergy Season : Why Your Symptoms Are Worse Than Ever

Many people with seasonal allergies are struggling right now, trapped in a vicious cycle of coughing, sneezing, wheezing and itching.

If this sounds like you, you might be wondering whats going on. Is this allergy season particularly brutal, or do your symptoms just seem worse because you were inside and not exposed to many allergens in spring 2020? Or is it all in your head?

According to allergists, its not just you. Its true your allergies may feel worse this year. Heres the deal and how to find some relief:

Why Are My Allergies So Bad In Arizona

FDA approves new treatment for allergies

It seems like allergies already make our lives miserable enough, but they have also been linked to depression and suicide rates. This does not mean that allergies cause depression, but they can worsen the symptoms.

Of course, everyone thinks of pollen and dust as the main culprits of allergies.

In Kentucky, with plants everywhere, regular rainfall, and lots of agriculture, you would expect allergies. Now that you live in Arizona, you might have thought that the southwestern desert would be the ideal place to escape your allergies, right?

Instead, throughout the year you find yourself wondering, “Why are my allergies so bad?!” As much as moving to the desert seemed like a nice escape from allergy symptoms, it doesn’t quite work out that way.

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When Is Allergy Season In Northern Arizona

August 6, 2020 By FBN

Its ragweed time again! It seems like allergies are a year-round problem in Northern Arizona. Why is that? We live in a unique climate because of the lower elevation areas surrounding Flagstaff. Pollen can travel very long distances, so we are also affected by allergy season in the Phoenix, Sedona and Cottonwood areas. So, when Flagstaff is covered with snow, juniper pollen travels from warmer climates. As the state heats up, people go outdoors, wildflowers bloom and ragweed comes to Flagstaff. Whether it is seasonal allergies, food allergies or asthma, there is no need to suffer. Get your life back! Dont let an allergy or asthma knock you down.

As an allergy and asthma sufferer myself, I have a strong passion for what I do. I enjoy being very active and love all things adventure and outdoors. By getting asthma and allergies, which I have suffered from since childhood, under control, I have been able to pursue my passion for trail running, hiking and biking. I love helping others breathe easy, enjoy the outdoors, sleep well, and be active without the fears asthma can bring. FBN

Lindsey Forstie, FNP, is an allergy specialist. The Vuori Health Allergy and Asthma Center is now seeing patients in its Sedona and Flagstaff clinics. The center offers personalized, same-day allergy skin testing, and an at-home treatment option with sublingual drops. For more information, visit or call 928-224-2834.

Office locations:

Flagstaff: 2001 N. 4th St

How Can I Tell If My Symptoms Are Allergies Or Covid

Before you stress out, know that there’s one positive aspect when it comes to allergens in the year 2021: “Masks mean less inhalation of pollen through the nose or mouth, and that may translate to decreased symptoms for some sufferers,” explains Manisha Relan, MD, a board-certified allergist. Noted!

That said, if you’re worried about telling the difference between symptoms, whenever they do arise, listen up: The COVID and allergy symptoms that typically overlap are headaches, wheezing, and sore throat. It’s also possible to experience nasal congestion, a runny nose, and sneezing with COVID, too, though these are more commonly allergy symptoms. A dry cough, shortness of breath, and loss of smell, are all likely COVID-19 symptoms, though there’s always the possibility that these are the side effects of allergies.

Overall, though, if you’re having trouble telling if your symptoms are allergies or COVID, your best bet is to check in with a doctor’s office or urgent-care center.

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And Other Common Allergens Found In Phoenix

Because many parts of Arizona are dry, receiving little rain, dust is a given. During certain times, especially during our monsoon season ,Phoenix area residents experience severe dust storms and dust devils, and they are on the rise.

For those with allergies, desert dust is never good news, as it has an effect on respiratory systems, causing coughing, wheezing and watery, itchy eyes. Air pollution can also be a problem, particularly for those who live in the Phoenix metro area, which sits in a valley, allowing the pollutants to just hang around.

Desert Plants Have Pollen Too

As Arizona Warms Up, Allergy Season Kicks into Full Swing ...

Desert plants can create havoc for Arizona Allergy sufferers. For most of us, when we think about allergies, we think about blooming plants, grasses, and climates with lush landscapes. However, many people dont realize that desert plants have pollen too.

Arizona is known for its dry climate and, unfortunately, that may be the root of your allergy problems. Allergy sufferers in Arizona are faced with a special challenge. We enjoy over 10,000 species of plants in the Sonoran Desert, many of which release pollen at all times of year making them difficult to identify and avoid.

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When Does Allergy Season 2021 Start

Well, its technically *always* allergy season due to year-round offenders such as dust mites, mold, and pet dander, says Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network. But some allergenspollens, specificallyare seasonal.

Tree pollen, for example, pops up in the spring , grass pollen arrives in the late spring , weed pollen is most prevalent in the summer , and ragweed pollen takes over from summer to fall , says Dr. Parikh.

And, as mentioned, climate change means allergy season begins earlier and lasts longer, adds Corinne Keet, MD, PhD, a professor and allergist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Specifically, the season has been arriving 20 days earlier than it did in 1990, and contains at least 20 percent more pollen, the New York Times reported.

To get super-specific, has a National Allergy Map that provides an up-to-date allergy forecast in different areas around the country and an Allergy Alert app that gives five-day forecasts with in-depth info on specific allergens, helping you decide if you should stay indoors that day. You should also note that windy, warm, and sunny days can increase levels of pollen turnout, while drizzling or rainy weather is actually associated with no or lower levels of seasonal pollen, explains Clifford W. Bassett, MD, medical director at Allergy and Asthma Care of New York.

Bless You It’s A Tough Time Of Year For Seasonal Allergy Sufferers Here’s How To Check The Allergy Forecast In Arizona

ARIZONA Few things terrify allergy sufferers more than spring in Arizona.

What many of us see as beautiful rebirth after a long winter budding trees, blooming flowers, a vibrant cover of fresh green grass all but promises misery, sneezing and suffering to those afflicted by seasonal allergies.

Take this video from the Austin Diagnostic Clinic, for example, which shows pollen bursting from a cedar tree as someone shakes it from below.

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Why Are My Allergies So Bad At Night

If your allergies only happen at nighttime , perhaps you are allergic to something in your bedroom. The most common allergens in bedrooms are microscopic house dust mites which live in bedding. If the humidity in your bedroom is above 40%, molds may be growing in the carpet, bedding, and upholstered furniture.

Are Allergies Worse At Night

7 ways to conquer allergy season – ABC15 Digital

If you suffer from allergies , your symptoms most likely get worse at night . This is something you share with other allergy patients. In fact, research shows that 74% of allergy sufferers wake up during the night because of allergy symptoms and over 90% of sufferers have difficulty sleeping.

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Allergy Forecast: A Bad Year For Everyone

Like taxes, allergy season is one of those things you just cant avoid. In fact, due to climate change, it may be getting worse. Warmer temperatures lead to more pollen production, so 2021 may be the most intense allergy season yet. And due to COVID-19 quarantine, children may especially have a rough year.

When is allergy season?

It starts in the spring and continues until the fall, but different allergens, the substances that trigger allergies, appear at different times.

: As spring begins, tree pollen is the top allergen, followed by weeds and grasses. In some parts of Maryland, its not unusual to see cars covered by the itchy stuff.

May to July: In May, all the trees, grass and weeds gang up to pump out allergens, making it a bad time for allergy sufferers. This is the start of peak allergy season, which continues until July.

: Enter ragweed, a common flowering plant. Ragweed is the leading cause of seasonal allergies, with 75% of all sufferers allergic to it.

With temperatures falling and plants starting to go dormant, the air starts to clear, bringing an end to outdoor allergy season. Now its possible to breathe a sigh of relief without coughing.

See the Interactive Allergy Forecaster for allergy conditions where you live.

COVID-19 and childrens allergies

Surviving allergy season

If your or your childs allergy symptoms are severe or continue a long time, your health care provider may be able to help or refer you to an allergist.

Allergy Season Begins In The Valley

PHOENIX It’s the time of year many of us dread. Pollen is flying across the state, which is why many have been dealing with runny noses, watery eyes, coughing, and constant sneezing.

The culprits right now are juniper and ash, and this is only the beginning for allergy season.

“Everything will be blooming soon, particularly all the desert trees will be blooming. A lot of the plants and shrubbery will be blooming. There’s going to be a lot of allergens in the air,” says Dr. Thomas Ardiles with Banner University Medical Center.

The desert landscape combined with the urban sprawl gives Phoenicians a double dose of allergens, which includes plants and dust.

The wet winter may lead to an even more severe allergy season, but Dr. Ardiles says many are still affected even when it’s dry due to the wind moving the pollen around.

He also says to stay on top of your medications if you do suffer from allergies. Once they hit, it’s hard to overcome the inflammatory response.

Allergy season generally sticks around until the fall once temperatures cool down.

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Wintertime Challenges For Asthma Sufferers

Winter is a time of cold and snow, but it can also be a season of asthma attacks. Many winter challenges can make existing asthma worse, including these common disease triggers, as well as ones more specific to holidays which are mentioned in this blog post.

  • Indoor air pollution As the temperature drops outside, asthma sufferers spend more time indoors. That means more exposure to indoor air pollution, including dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. Investing in a quality air filter and keeping the windows open as much as possible can mitigate these risks, as can keep your home as clean as possible.
  • Cold air Wintertime in Arizona can be warm but it also has some extreme periods of cold and frost, so plan your outdoor adventures carefully. You can reduce the asthma risk by dressing in warm clothes, paying attention to your breathing symptoms, and limiting exposure to extremely cold temperatures.
  • Fireplaces Lighting a fire in the fireplace or enjoying your outdoor fire pit may be romantic, but for asthma sufferers, it could also be dangerous. The smoke from indoor fires as well as firepits can trigger asthma attacks, so limit your exposure or choose gas fire instead.

Current Pollen Count And Forecast For Phoenix

Pollen Type: Ragweed and Cedar/Juniper

Pollen levels between 9.7 and 12.0 tend to affect most individuals who suffer from the pollen types of the season. Symptoms may become more severe during days with high pollen levels.
Medium-High Pollen levels between 7.3 and 9.6 tend to affect a large number of individuals who suffer from the pollen types of the season.
Medium Pollen levels between 4.9 and 7.2 will likely cause symptoms for many individuals who suffer from allergies to the predominant pollen types of the season.
Low-Medium Pollen levels between 2.5 and 4.8 tend to start affecting individuals extremely sensitive to the predominant pollen.
Low Pollen levels between 0 and 2.4 tend to affect very few individuals among the allergy-suffering public.
Pollen data provided by

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