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Is It Allergy Season In November

How To Treat Seasonal Allergies

Here’s why this year’s spring allergy season started early

In most cases, an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant will do the trick. If you have severe allergies, however, your doctor may prescribe a nasal steroid spray or allergy shots to dampen symptoms.

It’s always a good idea to try your best to avoid your allergy triggers, but that doesn’t mean you have to hole up inside with a box of tissues. To get less exposure to your allergens:

  • Keep your windows shut when your allergies are active.
  • Use an air purifier if you’re sensitive to indoor allergens.
  • Wear a dust mask while doing yard work.
  • Check your local weather network for pollen forecasts.
  • Take a shower and wash your hair at the end of each day to get rid of pollen that attached to your clothes, hair and skin.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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Climate Change And The Pandemic Are Playing A Huge Role

Year over year, were finding climate change is a major factor in worsening symptoms for spring and fall pollen seasons, said Kenneth Mendez, the CEO and president of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

The rising temps and increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are making pollen seasons heavier and longer. Allergy season is now 10 days longer than it was in 1990, and trees, grass and weeds are producing 21% more pollen. More pollen means more runny noses, watery eyes and itchy throats.

Unfortunately, we are seeing an increase in pollen counts on a yearly basis, and this is due to global warming and an increase in CO2, which we know plays a role in higher pollen counts, said Payel Gupta, an allergist and immunologist and medical director of the at-home allergy clinic Cleared.

The recent warm weather were seeing this year and in the past few years is to blame. Plants bloom in warm weather, then tree, grass and weed pollen pick up and fly into the air around us.

In the past, warm weather didnt appear until April or so, delaying pollen-producing plants from blooming. But its been getting warmer earlier year after year. Some areas in the Northeast saw 70-degree days as early as January this year. On top of that, the first freeze we typically see each fall is happening later in the year. Mendez said this keeps flowering pants like ragweed a major source of allergies alive and well.

When Is Allergy Season That Depends On Your Allergy

You often hear the phrase allergy season, but when is allergy season, exactly? Thats a bit of a trick question. There are allergy seasons that run throughout the year, and whether youre affected at a given time depends on what allergens your body reacts to and when those are in the air.

Eric Jacksonon

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When To Seek Medical Help For Allergies

If you’ve tried everything to keep your allergies under control but you cant find relief from your symptoms, speak to your doctor.

While symptoms such as a runny nose or sneezing are not dangerous, if they become severe enough that you find it difficult to breathe, you should seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Additional Tips To Manage And Control Your Fall Allergies

Winter Allergies in Tennessee (The Forgotten Allergy Season)
  • When possible, stay inside and keep doors and windows closed when pollen is at its highest to get daily pollen counts in our area or visit for your own local area.
  • Before you turn on the heat in your house for the first time, make sure to clean the heating vents and change filters. Sometimes mold and other allergens get trapped in the vents over our humid summers and will fill the air in your house once the heat kicks on.
  • Invest in a HEPA filter for your homes HVAC system. These filters force air through a fine mesh and traps harmful allergens and particles such as pollen, pet dander, mites, and tobacco smoke.
  • Use a dehumidifier to keep the air inside your home below 50% humidity.
  • Wear a mask when working outside and in your yard so you dont breathe in mold sporesthis is especially important if you are raking leaves or picking up decaying grass clippings.

With proper care and clean up, and some preventative medications, you can enjoy the great fall weather we have here in Jacksonville.

Contact us to schedule an appointment for allergy screenings or to discuss an allergy management plan.

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Allergy Season : Why Your Allergies Are Worse Than Usual This Year

With spring almost over and summer about to start, you may have noticed that your allergies have been especially bad this year. Allergies may be low on your radar amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, but they can still be a serious annoyance. Heres what you need to know about why allergy season 2020 has been so bad and how you can protect yourself with a home air purifier.

Prairies: Alberta Saskatchewan And Manitoba

Expect to see some inconsistent warm weather this spring, including some colder days than expected. That means the spring pollen season to start a little later than usual and be a shorter season. If the weather quickly warms through April, we could see more high pollen level days than an average season.

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How To Reduce Your Allergy Symptoms

If youre suffering from allergies but dont want to deal with the fog and tiredness that come with antihistamine medications, there are several steps you can take to limit your exposure to this seasons excessive pollen. For starters, keep pollen out of your home by closing the windows and using the air conditioning system to circulate air. This will keep your home comfortable without allowing pollen in. You can also limit your time spent outside by exercising indoors and only going out when its absolutely necessary.

If you want to be especially careful, you might even consider changing your clothes and shoes and taking a shower whenever you come in from outside. This will keep pollen from spreading inside your home and get it off of your skin and hair before it can cause an allergic reaction. This step may be unnecessary for mild allergy sufferers, but its a good idea if you or someone you live with suffers from severe allergies, asthma, COPD or other respiratory illnesses.

Finally, you can protect yourself with a high-quality HEPA air purifier. The fine filter material in a HEPA purifier can easily capture grains of pollen, removing them from the air in your home. By capturing pollen before it has a chance to cause an allergy flare-up, you can reduce your overall symptoms during the heavy allergy season of 2020. Some of our top recommendations for allergy control include the Amaircare 3000 HEPA, Airpura I600, Austin Air Allergy Machine and Rabbit Air Minus A2.

Are My Fall Allergies Worse This Year

How to tell the difference between allergies and COVID-19

Hearing the word allergies usually brings to mind blooming flowers and clouds of pollen floating in the air all during springtime.

Most people dont associate allergies with the fall season. Yet starting around mid-September this year, more people seem to be sneezing with runny noses and itchy eyes.

Denise Sanchez-Tejera, MD, an allergist with Rochester Regional Health, discusses the source of fall allergies and how to get ahead of them.

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Seasonal Allergies In New Orleans

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America releases its annual Allergy Capitals report, which collects data on the 100 most-populated metropolitan areas of the US and identifies which cities are the most challenging places to live with seasonal allergies. The city ranks are calculated based on factors such as seasonal pollen scores, allergy medication use per patient, and number of board certified allergy specialists per patient.

Which Plants Produce Pollen That Cause Allergic Reactions

Plants that have powdery granules of pollen that are easily blown by the wind, such as:

  • Trees, such as oak, western red cedar, elm, birch, ash, hickory, poplar, sycamore, maple, cypress, walnut, catalpa, olive, and pecan

  • Grasses, such as Timothy, Johnson, Bermuda, orchard, sweet vernal, red top, and some blue grasses

  • Weeds, such as ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, tumbleweed, Russian thistle, and cockle weed

Most flowering plants, such as roses, have heavier, waxy pollens that are not as easily wind-blown.

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What Are The Different Ways To Treat Allergies

  • Avoid or reduce exposure to weeds, trees, grasses, molds, or other allergens. Monitor the pollen count especially if you’re planning to spend time outside.
  • Use nasal spray. Over-the-counter options include Flonase, Rhinocort, and Nasacort. Prescription sprays are available through your allergist.
  • Oral medications include over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications and antihistamines.
  • Immunotherapy, usually done through allergy shots.

At What Point Should Parents Take Their Child Into An Allergist

What Are Seasonal Allergy Symptoms and How to Treat?

The first thing you want to do is control your child’s symptoms by avoiding suspected allergens and irritants. Parents should keep windows closed, run central air or heat, take time to wash your child’s hands and face when they come inside, and use high-efficiency particulate air filters in bedrooms. It’s also wise to invest in dust mite covers, while making sure to wash sheets in hot water and taking care to keep pets out of certain rooms. Make sure your pediatrician is aware of the issue. They may prescribe medications such as oral antihistamines and nasal steroids. If medications and avoidance have not controlled your child’s symptoms, they should be evaluated by an allergist.

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What Treatment Is Available For Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

You can reduce seasonal allergy symptoms by following these tips:

  • Stay indoors on high pollen count days.
  • Take over-the-counter antihistamines such as Claritin, Zyrtec, or Allegra.
  • Use a high efficiency particulate air purifier.
  • Keep your windows closed and use air conditioning.
  • Start taking allergy medicine before pollen season begins. Doing so will help block inflammation before it begins, and make your symptoms easier to control.
  • Shower before going to bed to remove allergens.
  • Wash your sheets and other bedding in hot, soapy water weekly.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses outdoors to limit pollen exposure.
  • Change clothes when you come indoors.
  • Take over-the-counter antihistamines such as loratadine , cetirizine , or fexofenadine .
  • Use eye drops such as Opcon A or Patanol for eye symptoms. Consider nasal sprays such as fluticasone or azelastine for sneezing and nasal congestion symptoms.

For concerns about allergies, visit UPMC Urgent Care. For more severe allergy or asthma symptoms, you should see your doctor. A skin-prick test can pinpoint the cause of your seasonal allergies. Your doctor may prescribe immunotherapy shots to build up your immunity to your allergy triggers.

Why Are Allergies So Bad In Texas

In most parts of the country, the allergy season is limited to the spring, when pollinating plants release the microscopic pollen dust that irritates sinuses and turns eyes watery and red. But once the spring turns to summer, and the pollination season is over, the allergens largely disappear. Not so in Texas.

As it turns out, one of the big reasons why allergies are so bad in Texas is the heat. But its not those blistering summer days that are to blame. Rather, the states relatively mild winters create the perfect environment for year-round allergens. Texas mild winters allow for year-round plant growth, which means plants can pollinate throughout the year. While other parts of the U.S. are experiencing frigid temperatures that turn vegetation dormant, some Texas plants are undergoing another season of pollination. In fact, winter is one of the worst times of the year for allergies in Texas.

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Healthy Indoor Air Quality Can Help You Manage Your Asthma And Allergies Overall

If ragweed pollen season drives you to spend more time indoors, pay attention to your indoor air quality. Indoor air is often more polluted than outside air. Poor indoor air quality can make your asthma and allergies worse. Combine poor indoor air quality with ragweed pollen, and you may be downright miserable.

The following can affect your indoor air quality:

  • Allergens, like dust mites, pet dander, cockroaches, and mold
  • Scents, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds
  • Outdoor air pollution

Use our interactive Healthy Home Checklist to find where allergens, triggers, and irritants can hide. Then follow the steps to improve your indoor air.

Some products can help you improve and maintain good indoor air. The asthma & allergy friendly® Certification Program helps you find products that have been scientifically tested in labs and meet strict standards. These products have proven that they effectively remove or reduce your exposure to asthma and allergy triggers. Through our program, youll find CERTIFIED vacuum cleaners, air filters, bedding, flooring, and more.

Medical Review August 2019. Updated August 2021

Ragweed Grows In 49 States

If you’re suffering from allergy symptoms, think twice it might be something else

If you live in Alaska, consider yourself lucky. You live in the only state where ragweed doesnt grow. Ragweed has even been introduced to Hawaii. Within the 49 states where ragweed grows, there are 17 different types of ragweed.

Track ragweed season where you live. Check sites like AAAAI’s National Allergy Bureau to follow pollen readings regularly. This will help you take steps to reduce your exposure to ragweed pollen.

Ragweed pollen peaks in the mornings. Plan your time outside for the afternoon and evenings when possible.

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Factors That Alter The Onset And Length Of Allergy Season

  • Mild winter temperatures can cause plants to pollinate early, making spring allergy season start earlier than February.
  • A rainy spring can promote rapid plant growth and high pollen levels. It can also lead to high mold levels that trigger allergic symptoms that last until the fall.
  • Warm days and cool nights during the fall allow tree, grass and ragweed pollens to thrive. This makes allergy symptoms worse.
  • Pollen levels are usually highest in the morning. With wind and warm weather, pollen counts surge.

Things You May Not Know About Ragweed Pollen Allergy

Ragweed pollen allergy is a major cause of seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever. Its light pollen easily spreads far and wide, triggering nasal allergies and allergic asthma in its path.

If you have a ragweed pollen allergy, it helps to know what you are up against. If you live in the U.S., you probably feel the effects of ragweed pollen in the late summer and fall. Here are some things you may not know about ragweed.

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Living With A Pollen Allergy

If you have a pollen allergy, the best thing you can do is to avoid being exposed to pollen. You can do this by:

  • staying indoors until after midday on windy days and during the pollen season
  • avoiding going outside after thunderstorms, particularly when there are high pollen counts
  • protecting your eyes with sunglasses, showering when you arrive home, and rinsing your eyes with water
  • avoiding mowing the grass, or wear a mask if you have to go near mown grass
  • keeping windows closed at home and in the car, and using recirculating air conditioning in the car
  • not picnicking in parts or the country during the pollen season
  • removing any weeds that trigger your symptoms from around your house, especially from outside your bedroom window

If you are exposed to pollen, rinse your eyes with water and take an antihistamine.

Uk Tree Pollen Calendar

Mountain Cedar Allergy: Ways to Prepare for this Season
Mid February to early April Mid April
Mid February to mid March Mid April
Late February to late March End of April
Early March to early April End of April
Early March to mid May End of April
End of Mar to early April End of April
End of March to mid May Early June
Early April to end of April Mid May
Late April to mid May Late May
Mid April to early June Mid June
Start of May to mid June Mid July
Late June to early July End of July
Start of June to end of July Early Septemper
Early May to end of June Mid July
Early May to end of June Mid July
Early June to early July Late August
Mid June to late July Early August
Mid June to mid August Early September

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