How To Recover Fast From Tonsillectomy
Knowing which foods to eat after tonsillectomy is one aspect of the healing process. Here are more tips to speed up recovery.
1. Take Medication
Your doctor or surgeon may prescribe pain medication to relieve your pain. Take the medication before the pain is severe. Take medication before taking a meal if you experience pain after eating. Avoid aspirin because it may increase your risk of bleeding. You may get prescribed antibiotics to prevent infections. Take full dosage of antibiotics even after feeling better.
Contact your doctors if the prescribed medicines are ineffective or have side effects, or if you are allergic to any medication. Record your intake of medicines, herbs and vitamins including the amount, dosage, and the reason for taking them. Carry your records or pill bottles during your follow visits or in case of an emergency.
2. Manage Bleeding
Some people bleed 4-8 days after tonsillectomy. Bleeding may occur any time within 3 weeks after surgery. In case you experience small amount of bleeding, take ice water, sit down, and have a rest. Return to the hospital immediately if the bleeding does not stop or if it is in large amounts. The following tips can help you prevent bleeding from your tonsils:
3. Rest
Why Is My Nose Stuffy
Provided By: Evan Tobin, MD
Everyone deals with a sensation of a stuffy or blocked nose from time to time. Usually we know why this is happeningwe may have a cold, springtime allergies are here, etc. We are designed to breathe through the nose. It is uncomfortable to us to feel a sensation of congestion. This can also affect our sense of smell and our ability to appreciate flavors. Chronic mouth breathing over a long period of time can lead to dental problems. And for children it can lead to misalignment of the teeth and they can develop bite problems. Nasal congestion can contribute to snoring and sleep apnea as well.
Sometimes nasal blockage or congestion becomes more recurrent or chronic or its cause is unknown. This will be a brief discussion of a variety of things that can cause nasal congestion, how they are diagnosed and treated and which may be serious enough to require a trip to your PCP or even a specialist.
Basic understanding of the nose and sinuses
Knowing the parts of the nose helps to understand what can occur to cause blockage of the nasal passages.
Less Time Off Work Or School
Tonsillitis can be pretty uncomfortable, so its no wonder that it often results in absences from school or work.
Following a successful tonsillectomy, you may find that youll have less time off from school or work as youll no longer be getting as many infections1.
What can you expect from surgery?
A tonsillectomy is performed under general anaesthetic. The operation itself is pretty short, taking around one hour.
Most patients can return home the day after their operation, but it can take up to two weeks for the pain to diminish completely.
During this time, its recommended that you remain off work or school to help prevent you from catching an infection while your throat is healing.
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What Are Tonsils And Adenoids
Tonsils are lymph-like soft tissue located on both sides of the back of the throat. Along with adenoids , tonsils help your body fight infection by producing antibodies to combat bacteria that enter through the mouth and nose. Approximately 600,000 people have their tonsils removed each year. Now theres a gentler procedure, and we offer it at our North Georgia offices in Canton, Jasper, and Blue Ridge, Georgia.
Diagnosis Of Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids
Sometimes a sleep study
Very large tonsils may be normal, and chronically infected tonsils may be normal-sized. To help determine whether infections are the cause of enlarged tonsils, doctors ask how many episodes of strep throat children have had during the past 1 to 3 years.
Usually, to view the back of the nose and throat, doctors insert a flexible viewing tube through the nose . Doctors also look for redness of the tonsils, enlargement of lymph nodes at the jaw and in the neck, and the effect of the tonsils on breathing.
is suspected when parents report that the child stops breathing during sleep. In such cases, doctors may recommend the child undergo a sleep study Testing The most commonly reported sleep-related problems are insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness. Insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up early, or a disturbance in… read more . For this test, the child is monitored while sleeping overnight in a sleep laboratory and chest x-rays and certain measurements, including oxygen levels in the blood, are taken.
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Can Allergies Cause Tonsil Issues
Allergic reactions in general can cause sore throats due to increased nasal drainage, but they can also impact your tonsil health. Your tonsils work as a filtration system against bacteria, viruses, and debris, the latter of which includes allergens like pollen and food particles. If one was to have an allergic reaction to certain types of food or other allergens, it could lead to upper respiratory inflammation and, as a result, swollen tonsils. This swelling can also affect your appetite and sleep habits with obstructive sleep apnea.
Dr. Jonathan Moss, a CEENTA allergy specialist who sees patients in our Matthews office, knows exactly how prevalent these symptoms can be in his community due to environmental factors. “With pollen levels that we see seasonally in Charlotte, symptoms outside the nose and eyes are not uncommon. Tonsils can be affected and, at times, not respond to allergy medications. If these symptoms are new or persist, an evaluation by an ENT physician would be worthwhile.
Whether your tonsil conditions are caused by infection or allergies, it is important to seek medical help whenever they occur. At CEENTA, we offer ENT services to treat tonsil-related issues along with allergy tests to diagnose and relieve allergy symptoms due to pollen, ragweed, and other environmental causes. Schedule an appointment with specialists like Dr. Moss today to get the comprehensive care you need any time of year.
What Happens Before The Adenoidectomy
A child with obstructive sleep apnea might need an X-ray or a sleep study before the procedure. This lets doctors see how much nasal blockage there is. An ear, nose, and throat doctor might look inside the nose with a light or a camera.
Your health care provider will let you know if your child should stop taking any medicines in the week or two before the surgery. You’ll also learn about what and when your child can eat and drink before the surgery, since the stomach must be empty on the day of the adenoidectomy.
You can help prepare your child by talking about what to expect during the adenoidectomy.
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Why Should I Get My Tonsils Removed
There are three major situations where tonsil removal is used:
First, if the tonsil infection recurs, it may be a good idea to have tonsils removed. Sometimes, a certain area of the body may simply become prone to infection and require more intensive care. In many of these cases, the associated symptoms become severe and painful over time.
Second, if there are significant complications arising from the tonsil infection, a tonsillectomy may be required to protect the patient. Two rare, but serious complications include the development of a tumor or of a pus-filled lesion called an abscess. The latter can be very painful.
Third, tonsils can be removed for reasons other than infection. This is most common if your tonsils have become enlarged, which may happen without any other symptoms.
Removal is called for if enlarged tonsils cause disordered breathing that affects sleep quality.
What Are Enlarged Adenoids
Because adenoids trap germs that enter the body, adenoid tissue sometimes temporarily swells as it tries to fight an infection. Allergies also can make them get bigger.
The swelling sometimes gets better. But sometimes, adenoids can get infected . If this happens a lot, a doctor might recommend they be removed. Often, tonsils and adenoids are surgically removed at the same time.
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What Are The Benefits Of Having Your Tonsils Removed
Find out 5 benefits of a tonsillectomy, as well as advice from our Consultant ENT Surgeon, Mr Andrew Camilleri.
If you or your child is experiencing recurring tonsillitis, you may be thinking about having your tonsils removed.
Although tonsillitis is a common illness and usually goes away in a few days, ongoing bouts can not only be painful, but also disruptive to day-to-day life.
Characteristics Of The Study Population
Totally, 510 patients were included in the study. The mean age was 42.5±13.8 years . The male to female ratio was 131:379. Patient occupations were as follows: 30 officers , 141 housewives , 45 students , and 294 others 57.5% patients had a history positive for atopy. According to skin prick test results, 46.2% patients had positive results 31.1% were monosensitized, and 25.1% were polysensitized. Among the 510 subjects, 65 had a history of adenoidectomy and/or tonsillectomy .
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Expect Swelling Scabs And Bad Breath
A tonsillectomy is a common surgery to remove your tonsils. Healthcare providers may recommend it if you keep getting infections six or more times a year. Another reason might be that your tonsils are so large they cause problems breathing while you sleep.
After the surgery, it’s normal for your throat to look different and hurt. There are four main changes to expect. Knowing what to expect could help you worry less.
Read on to learn more about what changes to expect after you’ve had your tonsils removed.
Causes Of Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids
or year-round allergies Year-Round Allergies Year-round allergies result from indoor exposure to airborne substances that are present throughout the year. The nose is congested, itchy, and sometimes runny… read more ), irritants, and, possibly, gastroesophageal reflux Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children Gastroesophageal reflux is the backward movement of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus and sometimes into the mouth. Reflux may be caused by the infantâs position during feeding… read more also can cause the tonsils and adenoids to enlarge. Ongoing exposure to children who have bacterial or viral infections, such as children at child care centers, increases the risk of infection.
When enlarged, tonsils sometimes interfere with breathing or swallowing, and adenoids may block the nose or the eustachian tubes that connect the back of the throat to the ears. Usually, tonsils and adenoids return to normal size once the infection is over. Sometimes they remain enlarged, particularly in children who have had frequent or chronic infections. Although extremely rare, cancer sometimes causes enlarged tonsils or adenoids in children.
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What Happens During The Adenoidectomy
An ENT surgeon will do the surgery in an operating room. Your child will get general anesthesia. This means an anesthesiologist will carefully watch your child and keep him or her safely and comfortably asleep during the procedure.
The surgery is done through your child’s open mouth there are no cuts through the skin and no visible scars.
What The Recovery Process Is Like
For most adults, recovering from a tonsillectomy takes about two weeks. You should be sure to:
- Take all medications as prescribed, including pain medication and antibiotics.
- Suck on ice cubes to ease throat pain.
- Drink plenty of water and other clear fluids to stay hydrated.
- Drink smoothies from Smoothie King.
- Dont exert yourself after surgery.
- Watch for signs of infection and dehydration.
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Will I Have To Visit The Doctor
If you have tonsillitis symptoms, your parents will probably take you to see a doctor usually a pediatrician, or doctor for children. During your visit, the doctor will:
- Ask questions about your symptoms and how long youve had them
- Look at and feel your head, neck, and throat with a tongue depressor, small mirror, or lighted instrument
- Look in your ears
- Perform a few tests, like x-rays, blood tests, or throat cultures, to find out exactly whats making you sick
Once your doctor examines the results, he or she will decide if you have tonsillitis.
Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids In Children
, MD, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids in children may result from infections but may be normal.
Enlargement usually causes no symptoms but can occasionally cause difficulty breathing or swallowing and sometimes recurring ear or sinus infections or obstructive sleep apnea.
The diagnosis is based on nasopharyngoscopy and sometimes on the results of a sleep study.
Antibiotics may be used if a bacterial infection is present, and sometimes, if infections are recurring, the tonsils and adenoids are removed.
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When Should I Remove My Tonsils
Your tonsils are part of your immune system. They consist of two oval-shaped pads of tissue, one situated on each side of the throat. They are the first line of defense against viruses and bacteria that would otherwise infiltrate your body through your nose and mouth.
In relatively rare situations, your tonsils can become infected. Children are more likely than adults to be affected, but tonsillitis may occur at any time of life. Surgery is not necessary in some cases of tonsillitis.
Allergies And Ear Infections Are They Connected
Provided by: David Hauswirth, MD
Often we are asked to evaluate someone with ear problems and asked, do allergies cause ear problems? The simple answer is yes. The Eustachian tube drains the middle ear into the back of the nose. In someone suffering from allergies, the Eustachian tube can swell or not work correctly. This lack of function and drainage will cause fluid to build in the middle ear, leading to temporary hearing loss and sometimes ear infections.
Patients with allergies will often have ear symptoms. Sometimes the ears will itch, feel full, pop or have pressure. Manytimes clear fluid is found in the middle ear when someone has allergies. This fluid will often drain as allergies are treated. However, if allergies are not treated, this fluid can stay in the middle ear and become infected. Once someone develops an ear infection, the cause and the infection must both be treated.
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What Causes Tonsillitis
The most common causes of tonsillitis are the common cold viruses . It can also be caused by Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, or HIV. The second most common causes are bacterial. The most common bacterial cause is Group A -hemolytic streptococcus , which causes strep throat. Less common bacterial causes include: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasam Pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, perussis, fusobacterium, diphtheria, syphilis, and gonorrhea.
Normally viruses and bacteria enter the body through the nose and mouth and the tonsils and adenoids act as filters. Within the tonsils and adenoids white blood cells of the immune system mount an attack that helps destroy the viruses or bacteria, and also causes inflammation and fever. The infection may also be present in the pharynx .
What Is Tonsillitis
Bacteria are tiny living things that can cause sickness and infection. Too many bad germs on your tonsils can make you sick. This is what your doctor calls tonsillitis , or an infection in one or both of your tonsils.
Do you think you have tonsillitis? A symptom is a signal that something is wrong with your body. Talk with Mom and Dad if you see or feel:
- Bright red tonsils
- tinky breath even after youve brushed your teeth
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Could This Be Covid
Provided by: Roger Friedman, MD
This is a unique and challenging time for all of us! A question I often hear is, Could this be COVID-19 or is it my allergies? First of all, allergies, asthma and COVID-19 do have some similar symptoms, including a runny nose, sneezing and cough. Allergies will often also cause itchy nose, eyes and throat COVID-19 does not. In addition, most allergy sufferers know they are allergic to the tree pollen that is currently out, so their symptoms will be worse after being outside.
With COVID-19, patients will often have a fever which doesnt occur with allergies. The sudden loss of the senses of smell and taste is a newly discovered symptom of COVID-19.
I have given you a few helpful ideas but if youre worried or unsure please call us, we are all available! With your safety in mind, we have found new ways to care for our patients. Request an appointment at today!
Symptoms And Risks After Tonsillectomy
Several adverse effects are associated with having your tonsils removed. They include:
- Nausea
- Ear pain
- Fatigue
The most significant risk, though, is bleeding from your surgical site. In severe cases, this can be fatal.
If you experience bleeding in the hospital or at home following a tonsillectomy, you should get help immediately.
If you have bleeding, you may feel the need to swallow frequently. When you do, you’ll feel a trickle of blood in the back of your throat. Call your healthcare provider immediately. It’s also important to watch for any signs of infection, such as a fever over 102 degrees F.
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Four Effective Treatments For Childrens Allergies
Raleigh Capitol Ear, Nose and ThroatAllergies, Chronic Sinus Infections, Immunotherapy, Pediatric ENT Services, Sinus surgery
No parents want to see their children miss out on the fun activities of spring and summer because of sniffling, sneezing and a sore throat. If these happen at the same time every year, your child may have seasonal allergies. If they battle these symptoms year round, they may have chronic allergies.
The good news is that physicians at Raleigh Capitol Ear, Nose and Throat have expertise in helping children overcome their seasonal or chronic allergies. Each childs allergy treatment is carefully tailored to fit their needs.