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Is Sesame A Nut Allergy

How Do You Treat A Sesame Allergy

Sesame to become 9th top allergen

If your child is having a mild reaction to sesame for the first time, such as hives, Kim says that its safe to wait and watch. You should still see your doctor as soon as possible for an assessment, even if the reaction doesnt progress. However, if the reaction involves anything more than mild symptoms, you should call 911.

At the hospital, your child may be treated with epinephrine, a life-saving drug that stops the reaction. Your child may also be given antihistamines and steroids and be closely monitored until medical staff are sure that its safe to go home. Once your child is diagnosed with a sesame allergy, you should always have an epinephrine auto-injector on hand and make sure that everyone who is caring for your child knows how to use it. At the first sign of a serious reaction, you should call 911 and give the child an EpiPen.

If your child has mild symptoms that are not progressing but are bothersome, such as itchy, watery eyes and hives, you can give them a non-drowsy antihistamine. Its important to wait at least 30 minutes to ensure that the reaction isnt escalating, as an antihistamine can mask the progression of symptoms.

Where Is Sesame Found

Sesame seeds and oil are common food ingredients around the world. In addition, sesame is often found in spice blends and flavorings, but since recipes for these items are often proprietary, sesame may not be listed on all ingredient labels involving spices.7 Because sesame seeds are often used atop bread, other baked goods, and salads, there is a risk of cross-contamination, particularly in bakeries and at deli and salad counters. What’s more, the seeds often develop a static charge and cling to surfaces such as other foods and clothing, furthering the risk of cross-contamination.4

Foods that may contain sesame include:7 Asian cuisine, baked goods , breadcrumbs, cereals , chips , crackers , dipping sauces , dressings, falafel, flavored rice and noodles, gravies, goma-dofu , herbs and herbal drinks, hummus, margarine, marinades, pasteli , processed meats and sausages, protein and energy bars, sauces, snack foods , shish kebabs, stews, stir fries, soups, sushi, tempeh, Turkish cake, and vegetarian burgers.

In addition, the following ingredients may indicate the presence of sesame and should be avoided by allergic individuals:7 benne, benne seed, benniseed, gingelly, gingelly oil, gomasio , sesame flour, sesame paste, sesame salt, sesamol, sesamum indicum, sesemolina, sim, tahini, tahina, tehina, and til.

Nonfood products that also may contain sesame include cosmetics , medications, and nutritional supplements.7

Prepare for your next visit with your healthcare provider.

What Foods Should Your Child Avoid If They Have A Sesame Allergy

Sesame seeds, which can be white or black, can be found in all kinds of foods, so its important to be vigilant in reading labels and asking questions at restaurants. Like other common allergens, sesame must be listed as an ingredient in packaged foods. However, labels indicating that products may contain sesame are voluntary. In the United States, sesame is not required to be labelled as an allergen on packaged foods, but the U.S. Food & Drug Administration is exploring the possibility of regulatory action that requires it to be listed.

Sesame seeds are frequently found in baked goods, cereals, snack foods and vegetarian products. Sesame oil is a common ingredient in many dishes, especially Asian cuisine, and tahini can be found in spreads, sauces and salad dressings. Whole roasted sesame seeds are also becoming more common in grocery store snack aisles and as salad toppers. Sesame can also be used as a protein in unexpected foods, such as vegetarian burgers, says Kim. You have to be really cautious.

Indeed, a Canadian study published in 2017 found that accidental exposure to sesame seeds occurs at an annual rate of 16 percent, with older children more frequently affected, possibly because theyre more likely to take risks and less likely to be supervised by their parents.

Also Check: Non Drowsy Allergy Medication Over The Counter

What Can I Do

Be informed

Consult your allergist or physician in order to obtain the advice and support needed to help manage your condition. Contact your allergy association for further information.

If you or anyone you know has food allergies and would like to receive information about food being recalled due to improper allergen labelling, sign up for the Canadian Food Inspection Agencys e-mail Food Recalls and Allergy Alerts notification service available. When you sign up you will automatically receive timely food recall notifications.

Before eating

Allergists recommend that if you do not have your auto-injector device with you that you do not eat. If the label indicates that a product contains or may contain sesame, do not eat it. If you do not recognize an ingredient, if there is no ingredient list available or if you dont understand the language written on the packaging, avoid the product.

Watch out for allergen cross-contamination!

Cross-contamination is the accidental transfer of an ingredient to a product that does not normally have that ingredient in it. Through cross-contamination, a food that should not contain the allergen could become dangerous to eat for those who are allergic.

Cross-contamination can happen:

  • during food manufacturing through shared production and packaging equipment
  • at retail through shared equipment, e.g., bulk grains
  • during food preparation at home, daycares, schools or in restaurants through equipment, utensils and hands.

Eating Out With Peanut Or Tree Nut Allergy

Allergy to Sesame Seeds: Health Dangers

The risk of accidental exposure to food allergic trigger/s can never totally be removed, but some simple precautions will reduce or minimise the risk:

  • Contact the restaurant, cafe or home cook that you plan to visit in advance, and let them know of the food allergy.
  • On arrival at arestaurant or cafe, ask to talk to the manager about any dishes that should be avoided,. Also ask them to let the chef know so they can take extra care in preparing your meal, to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
  • Don’t rely on the menu descriptions of what is in the food. For example, pesto and dips may have nuts in them, and many salads have nuts or seeds added for texture. Sometimes nuts can be added to gravies and sauces too.
  • Think about the cooking methods, possible cross contamination and the likelihood of shared utensils and cookware.
  • Teenagers or adults who are eating out can cautiously touch test a small amount of the food on their outer lip before putting it in their mouth. Tell-tale warnings such as a burning, chilli-like reaction, and tingling or swelling, should alert you to the possibility that food allergen is present.
  • If an adrenaline autoinjector has been prescribed, always have it and your ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis with you. For people who are not thought to be at risk of anaphylaxis and therefore have not been prescribed an adrenaline autoinjector, an ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions should be provided by a medical doctor.

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Sesame Allergy: A Growing Food Allergy

When the first case of sesame allergy was reported in 1950, the allergen was considered anything but ordinary. It has since proven its predominance, impinging upon a growing population worldwide. But despite giving the “top eight” allergens in the U.S. some serious competition, sesame allergy has yet to be regarded by the Food and Drug Administration as a major food allergen.

Today, the FDA’s food allergen awareness program consists of eight common foods that cause serious allergic reactions: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat. Canada and the European Commission include sesame in their lists of major allergy-causing substances. But in the U.S., the allergen hasn’t made the cut.

It could be sesame hasn’t been traditionally as prominent in Americans’ diets, suggested Todd D Green, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Today, the FDA’s food allergen awareness program consists of eight common foods that cause serious allergic reactions: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat. Canada and the European Commission include sesame in their lists of major allergy-causing substances. But in the U.S., the allergen hasn’t made the cut.

Approved by KFA Medical Advisory Team March 2008.

Food Allergens

Sesame Allergy And Other Seeds

As one of the top 14 allergens, we have provided the below Factsheet to help answer your questions.

Sesame seed allergy is not new , but it has become increasingly common and now is one of the top 10 causes of food allergies. Increasing consumption of sesame might explain why more and more children in the UK are developing this once rare allergy. In countries such as Israel, where sesame has been a very common food for decades, sesame allergy is very common. At this time, it is unknown exactly how often sesame allergy is outgrown or how long it may take for someone to outgrow sesame seed allergy.

Other seeds have also been reported to cause allergies, including sunflower seed, mustard seed and poppy seed, although these other types of allergies are much less common than sesame.

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Avoidance Is The Only Proven Treatment For Peanut Tree Nut Or Seed Allergy

The only proven treatment for peanut, tree nut or seed allergy is avoidance of the allergen. Omitting peanuts, tree nuts or seeds from the diet has no adverse nutritional consequences for most people. Children with food allergy should take their own food with them to school and be taught not to swap or share food. In common eating and food preparation areas, where there are children with severe peanut or tree nut allergy, nut-containing foods are best avoided.

In early childhood education/care, with very young children where the risk of food contamination of common eating areas or toys is higher, it may be requested that parents do not send nut containing foods in lunch boxes to reduce the risk. This is not a policy that is considered necessary when caring for older children, although the use of nut or seed containing foods in cooking classes and science experiments is discouraged if there are students with peanut or tree nut allergy in that class.

Research into food allergy is ongoing

The increased frequency of peanut and tree nut allergy is driving research into areas trying to find out why it has become more common, and how to treat and prevent it. Research has shown that early exposure to peanut reduces the risk of allergy developing in high risk infants. Allergen immunotheprapy studies are trying to see if peanut allergy can be switched off once the allergy has developed.

Are There Other Allergens I Could Be Sensitized To*

Sesame Allergies

Some people with sesame allergy may also experience symptoms when eating other seemingly unrelated foods. This is called cross-reactivity and occurs when your body’s immune system identifies the proteins, or components, in different substances as being structurally similar or biologically related, thus triggering a response. The most common cross-reactivities with sesame are other seeds, tree nuts, and peanuts.8

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Diagnosing A Sesame Allergy

If you have a reaction and suspect a food allergy, make a note of what you consumed just prior to your reaction. This will help the emergency healthcare provider and allergist narrow down the possible causes of the reaction and find an appropriate treatment.

A food challenge is often necessary to pinpoint the cause of the reaction. During a food challenge, a person is fed a small amount of the suspected food, followed by increasingly larger amounts, until a diagnosis can be made based on the reaction.

Highly Purified Peanut Oil Contains Little Allergen

Refined peanut oils , have been shown to be safe in small studies. It is difficult to guarantee that an oil is sufficiently refined to remove all traces of peanut protein, which is the trigger for allergic reactions. Some restaurants use peanut oil for cooking, and peanut proteins may leach into the oil. Therefore, avoidance of peanut oil is advised. Little research has been done to prove safety of other nut oils, so avoidance is advised.

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Sesame Seeds & Nut Allergies

Sesame seeds are not considered nuts, but certain proteins in sesame seeds can trigger allergy symptoms related to a nut allergy. When the body mistakes certain proteins that are similar to other proteins in foods, it is called cross-reactivity. The immune system confuses proteins that are similar in structure, which can cause an allergic reaction. The Food Allergy Initiative reports that sesame seeds are becoming a more common food allergen in the United States. Sesame seeds are the third most common food allergen in Israel and may be increasing the U.S. because of increased ethic foods.

Video of the Day

How Serious Is Sesame Seed Allergy

TeeniTahini Sesame Allergy  AllerMates

Most people with sesame seed allergy will only have mild reactions. Severe reactions affecting the childs breathing occur in about 15% of cases, particularly in those with poorly controlled asthma. More severe reactions may also occur if the child has a cold, following intense exercise, at times of stress or in teenagers after drinking alcohol. Severe reactions need urgent medical attention.

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Nut And Sesame Allergy Translation

My 4 yr old son has just been confirmed as having a sesame and a peanut allergy, although he’s to avoid all types of nuts. We’re travelling to Greece in October and I want to make him a card to show that he has an allergy. I also have a peanut allergy so will be useful for me too! I saw a previous post but it included eggs which I don’t need. Can someone please help to translate ‘I have a serious nut and sesame allergy. Please can you ensure there will be none in my food’ I tried google but no luck. Thank you so much.

“I have a nut and sesame allergy “

Écho éna karýdi kai sousámi allergía

Take your pick!

Jimboo’s suggestion actually says walnut instead of peanut, so I wouldn’t go with that. Also, I would not use the anglicized form of letters as most Greeks won’t make head or tail of it, better to use Greek alphabet. I’d wait a while to see if one of the native Greek speakers on this forum comes up with a suggestion. It’s too important to risk an incorrect or misleading translation. I do think it’s a great idea to carry a card, but it needs to be exactly right and clear!

I’ll check back in a day or two and if none of our kind Greek friends here has chipped in, I’ll see if I can help.

Edited: 5 years ago

Ask at your hotel they should be able to help you

Thank you. I definitely need peanut as that’s what they tested. Same for me and that’s the most dangerous. Is there a Greek word for ‘nut’? Maybe it should say

Edited: 5 years ago

Is Someone With Peanut Allergy More Likely To Develop Sesame Seed Allergy

Q: Does being allergic to peanut make a person more susceptible to a seed allergy? My peanut-allergic daughter recently reacted to sesame, and now has been diagnosed with that as an allergy, too. Should we be concerned about other seeds as well?

Dr. Sicherer: Having a peanut allergy may increase the risk of also having a sesame allergy. Studies suggest that segments of proteins in peanut and sesame have some similarities. However, observing sesame allergy among children with peanut allergy may have more to do with a persons general disposition to develop allergy, rather than the minor similarities between the foods.

For example, it is more common to have peanut allergy along with egg allergy than alongside sesame allergy, but certainly egg and peanut have no proteins in common.

In the United States and Canada, rates of peanut allergy in the general population are about 10 times higher than rates of sesame allergy, and most people allergic to peanut do tolerate sesame.

Also Check: Non Drowsy Allergy Tablets

Be Aware Of Additional Risks

If you have an allergy to sesame, you may also have allergies to other seeds and nuts. Allergies to hazelnuts and rye grain may accompany a sesame allergy. You may also be sensitive to tree nuts like walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and Brazil nuts.

Being allergic to sesame can be a bother because of the foods you have to avoid. But there are plenty of other healthy oils and products that dont contain sesame or related allergens. You may have to play detective when reading labels or ordering in restaurants, but you can enjoy a wide variety of foods without ever having to set foot on Sesame Street.

Cross Reactivity Is Difficult To Understand And Harder To Predict

Some companies may not be following law requiring food warning labels for sesame allergies

Cross reactivity means that a similar protein is present in a range of different foods. If the same protein is present in several foods, then that person may have allergic reactions to any food containing that protein. Examples of cross reactivity include people allergic to similar proteins present in hen and duck eggs cow’s and goat’s milk or cashew and pistachio nuts.

It may be difficult to predict whether a person will be allergic to one unique protein allergen present in one food only, or several similar cross reactive proteins present in multiple foods. Therefore, it is not possible to reliably predict the likelihood of allergy to seed or nut like foods without allergy testing to that particular food.

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Does Sesame Allergy Place A Person At Risk For Other Food Allergies

Because sesame allergens are similar in biochemical structure to peanut allergens, people with sesame allergy are at risk for having allergic reactions as a result of eating peanuts, and vice-versa. This is known as cross-reactivitywhen one substance is similar to another and the immune system treats them both the same. There also appears to be cross-reactivity between sesame allergens and rye, kiwi, poppy seed, and various tree nuts . People with sesame allergy should talk with their physicians about which other food they may need to avoid.


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