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HomeMust ReadWhat Is A Latex Allergy Like

What Is A Latex Allergy Like

What Is Heat Rash Look Like

Latex Allergy – : Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

Miliaria Crystallina Also called clear heat rash, this form of miliaria produces a rash that has clear or skin-colored, sweat-filled bumps on the top of the skin that may or may not burst,Different types of heat rash can range in severity, and they all look a little different. Miliaria crystallina If you have miliaria crystallina, youll notice small clear or white bumps filled .Heat rash looks like dots or tiny pimples. In young children, heat rash can appear on the head, neck, and shoulders.

People At The Greatest Risk For A Latex Allergy

The number of healthcare workers affected by latex allergies is much higher than average. In fact, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that between 8 and 17 percent of all healthcare workers have the allergy. The increased use and exposure to latex is thought to be the main reason for the higher rates in this group.

Others who are at increased risk include:

  • those with food-related cross-allergies

Hypersensitivity Immune System Response

This response is an actual latex allergy. It occurs when the immune system reacts to proteins found in natural rubber latex.

The symptoms of true latex allergy or hypersensitivity usually occur immediately or within one hour following cutaneous, mucous membrane, parenteral, or airborne exposure to latex in sensitized individuals. Reactions can also occur as long as eight hours after exposure. The symptoms vary widely and mild episodes may involve skin flushing, itching, or tingling with hives that have blanched or white centers. Skin at the site of contact with latex appears swollen and tight. Other reactions might include symptoms similar to hay fever, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and more severe asthma-like symptoms .

Individuals genetically capable of developing a latex allergy may not have symptoms when they first come in contact with latex. The body must reach a certain level of sensitivity before symptoms appear. The length of time until that level is achieved depends upon the individuals genetic make-up, the amount of allergen released from the product, the tissue in contact with the allergen , and the frequency and total number of exposures.

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Causes Of Condom Allergy Symptoms In Women: What Should Be Done

The use of condom is one of the best methods of contraception in women. It also prevents sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection, which is a major reason of morbidity and mortality. Condom allergy can occur in women as well as in men. Most of the condom allergy in women is caused due to the use of latex rubber condom. A woman may often be allergic to latex rubber or spermicide gel and lubricant which is present in the condom. This symptoms associated with the allergic reaction may last from a few minutes to several hours.

In females who naturally have high levels of immunoglobulin can manifest the symptoms associated with allergy which in turn can interfere with their ability to have sexual intercourse in future. Treatment of allergic reaction to condoms depends upon the severity of the symptoms.

How Do You Prevent A Latex Allergy Reaction

A Latex Allergy Story

Treatment for a latex allergy involves avoidance of the source of latex that causes the reaction.

In the case of IgE-mediated allergy, personal contact with rubber products should be stopped and a change of environment may be necessary if there is airborne exposure causing asthma or occupational asthma.

This is most prominent in settings that use cornstarch powdered latex gloves. Cornstarch powder serves as a carrier for allergenic proteins from latex. It may become airborne when the product is used. These protein particles can easily become airborne and people with latex allergy may experience a reaction if the powder is inhaled or comes in contact with the mucus membranes of the eyes, nose or skin.

Some latex products are more allergenic than others. Latex products most likely to cause a reaction are those made by a dipping method . However, molded, vulcanized rubber products also maintain latex allergen proteins.

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Can You Outgrow A Latex Allergy

Its unclear if you can outgrow latex allergies. Since latex allergies dont appear in patients of a certain age like some food allergies tend to manifest more in children, thered be no timeframe for which you could outgrow a latex allergy. Thats provided that outgrowing the allergy is even possible. Since latex allergies might be with you for life and theyre incurable, you really want to do all you can at home, work, and when out to avoid latex. Continue to see your allergist as well to manage your symptoms.

Who Is Likely To Have A Latex Allergy

Less than 1% of people in the US have a latex allergy. Although latex allergy is rare, the condition is more common in certain high-risk groups.

The highest risk is in children with spina bifida. Spina bifida is a condition in which the spine fails to form completely before birth. More than three out of every five children with spina bifida are allergic to latex.

Children who have frequent medical treatments or lengthy surgeries are also at high risk. Many medical supplies use latex from gloves to tubing to enema tips.

Between 8 to 17% of health care workers and others who regularly use latex gloves are allergic to latex. Health care workers and children who have other allergies and get contact dermatitis when they use latex gloves are more likely to develop a latex allergy.

New cases of latex allergy are no longer common. However, in the 1980s and 1990s they were much more frequent. Now, many health care facilities use non-latex gloves and products.

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What Is A Cross

Some people who are allergic to latex may also be allergic to specific foods we call this a cross-reaction. In short, the bodys immune system responds to a food item, producing the same allergic symptoms as would occur with exposure to latex.

Cross-reactions are not the same for all people. While some people react to all foods known to cause a cross-reaction , others may not. In the same way, if someone is allergic to any of the foods listed below, they might also be allergic to latex:

Some fruits strawberries, pineapple, pears, nectarines, cherries, passionfruit, papaya, melons, grapes, figs, plums, peaches, kiwi, bananas, and apples.

Vegetables tomatoes, avocados, celery, carrots, and raw potatoes.

Some nuts hazelnuts and chestnuts.

Some cereals rye and wheat.

Anybody planning to undergo a medical procedure should tell their doctor if they are allergic to any of these foods. There is a risk they may have a cross-reaction to latex.

What Is The Most Common Reaction To Latex

Latex Allergy (Rubber Allergy) : Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

The most common reaction to latex products is irritant contact dermatitis the development of dry, itchy, irritated areas on the skin, usually the hands. This reaction is caused by irritation from wearing gloves and by exposure to the powders added to them.

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Routes Of Latex Exposure

Latex exposures can occur through direct contact with the skin, mucous membranes, or bloodstream, and through inhalation of airborne latex particles. The protein responsible for latex allergies has been shown to fasten to powder that is used on some latex gloves. When powdered gloves are removed, latex protein/powder particles get into the air, where they can be inhaled and come in contact with mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Parenteral exposures are those in which latex may enter the bloodstream directly. These exposures have the potential for the most serious reactions. Parenteral exposure can occur during surgery when latex devices are used on open tissue. It can also occur following injections with needles that have punctured a latex rubber stopper on a medication vial.

Inhalation of airborne latex particles can occur when latex proteins combine with the powder or cornstarch from the gloves and form aerosolized particles that become airborne. These particles get into eyes, nose, mouth, or lungs, where protein may be absorbed through these moist mucous membranes.

To ensure safety, in February 2011, the FDA recommended adding a warning label to exam gloves containing powder on their potential health effects.* FDAs suggested warning for surgical and exam gloves states the following:

Immediate Allergic Reactions To Latex

Immediate allergic reactions , are the most serious adverse reactions to latex. In people who have developed sensitivity to natural latex proteins, contact with latex releases the histamine into the tissues. The result is itching and hives with direct contact, like after wearing rubber gloves, or itchy swollen lips, face or tongue after blowing up balloons. Some people will develop irritation after wearing a condom, inserting a diaphragm for contraceptive purposes, or after visiting the dentist or hairdresser and coming into contact with latex.

Reactions can also occur when latex is inhaled, resulting in allergic rhinitis , or asthma like symptoms. This occurs most commonly in hospitals. The latex proteins can leach out of the gloves with sweaty hands and become attached to the powdered lubricant.

In environments where gloves are being changed frequently, latex on these fine particles can become suspended in the air like pollen.

Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction to latex and usually occurs in very sensitive patients where latex protein is absorbed rapidly via moist surfaces such as the mouth, nose, throat, vagina, rectum or internally . Symptoms include severe difficulty in breathing and a drop in blood pressure.

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Latex Allergic People May Also Be Sensitive To Certain Foods

Some proteins in latex are also present in foods, and some people with latex allergy find that certain foods cause an itchy mouth or throat swelling. The most common foods described are banana, avocado, kiwi fruit, passionfruit, plums, strawberry and tomato. These foods do not have to be avoided routinely, unless they cause problems.

Why Does This Happen

10 Symptoms of Latex Allergy

Natural latex which differs from the synthetic latex in paint is derived from the rubber tree. It contains several proteins that are known to trigger an allergic reaction.

If you have a latex allergy, your immune system mistakes these proteins for harmful invaders and releases antibodies to fight them off. This immune response may lead to itchiness, inflammation, or other allergy symptoms.

About of people with latex allergies are also allergic to certain foods, according to a 2002 study. Some plant-based foods contain proteins that are structurally similar to those found in latex. This means that they may trigger a similar immune response.

You may be more likely to develop a latex allergy if youre allergic to:

  • avocado

most common , its possible to be allergic to other condom materials.

The premise remains the same: If the given material contains one or more irritating compounds, your immune system will deploy antibodies to fight against them. This can result in a localized or full-body allergic reaction.

Although most condoms are made with latex, there are many alternatives available. Discuss your allergy with your sexual partners and choose the best non-latex option for both of you.

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Hospital Items That Contain Latex

Common hospital items that may contain latex include:

  • Surgical and exam gloves
  • Sticky tape or electrode pads that can be attached to your skin during an ECG
  • Blood pressure cuffs
  • Tourniquets
  • Stethoscopes
  • Grips on crutches and crutch tips
  • Bed sheet protectors

Other hospital items may also contain latex.

When Can You Not Use Female Condoms

Though female condoms can be used by most women, they may not be the right choice for contraception for you if

  • You are allergic to synthetic latex.
  • You have vaginal conditions that may not allow for proper placement of the female condom.
  • You are not comfortable with inserting anything like a female condom into your vagina.
  • You have a history of previous contraceptive failure with vaginal barrier methods.
  • You are less likely to use female condoms every time you have sex.

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Where To Find Latex Gloves Alternatives

By the way, did you know that you can find latex glove alternatives in our store? Yes, itâs true. We have a full collection to provide safety for anyone allergic to latex gloves. Go here to see the different types of disposable gloves we have in stock and ready to ship.

Now that you know how to avoid an allergic reaction to latex gloves completely, what are your favorite non-latex glove alternatives?

It Could Also Be The Spermicide On The Condom


Spermicides are commonly used in gels, suppositories, and condom lubricants.

Nonoxynol-9 is the most common active ingredient in spermicide. Its known to cause irritation in some people, especially when used frequently.

Doctors used to believe that spermicide, which kills sperm, could help protect against pregnancy and certain STIs.


Research has also proven that spermicide isnt effective against STIs. In fact, frequent spermicide use may actually increase your risk of contracting HIV or another infection.

Although spermicide is no longer used on most condoms, it hasnt been banned across the board. This means that some condom manufacturers may still add spermicide to their product. These products are labeled accordingly.

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How Long Does An Allergic Reaction To Condoms Last

The ACAAI state that symptoms of a latex allergy can present minutes after exposure and that contact with latex is not necessarily required to trigger the reaction. How long condom allergy symptoms last will likely depend on the severity of the allergic reaction.

Its important to remember that if you have a suspected latex allergy, regardless of how severe your symptoms are, you should seek advice from a medical practitioner. Not only could mild symptoms become worse if left alone, your GP could assist in the diagnosis of latex allergy and advise on how to best manage the allergy in the home.

People At Increased Risk Of Latex Allergy

Certain people are at increased risk of developing latex allergy including:

  • health care workers who are frequently exposed to latex through medical equipment like gloves
  • people who have had many operations, particularly from a young age, such as those with spina bifida
  • people who work in latex manufacture
  • people with pre-existing allergies, such as hay fever, asthma and eczema
  • people with allergies to particular foods, including avocado and banana.

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What Steps Do I Need To Take For Signs Or Symptoms Of Anaphylaxis

  • Immediately give 1 shot of epinephrine only into the outer thigh muscle.
  • Leave the shot in place as directed. Your healthcare provider may recommend you leave it in place for up to 10 seconds before you remove it. This helps make sure all of the epinephrine is delivered.
  • even if the shot improved symptoms. Do not drive yourself. Bring the used epinephrine shot with you.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Latex Allergy

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You may have symptoms only where latex has touched you. You may have more severe symptoms that include areas of your body not exposed to latex. Any of the following may develop from minutes up to 48 hours after exposure to latex:

  • Itching or burning skin
  • Bumps, sores, blisters, or a skin rash
  • Cracking, peeling, or flaking skin
  • Tingling in your mouth
  • Facial swelling, especially around your eyes
  • Dizziness or fast heart rate
  • Chest or throat tightness, wheezing, or shortness of breath

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Latex Allergy And Condom Allergy

Latex allergy is an allergic reaction to latex products, such as condoms, rubber gloves, and materials that include latex. Were not sure why latex allergy has increased, but its likely due to increased usage and sheer exposure.

The more you are exposed to latex, the higher your chance of becoming allergic. This means nurses, doctors, dentists and paramedics or even patients who have worn gloves a lot are often sufferers, however women reacting after sex with a latex condom are also growing in number.

Those allergic to latex often have other allergies, for example to dust or pollen.

Association With Oral Allergy Syndrome

Many people with an immediate latex allergy will also have what’s called oral allergy syndrome. This is a condition in which a latex-allergic person notices itching and swelling of the mouth after eating certain foods, most commonly banana, melons, avocado, kiwi, and chestnuts. This is due to the presence of proteins in the foods that are similar to those found in the latex. Not all people with latex allergy to react to any or all of these foods.

While most oral allergy symptoms are mild and last only a few minutes, some people can experience more severe reactions to these foods. It is best for a person with latex allergy to avoid any food that causes oral allergy syndrome symptoms.

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How Do You Treat A Latex Allergy Reaction

Latex allergy treatment depends on the type of reaction that is present a mild sensitivity or a life-threatening allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis.

  • Anaphylaxis: Epinephrine, a medication given by injection that works quickly to raise blood pressure and reduce swelling in the body, is the first-line treatment for severe allergic reactions. Its available in an easy-to-use epinephrine auto-injector a prefilled syringe with a retractable needle. Epinephrine should be administered without delay when symptoms appear.
  • Mild Sensitivity: If a mild sensitivity is present and there is only a local reaction the skin is itchy and red at the site where latex was touched your doctor may suggest using an antihistamine or using 1% hydrocortisone cream.

NOTE: Treatments mentioned here are for informational purposes only. If you have a latex allergy and require treatment, you should see a board-certified allergist to determine the best treatment for you.


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