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Is It Allergy Season In South Florida

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How to get through Florida’s allergy season

For many people, simply avoiding any kind of allergens and taking the necessary medication as a precaution works to prevent allergies. In relation to this, in case seasonal allergies are still bothering you, try not to give up. There are several treatments that are easily available.


In case you have recurring seasonal allergies that seem to persist, Dr. Mandel may suggest that you undergo some tests. Blood tests or skin tests can help to determine exactly which allergens are triggering your symptoms. Conducting such tests can also help to determine which precautions are needed to prevent specific triggers and identify the best modes of treatment.

Allergy Shots

In some other cases, taking allergy shots may be a better approach to combating allergies. This process is also known as desensitization and includes taking regular injections that contain small amounts of substances that cause these allergies. Over a period of time, these shots will help to reduce the immune symptoms that often get produced as a result of these allergies. These shots usually take a few years to arrive at the desired dosage. Once you reach the desired dosage, then a maintenance schedule can be prescribed. Certain treatments also include placing a tablet under your tongue.

Signs And Symptoms Of Fall Allergies In Florida

The symptoms of allergies can be pretty uncomfortable regardless of the time of year! Look out for the following signs if you think you may be having an allergic reaction to a high pollen count or mold.

Ragweed and Grass Allergy Symptoms Include:

  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • All the same symptoms as grass and ragweed allergies

In many ways, allergies have similar symptoms to colds and the flu! Since cold and flu season is nearly upon us, your familys sniffling and sneezing may be due to illness. However, symptoms lasting over two weeks may indicate that allergy problems are afoot.

The Complete Guide To Florida Fall Allergy Season

Fall is in full swing, with evening bonfires and pumpkin spice lattes all around. While a break from summers brutal heat may be welcome, fall can be a difficult time for allergy sufferers. There are several allergens that love to bust onto the scene during the fall months, so its important for anyone with allergies to remain dedicated to their allergy treatment regimens throughout this part of the year.

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Your Source For Miami Urgent Care

Since 2009, Medi-Station Urgent Care has helped an untold number of South Florida residents deal with their allergies. Thats helped to enhance the opportunity for those individuals to engage in fun activities and otherwise make their life so much better.

So when the time arrives that you need to find an Urgent Care nearby, just contact us at 305-603-7650 or log on to our website. We offer convenient hours and dont require appointments when it comes to helping you or your family members out.

Does Allergy Season Arrive Earlier In Florida


Residents and snowbirds relish living in Florida for the same reason: the warm weather is the draw, especially during the temperate climate of winter months, when most of the country is freezing. Yet living in the Sunshine State has its pitfalls, such as allergies that can affect Floridians throughout the year.

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Fall Allergies & Symptoms In Florida

Fall comes with faded blooms of summer and plants going into a hibernating state. So why do you still have a runny nose? Allergic triggers in fall are quite different from those of spring, but they can cause just as many severe symptoms.

The most common allergy trigger in fall is ragweed. Although this yellow flowering weed usually begins pollination in August, the process can continue well into September and October. If youre allergic to spring plants, there is a 30% chance you may also have ragweed allergies. The pollen of ragweed is a long distance traveler so even if you dont live in an area where the plant grows, it can still reach you via strong winds.

Dust mites and mold are also common fall allergy triggers. Some of the symptoms associated with fall seasonal allergies include:

  • Scratchy throat and excessive saliva
  • Stinging, watery, and itchy eyes
  • Worsening eczema

Causes Of Fall Allergies

While grasses and flowers are allergy culprits during the spring and summer, ragweed is the most common cause of fall allergies in Florida. Long summers can lead to prolonged grass allergies, as grasses can grow longer and continue to produce pollen.

Mold allergies are another major cause of symptoms during the fall. Unlike pollen, which dies during frost, mold goes dormant and resumes growing when the temperature warms. There are two main categories of mold allergies: indoor and outdoor.

Wet or humid areas are the perfect environment for indoor mold, especially basements and kitchens. Outdoor mold thrives in damp leaf piles, compost or grass piles, and on rotting logs. Allergy symptoms occur when the individual comes into contact with mold spores, or inhales them.

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Allergens Around The State

Allergens can be found in every area of Florida, but some cities may have higher pollen concentrations for certain seasonal allergens. The most common allergens for the state, in general, are ragweed pollen and mold spores. Lets take a closer look at allergens by city.

Jacksonville/Daytona Beach

The Jacksonville/Dayton Beach area experiences grass and weed allergies throughout the year. Birch, bayberry, and elm tree pollen tend to cause the most issues in spring.

Miami/Fort Lauderdale/Biscayne National Park

Just like in the rest of Florida, ragweed hits the Miami/Fort Lauderdale and the Biscayne National Park areas pretty hard. For trees, allergy sufferers should pay attention to juniper, cypress, and oak pollen counts.

Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater

With the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater area, we see ragweed prominently again, along dog fennel, oak, pine, sorrel, and dock.


Orlando may be a fun tourist destination, but allergies can run rampant. Common allergens in Orlando include ragweed, grass, bayberry, orange blossoms, oak, cypress, and birch.


Ragweed and grass rear their head again as common Tallahassee/Pensacola allergens. The oak tree tends to be the worst allergen for residents and visitors allergic to trees.

Melbourne/Fort Pierce

Needless to say, Melbourne/Fort Pierce arent able to escape ragweed and grass allergies. For tree pollen, the common culprits are elms, bayberry, oak, maple, and birch.

Using Nutrition To Help With Your Dogs Allergies

Expert: This year’s allergy season in Florida ‘catastrophically bad’

Using nutrition to combat your dogs allergies is another option. Some diets are specially formulated to help reduce your dogs allergic reactions. Other nutritional options include adding supplements to your dogs diet like fish oils that have anti-inflammatory properties to curb your pets itchiness.

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Contact Florida Ent & Allergy

At Florida ENT & Allergy, we provide advanced allergy testing and treatment services throughout the Tampa area. Contact us today at 813-879-8045 to schedule an appointment today.

What our patients are saying

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I waited for so many years because I didnât want anything stuck in my ears and for people to see it. I didnât realize how much I was missing until the first day I wore it. The birds, the leaves under my feet, people talking…it just got better and better! I wish Iâd done it years ago!

LarryAnonymous Patient

How To Tell The Difference Between A Seasonal Allergy And A Common Cold

At times, it may be difficult to distinguish between a common cold and Florida allergies, primarily due to the similarities in the symptoms. Generally, a common cold occurs when viruses invade the immune system, which then fights the pathogens, leading to the symptoms associated with the common cold such as congestion and coughing.

The germs associated with common cold are contagious, and you can contract it by just shaking hands with an infected person or if one sneezes or coughs around you. Fortunately, after a couple of weeks of fighting the virus, your immunity gets back to normal and the symptoms disappear.

Allergies, on the other hand, appear as a result of an overactive immune system. For some reason, allergy sufferers immune systems mistake certain substances as harmful to the body and starts attacking them. When this happens, your body releases chemicals like histamine, as it would do when fighting a cold. This causes a series of symptoms including swelling of the nasal passages, sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose. Allergies are not contagious, but they may be inherited.

Almost everyone has suffered a wide range of allergies at some point. In this post, we are discussing some of the types of allergies in Florida that could affect you at different times.

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When Does Allergy Season End

Florida has a mild winter so residents do not get a break from their seasonal allergies. In the winter, certain species of pine and oak will spread pollen that can trigger seasonal allergy symptoms. In addition to the pollen allergies in Florida, indoor allergens can also cause issues for allergy sufferers.

Allergy Season Florida: 8 Pro Tips For Allergy Sufferers

Florida Center For Allergy &  Asthma Care â FCAAC

In the sunshine state of Florida, the tree pollen season is practically all year round. This is especially true in South Florida where the allergy season lasts almost ten months out of the year. Thanks to the warm weather, plants trees, and flowers continue to bloom and produce tree pollen allergies over extended periods of time.

If you are an allergy sufferer, particularly with sinus allergy symptoms, you may benefit from a consultation with a medical professional experienced in treating this condition. Meanwhile, here are 8 helpful tips that you should follow to protect against allergy and related concerns.

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Florida Allergy Season Could Be Long And Severe Meteorologists Say

If you suffer from allergies, it could be a rough spring for you in Florida.

According to AccuWeather’s annual spring allergy forecast, the Sunshine State will have an “above-average” allergy season.

AccuWeather meteorologists said allergy sufferers in the eastern United States should “brace for a long and severe season.” They said above-normal rainfall and near-average temperatures will lead to plenty of tree, weed, and grass pollen production.

The weather service said above-average pollen levels are in store for a huge section of the country that stretches from Texas to Michigan and eastward.

“With above-normal rainfall and near-average temperatures for much of spring, we will have plenty of tree growth in the Southeast and even pushing into the southern Plains and mid-Atlantic,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alan Reppert. “This will bring a severe tree pollen season to much of the East and the Gulf coastline.”

AccuWeather added that areas affected by weed pollen will experience above-average levels into the fall.

Experts recommend seeing a board-certified allergist before the spring season starts, that way you can develop a treatment plan early on.

Allergists also recommend limiting the time you go outside during peak times for pollen, which are usually from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. and at dusk.

Warm and windy days can also make your allergy symptoms worse.

The Value Of Showering

The adage that cleanliness is next to godliness can be adapted to the issue of allergies. In this instance, getting in a shower after taking part in an outdoor activity can be a godsend because of the ability of a person to literally wipe away virtually undetectable pollen from their body.

The year-round warm weather of Miami offers countless avenues when it comes to such activities, with one unfortunate byproduct being that such pollen can attach itself to an allergy sufferers body. This simple and standard way to attack the problem is something that can easily be integrated into a daily routine.

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What Causes Allergies In Florida

The main cause of allergies in Florida is ragweed, as long summers lead to allergies due to foliage having the optimal weather to grow.

Apart from allergies to plants, mold is the second largest cause of seasonal allergies in Florida during the fall season. Mold allergies are unlike pollen allergies because when the temperature drops, mold simply becomes benign . Where there are humid and moist conditions, you can count on mold thriving as it is the perfect environment for it to grow. If you are sensitive to allergies, ensure that you never leave water standing, and try to make your home as dry as possible.

Stressed Trees From Ian May Result In Above Average Allergy Season

How to treat and prevent your Florida allergies

SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Hurricane Ian took a toll on our landscape as winds over 100mph ripped leaves, branches and even bark from the trees.

However, you may have noticed a few weeks after Ian, some of the trees are bouncing back and popping out leaves again. It almost looks like a second spring!

But why does this happen and will we be feeling even worse allergies?

The Water School FGCU professor Dr. Brian Bovard says theyve actually looked into this after Hurricane Irma in 2017.

Dr. Bovard and his team studied Bald Cypress trees, finding that the trees started to produce new leaves about a week after Irma.

Normally, Cypress will start to change color and drop leaves in November or December, however after Irma they held onto the new leaves through February. If they had not produced the new leaves, they would have lost 2-3 months of their growing season.

Plants respond to stress events such as drought, herbivory, wind, etc. with strong reproductive events immediately after.

Dr. Bovard argues this is not a defense mechanism, but a carbon balance response to maintain their energy stores.The thinking is that this increases the likelihood of passing on the parental genetic material in the event the parent plant dies and thus, is a response that is strongly selected for with stress events.

Here in south Florida, its always allergy season. Not only are trees flowering but we also have weeds and grasses.

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Be Proactive To Stay Active

According to allergy specialists, the key to basking in all of Floridas outdoor glory at any time of year is knowing how to keep allergy symptoms under control both before and during allergy season.

Thats why experts strongly recommend that people go for allergy testing to discover the types of pollen can trigger allergy problems for them. Then, its possible to track the current pollen count to minimize exposure and be prepared with the required allergy medicine at high-risk times of the year.

If pollen poses too much of a problem, allergy shots are available and can greatly improve allergy symptoms. Yet there are also allergy medicines on the market that can help you handle allergy season. Experts advise beginning allergy shots or taking allergy medicines before allergy season starts for best results.

When Is Allergy Season In Florida

Usually, allergies come and go with the seasons due to sprouting plants and pollen in the air. Spring tends to be the worst season for allergy sufferers as flowers and plants are coming back to life after a long winter.

In Florida, though, allergy season lasts approximately ten months of out of the entire year. Since the weather is warm year round, flowers and plants bloom and produce allergens prolonged periods of time.

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Treatment And Defense Against Mold And Spore Allergies

This is another case where taking precautions can really help limit your and your familys exposure to mold.

First and foremost, clean up all dead and decaying plant material from around your house, rake up those leaves, get rid of rotting wood, clear your gutters of debris, and clean up compost and garden beds.

Inside your house, consider investing in a good dehumidifier. Do your best to keep humidity levels lowbelow 50 percent is ideal within your house. In your garage and attic, make sure boxes arent damp and ensure insulation hasnt gotten wet from the heavy rains weve been experiencing. Attics and garages can be a major incubator where mold can grow.

If allergy symptoms hit, make sure to visit your allergist. Mold is a potent asthma trigger and youll want to have your inhalers ready and have your allergy and asthma management plan in place. If youve only recently developed allergies, your allergy specialist can test for your specific allergies to pollens and molds, which will help determine if you should start allergy shots. Immunotherapy is a proven method for controlling fall allergies.

If Pollen Counts Are High

Nose Allergy Consultation In Miami, FL

Here are a few other things you can do to head off an allergic reaction:

  • Check the allergy forecast for your town.
  • If high pollen counts are forecast, start taking allergy medications before your symptoms start.
  • Close doors and windows at night or any other time when pollen counts are high.
  • Avoid outdoor activity in the early morning when pollen counts are highest.

Below, AccuWeather gives its fall allergy forecast for other regions:

Midwest: The pollen season will be about average in the nations midsection, ending in late September in the northern parts of the region and in late November in the southern parts.

Northwest: Intense pollen levels are expected to kick up in the next couple of weeks across eastern Washington, eastern Oregon and through the northern Rockies with the arrival of seasonal rains.

Southwest and Plains: People who live from California to Texas and northward to North Dakota will likely be spared a severe allergy season, but the tradeoff is a prolonged drought that hinders the growth of pollen producing plants.

Mid-Atlantic and Northeast: A weather pattern in late September and October is expected to bring rain that will bring ideal conditions for ragweed and mold. Ragweed pollen levels arent likely to spike in the East until rainfall increases in October, Reppert said.

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