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Can Dogs Take Claritin For Allergies

Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva Vmd Cvma

Can dogs take Claritin for allergies?

Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva is the Professional Services Veterinarian here at Wild Earth. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Brown University, and attended veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Since graduation, she has worked in general practice, on telehealth platforms, and in animal rehabilitation. She has worked tirelessly to gain expertise in the field of canine nutrition through numerous certifications and coursework, and plans to pursue her Masters in Animal Nutrition.

What Is Antihistamines Poisoning

Antihistamines can be found in over-the-counter cold, allergy, and sinus medications. Antihistamines are used by humans to treat a variety of conditions, such as allergies and sinus ailments. Antihistamines may also contain combination ingredients, such as aspirin, codeine, caffeine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine. Common brands of antihistamines include Dimetane, Zyrtec, Chlor-Trimeton, Tavist, Benadryl, Allegra, and Claritin. If a dog has ingested antihistamines, it will be very important to take the box that contained the medication with you to the veterinarian so the ingredients will be known.

Antihistamines come into categories: first-generation and second-generation. First-generation antihistamines, when taken, have a sedative effect. Many people refer to these as the older antihistamines since they can cause marked drowsiness, unlike the second-generation medications. They can also cause blurry vision, dry mouth, difficulty with coordination and concentration, and nausea. The second-generation antihistamines are purchased more often since they are in non-drowsy form however, if they are taken above the recommended dosage they can still have the same side-effects as first-generation antihistamines.

Antihistamines poisoning in dogs occurs when dogs ingest a quantity of medications, either over-the-counter or prescription, that contain antihistamines. This type of toxicity is treatable if immediate medical attention is given.

Can You Combine Antihistamines With Other Medications

Yes, antihistamines can be combined with other medications for the treatment of allergies in dogs, as long as it is not in addition to another antihistamine. If your dog is taking any other medications, it is important to let your veterinarian know before giving them antihistamines. This includes any supplements that your dog is taking as well. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you if it is safe to give your dog antihistamines and how to do so properly to avoid serious side effects.

Concurrent use of antihistamines for dogs with popular allergy medications such as Apoquel® and Atopica® are safe with no known interactions. Additionally, the use of antihistamines with corticosteroids can be beneficial as they can reduce the overall dose of corticosteroid that is required. Temaril-P® or Vanectyl-P® are examples of medications that combine prednisone with an antihistamine in one pill.

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When Should Antihistamines For Dogs Be Used

Antihistamines can be used to treat allergies, both seasonal and environmental and allergic reactions. If your dog is suffering from itchiness, redness, or swelling, antihistamines may be able to help. Antihistamines work by blocking histamine receptors. Histamine is a molecule that is released by the body in response to an allergen. There have been studies that suggest the use of antihistamines for dogs with seasonal allergies is beneficial and the low cost and favourable safety profile of antihistamines make them a popular choice for many dog owners and veterinarians.

It should be noted that not all dogs will respond to antihistamines to provide relief from seasonal allergies. This is because the mediators of the allergic response in dogs are not completely related to histamines. People that suffer from allergies typically have a runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing as a result of histamine release. These are all symptoms that are not commonly seen in dogs with allergies. Dogs will typically have redness and itchiness of their skin as their main symptoms.

For type-1 hypersensitivity reactions in dogs that result in facial and ocular swelling and hives, such as a bee or wasp sting or vaccine reaction, antihistamines can be beneficial and are typically recommended by veterinarians.

How Allergies Impact Your Dogs Quality Of Life

Is Claritin Safe For Dogs?

Dogs who suffer from moderate to severe allergies often scratch constantly, lick their paws obsessively, and battle one ear infection or skin infection after another. In short, quality of life ebbs for these itchy dogs. They are too busy scratching and licking to fully enjoy the simple pleasures of dogdom.

This was the case for Zachory, a Chow mix who needed relief from allergies.

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For Dogs & Cats: Start Good Health Habits

A good monthly parasite prevention is critical for managing allergies in dogs and cats. Bites from fleas, mites, and ticks can make allergic skin disease worse. Pet parents also want to be sure the pet is eating high-quality foods, and that a food allergy isnt contributing to their symptoms. Daily use of probiotics can also help mitigate allergic conditions. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects and are a great addition to improve skin and coat health. These work especially well in combination with antihistamines . Fish oil is an excellent source of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. For dogs, the daily addition of a small amount of local honey exposes the pet to a very small amount of local pollens. The goal is to desensitize the immune system. Keep in mind this is a long-term treatment and wont work for every pet. Dont do this if a pet is diabetic or has other metabolic diseases!

Claritin For Dogs: Uses Dosage & Side Effects

Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD, cVMA | Professional Services Veterinarian, Wild Earth

If your dog has experienced an allergic reaction in the past or suffers from allergies, you may have wondered whether there are any over-the-counter medications that could help. While many over-the-counter human medications are unsafe for your dog, several antihistamines such as claritin, benadryl and zyrtec are safe to give your dog at the right dose under veterinary supervision.

Before giving your dog any medication, its vital to know when it is appropriate to give it, potential side effects, and the correct dose. It may surprise you to know that human and dog doses differ, and even some safe medications can be dangerous if your pet has a certain condition or is taking other medications.

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Symptoms Of Dermatitis In Dogs

The symptoms of canine dermatitis include itching, chewing , excessive scratching, and hair loss. Hotspots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are damp, red, and highly irritating skin sores.

Claritin is also efficient in the treatment of mast cell inflammation in dogs. These tumors are particularly common in Spaniel, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, and Labradors due to overgrowing mast cells, usually in the digestive tract or on the skin. Mast cells assist protect the dogs body against parasites, but their growth causes traumatic swelling. In those cases, Claritin is usually used with other therapies for allergies, including anti-inflammatory medications, fatty acid additives, and lifestyle or diet adjustments.

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Treatment Of Antihistamines Poisoning In Dogs

Can I give my dog Claritin for itching?

Once the veterinarian has made a diagnosis of antihistamine poisoning, he will immediately begin treatment. Treatment methods include:


If your dog has already vomited, the veterinarian will not need to induce vomiting. The induction of vomiting may be conducted in order to help rid the dog of the substance, depending on the timing of the ingestion. Once emesis has occurred, the veterinarian may give the dog activated charcoal to aid in the absorption of any residual toxic substances.


Medications to suppress the central nervous system may be given, especially if the dog is having seizures. Diazepam is often the drug of choice to control any seizure activity, and there are other drugs that work as well. Medications, namely methocarbamol, guaifenesin, or pentobarbital may also be used.

Monitoring of Systems

The veterinarian will closely monitor the dogs heart rate, arrhythmia, and respiratory rate. The monitoring of systems also is dependent upon if the animal ingested a medication that has been combined with the antihistamine.

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How Many Mg Of Antihistamine Can You Give A Dog

The dose of antihistamine to give your dog depends on many factors, such as body weight, dog allergy severity, medical history, and the medication itself.

For example, the general dose of Claritin that a vet recommends in tablets is 5 mg daily for small dogs that weigh between 1 and 14 pounds, and 10 mg daily for large dogs weighing at least 15 pounds, which you can administer in two 5 mg doses.

However, if youll give your dog Allegra, administer 1 to 2.5 mg for every pound of body weight daily, which is also more or less the same recommended dose of Benadryl.

Either way, you should always contact your veterinarian because they will always know better in terms of what medication your dog actually needs and the right dose.

Can Dogs Take Allergy Medication

Dogs actually can take medication to help with their allergy symptoms. When it comes to allergy medicine for dogs, there are both prescription and over-the-counter options.

Allergy medications for dogs work just like with people, Dr. Ochoa told The Dodo. They decrease the histamine response, thus decreasing the itching and inflammation in your dog’s skin.

No matter what kind of allergy medication you give your dog, its important to remember that youre treating your dogs symptoms, not the allergy itself.

Owners need to understand, though, they cannot cure allergies, Dr. Simon told The Dodo. They mask symptoms and make dogs more comfortable during flareups. The closest you can get to curing allergies is with immunotherapy since it has the potential to permanently change how your dogs immune system reacts to triggers.

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Can Dogs Take Claritin

Allergies are one of the most annoying things on the entire planet. Trust me, we speak from personal experience. Luckily for us, we can reach into our medicine cabinet and take some Claritin. But what about dogs? As you make your way around the house, you might notice that Oliver has been scratching a lot. When you look closely, you see that he may have the beginnings of what looks like a rash. Its allergy season, and you know it. Your first thought is can dogs take Claritin?

The short answer is yes. With the guidance of your veterinarian, your dog can take Claritin, which is an antihistamine blocker. While some dogs may be more prone to allergic reactions than others, it is always important to be educated on dosing and possible side effects. Read on to learn more about the causes and signs of allergies in dogs and how to provide relief for your pup!

Can Dog Itch Be Difficult To Treat

Dog Allergies Claritin

Itchy dogs can be frustrating to treat for the dog, the owner, and sometimes even the veterinarian. There are a variety of treatments that may be recommended for your itchy dog, including:

  • Allergy medications to control itch and skin inflammation
  • Anti-parasite treatments like oral or topical flea/tick preventatives
  • Antibiotics or antifungals to treat the underlying infection
  • Topical therapy like shampoos, conditioners, and sprays

For uncomplicated itchy dog causes like fleas, treatment is easy to administer and can be up to 100% effective. For more complicated cases like dogs with chronic allergies and secondary infections, it can be more challenging to completely eliminate the symptoms but there are treatment options available that keep things easy for you and your dog.

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Brand Names And Other Namesof Loratadine

  • Human formulations: Claritin®, Alavert®, and various generic preparations
  • Veterinary formulations: None

Loratadine is available over the counter but should not be administered unless under the supervision and guidance of a veterinarian.

This drug is not approved for use in animals by the Food and Drug Administration but it is prescribed legally by veterinarians as an extra-label drug.

Final Thoughts Can Dogs Take Claritin

Dog Claritin is no different from your Claritin! You can use the same tablets you take to relieve your dogs allergies. Although Claritin is safe for dogs, it is always important to consult with a veterinarian before starting any medication. A vet will also help you with dosing and how often your dog take it.

When a dog experiences allergies, it is just as bothersome as when you experience them. Its uncomfortable and quite frankly annoying. Their symptoms can range from itchy eyes, a runny nose, itchy skin, and sneezing, among many others. While it is generally safe to give your dog Claritin under the supervision and instruction from your vet, be aware that you cannot give pets Claritin-D.

As allergy season looms over our heads, you want to make sure you and your pup are prepared!

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Why Your Veterinarian May Need To Treat With A Combination Of Medications

To further complicate matters, a dog may suffer from one, two, or all three of these types of allergies. The symptoms of these allergies have a cumulative effect, which is why your veterinarian may treat your dog with a combination of allergy medications for dogs, especially if your dog has more than one type of allergy. Sadly, there is no single magic bullet that works in all cases all the time.

Allergy Shots For Dogs

Can I give my dog Claritin?

Allergy shots for dogs can be anti-itch shots, which treat your pups symptoms for several weeks at a time, or immunotherapy shots, which desensitize him to the allergens that affect him.

When it comes to anti-itch allergy shots for dogs, both vets we spoke to recommended Cytopoint.

Cytopoint is an injection that works to reduce your pups itching. One injection can last four to six weeks.

If your pup has environmental allergies, you might want to consider immunotherapy.

With immunotherapy, your vet will actually create an injectable serum for your dog that contains a small amount of the allergen hes sensitive to. These shots will help him build up a tolerance to that allergen until his immune system is so used to handling it that hes essentially no longer allergic to it.

Basically, immunotherapy shots work to treat your dogs underlying environmental allergies as opposed to just treating the symptoms, so they can be a more permanent solution. They arent super effective for every dog, though, and in some cases they might not work at all or only prevent your dogs allergies from getting worse. Talk to your vet if youre interested in this treatment option for your pet.

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Some Dogs Shouldnt Take Them

Just like some people have certain limitations with drugs, so do dogs. You should never give these antihistamines to dogs with serious conditions such as heart failure, hypertension, and liver or kidney disease. Also, theyre not meant for use with pregnant or even nursing dogs.

Not to mention, dogs with health conditions such as glaucoma or dry eye shouldnt take antihistamines without veterinary guidance because they could make eyes even drier.

Potential Side Effects And Risks Of Claritin For Dogs

Unlike most antihistamines, Loratadine does not cross the blood-brain barrier meaning it is not associated with drowsiness. However, it can still trigger some side effects, including:

Loratadine medications and formulations should not be used in:

  • Dogs allergic or sensitive to Loratadine
  • Dogs on meds with established drug interactions
  • Dogs with dry keratoconjunctivitis, kidney, and liver disease
  • Young pups and pregnant and nursing females

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How Claritin Worksfor Dogs

The active ingredient in Claritin is Loratadine. It works by blocking the natural histamine reaction in dogs bodies.

As with humans, when your dogs immune system identifies a foreign substance as an allergen, it signals to the mast cells to release histamine. Once the histamine is released, the allergic reaction, inflammation, or red bump that appears is the body fighting off the allergen. When Loratadine blocks the histamines, it also reduces the allergic response or inflammation.

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Some vets may prescribe antihistamines like Claritin to help relieve allergic reactions in your dog. Besides Claritin, your vet may recommend other antihistamines like Cetirizine and Diphenhydramine. Vets sometimes choose Claritin because it wont cause drowsiness and lasts longer than some other kinds of antihistamines.

Dosage Of Claritin For Dogs

Claritin for Dogs: Yes or No?

The following is a guideline for typical use of the drug in dogs. It must not replace your veterinarians advice for your individual pet.

Vets generally prescribe Claritin for dogs in a dosage 0.2 milligrams per pound of body weight. This can translate as giving a small dog around 5 milligrams of Claritin every day, or 10 milligrams for a larger dog.

Your veterinarian will advise you on the precise dosage of Claritin for your individual dog, along with the number of times a day you must administer it.

If your vet recommends this medication, its important that your dog completes the full course. You must adhere to the dosage amount instructed.

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When Can Claritin Be Used For Dogs

There are several situations where Claritin might be a solution for your dogs symptoms. These include:

  • To treat dog allergies
  • To reduce chronic inflammation due to mast cell tumors
  • To treat vaccination reactions

Claritin and other antihistamines that can treat allergies and inflammation in dogs is NOT a cure for allergies. It can help relieve symptoms and bring your dog some relief while they recover or while you take other steps to help prevent the allergies.


Can Dogs Take Benadryl

Benadryl is an antihistamine called diphenhydramine. Its typically an allergy medicine for humans, but giving some to your dog could help his allergies, too.

You just have to be super careful that youre doing it correctly so you should only give your dog Benadryl with guidance from your vet.

Thats because you want to make sure youre giving your dog the right dose. The rule of thumb is usually that you can give your dog 1 milligram of Benadryl for every pound he weighs.

If you give your dog too much Benadryl, he could overdose, causing major problems for his cholinergic, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems.

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