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How Does Mold Cause Allergies

What Are Mold Allergies

Mold Allergies

Mold forms spores which then become airborne, causing an allergic reaction in both humans and animals who are sensitive to it. Mold is present everywhere, both indoors and out, and easily multiples in damp humid areas like basements. Mold is prevalent seasonally outdoors in piles of wet leaves and in decaying plant material. Mold does grow outside all year round but dampness and humidity allow for more rapid growth. Inside, homeowners often work constantly to deter mold from spreading in areas such as the shower and window ledges.

Canines who inhale mold spores typically suffer from very itchy skin as the first sign of irritation. Sufferers of an inhalant type of allergy will usually show signs of the sensitivity under the age of three, though dogs of any age can develop an allergy. Breeds that are thought to be sensitive to non-food allergens like pollen and grasses are many the sex of the dog has no bearing. If your pet is showing symptoms of an allergy, schedule a veterinary visit in order to find the cause and provide relief from the signs.

One of the most common inhalant allergens for canines is mold. Pets who suffer from this type of condition often will have more than one inhalant allergy, meaning they are susceptible to the effects of other airborne allergens such as pollen and dust mites.

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I Heard About Toxic Molds And Black Molds That Grow In Homes And Other Buildings Should I Be Concerned About A Serious Health Risk To Me And My Family

There is always a little mold everywhere in the air and on many surfaces.

Certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins . Hazards presented by molds that may produce mycotoxins should be considered the same as other common molds which can grow in your house. Not all fungi produce mycotoxins and even those that do will not do so under all surface or environmental conditions.

Mold growth, which often looks like spots, can be many different colors, and can smell musty. Color is not an indication of how dangerous a mold may be. Any mold should be removed and the moisture source that helped it grow should be removed.

There are very few reports that toxigenic molds found inside homes can cause unique or rare health conditions such as pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss. These case reports are rare, and a causal link between the presence of the toxigenic mold and these conditions has not been proven.

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How Do Mold Allergies Result In Baldness

Your hair is usually rejuvenated by blood vessels that are known as capillaries. When circulation of blood to your capillaries is disrupted in any way, your hair begins to fall off your head, gradually leaving you bald headed. Breathing in mold spore triggers allergic reactions. As the allergic reactions begin, your immune system tries countering them by producing a chemical known as histamine. If you do not take up any measure against the mold problem in your home, you will end up being bald because of the hair breakouts that occur in a diffuse pattern.

It is important to note, baldness is not only caused by black mold. Your hair can also fall off when you expose yourself to other substances that you are allergic. Apart from mold spores, other conventional indoor allergens that can result in you being bald include dust mite erections, laundry powder chemicals, and animal dander originating from your pets such as cats, and biological enzymes that are usually found in laundry powder.

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Nasal Congestion Nausea Or Vomiting Runny Nose And Sneezing

Reviewed on 8/31/2020

and can sometimes occur when you have upper respiratory conditions that cause nasal stuffiness and . reactions including hay fever or reactions to indoor allergens can cause these symptoms. Keep track of the pattern of your symptoms. If you are experiencing or concerning symptoms, seek the advice of your doctor.

While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

Reduce Quick Head Movements

Allergy testing for #mold

Especially when dizziness is a primary symptom, do not stand up quickly or spin around. Notice how you may feel sicker when cleaning or cooking, activities which have a surprising amount of quick stooping and getting up.

If you do have to be very active, take breaks. Applying a cool compress to the back of the head often helps nausea and feelings of dizziness.

Also Check: What Does Claritin Do For Allergies

Mucus In Throat Every Morning

If you wake up each day with mucus in throat, which you feel needs to be expelled, there are a few different reasons for that. For starters, mucus in throat in the morning could be a result of an infection or allergy, , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or it could be a sign of congestive heart failure.Congestive heart failure, in particular, can cause daily mucus in throat each morning, because the heart has a difficult time moving high amounts of blood through the body, causing fluid buildup. This fluid accumulates in the lungs, especially when a person is laying flat throughout the night. The result is a wet cough in the morning or throughout the night.

How Does Mold Exposure Affect Asthma And Existing Allergies

Once you have an allergic reaction to mold, no matter how mild, you may become sensitized to mold spores as an allergen. Long-term exposure to mold may cause mold-related allergy and asthma symptoms to become worse over time. Exposure to mold or dampness may even cause people to develop asthma, according to the CDC.

Mold exposure is a known asthma trigger and may cause inflammation and tightness in the respiratory system as well as mucus in the airways. If you have asthma and a mold allergy, you may notice that exposure to mold spores may trigger asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing and coughing. In more severe cases, exposure to mold spores may cause an asthma attack.

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Can Dog Allergies Affect Humans

Some people with dog allergies also have skin reactions. For instance, their skin might break out where a dog licks them. Others with more severe allergies might develop hives on their face or chest. People with asthma as well as pet allergies can have especially serious symptoms.

Symptoms Of Mold Allergies In Dogs

What is a mold allergy?

Humans who have an allergy to mold will often have respiratory symptoms. In dogs, signs manifest in the skin.

  • Pruritus
  • Hair loss
  • Shaking of the head and ears
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Redness and scaliness of the skin
  • Thickened and odorous skin

Some of the types of dogs that are thought to be predisposed to allergies are:

  • Golden Retrievers
  • Terriers

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You May Have Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcersmost commonly caused by an infection from an H.plyori bacteriaoccur when acid penetrates deep into the mucosal lining of your stomach, causing an open sore. This can lead to burning stomach pain, bloating, heartburn, and nausea, says Dr. Lee.

??Nix the nausea: To heal your ulcers, your doc will typically describe antibiotics or drugs to slow the production of stomach acid to aid in the healing process. You might also need to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids since they can increase your risk of peptic ulcers, says Dr. Lee. Alcohol, smoking, and spicy foods can also make your symptoms worse.

To prevent peptic ulcers from coming back, remember to keep things clean. Good hand washing hygiene is important to avoid contracting an H. pylori infection, which is contracted through fecal or oral transmission, says Dr. Lee. This means you should lather your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds .

Mold Toxicity Is Also An Issue And It Is Considered A Chronic Inflammatory Response

An acute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, and Mycobacterium serve as inflammogens! Inflammogens keep your body in a state of inflammation.

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You Popped A Pill On An Empty Stomach

Nausea is a common side effect of many different medications including , blood pressure medications, oral contraceptives, pain medications, antibiotics, and many more, says Dr. Hoch. Your gut processes food by releasing stomach acidso when you take a pill before you eat, that acid will still be released, causing irritation or nausea, says Dr. Hoch.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Mold Allergy

Do I have a Cold Allergies or Sinusitis

To diagnose an allergy to mold or fungi, the doctor will take a complete medical history. If they suspect a mold allergy, the doctor often will do skin tests or allergen specific IgE blood tests. Extracts of different types of fungi may be used to scratch or prick the skin. If there is no reaction, then you probably dont have an allergy. The doctor uses the patient’s medical history, the skin testing results and the physical exam to diagnose a mold allergy.

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How Can I Prevent An Allergic Reaction To Mold

There is no cure for allergies. But you can reduce your allergy symptoms by avoiding contact with the mold spores. Several measures will help:

Reduce Your Exposure to Mold Spores Outside

  • Limit your outdoor activities when mold counts are high. This will lessen the amount of mold spores you inhale and your symptoms.
  • Wear a dust mask when cutting grass, digging around plants, picking up leaves and disturbing other plant materials.

Reduce Your Exposure to Mold Spores Inside

  • Use central air conditioning with a CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendly® filter attachment. This can help trap mold spores from your entire home. Freestanding air cleaners only filter air in a limited area. Avoid devices that treat air with heat, electrostatic ions or ozone.
  • Lower your indoor humidity. No air cleaners will help if excess moisture remains. If indoor humidity is above 50%, fungi will thrive. A hygrometer is a tool used to measure humidity. The goal is to keep humidity below 45%, but below 35% is better. If you have to use a humidifier, clean the fluid reservoir at least twice a week to prevent mold growth. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers can also be a source of mold.
  • Prevent mold and mildew build up inside the home. Pay close attention to mold in bathrooms, basements and laundry areas. Be aggressive about reducing dampness.

To Reduce Mold in Your Bathrooms:

To Reduce Mold in Your Kitchen:

To Reduce Mold in Your Laundry Area:

To Reduce Mold in Your Bedrooms:

To Reduce Mold in Your Basement:

What Do We Know About Mold Sensitivity

The term mold sensitivity is broadly used to refer to any chronic non-allergic response to mold exposure. Mold sensitivity is not understood nearly as well as mold allergies because the condition is associated with an undefined range of symptoms that have no measurable cause. Some people report experiencing a wide array of symptoms that they believe to be caused by mold sensitivity. These symptoms include anxiety, cognitive issues, depression and insomnia, as well as different types of physical pain. Because mold sensitivity cannot be measured, there is no observable link between the condition and its associated symptoms.

Unfortunately, Western medicine has no answer for those who believe they are affected by mold sensitivity, also referred to as vulnerability to mold toxicity. Unlike mold allergies that can be diagnosed with a skin test or allergen-specific immunoglobulin blood test, there is no test that can diagnose this issue, and there is a lack of scientific research to back up information about the condition. The EPA states that mold-related symptoms other than allergic reactions and irritation by spores are not commonly reported.

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Symptom : Chronic Cough And Sore Throat

Allergies or sinus infections can be associated with other inflammatory symptoms, such as:

  • Chronic coughing
  • Hoarseness, or a harsh, strained or raspy voice
  • Sore throat

But these also can be symptoms of other problems, such as chronic acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up, or refluxes, out of the stomach and into the esophagus. The chronic type of acid reflux is called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. In some cases of GERD, referred to as laryngopharyngeal reflux , stomach contents can back up and cause symptoms all the way up into the throat, which can damage the soft tissues in that area. LPR can lead to coughing, hoarseness or sore throat, which could be mistaken for allergy symptoms or signs of a sinus infection.

Is My Cat Or Dog Making Me Sick

How to Find the Cause of Mold Allergies in a House

Is my cat or dog making me sick? Can I get an allergy-free dog or cat? Can pet allergies affect me even if I dont own a dog or cat, or if I am not frequently around animals? Do I have to get rid of my pet if I do have animal allergies? These are common questions that I hear on a daily basis. Lets explore pet allergy and answer these and many other common questions.

Cat and dog allergies are extremely common. Allergy symptoms triggered by animals can include runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy watery eyes, wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, itchy rashes and headaches. If these symptoms worsen with exposure to pets, they can indicate a possible animal allergy. Sometimes, pet allergens can contribute to constant or seasonal symptoms when combined with other allergens. However, these symptoms may be triggered by other allergens picked up by an animal in the environment, such as mold, pollen, and dust, rather than the animal itself. Therefore, it is important to confirm dog and cat allergy through testing.

Allergy testing is a simple process where small amounts of allergens, including dog, cat, and other common allergens, are pricked on the skin using sterile plastic probes. If one is allergic, there will be a small red itchy bump or wheal where the skin was pricked. The results are available in 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Keeping dogs and cats out of your bedroom, even when you are not at home.
  • Vacuum regularly using a high-efficiency or central vacuum cleaner.
  • Recommended Reading: Allergies Medicine Names

    Diagnosis Of Mold Allergies In Dogs

    Pets who have an inhalant allergy often have sensitivities to multiple particles such as dust, mites, and pollen. Cases where a dog has a severe skin problem that is difficult to diagnose, a referral to a veterinary dermatologist may be necessary.

    To start, the veterinarian will discuss your dogs medical history. Important information for her to know will be recent illnesses, prior incidences of skin irritation, recent travel history, present diet, and whether there has been a need for medication of late. The veterinarian will also do a physical examination which will include a close look at the ears and the skin over the body. Some pets will need to be sedated for this exam if their ears or skin are tender, sore, or infected. Tests that can be done in the veterinary clinic will be blood tests, urinalysis, and skin scrapings, all with the goal of verifying other possible reasons for a skin problem such as mites or mange.

    A veterinary dermatologist will order further testing which may include skin biopsy, skin cytology, ear and skin cultures, and additional skin scraping if necessary. Intradermal skin testing, where responses to allergens are measured and additional blood tests to check for antibodies to specific allergens may be recommended also.

    What Do We Know About How Mold Affects Our Bodies

    Mold is a fungi that releases microscopic airborne spores. Some molds are commonly found in households and may release spores and other particles into the air. If you have a mold allergy, it means that your body is sensitive to molds. When you breathe in airborne mold particles, your immune system may react and start trying to fight off the mold. The antibodies produced, including histamine, when your body tries to fight off the mold can cause hay fever-type symptoms, including:

    • Sneezing
    • Runny nose or nasal congestion
    • Throat irritation
    • Skin rash

    An allergic reaction to mold may happen immediately after exposure, or it may be delayed. Mold allergy symptoms and their severity will vary from person to person, depending on the type and severity of his or her allergy. For example, some people only experience mold allergy symptoms during certain weather conditions. Additionally, outdoor molds may only cause allergic reactions during certain seasons, but indoor mold, such as black mold, can cause reactions all year round.

    Note: Where you live may affect your exposure to outdoor mold.

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    How Do Molds Affect People

    Exposure to damp and moldy environments may cause a variety of health effects, or none at all. Some people are sensitive to molds. For these people, exposure to molds can lead to symptoms such as stuffy nose, wheezing, and red or itchy eyes, or skin. Some people, such as those with allergies to molds or with asthma, may have more intense reactions. Severe reactions may occur among workers exposed to large amounts of molds in occupational settings, such as farmers working around moldy hay. Severe reactions may include fever and shortness of breath.

    In 2004 the Institute of Medicine found there was sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in otherwise healthy people with asthma symptoms in people with asthma and with hypersensitivity pneumonitis in individuals susceptible to that immune-mediated condition.

    In 2009, the World Health Organization issued additional guidance, the WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Dampness and Mould pdf iconexternal icon pdf icon. Other recent studies have suggested a potential link of early mold exposure to development of asthma in some children, particularly among children who may be genetically susceptible to asthma development, and that selected interventions that improve housing conditions can reduce morbidity from asthma and respiratory allergies.


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