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Does Your Throat Hurt With Allergies

How Is Allergic Esophagitis Treated

How Can You Tell if It’s a Sore Throat or Strep Throat?

Allergic esophagitis may not go away completely. Treatment may help relieve your symptoms.

  • Steroid medicine may help decrease swelling in your esophagus. You will swallow the medicine so it coats your esophagus.
  • Stomach acid medicine helps keep heartburn symptoms under control.
  • Dilatation is a procedure used when the esophagus narrows from swelling. An endoscope is placed into your mouth and down your throat. Tools on the endoscope press against the tissues to widen your esophagus. Dilatation can improve your symptoms but will not stop allergic esophagitis from happening.

How Is Allergic Esophagitis Diagnosed

  • Allergy tests are used to see how your body reacts to certain allergens. The tests may show what is causing your allergic esophagitis.
  • A barium swallow x-ray is used to take pictures inside your esophagus. You will swallow barium in a thick liquid before you have the x-ray. The barium helps any injuries show up better on the x-rays.
  • Endoscopy is used to find any tissue changes. A scope is used to see inside the esophagus. A scope is a long, bendable tube with a light on the end. The scope is placed in your mouth and passed down your throat and esophagus. A camera may be hooked to the scope to take pictures.
  • A biopsy is used to take tissue samples from your esophagus to be tested. The samples may also be checked for any other problems with your esophagus.

How Is Anaphylaxis Treated

Someone with anaphylaxis needs help right away. The reaction can get worse very quickly. So doctors usually want people with allergies to carry injectable medicine called epinephrine. Epinephrine enters the bloodstream and works quickly against serious allergy symptoms.

Doctors prescribe auto injectors. These should always be with the person with allergies, including at school, sports, jobs, and other activities. The auto injector is small and easy to use.

If you’re prescribed epinephrine, the doctor will show you how to use it. Always have two auto injectors with you in case one doesn’t work or you need a second dose.

Your doctor also might instruct you to take antihistamines in some cases. But always treat a serious reaction with epinephrine. Never use antihistamines instead of epinephrine in serious reactions.

How Is Hay Fever Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will examine you, ask about your symptoms and evaluate you for other conditions, such as a cold or asthma. To measure your antibodies to specific allergens, your provider may take a blood sample and send it to a lab for testing. This blood test is called an immunoglobulin E test. It can detect all types of allergies, including food allergies.

Your provider may recommend a skin prick test to determine what allergens are causing your symptoms.

When Do People Usually Get Hay Fever

Strep Throat or Sore Throat? Best Ways You Can Tell ...

You can have hay fever any time of the year. Seasonal allergies occur in the spring, summer and early fall when trees and weeds bloom and pollen counts are higher. Perennial allergies can happen year-round. They result from irritants that are always around, such as pet dander, cockroaches and dust mites.

When Its A Sore Throat

When its a sore throat caused by a cold virus, you will often have other cold symptoms that may include:

  • Runny nose.
  • Red or watery eyes.
  • Sneezing.

You do not have a cough with strep. If youre coughing, that typically means no strep, says Daniel Allan, MD. Also, when you look in the throat of a person with a sore throat caused by a cold virus, you typically do not see pus or exudate in the back of the throat.

Colds usually take several days to develop and typically go away on their own within five to seven days, Dr. Allan says.

There is no cure for a sore throat caused by a cold virus, but you can do things to make yourself feel more comfortable: Drinking warm liquids, gargling with warm salt water, sucking on ice chips, or taking an over-the-counter medicine can provide relief for your symptoms.

You also can speed your recovery by getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of fluids.

Seasonal Allergies Or Covid

Many restrictions for preventing the spread of the coronavirus can also help minimize allergy and asthma symptoms.

With allergy season overlapping the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, a runny nose or scratchy throat can cause panic and concern of a greater, more severe issue. COVID-19 can cause life-threatening symptoms, but the majority of people who contract the virus will experience mild to moderate symptoms.

Laren D. Tan, MD, a pulmonologist at Loma Linda University Health, says many patients who suffer from allergies may have difficulty distinguishing between allergy symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms.

Tan offers advice on how to tell the difference between a virus and allergies:

Sore Throat Caused By Allergies

Got a sore throat? Allergies might be to blame. Though many sore throats can be caused by viruses, such as the common cold or flu, or bacteria such as strep throat, allergies are an over-overlooked culprit. If you suspect your sore throat might be caused by allergies, heres what you need to know about treating the problem and alleviating the symptoms.

Tooth Abscess Or Infection

Sore Throat | How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat (2019)

A tooth abscess is a contained collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection. This pocket of pus grows at the tip of the root of your tooth. It can cause severe pain that radiates to your jawbone and your ear on one side of your face. The lymph nodes around your neck and throat may also be swollen and tender.

Other signs that your tooth is infected include:

  • sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • pain while chewing
  • swelling in your face or cheek
  • tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck

Infection is common with impacted wisdom teeth, which are four molars in the back of your mouth that dont have enough room to develop normally. Even when these teeth do emerge from the gums, theyre hard to clean, making them prone to infection. Infected wisdom teeth can cause jaw pain and swelling, making it difficult to open your mouth.

If your wisdom teeth are causing problems, your dentist will likely recommend removing them. If you have a tooth abscess, your dentist may make an incision to drain the pus. You might also need an antibiotic.

When To See A Doctor

Persistent throat pain with unknown causes should be evaluated by a physician to rule out serious causes that can lead to dangerous health complications.

If an infection is causing your throat pain, you will likely have other symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, or sore muscles.

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a bacterial and viral cause of throat pain at home. Because strep throat can lead to serious complications if left untreated, when in doubt, you should get tested. Almost any doctor, including family physicians and after-hours clinicians, can perform a strep test.

Extreme pain or severe swelling of the tonsils are both reasons to see a doctor.

Throat pain accompanied by a rash is often bacterial in nature. A doctor should determine if antibiotics are needed.

A sore throat accompanied by post-nasal drip is rarely associated with emergent or serious conditions. However, if this persists longer than a few weeks, you need to see a doctor to determine the root cause. Your family doctor is a great place to start, but you may ultimately need to see an allergist to be tested for allergies.

While not an emergency, throat pain that is worse in the morning or accompanied by symptoms such as stomach pain or heartburn should be evaluated by a doctor. Family doctors and general practitioners often diagnose acid reflux and are capable of performing diagnostic tests or referring you to a more specialized doctor if necessary.

Can I Prevent Hay Fever

There is no way to prevent hay fever, but lifestyle changes can help you live with allergies. You can relieve hay fever symptoms by avoiding irritants as much as possible. To reduce symptoms, you should:

  • Avoid touching your face and rubbing your eyes or nose.
  • Close windows in your home and car during the spring, summer and early fall when pollen counts are higher.
  • Enclose pillows, mattresses and box springs in dust mite covers.
  • Keep pets off couches and beds, and close doors to bedrooms you dont want them to enter.
  • Use filters in your vacuum cleaner and air conditioner to reduce the amount of allergens in the air.
  • Wash your hands often, especially after playing with pets.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen when youre outside. Change your clothes as soon as you come indoors.

Can Allergies Cause Sore Throat And Ear Pain

An allergy is a counteraction by your body immune system to a specific thing that does not trouble most people. Having an allergic reaction can be an annoyance and impact your daily activities; however the majority of allergies are mild and can be mostly kept under control. Extreme reactions can sometimes happen, yet these are unusual. Can allergies cause sore throat and ear pain? To assist you find the best answers, it is essential to understand exactly what interrelation to look for and to find treatment early.

Can Allergies Cause Sore Throat and Ear Pain?

Ears and nose are definitely two of the vital sense parts of the body. The ear and the throat are linked by a narrow tube called Eustachian tube. An allergy triggers the bodily chemical, histamine, to be delivered in the body, triggering swelling and inflammation in the throat. Sore throat tend to obstructs this tube, which is a result of inflammation of the tube, as well as this consequently leads to escalated tension in the ear triggering ear pain. In addition to sore throat and ear, generally there are also related symptoms of allergies such as pain drippy, stuffy nose, rashes and tiredness. In some cases sufferers also exposure one-sided sore throat and ear pain. This occurs, when the infection disturbs just one side of the throat.

Allergies Cause Sore Throat

Allergies Cause Ear Pain

How To Treat A Sore Throat Caused By Allergies

Sore Throat Milk Allergy In Causes What Hoarseness ...

Allergy meds are usually the best place to start. Antihistamines, like Claritin, Zyrtec, or Benadryl, can help tame inflammation and ease your symptoms overall, Dr. Mehdizadeh says. Nasal sprays, like ipratropium, and nasal glucocorticoids, like , are good for easing postnasal drip, too.

Natural remedies could also make a difference. Gargling with warm saltwater can help get rid of irritating mucus, and drinking plenty of water or inhaling steam may soothe scratchiness.

Of course, prevention might be the most effective tactic of all. Minimizing your exposure to allergenssay, by keeping your windows closed and showering as soon as you come inside after being outdoorscan keep your symptoms from flaring up and help stop that sore throat before it starts.

What Are Your Symptoms

Both allergies and colds may cause a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, a cough, and fatigue. Itchy eyes, post-nasal drip, and dark circles under your eyes are more common with allergies. Symptoms more commonly caused by a virus include sore throat, cloudy or discolored nasal discharge, fever, and general aches and pains.

Why Do Allergies Cause A Sore Throat

First, allergies 101: If youre allergic to something, your body sees proteins in that substance as a foreign invader. And when those proteins get into your systemsay, by breathing in a whiff of dust or getting pollen blown into your eyesyour immune system launches an inflammatory response in an attempt to protect you.

Part of that inflammatory response involves producing lots of extra mucus. The mucus helps propel the debris out of your body, but it can give you a runny nose and congestion. And thats not all. The ears, nose, and throat are all physically connected, so problems in one area can affect another, says William Reisacher, M.D., director of allergy services at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Cornell Medicine in New York.

As a result, that mucus can cause postnasal drip, where the gooky stuff dribbles down the back of your throat and makes it feel raw and irritated. Allergens can also trigger the tissues in the back of your throat to become inflamed, which only adds to the discomfort, says Dr. Mehdizadeh.

Steps For Managing Your Sore Throat

The first step in managing your allergy-induced sore throats is visiting a professional. From there, we can determine the root cause of your allergy, and help you create a personalized plan for removing the trigger from your life and/or ways to manage your allergies when removing the trigger isnt a realistic solution. 

Short Term Relief

Providing short-term relief for a sore throat can usually be accomplished through the use of simple but effective home remedies. Drink warm liquids, especially tea with honey or lemon, and chicken broth or bouillon. Cold liquids can also help. Suck on Popsicles, hard candy, or throat lozenges to soothe irritation. Gargle with warm salt water several times a day. Use a humidifier or vaporizer to moisten the air. 

Long Term Relief

More long-term solutions can involve immunotherapy, which is a series of allergy shots designed to build up your bodys immune system against the allergen causing you and your body stress. 

Allergy Treatment In Metro Atlanta

Allergies and Sore Throat Treating the Cause

At the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia, our highly-qualified medical team provides diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose and throat conditions that may be caused by chronic conditions like asthma or allergies. Speak to one of our Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia board-certified allergy specialists about the possibility of allergy shots to find relief.

Our board-certified doctors understand that these conditions may cause severe discomfort, and offer a no-wait appointment policy that ensures you receive immediate care.

Schedule your same-day appointment with Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia today! Our team of board-certified allergy specialists will discuss your options and recommend an appropriate course of treatment. Contact us at 285-5200 or visit us online to book your appointment.

Are You Treating Multiple Symptoms

For a cold, get extra rest and drink plenty of fluids, including water, tea, or soup with lots of broth. For allergies, it can help to shower and change your clothes often because allergens cling to skin, hair, and clothing. For both colds and allergies, over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and pain relievers may help you feel better, although they wont make a cold go away any faster. And no matter what ails you, avoid medications that treat multiple symptoms, especially if you dont have some of the symptoms the medication is meant to treat.

If home treatments arent working and you still dont feel well, connect with our Consulting Nurse Service or if you are in the Seattle area, visit a CareClinic by Kaiser Permanente at Bartell Drugs.

Treating A Chronic Cough Caused By Mold

Throat lozenges can soothe a cough. So can hot tea with honey. Your doctor can prescribe a cough suppressant if constant coughing keeps you up at night, but often doctors prefer not to suppress a cough because coughing serves a purpose. Coughing helps to remove irritants, debris, excessive mucous, and fluids from the lungs and airways, and removing these things from your airways is a good thing. Thats why doctors sometimes prescribe expectorants instead of cough suppressants, which help thin the mucous or fluids in the lungs and airways to help you cough it up. If youre coughing due to an infection like pneumonia, you may be prescribed antibiotics, as well. However, even with treatment, youll probably continue to cough as long as you continue to suffer exposure to mold.

Is Your Sore Throat Caused By Cold Or Allergies

But, how to tell whether your sore throat is caused by allergies or just cold? The best way is to pay attention to the duration. How long does it last? A common cold will get pretty bad for a day or so, but they will often go away within a few days at the most, the common cold lasts for ten days. The flu lasts for about the same period of time, and is accompanied by muscle aches and fatigue among other symptoms. But allergies are persistent. They can go on for weeks or even months. Seasonal allergies often occur during the spring, and tend to come around every year, no matter what you do to try to avoid them.

You can also tell the difference between a cold and allergies by the mucus. Colds cause mucus that is yellowish, while allergies lead to a thin and clear mucus discharge. You might also notice a difference in symptoms: the cold tends to cause coughing and congestion, while allergies can include itchy eyes and a sore throat.

When Should I See My Healthcare Provider About Hay Fever

Teeth whitening kit left man with hole in throat after ...

Although hay fever doesnt cause any serious health problems, you should see your provider to rule out other conditions, such as asthma. Seek care if hay fever symptoms are getting in the way of your daily life or making it hard for you to sleep. Your provider can help you identify the allergens that are causing a reaction and recommend treatments to help you feel better.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Hay fever symptoms can affect your quality of life and keep you from doing the activities you love, but effective treatments are available. Millions of adults and children manage hay fever with medications and lifestyle changes. Talk to your provider about steps you can take to relieve symptoms, breathe easier and feel better.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/30/2020.


  • Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Accessed 7/30/2020.Rhinitis .
  • American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . Accessed 7/30/2020.Rhinitis Overview.
  • . Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care ; 2006-. Hay fever: Allergen-specific immunotherapy in the treatment of allergies. . Available from:

When Should I Be Concerned

Tearing of the eyes, swelling, etc. are perennial allergies due to allergens like animals, dust, or mold, says Mili Shum, MD, allergist and immunologist at U of U Health. Your symptoms will be the same as last year.

Cough, post-nasal drip, or a history of asthma are known triggers for allergic reactions. For people who are aware of their allergies, the symptoms should not be out of proportion from reactions in the past. If the cough feels different to you, or if you have a fever, this is most likely not an allergic reaction but something else.

Its still early in the COVID-19 phase, Shum says. People are still attributing their symptoms to their allergies.

If your cough gets worse to the point you have difficulty breathing, call your health care provider and seek immediate medical attention.

How Is Allergic Rhinitis Treated

Several allergy medications can improve symptoms and help you live with hay fever. These treatments come in many forms, including liquids, pills, eye drops, nasal sprays and injections. Talk to your provider before taking any medication, especially if youre pregnant or have other health concerns. Your provider may suggest:

Antihistamines: Antihistamine medications are available with a prescription or over the counter. They work by blocking the histamine that your body releases during an allergic response. Antihistamines come as pills, liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays and inhalers. They include:

  • Loratadine .
  • Fexofenadine .
  • Levocetirizine .

Antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol when taking antihistamines, especially if youre going to drive.

Decongestants:These medications relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses. You can take decongestants by mouth or use a nasal spray. They include:

  • Afrin® nasal spray.
  • Phenylephrine nasal spray .
  • Pseudoephedrine .

    Decongestants can increase blood pressure and cause headaches, trouble sleeping and irritability. Nasal decongestants can be addictive if used longer than five days. Be sure to talk to your provider before taking them.

Corticosteroid nasal sprays: These sprays and inhalers reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hay fever. The most common nasal sprays are Flonase®, Nasacort® and Rhinocort®. Side effects include headaches, nasal irritation, nosebleeds and cough.

What Are The Symptoms Of Allergic Rhinitis

Hay fever symptoms can appear throughout the year. Outdoor allergies are worse in the spring, summer and early fall. In warm weather, weeds and flowers bloom, and pollen counts are higher. Indoor allergies, such as those that result from pet dander and dust mites, can get worse in winter because people spend more time indoors.

Symptoms of hay fever include:

  • Nasal stuffiness , sneezing and runny nose.
  • Itchy nose, throat and eyes.
  • Headaches, sinus pain and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Increased mucus in the nose and throat.
  • Fatigue and malaise .
  • Sore throat from mucus dripping down the throat .
  • Wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing.

Symptoms That Can Occur With Throat Mucus

What is Oral Allergy Syndrome?

You may also experience other accompanying symptoms depending on the cause of the mucus in throat. Oftentimes, mucus in throat is a result of a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. The symptoms may include fever, chills, congestion, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes, headache, and difficulty breathing.Symptoms of throat mucus alone are phlegm, throat congestion, shortness of breath, and coughing out mucus and phlegm.

Is It Allergies Or A Cold

Cold and allergy symptoms often overlap, so its easy to mistake cold symptoms for allergies, and vice versa. Understanding the cause of your symptoms helps you choose the right treatment. It also gives you a better picture of your overall health.

Clinicians use the 5 factors below to help distinguish between colds and allergies.

A Pollen Allergy: Symptoms Of A Sore Throat

A sore throat is discomfort, pain or swelling in the throat, according to MedlinePlus.A pollen allergy causes the hormone, histamine, to be released in the body, causing inflammation and irritation in the throat.Once the throat swells, it becomes increasingly sensitive and agitated. The best treatment for a sore throat from a pollen allergy is to avoid pollen exposure and treat the allergic reaction with an antihistamine, according to National Jewish Health. If a sore throat persists, seek medical advice, as it may be sign of a more serious condition. Begin treating a sore throat at the first signs and symptoms.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

You Feel Like You Have To Clear Your Throat Often

Marc Goldstein, MD, a board-certified allergist and chief medical advisor at Curist, says it’s possible that your sore throat may just be allergies. In an article for Curist, Goldstein wrote that allergies often induce a post nasal drip, “which triggers throat clearing.” So if you find yourself having to clear your throat often, you could actually be dealing with a sore throat from allergies, not coronavirus. And for more on COVID complications, discover The “Very Strange” Long COVID Symptom Experts Are Warning About.

You Have A Metallic Taste In Your Mouth

7 Home Remedies for a Sore Throat

If you’re experiencing a metallic taste in your mouth, it could point to another sore throat cause. According to Sheneen Lalani, DO, a board-certified internal medicine doctor working with COVID patients, this is typically present when you have gastroesophageal reflux disease .

The Mayo Clinic says GERD patients usually experience acid reflux at least twice a week, which can be aggravated by smoking, eating large meals, eating late at night, eating fatty or fried foods, drinking alcohol or coffee, and taking certain medications like aspirin. And for more up-to-date information, .

This Is How To Tell If Your Sore Throat Is Covid Doctors Say

A sore throat can be scary, but it can be brought on by a number of different issues.

Waking up during a pandemic isn’t always easy. Some of the most common experiencessuch as a minor, dry throat in the morningcan make you scared that you contracted the virus. As it turns out, there are quite a number of things that can cause a sore throat, which is both fortunate in that it may not be COVID, but also unfortunate as it can be hard to be sure you’re coronavirus-free. According to experts, however, there are a few ways to tell if your sore throat is COVID or something else entirely. Keep reading to find out the signs your sore throat is not COVID, and for more symptoms to look out for, This Is How to Tell If Your Cough Is COVID, Doctors Say.


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