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HomeHow To Deal With Fall Allergies

How To Deal With Fall Allergies

Antihistamines Or Mast Cell Stabilizers

Dealing with fall allergies during the COVID-19 pandemic

Available in a variety of forms like tablets, liquids, and nose sprays, these are great because they block the release of histamine, so you should see an improvement in common symptoms like sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and hives. Try Claritin 24 Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy RediTabs.

Be sure to discuss these treatments with your allergist, who may also recommend allergy shots, prescription-strength meds, or carrying an EpiPen if your symptoms become severe.

How Common Are Fall Allergies

An estimated 15% to 30% of the U.S. population is thought to have allergic rhinitis. Youre more likely to have fall allergies if you have:

  • Other seasonal or perennial allergies.

All people are different, but often people with allergies are sensitive to multiple allergens spring, fall and perennial, Dr. Aronica says. Sometimes, though, we do see patients with only a few sensitivities or with symptoms only in one of the seasons.

Watching What You Eat

Many people dont consider food as a trigger for seasonal and pollen-based allergies, but what we eat can trigger allergies even in those who dont have food sensitivity. Fruits have proteins that are shared with pollen, so certain foods like cucumbers, zucchini, bananas and melons can trigger allergies.

Don’t Miss: How To Make Pollen Allergies Better

Do You Have Seasonal Allergies Or Covid

Having seasonal allergies is annoying at any time, but it creates some challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. “With COVID out there, differentiating between the two has been difficult,” Corbett said, because there can be some overlap in the symptoms of allergies and a coronavirus infection.

Some of the symptoms can be similar because, with a viral infection, you’re going to have congestion and runny nose,” Azar explained. But there are some ways to differentiate the two conditions, he said.

For instance, despite the nickname “hay fever,” allergies don’t typically cause a fever, Corbett said. So, if you’re feeling congested and your temperature is up, that’s a sign you might have something other than allergies.

Also, if you have systemic symptoms, like body aches or a general feeling of being unwell, that’s another reason to think beyond allergies, Azar said. “Plus, with COVID, there’s some significant problems with people having reduced sense of smell and taste.”

If you have some ambiguous symptoms and you’re not sure what you’re dealing with, it’s definitely worth taking a COVID-19 test just in case.

Enjoy The Fall Season Without Allergies

5 Ways To Fight Fall Allergies In Dogs

The fall season is ideal for having a picnic with your loved ones. But if you have allergies, it may not be the time of year for you. Luckily, the Brazos Valley Allergy and Asthma Clinics allergists are here for you.

Our allergy doctors have years of experience using evidence-based methods in treating fall allergies. We can naturally boost your immune system with allergy shots. With this method, you can enjoy the fall season without fearing an allergic reaction.

Read Also: Is A Sore Throat From Allergies

How Are Fall Allergies Diagnosed

Your doctor can help find out whatâs causing your watery, itchy eyes and runny nose. They’ll talk to you about your medical history and symptoms, and may recommend a skin test.

If they do, theyâll place a tiny amount of the allergen on your skin — usually on your back or forearm — and then prick or scratch the skin underneath. If you’re allergic to it, youâll get a small, raised bump that itches like a mosquito bite.

Sometimes a blood test may also be used to figure out a cause.

How To Use Amwell

Now, in case you aren’t familiar with Amwell already, here’s how my go-to telehealth service works…You head over to their site or app and create an account. After that’s done you will select the type of service you need, in my case it was Urgent Care, then you will enter your insurance information if you have it and choose a provider. I went with the next available provider in the interest of saving time, but you can certainly go with the provider profile that you feel is the best fit for you. And that’s all there is to it.

Connect with Amwell on , , and

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Is It Fall Allergies Or Covid

Your eyes itch and water and your throat feels scratchy. Your nose is runny, your head feels completely stuffed up, and your face hurts from the pressure. And you want to carry a box of tissues everywhere you go.

If these symptoms appear in late summer or fall, you may be struggling with fall allergies.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, though, how will you know if you are dealing with fall allergy symptoms or coronavirus symptoms? Some of the symptoms are common to both fall allergies and COVID-19. It will be helpful for you to navigate this unusual fall allergy season by understanding and managing your seasonal allergies to fall pollens, such as ragweed, moldor other allergens.

Stock Up On Butterbur

Dealing with fall ragweed allergies during the COVID-19 pandemic

If mold, but not ragweed, makes you teary-eyed, try butterbur tablets, a botanical remedy. The British Medical Journal published a study in 2002 finding that leaves and roots of the butterbur bush, native to Europe, northern Africa, and parts of Asia, worked just as effectively at reducing hay fever symptoms as cetirizine, the active ingredient in Zyrtec, without causing drowsiness. Butterbur belongs to the same family as ragweed, however, so people allergic to ragweed may actually get worse after taking it.

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How To Tackle Seasonal Allergies

There are things you can do to help alleviate the problems:

Reduce exposure to triggers:

  • Check the internet, local radio, or television for pollen counts.
  • If you have to go outdoors, consider taking allergy medication before symptoms begin.
  • Stay indoors on windy days.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • Change your clothes when you come in from outside.
  • Cover your hair when going outdoors.
  • Learn about your allergen, time of day it pollinates, avoid going outside then.
  • If mold spores and mildew are allergens, ask someone else to clear up the garden.

Allergens in the Home:

  • Keep the air as clean as possible.
  • Ensure that air conditioning, especially forced air systems, are regularly maintained.
  • Use frequently changed high-efficiency filters.
  • Use a portable HEPA filter in your bedroom.
  • Damp dust surfaces.
  • Vacuum floors using a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner.
  • When the air in your home is very dry, use a humidifier. When the air is damp, use a dehumidifier.
  • Keep mold and mildew at bay by ensuring that bathrooms and kitchens are carefully monitored and cleaned.

For new sufferers, initially fall allergy symptoms, sore throats can be mistaken for cold symptoms its when the sore throat symptoms reoccur that allergens are suspected.

Keep Your Home Safe From Allergens

There are many steps you can take around your house to help with seasonal allergies.

Use humidifiers and dehumidifiers at the right times for your allergies

In the spring, summer and early fall, remove excess moisture from the air using a dehumidifier or air conditioner. This can help reduce the growth of mold and mildew spores known to cause some allergies.

In dry winter months, a humidifier can add moisture to a room to soothe dry, irritated nasal passages. Make sure to clean and change the filter regularly. Unfortunately, moisturized air can also cause dust mites to increase.

Change to HEPA filters for your heating and cooling system

A HEPA filter can trap airborne allergens like pollen and pet dander, helping keep more irritants out of the air. Just make sure youre regularly replacing filters particularly during high usage times. A good rule of thumb is to check your filter once a month to see if it needs replacing.

Consider adding an air purifier, too

Air purifiers can also be used to clean finer particles and fumes that your furnace or air conditioning filter cant catch. There are several different types of air purifiers and each works differently to clean the air you breathe. So, research your options to determine which may be the best fit for you needs.

Other ways to reduce allergens in your home:

Also Check: Is Nutmeg Ok For Nut Allergies

Managing Allergies And Protecting Seniors

While allergies during the fall season are inevitable, there are ways to manage them and mitigate their consequences for seniors. A big part of senior care and elderly care is knowing how to combat these allergies in order to keep them safe. Here are some common strategies to manage allergy symptoms and protect seniors:

How To Deal With Fall Allergies

Causes of Fall Allergy Symptoms and What You Can Do About Them ...

It’s hard to believe, but Fall is almost officially here. With school schedules being what they are and the resurgence of pumpkin spice-flavored everything, many of us have mentally made the “seasonal switch” already. If you suffer from seasonal allergies during the cooler months, it’s good to go ahead and start talking about Fall Allergies and how to prevent them. There are actually some very effective ways to combat or even prevent allergy symptoms when the temperature starts dropping and the fall color starts to peek through. Let’s take a look:

Manage Falling LeavesThe falling leaves create the beautiful seasonal colors of Autumn, but they also accumulate moisture and cause mold to form. Raking or even being near these leaves can trigger a reaction for those susceptible to allergy symptoms in the fall, so consider having someone else deal with your leaves this year if that is a concern for you.

Keep the Pollen Out of the HouseShoes, jackets, and other outerwear can carry a lot of pollen, so leaving them at the door can help keep all of that pollen from entering your home. It can also help keep your home cleaner overall.

Get Allergy TestedThe best thing you can do is to get allergy tested so you know exactly what triggers your symptoms. At Ashford Clinic, Allergy Testing is quick and painless, and we use Allergy Drops to build your immunity to these triggers and improve your symptoms. Call to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

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Why Do Pollen Allergies Exist

People can develop allergies to a wide variety of things, from cows milk to pet dander to, of course, pollen. But why do we get allergies in the first place?

All types of allergies are the result of your bodys immune system and how it reacts to various substances. Your immune system responds the way it does because of genetics, environmental factors or a combination of both.

If you move to a new city or state and find that your allergies flare up again after a few years of initial relief, thats an environmental factor at work. When were in a new place, it can take our immune systems up to three to five years to start treating local allergens as foreign invaders, according to allergist William Reisacher, M.D.

How Much Do Allergy Shots Cost

The cost of allergy shots varies based on a few factors, including how many things you are allergic to and how frequently you need shots to keep your symptoms under control. Shots begin on a weekly basis and over time, your doctor may reduce your shots to once per month. Typically, the cost is between $2,000 – $4,000 yearly, if you dont have medical insurance.

The good news is that insurance will usually cover some maybe even most of the cost of getting allergy shots. And depending on your plan, you may only need to pay your copay. But check your insurance so you know for sure.

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How Do Fall Allergy Symptoms Compare To The Symptoms Of Covid

Some COVID-19 and fall allergy symptoms may overlap, such as cough, runny or stuffy nose and shortness of breath. But both conditions have a couple distinct features.

  • One symptom of many cases of COVID-19 is a fever of 100.4 or higher. Fever is not a symptom of allergies.
  • Sore throat is another common COVID-19 symptom, but it is not as common for people with allergies.
  • Digestive issues, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, may occur with COVID-19. There are usually no digestive issues with allergies.

Another main difference between COVID-19 and allergies is spread. COVID-19 can spread from person to person, while allergies are not contagious.

The charts on this page can help you determine if your symptoms are more like allergies or more like COVID-19. If you are unsure whether your symptoms are fall allergies or COVID-19, take a COVID test or schedule an appointment with your doctor. At-home COVID tests are available at most pharmacies.

Home Remedies For Fall Allergies

How to deal with seasonal allergies

Though the steps above will help you come into contact with less pollen, its just about impossible to fully avoid pollen. If youre still sneezy, get an assist from science and hit up a drugstore or pharmacy to try an over-the-counter medication designed to relieve your allergy symptoms.

Many allergy medications are safe and now available over the counter, including nasal steroid sprays like fluticasone and triamcinolone, and the long-acting, non-sedating antihistamines such as loratadine and cetirizine, Dr. Aronica says. These medications are generally very good at managing most allergies.

Take your allergy medicine before your allergies get bad, especially on days predicted to have high pollen counts. Local news channels and online weather websites offer pollen forecasts that can help you stay up to date.

Recommended Reading: Can Allergies Cause An Itchy Throat

What Are Fall Allergies And How To Deal With Them

With fall right around the corner, it’s that time of year when seasonal allergies can start giving people problems.

Whether your symptoms are severe or mild, the experts at Temple Health have the tools to help navigate the fall allergy season.

With fall right around the corner, it’s that time of year when seasonal allergies can start giving people problems.

In today’s Moves in Medicine, we get some expert advice from the folks at Temple Health.

The symptoms can be very mild all the way to very severe. Either way make sure you are getting the best help to breathe better.

As the weather turns cooler so come fall allergies.

It’s a particularly tough time of year for 63-year-old Maria Sanchez of North Philadelphia.

“I’ve had allergies all my life, asthma as well,” she said.

She says keeping her allergies at bay helps keep her asthma in check.

“Once I get the allergies, I catch a little sinusitis and stuffy nose, then I get the nasal drip and then all of a sudden my asthma starts flaring up,” she said.

So what is irritating us in the fall?

“We do see pollen, ragweed, some mold and some dust mites usually,” said Eileen Mumm, a pulmonary nurse practitioner at Temple Health.

Mumm says symptoms can vary greatly.

“Symptoms can be mild. They can be anywhere from nasal symptoms, ear, mouth, stomach and then you can also have some more severe conditions that would be affecting patient’s asthma or in a very severe case anaphylaxis,” she said.

How To Reduce Symptoms From Fall Outdoor Allergens

  • Pre-medicate with an antihistamine and/or corticosteroid nasal spray 2 hours prior to allergen exposure. For eye allergies, use eye drops as needed.
  • Avoid pollens. In late summer and early fall, levels are highest in the morning. Pollen can also surge on windy, warm days and after a thunderstorm or rainfall. Limit time outside when pollen counts are high usually in the mornings through early afternoons.
  • Avoid fallen leaves. Kids might love to leap into piles of leaves in the backyard, but even just a playful kick can release millions of mold spores into the air and into your airways. If fall allergens leave your lungs wheezy and your eyes drippy, hire someone to clean leaves from your lawn, gutter or garden. Or ask a friend to rake your leaves in return for a free hour of babysitting or other task.
  • Change clothes when coming inside.
  • Wear a mask when raking leaves and doing outdoor activities.
  • Monitor pollen and mold counts. Airborne pollens can travel for several miles.
  • Keep windows and doors shut at your home close windows of your car while driving.
  • Take a shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after time outside.
  • Dry laundry indoors rather than on a clothesline outdoors.

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Keep Yourself And Your Home Clean

Mold spores and pollen can stick to everything, including hair, skin, and clothing, Dr. Shah says. You probably dont even realize youre doing it, but theres a good chance youre tracking irritants into the house. So, you can wear a face mask when you rake leaves outdoors to avoid breathing in mold spores, brush or wipe down pets after walks, leave your shoes outside, and keep windows closed to limit exposure. Cant bear having no fresh air? PollenTEC makes clean air window and door screens that filter dust, pollen, and exhaust soot so you can enjoy the fall breeze while it lasts.

Seniors And Children: Take Special Care With Allergies

Natural Ways to Help With Allergies In The Fall

Seniors should be especially vigilant about treating allergies and should see a doctor right away if they begin experiencing symptoms. According to the AAFA, allergies cause at least 30 percent of adult asthma cases, which can pose a great risk to seniors older adults are more likely than younger people to develop respiratory failure as a result of asthma. If youre caring for a senior or are one yourself, be sure to avoid unnecessary exposure to allergens and see a doctor as soon as any signs of seasonal allergies appear.

If youre caring for a young child, also keep in mind that it can be difficult to notice symptoms of seasonal allergies in children. If you see your child exhibiting symptoms like an unusually runny nose, excessive sneezing, persistent nasal congestion or watery eyes, begin treating them at home right away, and take them to a doctor if their symptoms worsen or begin to have a significant impact on their daily life.

Although fall may not offer much relief from the allergy symptoms youve been experiencing since spring, if youre armed with the right tools, you can keep your symptoms under control all autumn long. Don’t forget about food allergies in Halloween candy. These 5 safety rules for Halloween are some nice reminders in addition to allergies to be mindful of.

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