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HomeCauseCan Pollen Allergies Cause Bronchitis

Can Pollen Allergies Cause Bronchitis

Don’t Fear Spring Allergies And Asthma

How do you know if you have bronchitis?
  • Health & Wellness
  • Lung Health and Diseases

It’s finally spring! The days are getting longer, flowers are starting to bloom, the weather is warming up and oh, unfortunately asthma and allergy triggers are making their seasonal appearance.

Pollen is perhaps the most obvious springtime asthma and allergy offender. As flowers, weeds, trees, grass and other plants begin to bloom, they release pollen into the air. If you’re allergic to pollen, you know what happens nextachoo! Sneezes, sniffles and a strong desire to draw the blinds and stay inside for a couple of months. Allergic reactions can cause symptoms in your nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, lining of the stomach or on the skin. Allergies can also trigger symptoms of asthma, making it more difficult to breathe. And pollen isn’t the only spring allergy and asthma trigger. Air pollution and temperature changes can also make your symptoms worse.

But don’t fear. You don’t have to trade your spring kickball league for a Netflix account or wear a hazmat suit to venture outdoors. Follow these tips to ensure your spring is every bit as exciting as it is for Potoka the giraffe.

  • Lawn and garden maintenance. Before working in the yard, check your local pollen count and consider gardening in the early morning or evening when the pollen count is at its lowest. Fertilizers and freshly cut grass can worsen asthma symptoms. When working the yard, consider wearing a particle mask to keep from breathing in tiny particles.
  • Can Mold Allergies Cause Bronchitis

    Mold thrives at room temperature, making your house the perfect habitat for it to grow. Mold consists of tiny fungi, and — dead or alive — they are allergens that can impact on the health of your family. Mold lives wherever there is moisture and oxygen, making your closets, refrigerator drip trays, air conditioners, garbage pails, mattresses, pillows, attics, carpets, and upholstery perfect environments for mold to flourish. Mold will often originate in basements and then spread to the rest of the house. Air currents and movement will carry mold to the kitchen, bathrooms and anywhere else where a combination of food and moisture can be found.

    Mold can trigger a range of allergy symptoms, including sneezing, a runny and stuffy nose, coughing, headaches, impaired hearing , and post nasal drip. While they don’t induce traditional pollen allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and nose, they do cause the mucous membranes in the nose and sinuses to become inflamed.

    The elderly, infants, young children, smokers, and people with respiratory or heart conditions are particularly susceptible to the impact of mold. The best way to combat the health effects of mold is by keeping home and work environments clean, dry, and well ventilated.

    Can Allergies Cause Bronchitis

    Bronchitis can be acute, meaning its caused by a virus or bacteria, or it can be caused by allergies. Acute bronchitis usually goes away after a few days or weeks. Allergic bronchitis is chronic, and may be caused by exposure to allergy triggers like tobacco smoke, pollution, or dust. You may also hear it called chronic bronchitis.Chronic bronchitis is part of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , along with emphysema. Chronic bronchitis can last for months or longer.Bronchitis is inflammation or swelling of the bronchial tubes that carry air into your lungs. When you have bronchitis, your airways also produce too much mucus. Mucus normally protects your lungs by trapping bacteria, dust, and other particles before they can get in. Too much mucus makes it harder to breathe. People with bronchitis often cough a lot and have trouble breathing.Keep reading to learn more about allergic or chronic bronchitis.

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    It Can Happen In Two Ways Either By Coming Into Contact With Something You Are Allergic To Or Through An Upper Respiratory Infection

    It can happen in two ways, either by coming into contact with something you are allergic to or through an upper respiratory infection.

    In both cases, the bodys immune system overreacts and causes the body to release histamine, which causes all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms.

    An allergy occurs when your bodys immune system mistakes a harmless substance for a harmful one. In response, your immune system releases antibodies called immunoglobulin E antibodies, which signal other cells in your body to react against the allergen. The result is swelling, itching and other symptoms of an allergic reaction.

    Food allergy is a condition in which the immune system reacts to a food substance. The signs and symptoms may be mild or severe. It can happen in two ways, either by coming into contact with something you are allergic to or through an upper respiratory infection.

    The immune system normally protects your body from invasion by germs and other foreign substances. When you have an allergic reaction, your immune system reacts to a specific protein in the food you eat as if it were an invader. The immune system releases chemicals called histamines that cause many of the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

    Allergies Can Cause Bronchitis

    Bronchitis in Dogs: Causes, Signs, &  Treatments

    Allergies can cause bronchitis

    Allergies can cause bronchitis by causing inflammation in the airways. Allergic asthma is an inflammatory condition that causes difficulty breathing and wheezing. If you have asthma, you might also develop a condition called allergic rhinitis, which produces nasal congestion that can lead to sinus infections and other respiratory issues.

    Allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and inflamed eyes are usually caused by airborne allergens such as pollen or pet dander. But some people have allergic reactions to food or chemicals . These reactions can cause hives, rashes and swelling of the lips and tongue. They may also cause difficulty breathing or wheezing.

    People who have allergies know what triggers their symptoms because theyve had them before. Some people have an immune system that overreacts to something harmless, such as pollen or dust mites. This response causes an excessive release of histamine from certain cells in the body. Histamine causes blood vessels to dilate, resulting in swelling and inflammation of the airways .

    An allergic reaction can also occur when someone eats something he.

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    Treatment Of Allergic Bronchitis In Dogs

    The most effective treatment for allergic bronchitis is avoidance of the allergen. Because many allergens that cause bronchitis are airborne, it can be challenging to avoid the allergen so other methods may need to be employed. Your veterinarian may want to prescribe antihistamines to reduce the reactions to the histamine that has been released into the bloodstream. Antihistamines are not as effective in canines as they are in humans, however, and are successful in less than half the cases.

    Bronchodilators and corticosteroids may also be used to allow the bronchial tubes to open by relaxing the muscles around the airway walls. Bronchodilators can be administered from a specially made canine inhaler, or as a pill, capsule, or syrup. Bronchodilators can lead to an increased heart rate, nervousness, or tremors in dogs and are not recommended for animals with high blood pressure or heart conditions. Antibiotics may also be recommended in the event that a concurrent bacterial infection also affects the patient.

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    When To See A Doctor

    People often ignore the signs of chronic bronchitis because they think they just have a smokers cough.

    But if you even have the slightest idea that you might have bronchitis, you should call your doctor right away.

    If you dont get treatment for chronic bronchitis on time, you have a much higher chance of getting serious lung damage, which can lead to breathing problems or heart failure.

    • You have wheezing or shortness of breath

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    How To Avoid Bronchitis Caused By Allergies

    Stopping smoking is the best way to keep from getting allergic bronchitis. Getting rid of your habit will also keep you from getting cancer and heart disease. Ask your doctor to suggest a way to stop smoking, like a nicotine replacement or something that can help curtail any cravings.

    Here are a few more ways to keep your lungs healthy:

    • Ensure there is good airflow when working near chemicals.
    • Use a respirator
    • Dont breathe in fumes at home such as paint, cleaners, and hairspray.
    • Open windows and allow air to flow around your home.
    • Be wary when working in the garden, wear a mask to protect yourself from dust, and pollen.
    • Seek the help of a specialist.

    Do You Suffer From Allergies And Asthma

    Chronic bronchitis (COPD) – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology

    Dont let allergies run your life. Talk to a Columbia Allergy clinic today to find relief.

    Monica H.First time at allergy specialist they really care about my kids lifestyle they care more about their patients that their wallet. Now days that’s a keeper.

    David W.Adam and the staff were great at considering my concerns, explaining my results and listening to my questions. Plus everyone was on time and things moved swiftly.

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    How Do Allergies And Bronchitis Differ

    How do allergies and bronchitis differ?

    Allergies and bronchitis are both common respiratory conditions that can often cause similar symptoms. However, there are some important differences between the two conditions that should be noted.

    Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to a particular substance, known as an allergen. Allergens can be anything from pollen or dust to certain foods or animal dander. When someone with an allergy comes into contact with an allergen, their immune system mistakenly believes it is harmful and responds by releasing histamines. Histamines cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, swelling, and sneezing. In some cases, anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction, can occur. Allergies can be seasonal, such as hay fever, or they can be year-round.

    Bronchitis, on the other hand, is an inflammation of the bronchi, the airways that carry air to and from the lungs. Bronchitis can be caused by a viral infection, such as the common cold, or by exposure to irritants, such as smoke or fumes. The symptoms of bronchitis include coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Bronchitis can be acute, meaning it comes on suddenly and only lasts for a short time, or it can be chronic, meaning it lasts for weeks or even months.

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    Hay Fever Pollution Hot Weather And Thunderstorms

    Lots of people find their hay fever is worse when theres high pollution, especially as hot weather makes pollution worse. Pollution molecules stick to pollen grains, so they hang about in the air longer and are harder to get out of your airways.

    Thunderstorms can also cause your symptoms to get worse or flare up, because they smash pollen into tiny bits that go deeper into your lungs.

    These three steps will reduce your risk of and asthma attack or your lung condition symptoms flaring up from pollen combined with heat, high pollution or thunderstorms:

    • Make sure you carry your reliever inhaler . If you have asthma and need to use it three or more times a week, book an urgent GP appointment.
    • Try to stay away from the trigger take extra care if youre out and about in the heat, or if the pollen count or the level of pollution is high. You could use a weather app on your phone to get weather and pollen alerts.
    • Take hay fever medicines to help reduce the allergic reaction that could be making your symptoms worse see our hay fever treatments page.

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    Clinical Diagnostics: A One Stop Service

    Most chest physicians would probably ask briefly about allergic rhinitis symptoms in patients presenting with asthma and would possibly consider adding in an intranasal corticosteroid to orally inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Some might even go as far as to perform anterior rhinoscopy using a simple light source or possibly an auriscope. Using anterior rhinoscopy it is possible to pick up gross anterior nasal abnormalities such as enlarged inferior turbinates, septal deviation, or large polyps. The use of anterior rhinoscopy, together with a detailed history and skin prick testing to common allergens will, in many cases, be sufficient for appropriate diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis in patients presenting with asthma. However, anterior rhinoscopy alone will often fail to detect sinusitis, small nasal polyps, and other abnormalities affecting the posterior nasal airway such as septal spurs and concha bullosa . Because of the poor sensitivity of plain sinus radiographs in detecting sinusitis, most otorhinolaryngologists have adopted rigid nasendoscopy as their preferred assessment of the nasal airway and sinus openings, and as the first line investigation for rhinosinusitis. Nasendoscopy is usually performed in the outpatient clinic under topical local anaesthesia using a rigid 2.7mm or 3.0mm Hopkins rod lens telescope. With limited training, nasendoscopy is well within the future capability of a sufficiently motivated total airway respiratory physician.

    Causes Of Allergic Bronchitis In Dogs


    When allergic bronchitis arises, the histamine that is released by the immune system, attacks the bronchial tubes, causing inflammation and swelling that can cause serious health concerns.There are several types of common environmental allergens that can trigger bronchitis. Common causes of allergic bronchitis can include:

    • Cigarette smoke

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    How Do Allergies Affect Lung Health

    Asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath are closely related to allergies. Allergens such as ragweed, pollen, animal dander, or dust mites can trigger these symptoms. Irritants in the air like smoke, chemical fumes, strong odors, or extreme weather conditions can also be triggers. In more extreme cases, hypersensitivity pneumonitis can occur. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is an allergic reaction that causes inflammation in the lung tissue and the smallest airways.

    What Is The Treatment

    Treatments for allergic and asthmatic bronchitis are generally similar and may include:


    Bronchodilators are drugs that relax the muscles around the airways. As the muscles relax, the airways open or widen, which often makes breathing easier. People take bronchodilators with a metered dose inhaler. Both short-acting and long-acting bronchodilators are available. Short-acting bronchodilators act quickly to reduce symptoms, but their effect is not long lasting. Long-acting bronchodilators do not relieve symptoms as quickly but control symptoms for longer.


    Steroids can also be used to treat allergic bronchitis. Steroids reduce inflammation in the bronchi. This action reduces coughing and can aid air flow in the lungs. Although steroids can be an intravenous or oral medication, a doctor will often administer them through an inhaler in cases of bronchitis. This allows the drugs to be delivered to the area requiring treatment faster and more effectively.


    A mucolytic drug is a drug that makes mucus thinner and less sticky. This makes it easier to cough up the mucus from the lungs. People can take mucolytics by mouth or through a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device that converts a liquid medicine into aerosol. A person can then breathe this aerosol.

    Oxygen therapy

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    Best Acupuncture Doctor Near Me

    To choose the Best doctor for Acupuncture, it’s important that the Acupuncturist should have a decade of experience and treated at least 1000 to 2000 patients. You can also search for the Best Acupuncture Doctor near me or ask your primary care physician to refer an experienced Acupuncturist nearby. Once you find the Best Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai, you may go through their google reviews first and then fix an appointment with the doctor only when you are satisfied with the reviews.The Best Acupuncture Doctor should address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable before your first session. Acupuncture usually takes numerous sessions or several weeks to get a complete cure in any ailment but within 3 or 4 sessions the patients will experience positive differences.

    Clinical Diagnosis Of Acute And Chronic Bronchitis And Its Treatment Using Acupuncture

    What is Bronchitis? Causes, Signs and symptoms, Diagnosis and treatment.

    Cough is one of the most common reasons patients seek medical attention.Chronic Bronchitis symptoms should be monitored intensively to allow early detection and prevention of COPD. In addition to COPD risk, Chronic Bronchitis may also increase mortality risk. . When acute exacerbations occur, the mortality is even larger. The frequent exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis increase morbidity and mortality worldwide, leading to recurrent hospitalizations, pulmonary function impairment, and chronic airway limitation.Although antibiotics and expectorants have obvious effects on Chronic Bronchitis, the most common side effects are typical rashes and gastrointestinal upset.

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    When To See Your Gp

    If you have hay fever, its likely that its triggering your asthma or lung condition symptoms if you:

    • have a tight feeling in your chest
    • are coughing more than usual
    • have asthma and are needing to use your reliever inhaler three times a week or more.

    If you start treatment quickly, you can get on top of your symptoms and reduce your risk of a potentially life-threatening asthma attack or a COPD exacerbation. Ask your GP for an urgent, same day appointment, or if your GP surgery is closed call 111 for advice.

    If you dont think you have hay fever, but your asthma or lung condition symptoms are getting worse, you should still see your GP urgently.

    Symptoms Of Allergic Bronchitis In Dogs

    Dogs tend to be more susceptible to an attack of allergic bronchitis after exertion. The wheezing that is the distinguishing symptom of this disorder is usually followed by a dry, hacking cough. Although mucus may be present in the bronchial tubes, the cough is non-productive. The continuing cough often causes the airways to constrict further, which restricts the amount of air entering the lungs, causing exhaustion and loss of appetite. If the lack of oxygen continues long enough, the gums will turn blue. When this occurs, the situation is life-threatening, and your pet needs emergency intervention.


    Chronic allergic bronchitis is allergic bronchitis that lasts or reoccurs over several months. The most common environmental allergies, like pollens, molds, and dust, usually cause chronic allergic bronchitis. Several circumstances can trigger episodes of chronic allergic bronchitis such as obesity in the patient, long-term exposure to cold temperatures, and changes in exertion levels.

    Acute allergic bronchitis is an allergic reaction that occurs either just once or over a period of just a few days or weeks. This may take place as a result of being triggered by an allergen that just isnt encountered often, or it may be that a particular condition is triggering an allergic reaction that otherwise is too mild to detect like a bacterial or viral illness, or cross-reactive allergies.

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