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HomeWhy Are My Allergies Worse When It Rains

Why Are My Allergies Worse When It Rains

Articles On Seasonal Allergies

Why are seasonal allergies so bad this year?

Do your eyes water on windy days? Are you always stuffy when it rains? That’s no surprise. Weather is a common allergy trigger.

The connection between your symptoms and the weather depends on what youâre allergic to. Here are a few common triggers:

  • Dry, windy days. Wind blows pollen into the air, causing hay fever. If you have pollen allergies, shut the windows and stay indoors on windy days.
  • Rainy or humid days. Moisture makes mold grow, both indoors and out. Dust mites also thrive in humid air. But if you’re allergic to pollen, humid or damp days are good. The moisture weighs down the pollen, keeping it on the ground.
  • Cold air. Many people with allergic asthma find that cold air is a problem, especially when they exercise outside. It can trigger a coughing fit.
  • Heat. Air pollution is worst on hot summer days. Ozone and smog can be a serious trigger for people with allergic asthma.

The change of seasons also has a big effect on allergies.

Extreme Temperatures Increase Heart Risk

When asked about the greatest exertion-related risk to patients with heart disease, cardiologist Steve Pollock, MD, director of St. Joseph’s Heart Institute in Towson, Md., doesn’t make a single mention of extreme activities like bungee jumping or deep-sea diving. “The only restriction I place on patients with heart disease is this: no shoveling snow,” he tells WebMD.

Already, people who suffer from heart disease can have narrowed coronary arteries. Add to these factors the additional exertion required for shoveling snow, and the scenario can quickly turn into a dangerous, even deadly, heart attack.

Extreme heat presents a problem too, as having heart disease makes it harder to regulate the body’s core temperature. “People forget they have heart disease. All of a sudden, they’re sweating profusely and dehydrated,” Pollock says, noting factors that can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Old age also predisposes people to heat-related illnesses. “Once you get past 65, the thermoregulatory system has a harder time staying balanced,” says meteorologist Scott Sheridan, PhD, associate professor of climatology at Kent State University.

The Chicago heat wave of 1995 bore this out. Of the 465 heat-related deaths that occurred then, more than half of the victims were 75 or older.

“The idea that certain groups are more vulnerable than others to weather extremes shouldn’t preclude anyone from protecting themselves,” warns Sheridan.

Activities Create Biggest Risks

She and Allen argue that the biggest risks in airline travel stem from activities like the pre-flight boarding process or when a flight is delayed and people are stuck on the plane. Marr, who has been wearing an air quality monitor when she travels, said CO2 levels are elevated during these aforementioned activities and are indicative of a lack of fresh air ventilation.;

The airport also presents other problems for travelers.

Allen suggests airports create more touchless experiences, upgrade their HVAC system, and require masks. Some updates have already been implemented in some airports or will be implemented in the future.;

Even though there are risks to flying, Marr and Allen say you are clear for takeoff this summer.;


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Tell Us About The Fight For Air Climb

The American Lung Associations Fight For Air Climb is the nations premier stair climbing challenge. At 38 events nationwide, children and adults of all ages participate in this celebratory stair-climbing adventure. Pre-pandemic, the Fight For Air Climb was held in several of our countrys most iconic skyscrapers. This year, the Lung Association invited participants outdoors for a one-of-a-kind adventure to support healthy lungs and clean air. In fact, Dale was among the companys team of more than 50 employees that climbed the stairs at Milwaukees American Family Field on May 22nd, proving he puts his feet, time, and talent behind causes he supports.

How Weather Affects Your Allergies

Why manchineel might be Earth

Allergy season can start as early as January and last well beyond the fall. If you suffer from pollen allergies the cold weather might give a long deserved break. However, if you suffer from mold and dust mite allergies winter is the beginning of a very long 89-day period. Add seasonal allergies to the mix and you could be looking at a prison sentence of itchy eyes, runny nose, and more year-round. So how does weather affect your allergies? Everything from temperature to climate can have an effect on how you feel throughout the year.

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How Do I Deal With This

The only way to avoid any of these reactions is to stay inside, which isnt all that realistic. Dr. Nicoara strongly believes in getting asthma and allergy symptoms under control. She explains, If you already have inflammation in your nose and sinuses from allergy or your lungs from asthma, anything that youre exposed to whether thats a fragrance or pollen is going to tip you over the edge and be a problem. Allergy treatment can tackle allergy related symptoms and reduce inflammation. By taking control of these conditions, the weather shouldnt cause much of a difference in your symptoms.

Custom sublingual immunotherapy with the La Crosse Method Protocol;may get those conditions under control for the long haul affordably and conveniently. For those with asthma induced by allergy, allergy drops may help to eliminate not only allergy symptoms, but may also eliminate asthma symptoms.

Schwartz Explains Why Rain Can Worsen Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, the arrival of spring can lead to itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and sniffling. According to doctors, rain can actually make allergies worse. The pollen thats in the air may cling to rain drops and literally get washed from the air, says;Stanley A. Schwartz, MD, PhD, UB Distinguished Professor of;medicine;and;pediatrics, who is chief of the;Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology. But rain can break up pieces of pollen on the ground, spreading them further. Rain can also indirectly make pollen counts worse by nourishing the plants that release pollen into the air, Schwartz says. Rain and warm weather all stimulate flowering plants, leading to more luxuriant plant growth, he notes. If you have a good warm and wet season, the pollen counts can end up being very high.

Also Check: How To Sleep Better With Allergies

Flights May Be Less Comfortable With Recommendations

He argues that airlines should continue disinfecting high-touch areas such as armrests and tray tables, stop in-flight food service, mandate mask-wearing, and ask patrons to keep their above ventilation fan on throughout the flight. While these adjustments make flying less enjoyable, they can help reduce in-flight virus transmission. Masks are currently required on public transportation.;

Allen is not the only one saying it is safe to resume flying.;

How Does Rain Make Allergies Worse

How To Tell The Difference Between Seasonal Allergy Symptoms, COVID Symptoms

Initially, a spring shower can seem like a good thing: The pollen thats in the air may cling to rain drops and literally get washed from the air, says Stanley Schwartz, M.D., Ph.D., division chief of Allergy-Immunology-Rheumatology at the University at Buffalo in New York.

But rain can also break up pieces of pollen on the ground, spreading them further. The pollen grains can rupture, and you get these fragments that remain in the air for quite some time, explains Catherine Monteleone, M.D., an allergist-immunologist and professor at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Those can get deep into your nose and lungs and cause allergy symptoms.

Rain can also indirectly make pollen counts worse by nourishing the plants that release pollen into the air, Dr. Schwartz says. Rain and warm weather all stimulate flowering plants, leading to more luxuriant plant growth, he says. If you have a good warm and wet season, the pollen counts can end up being very high.

Grass and weed pollen can be especially triggering for allergy sufferers, says Purvi Parikh, M.D., an allergist and immunologist with the Allergy & Asthma Network. For some people, it can be dangerous and trigger serious breathing issues and asthma attacks, she notes.

In rare situations, thunderstorms can trigger asthma attacks due to a phenomenon known as thunderstorm asthma, which is when a combination of air flow, humidity, and electricity stir up pollen in the air, triggering symptoms in some people.

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Causes Of Asthma Getting Worse In Rainy Season

In asthma the air passage become swollen. Swelling causes the air passage to secrete thick sticky mucus. Asthma also causes the muscles around the airways to constrict. All three factors; inflammation, mucus and constricted muscles lead to narrower air passage.

Climate change has been known to have great impact on asthma patients. The symptoms of asthmatic patients flare up during rains and many of them have to visit emergency room. The pollen grains are likely to break open during rain and thunderstorm. They release micro allergen particles in the air which can penetrate in airway. Wind during rain can blow molds and pollen. Both these allergens increase the risk of acute asthmatic attack among people prone to asthma.

Lightning and thunderstorm with rain can lead to formation of ozone in the air. It is believed to trigger acute asthmatic attacks in some people. Often due to increased allergy during rain, patient suffers from sinusitis which is also known to increase the risk of bronchospasm. Extreme humidity during rain is a trigger for acute asthma.

Can You Tell Us About The American Lung Associations Mission

The American Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. Our work is focused on four strategic imperatives: to defeat lung cancer; champion clean air for all; improve the quality of life for those with lung disease and their families; and create a tobacco-free future. Whether its searching for cures to lung diseases, keeping kids off tobacco, or advocating for laws that protect the air we breathe, the work of the American Lung Association helps to save lives every day.

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Moderate Rain Is Best For Allergies

Some rain is good, but heavy rain showers can lead to problems for people who suffer from mold, dust, and grass allergies.

Rain causes plant growth , and it can also create damp conditions that lead to mold and mildew.

Additionally, during a rainstorm , the force of the falling rain can splinter clumps of pollen into many, many smaller particles that can spread more rapidly. For this reason, its a good idea to stay out of rainstorms if youre sensitive to pollen.

To wrap up, is rain good for allergies? Moderate showers can knock down pollen levels temporarily, but heavy showers can actually increase several types of allergens.

So keep an eye on the weather this spring, and after light showers hit your area, take a step outside and breathe in that fresh April air.

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America:

The Weather Channel:

While it may feel to some like the war against COVID-19 is over, the Delta variant is spreading through both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Subsequently, there are other variants being monitored by the World Health Organization. As pharmaceutical companies and health officials try to stay ahead of these variants, mechanical ventilation can serve as a trusted and effective solution since we spend 90% of our lives indoors.;

Fight For Healthy Air

Why is my hay fever worse when it rains?

At Aprilaire, we believe everyone deserves to Breathe the Fullness of Life, and were not the only ones that feel this way. Through our Proud Partnership with the American Lung Association, we aim to fill every home with Healthy Air. Both Aprilaire and the Lung Association believe that breathing Healthy Air should be available to everyone, and maintaining healthy Indoor Air Quality is an important step for your lung health. Read more about our partnership and the efforts of the American Lung Association on their website.

*Disclaimer: The American Lung Association does not endorse any product, device, or service.


Air quality experts say that it is safe to resume flying, but travelers must take advanced precautions before traveling like taking shorter flights when possible, wearing masks, and social distancing.;

In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, Joseph Allen, an assistant professor of exposure assessment science at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, makes the case that airplanes do not make you sick. In fact, airplanes have comparable levels of air filtration and fresh air ventilation to a health care facility.;

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Perfume And Other Strong Odors

Just like cigarette smoke, strong odors can set off ailments in anyone. “Perfume, cologne, nail polish, paint fumes anything you can think of that puts off a strong smell can trigger nasal symptoms,” Dr. Schaffer said.

Again, these irritants can make seasonal suffering worse as well.

NEXT: A summer danger

Cold Weather Thunderstorms Can Trigger Asthma Attacks

For people with asthma, a variety of triggers can result in inflamed airways, provoking an asthma attack. It turns out weather is one of them.

With exercise-induced asthma, cold weather can signal trouble. “When breathing in fast, the air they exchange doesn’t have a chance to warm up,” says David Hagaman, MD, medical director at the Vanderbilt Asthma, Sinus and Allergy Program. As a result, the increased cooling of the airway triggers the airway to react by swelling.

For the many asthma patients who list pollen as a primary trigger, thunderstorms can be a real problem. A recent study in the journal Allergy described how wind in thunderstorms carries pollen grains at ground level that get into the lower part of the airway, sending high numbers of asthma patients to hospitals for the treatment of asthma attacks.

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Allergic Asthma & Thunderstorm Asthma

Humidity can also cause big problems, especially for those with asthma. Dr. Nicoara explains that humidity causes more congestion, which makes it more difficult for those with asthma to breathe. For those with allergic asthma who are feeling more symptoms because of the rain, its a double whammy. Theres a larger margin for asthma attacks in these conditions.

Theres a more extreme version of this called thunderstorm asthma. This occurrence has been reported primarily in Australia, but there have also been reports in Europe and our own backyard. Dr. Nicoara explains it simply, Grass pollen gets sucked into the atmosphere and in the storm clouds. When its up there, the grass pollen picks up moisture. They get big and then they burst, and each grain of grass pollen can create up to 700 smaller particles of pollen. And then because of the way the storm works, with a colder flow of air, all of this junk comes to the ground. This has been known to cause asthma attacks for those with asthma, and even some who arent diagnosed asthmatics.

Additionally, if your climate has more humidity or rain than normal, mold and dust mite levels can rise above normal. Both of these allergens live best in damp conditions, not only in your home, but outside, too! For those with multiple allergies, this makes for a not so fun combination of triggers.

How Did Aprilaire And The American Lung Association Come To Work Together In The First Place What Does That Relationship Look Like Presently

Potent pollen triggering spring allergy attacks

Aprilaire and the American Lung Association forged a new relationship in 2018. We quickly realized how much we had in common. Our partnership was developed as we saw an opportunity to educate and help more consumers improve the air in their homes to create a healthier environment.

Since 2020, Aprilaire has been a Proud Partner of the Lung Association with its 4 residential air filters. Additionally, Aprilaire joined the Lung Association as our FY20 National Fight For Air Climb Partner For Healthy Air. The company has also supported the Lung Associations Stand Up For Clean Air campaign. As part of this initiative, we are driving conversations around air quality, climate, and health. The Lung Association invited people to share their #MyCleanAirStoryknowing that when people realize climate and air quality are impacting the health of their neighbors, friends, and loved onesthey are more willing to act. Aprilaire provided prizes for the #MyCleanAirStory contest, including one grand prize of a whole-home Indoor Air Quality upgrade and nine Aprilaire Room Air Purifiers. This year, the company stepped up once again to sponsor the Wisconsin Fight For Air Climb in Milwaukee. Also in 2021, the Lung Association welcomed Dale Philippi, President and CEO of Research Products Corporation, Aprilaires parent company, to the Lung Associations Wisconsin Leadership Board of Directors.

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Does Rain Make Allergies Worse

Rain itself doesn’t make allergies worse, but the ways a shower or storm affects the environment can cause you to feel an uptick in your symptoms. Sanjeev Jain, MD, PhD, a board-certified allergist and immunologist at Columbia Allergy, explained that most allergy symptoms are caused by breathing in microscopic amounts of pollens and other environmental allergens that cover outdoor surfaces or float in the air. Rain can actually help wash out this pollen, resulting in a temporary decrease in pollen counts in the weather-affected area. “When there is less pollen to inhale, symptoms are less likely to occur,” Dr. Jain told POPSUGAR.

However, the relief is often short-lived. “Although allergy sufferers may notice an improvement in symptoms while it is actively raining, as the rain starts to dry up they may notice a worsening of allergy symptoms,” Dr. Jain said. “The pollen that was washed out of the air can now be found on the ground and can start circulating in the air again once dried.” Furthermore, plants and flowers begin to bloom after receiving a watering from the rain. This combined with any wind can cause allergy symptoms to flare up and be even worse than the symptoms you experienced before.


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