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HomeHealthWhat To Do For A Baby With Seasonal Allergies

What To Do For A Baby With Seasonal Allergies

What Helps With Allergies When Pregnant

Infant Allergies | Baby Care Basics | Parents

Step-by-Step Care:

  • Try to avoid your allergy triggers.
  • Use saline nose spray to ease your congestion.
  • Keep animals out of your bedroom.
  • Vacuum often.
  • Use the air conditioner to keep humidity low and irritants out of the house.
  • Shower and wash your hair after being outdoors if pollen sets off your allergies.
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    Signs Of Allergies In Toddlers

    Allergy symptoms usually come on suddenly and usually last for as long as a child is exposed to the allergen. Symptoms can include:

    • Congestion
    • Runny nose with clear drainage
    • Sneezing

    At first, it can be difficult for parents to tell the difference between allergies or an infection such as a cold, said Jameel T. Clark, M.D., pediatrician with Norton Childrens Medical Group Dixie. One telltale sign it may be allergies is if your child is rubbing their nose and eyes. They may develop a line on their nose from rubbing the nose.

    Can Babies Have Seasonal Allergies

    Now that spring is finally here, weve also entered allergy season. So we were wondering: Can babies have seasonal allergies? Pediatrician Jack Maypole, MD, weighs in.

    Conventional medical wisdom says babies over a year old can have allergies, says Maypole, who is also an Educational Advisory Board member for The Goddard School. You have to see some seasons before you have symptoms of seasonal allergies!

    Look for a trio of symptoms in your baby, including itchy eyes, a runny or stuffy nose and wheezing. But, um, dont try to make a diagnosis based on the color of babys boogers.

    Babies or toddlers can have clear tears from their nose. They can also have mucusy, green conjunctivitis we call allergic pink eye. You cant make a diagnosis based on color, says Maypole, noting that many parents think green means sickness and clear means allergies.

    So if baby has these symptoms, what do you do? If hes over 12 months old, you have the green light on Benadryl. But Maypole recommends starting with a gentler approach.

    If your child has the sniffles, steam up the bathroom. Moisture and water vapor can thin out mucus, he says. Thats a great thing to do before bedtime.

    If youre concerned about baby having allergies, especially if an older sibling already has them, youll want to talk to your pediatrician and begin tracking symptoms. If symptoms become disruptive or persistent, its probably time to go to an allergist.

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    Must Dos For Kids With Seasonal Allergies

    Its always wonderful when winter ends and spring finally appearsunless you have hay fever.

    Hay fever, or seasonal allergies, is very common and can be really uncomfortable. While its not always easy to tell a cold from allergies, its more likely to be allergies if theres no fever, if eyes are itchy, if theres lots of sneezingand if it lasts longer than a few days.

    The good news is that there are some simple things that you can do to make your child and anyone else in the house that has hay fever feel better.

  • Close the windows. After a long winter its tempting to open them, but dont because that lovely fresh air brings pollen in with it. If you have an air conditioner, run it.
  • Wash up and change when you get home. Speaking of bringing pollen in, you also do a good job of that when you come inside. The allergy sufferer should definitely change clothes and wash his hands and face when he comes in, but its not a bad idea for everyone to do the same, as you all could be pollen-carriers. Try to keep your house as pollen-free as possible. The room where this is particularly important is the bedroom, as thats where your child spends the most time. If possible, try to keep your child out of his bedroom during the day and have him bathe before bed.
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    The Food and Drug Administration has recently approved the prescription antihistamine Zyrtec for the treatment of year-round allergies in infants as young as 6 months old. Its the first and only antihistamine over-the-counter or prescription demonstrated with clinical trials to be safe in infants this young.

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    Can Young Children Get Seasonal Allergies

    Seasonal allergies are very rare in kids under 1, who are more likely to suffer from eczema or food allergies. Although most cases of seasonal allergies crop up between the ages of 3 and 5 years old, some little ones begin to suffer from allergies as young as 1 or 2 years old .

    Seasonal Allergies And Your Child

    Springtime in Middle Tennessee brings beautiful weather, blooming trees, and suddenly the hillsides are bursting with green! Although it is such a pretty season, not everyone enjoys it equally. Many people in Middle Tennessee suffer from seasonal allergies and often these allergies begin to develop in childhood.

    Allergies occur because the individuals immune system is reacting to something, or an allergen. Allergens can include pollen, dust, mold, animal dander, smoke, foods, etc. It is not surprising that springtime pollen can trigger an allergic response in many people, especially when you see the dense green substance covering vehicles every morning. Oftentimes, the tendency to have seasonal allergies runs in the family. Many parents will note that their child develops allergies to the same types of things in the environment that trigger the parents own allergies.

    Symptoms of allergies can be very similar to having a cold. These symptoms can include sneezing, clear nasal drainage, cough, headache, sore throat and itchy, watery eyes. Allergies can cause the skin around the eyes to look puffy and dark. Other areas of skin can also be affected by allergies and dry, itchy, red patches may develop. One main difference between allergies and the common cold is that allergies are not usually accompanied by a fever.

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    How Do You Treat Seasonal Allergies

    After youve taken steps to limit your childs exposure to allergy triggers, choose a treatment that addresses specific symptoms. For example, by alleviating itchy, blurry eyes, you can improve your childs sleep and mood.There are a number of prescription and over-the-counter medications that can help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms. Be sure to talk to your family pediatrician about the best option for your child.Read labels carefully for the active ingredient. Do not give your child more than one oral antihistamine at a time unless under the direction of a healthcare provider. However, most antihistamine eye drops and nose sprays can be given together along with an oral antihistamine.

    Seasonal Allergies: The Tip Of The Iceberg

    The Kid Fix – How do I treat my child’s seasonal allergies?

    Little is still known about the causes of allergies, which are many. Atopy is a hereditary predisposition to allergies that afflict many children. Children with this hypersensitivity can suffer from different allergies or illnesses at various stages in their development. In this context, it is generally recognized that seasonal allergies often go hand in hand with other early childhood diseases, such as:

    • food allergies
    • eczema
    • asthma.

    The first signs of allergies are often food allergies and eczema that can be seen on nursing infants. A little later in infancy, symptoms of allergic rhinitis can develop.

    If your child suffers from asthma or eczema, the symptoms might temporarily worsen during the seasonal allergy period. Sometimes it may be necessary to increase medication when this happens: the child will have to use an asthma inhaler more often, or apply more eczema cream or unguent.

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    Safe Otc Allergy Meds To Take During Pregnancy

    These over-the-counter allergy meds have no known harmful effects during pregnancy when you take them according to the package directions.

    Note: Do not take the D forms of these medications in your first trimester.

    Check with your doctor before taking any medicines during your pregnancy. Be especially cautious in the first trimester, a crucial time for your babys development.

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    Quick Answer: How Do I Know If My Baby Has Seasonal Allergies

    You childs allergy symptoms may be much like cold symptoms: Runny nose, clear drainage, sneezing, itchy eyes or throat. If its a cold, your child may feel sick and not have much energy. But with allergies, he or she may feel fine except for the itchy eyes and runny nose.

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    Don’t Skimp On Exercise

    Even if your child is feeling a little under the weather because of allergy symptoms, its still good to promote physical activity. “Exercise is a great way to improve overall health and also reduce allergy symptoms,” Stukus explains. “Physical activity improves blood flow, increases breathing rate, and can serve as a wonderful distraction from annoying allergy symptoms.” The boost in circulation may improve the ability of immune system cells to travel throughout the body, according to the Harvard Medical School. However, if your child has outdoor allergies, avoid outdoor exercise on very high pollen days. Opt for fun indoor activities instead.

    Other Ways To Alleviate Symptoms

    Top 3 Myths About Seasonal Allergies Symptoms

    Parents can alleviate symptoms naturally as well. When the pollen count is high or the trees start sprouting in the spring, try to minimize the time outside. When your baby or toddler does spend time outside, it can be helpful to clean everything that could contain pollen. Taking shoes off at the door can keep pollen that is picked up by the shoes from getting tracked into the house. Get the baby out of the clothing and wash it to get the pollen off. A bath can also provide your little one with some relief it will wash away any pollen on the skin and hair. Pets that go outside should be washed as well to prevent pollen from getting into the house.

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    Symptoms Of Nasal Allergies

    • Clear nasal discharge with sneezing, sniffing, and itching of nose
    • Eye allergies also can occur
    • Ear and sinus congestion or fullness can occur
    • Throat can also feel scratchy or have a tickly feeling at times
    • Itchy ear canals, itchy skin or hoarse voice sometimes also occur
    • Symptoms happen during pollen season
    • Same symptoms during the same month of the last year
    • Past diagnosis by a doctor is helpful
    • No fever

    How Do You Help A Child With Seasonal Allergies

    Allergies suck. But thankfully, they can be managed.

    • You may not be able to keep your little one inside for the rest of their life, but you can reduce triggers by keeping them indoors during allergy season and on windy days.
    • The best days to go outside are the ones after a storm because the rain clears the pollen from the air.
    • If someone is doing lawn or garden work, make sure they take a shower afterwards or before coming in contact with the baby.
    • Always take off your outside clothes and your babys.
    • Although it may be more eco-friendly, avoid hanging laundry outside to dry. Like your outside clothes, pollen can stick to any fabric, including your sheets.
    • Try to keep the windows and doors closed in the house.
    • Invest in a dehumidifier. Itll help keep the air free of pollen.
    • A stuffy nose is the worse. So if you want to clear your babys breathing passage, a saline solution will do the trick. You can buy it from the drugstore or you can mix warm water with a teaspoon of salt. Wipe your kiddos nose with it and try to get a little inside .
    • Check the forecast in the morning to see what the pollen count is. If its high, wear a mask. And thanks to COVID-19, youll probably already be wearing one. Just avoid being outside for long periods of time during these pollen-heavy days.
    • To avoid making your allergy symptoms worse, avoid eating lots of dairy products. Instead, drink water to help clear your system and replace fluids you may have lost because of your runny nose.

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    Treating Allergies In Babies And Toddlers

    Your child’s treatment may depend on the type of allergy they have. In general, the doctor may recommend the following to help with symptoms:

    • Pills or liquids called antihistamines to ease skin rashes or a runny nose
    • Inhalers to use when your child has trouble breathing
    • An EpiPen for emergency treatment of a life-threatening reaction
    • Administering peanut immunotherapy drops under the tongue

    Show Sources

    Hot And Cold Compresses

    How can I help my child with seasonal allergies?

    Allergies can make your little one feel miserable, but that doesnât mean you canât make it better. You can help them avoid things that trigger their symptoms. And you can also learn about medicines that fight allergies. Home treatments can work, too. To ease sinus pressure, start by rinsing their face to remove any pollen. Then put a warm compress on their face, either the nose or forehead. Just ask where they feel pressure. A cold, wet washcloth or an ice pack wrapped in a towel for a short time can relieve itchy eyes.

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    Do Allergies Get Worse During Pregnancy

    It depends on the woman and the severity of allergies during pregnancy. About one-third of moms-to-be find their allergy symptoms tend to worsen during pregnancy. Another one-third find their allergy symptoms stay the same. And another one-third find their allergy symptoms actually improve during pregnancy.

    Remove Pollen From Clothing And Bodies

    Once your children are done playing outside, you should do your best to keep the outdoors out. That means changing out of and washing pollen-dusted clothes.

    You should also encourage showering or bathing in order to clean the pollen off your childs hair and exposed skin. Your child can also wear a washable hat or handkerchief over their hair when outside to reduce exposure. If a shower isnt in the cards, remember to wash your childs hands, face, and other exposed areas when back indoors.

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    Quick Check: Is It A Cold Or Allergies

    One thing you always want to be sure of, no matter how young or old your child, is whether or not the allergy-related symptoms theyre exhibiting are caused by actual allergies or, instead, the common cold. Since theres a lot of overlap in the various symptoms, you dont want to make the mistake of picking an incorrect treatment.

    Look at when and how your baby exhibits their symptoms. Colds can last up to two weeks in a baby, while allergies can last an entire season. A fever may also accompany a cold, but fevers are very rarely present during an allergic reaction.

    Is It Allergies Or A Cold

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    When your kid has the sniffles, there are a few tell-tale signs to distinguish between allergies and a cold. A big one is a fever, which wont show up with allergies but can rear its head during a common cold or similar respiratory illnesses. Sneezing is probably the most recognizable sign of allergies, but look for dark circles under your kids eyes or watery eyes, which are also typical. If you and your children have the same allergies, check in on them when youre feeling particularly congested. If your allergies are acting up, theirs probably are, too.

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    Allergy Medicine For Babies Under 2

    Popular baby allergy medicine options include Zyrtec and Allegra, both of which can be given to children as young as six months old. Its vital, however, to talk to your pediatrician before you give any allergy medicine to your child and that you follow proper concentration and dosing recommendations.

    How Can I Manage My Hay Fever While Pregnant

    Its important you take special care with your medicines during pregnancy since some may affect your unborn baby.

    One way to reduce your need for hay fever medicines, while keeping your baby safe, is to try to avoid any known triggers or allergens. This can be a challenge if you do not know what you are allergic to. Your doctor may refer you to an allergy clinic to help you find out whats causing your allergy symptoms.

    There are allergy medicines that are safe for you to take while you are pregnant, including some but not all antihistamine tablets and syrups, eye drops and nasal sprays, including corticosteroids and decongestants.

    Your pharmacist or doctor can advise you on what medicines you can take while pregnant to help with your hay fever symptoms while minimising the risk to your baby.

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    How To Help Your Child Get Relief From Seasonal Allergies

    “I dont feel good.”

    These are never words you want to hear from your child, especially not when theyre battling an itchy, runny nose and red, itchy eyes. With such similar symptoms to the common cold, identifying seasonal allergies in kids can be difficult at first.

    To help determine if your child is indeed suffering from allergies, ask yourself: Do their symptoms linger well beyond the typical seven to 10 days you would expect from the common cold? If thats the case, your child may actually suffer from seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Read on to find out more about how to tell if your child has seasonal allergies, whats best for children with allergies, and how to treat your childs allergy symptoms.

    Up to 80 percent of childrenwho have parents with

    Children between the ages of12 to 17 experience seasonalallergies at a higher rate thanchildren under the age of 12.

    Seasonal allergies affectchildren in western states at ahigher rate than other regions.


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