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HomeCauseDo Allergies Cause Stuffy Nose

Do Allergies Cause Stuffy Nose

Home Remedies For The Stuffy Nose

Stuffy Nose from Allergies? What an Allergist recommends.

There are a number of home remedies for a stuffy nose. They greatly help in improving the condition of the person afflicted with this condition. Some of the remedies for a stuffy nose are as follows:

Using a humidifier

Humidifiers are devices that emit water vapor or steam and help to raise the humidity in the air. A humidifier not only reduces sinus pain but also relieves a stuffy nose. It is useful for clearing up bloody noses and cracked lips as well. Breathing in the moist air soothes irritated tissues and reduces the swelling in the blood vessels of your nose and sinuses. They also help thin the mucus in your sinuses. This helps empty the fluids in your nose, returning your breathing back to normal. However, before you use a humidifier take care to ensure that it is not dirty, as it can spread disease. Also, ensure that your doctor is also aware that you are using a humidifier for medical reasons.

Taking a hot shower

It is a common observation that after a shower, you not only feel clean and delightful but also energetic and healthy. Taking a shower helps your body to relax, the inflammation in your nose to reduce, and mucus to thin out. This leads to normal breathing at least for a while. It is actually the steam in the hot shower that is working the wonders.

Using a neti pot to drain out your sinuses

Keep yourself hydrated with juices

Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of A Stuffy Nose Fast

Are you have tired of having difficulty breathing or excess mucus? Nasal congestion does not necessarily mean a cold. Some other conditions can also cause these symptoms to include flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, fever, allergies, and a stuffy nose.

A stuffy nose, also called nasal congestion, is caused by inflammation of blood vessels in the nose and swelling of the nasal tissue. This can result in excess mucus in the nose that no longer drains, thus blocking the nose. Nasal congestion can make it difficult to breathe. Other symptoms include sinusitis, nasal congestion, and headaches.

Fortunately, some home remedies can effectively get rid of a stuffy nose fast! Even better, the materials used in these methods are very common you can easily find them in your home.

How Does A Humidifier Help Stuffy Nose And Common Cold

Weather changes, dust accumulation, and the spread of pollens all result in allergies. Some people struggle with mucus build-up in their noses, while others are stuck with sore throats. Now, if the breathing air around already cold afflicted people is too dry, theyll have difficulty breathing. Another common effect of dry air is thickening the phlegm and mucus in the nasal passage.

But when you use a humidifier, it works as an effective nasal decongestant. The optimum moisture level in the indoor air is 50%, and you can easily manage that with a humidifier. Inhaling warm and slightly moist air wont irritate your nose or throat, resulting in lasting comfort and controlled sneezing. People with dust allergies swear by the humidifiers benefits because these handy devices overpower their allergy triggers.

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Allergic Rhinitis In Children

Children can develop allergic rhinitis too, and it typically appears before the age of 10. If you notice that your child develops cold-like symptoms at the same time each year, they probably have seasonal allergic rhinitis.

The symptoms in children are similar to those in adults. Children usually develop watery, bloodshot eyes, which is called allergic conjunctivitis. If you notice wheezing or shortness of breath in addition to other symptoms, your child may have also developed asthma.

If you believe your child has allergies, see your doctor. Its important to receive the correct diagnosis and treatment.

If your child does have significant seasonal allergies, limit your childs exposure to allergens by keeping them inside when pollen counts are high. Washing their clothes and sheets frequently during allergy season and vacuuming regularly may also be useful. Many different treatments are available to help your childs allergies. However, some medications can cause side effects, even in small doses. Always talk to your doctor before treating your child with any over-the-counter allergy medication.

The best way to prevent allergy symptoms is to manage your allergies before your body has a chance to respond to substances adversely. Consider the following preventive measures for the particular allergens youre sensitive to:

Can Allergic Rhinitis Be Prevented Or Avoided

What To Do When Your Stuffy Nose Won

Allergic rhinitis cannot be prevented. You can help your symptoms by avoiding the things that cause your symptoms, including:

  • Keeping windows closed. This is especially important during high-pollen seasons.
  • Washing your hands after petting animals.
  • Using dust- and mite-proof bedding and mattress covers.
  • Wearing glasses outside to protect your eyes.
  • Showering before bed to wash off allergens from hair and skin.

You can also avoid things that can make your symptoms worse, such as:

  • Aerosol sprays.
  • Wood smoke.

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What Is An Allergen

An allergy is a reaction to a substance called an allergen. Common allergens include:

  • Wind-borne pollen

  • Mold

  • Furry and feathered animals

  • Pests, such as cockroaches or rodents in a home or other building

Normally allergens are harmless. But when a person has allergies, the body thinks these allergens are harmful. The body then attacks allergens with antibodies. Allergy antibodies are attached to special cells called mast cells. Allergens stick to the antibodies. This makes the mast cells release histamine and other chemicals. This is an allergic reaction. The chemicals irritate nearby nasal tissue. This causes nasal allergy symptoms. When this happens in the breathing tubes of the lungs, it can cause asthma symptoms such as cough and wheeze.

If Your Nose Is Itching It May Be Allergic Rhinitis

It’s easy to dismiss hay fever as a minor nuisance. But call it by its proper name, allergic rhinitis, and you’ll be on the way to recognizing it as a legitimate medical problem. Add the fact that it affects about one of every five Americans and drains the economy of billions of dollars each year, and you’ll see that it’s an important problem indeed. Fortunately, it’s also a problem that responds very well to treatment.

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How Are Your Ears Affected

Our ears are made up of three parts the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Allergic reactions can cause the outer ear to itch or swell. The middle ear contains the Eustachian tube, which acts as a drainage tube of sorts. When mucus clogs the middle ear it affects that drainage. Pressure builds, which can lead to discomfort, popping in the ears or an earache. Your middle ear may itch as well. The inner ear is filled with fluid, and if this fluid becomes infected, you may suffer dizziness, ringing in the ear or loss of balance.

Sometimes a stuffy nose and sinus pressure can radiate to the ears, causing pressure or earaches.

Some people experience a short-term hearing loss due to an allergic reaction. This is known as conductive hearing loss and usually is temporary and resolves itself when the allergies subside.

Young children commonly experience middle ear infections, which may be triggered by allergies. These infections are known as otitis media. If these occur often, a professional may recommend allergy tests.

This Is How To Tell If Your Sore Throat Is Covid Doctors Say

Natural Remedy for a Stuffy Nose

A sore throat can be scary, but it can be brought on by a number of different issues.

Waking up during a pandemic isnt always easy. Some of the most common experiencessuch as a minor, dry throat in the morningcan make you scared that you contracted the virus. As it turns out, there are quite a number of things that can cause a sore throat, which is both fortunate in that it may not be COVID, but also unfortunate as it can be hard to be sure youre coronavirus-free. According to experts, however, there are a few ways to tell if your sore throat is COVID or something else entirely. Keep reading to find out the signs your sore throat is not COVID, and for more symptoms to look out for, This Is How to Tell If Your Cough Is COVID, Doctors Say.

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Symptoms Of Allergic Rhinitis

Nearly everyone with allergic rhinitis complains of an itchy, stuffy, runny nose. Sneezing is nearly as common, and a post-nasal drip can trigger coughing. Typical symptoms extend beyond the nose to include an itchy or sore throat and itchy, burning, watery eyes that may look red due to allergic conjunctivitis.

Treating Allergies And Sinusitis


  • Know your allergy triggers and avoid exposure to them when possible. Board certified allergists at Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center can help to identify the specific things you are allergic to.
  • Over the counter medications including antihistamines and nasal steroid sprays can be effective in controlling mild allergy symptoms. If you are not responding to these medications, your allergist can discuss prescription medications.
  • Some patients benefit from allergen immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots. This involves injections of tiny amounts of the allergens to which you are allergic to help the immune system develop tolerance to them.


  • If your symptoms are not responding to allergy treatment and are lasting for more than 7-10 days, you may need further evaluation by your physician. In the meantime, over the counter treatments such as antihistamines, decongestants, and saline sinus rinses can provide symptomatic relief.

Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center is a regional care center with 15 board certified allergists to serve you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our allergy practices in the Charlotte area.

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How Do Doctors Diagnose The Cause Of Nasal Congestion

Your doctor will perform a comprehensive exam and may look at your nose through a flexible light called an endoscope. Your doctor will look at the nasal and sinus passages for signs of inflammation, discharge, abnormal structures, and nasal polyps.

To diagnose your condition, your doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner will ask you several questions related to your nasal congestion including:

  • How long have you been experiencing a stuffy nose?

  • Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as fever, pain, or difficulty breathing?

  • When do your symptoms occur? Are they constant or do they come and go?

  • Does anything make your symptoms better or worse?

Other Causes Of Nasal Congestion

How do you get rid of a stuffy nose? What is nasal congestion?

The combination of some or all of the following symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, nasal stuffiness and itching, are called rhinitis. Rhinitis can result from a variety of causes. These causes include non-allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, rhinitis due to colds or sinus infections, rhinitis due to pregnancy or certain medications, and rhinitis due to alterations in the sinus and nasal anatomy.

Vasomotor rhinitis has symptoms that are very similar to nasal allergies but the cause of the symptoms is different. People with vasomotor rhinitis can have their symptoms triggered by physical factors such as temperature changes, humidity changes, strong odors, air pollution and smoke. Sometimes there is no clear trigger. Vasomotor rhinitis is often referred to as a migraine of the nose and in fact there are some people that have associated migraine headaches. While there is no cure for vasomotor rhinitis, there are many medications to help with symptoms include nasal steroid and nasal antihistamine sprays, sinus saline irrigation, and in some cases ipatroprium bromide nasal spray.

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Try A Decongestant Nasal Spray

While Flonase is an allergy relief nasal spray, similar looking products like or are better equipped to treat nasal congestion brought on by the common cold and other causes. But use these products cautiously. While they may clear out your stuffy nose at first, using the medication for more than three days can cause the blood vessels to clamp down, leaving you more congested, Dr. Tung cautions.

Pay Close Attention To Symptoms To Determine If Cause Is Sinus Infection Or Allergies

Dear Mayo Clinic:

I have long suffered from allergies. But there have been times when I haven’t been sure if my symptoms are really from my allergies or may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference?


Allergies and sinus infections are often mistaken for one another. But they are two separate conditions. By paying close attention to the specific symptoms you have, you can usually identify which one is more likely to be causing the problem.

A sinus infection, also called sinusitis, affects the cavities around your nasal passages. The infection causes your sinuses to become inflamed and swollen. The swelling makes it hard for your sinuses to drain, and mucus builds up. You become congested and have trouble breathing through your nose. Sinusitis often causes thick yellow or green nasal discharge. A sore throat, cough or headache, as well as pressure or tenderness around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead, may also accompany sinusitis.

In most cases, viruses cause sinusitis. These viral infections usually go away on their own within a week to 10 days. Self-care measures such as extra rest and fluids along with over-the-counter pain relievers and decongestants can help. When sinusitis is caused by bacteria, the infection may not require treatment, either. But if it is persistent or severe, then antibiotics such as amoxicillin, doxycycline and others may be used to treat the infection.

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Consider Some Alternatives To The Pharmacy

When youre congested, the simple act of breathing can be a challenge. Whatever the cause a sinus infection, allergies, a cold, or the flu dealing with congestion can leave you feeling tired and dreary.

Whats happening inside your head when you have nasal congestion? The nose has a vast network of blood vessels with valves that open and close, says Scott P. Stringer, MD, professor and chairman of otolaryngology and communication sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. When the nose is stimulated by any irritant, the nervous system is also stimulated, causing valves to open, which results in more blood entering the nose. This causes swelling in your nasal passages, which makes it difficult to breathe.

Since sinus infections, colds, and allergies dont just leave you congested and often come with a host of other symptoms, you might contemplate taking one or several drugs to end the misery. Yet doubling or tripling up on medication types is dangerous, and you may not find the relief you seek with over-the-counter meds or through a prescription.

Although over-the-counter options, such as , are often used to treat the stuffiness and headache caused by congestion, theres significant risk of becoming dependent on these drugs, and they can leave you worse off in other ways, too.

Treatments For Nasal Congestion

Inferior Turbinates: what are they, why do they swell, stuffy nose, congestion, how do we treat

It is very important to visit a board-certified physician who specializes in nasal and sinus issues to help you pinpoint exactly whats wrong. Being treated for the wrong condition can actually make your symptoms even worse. For example, often people are treated for allergies when, in fact, they have an easily corrected deviated septum. Some people have had unnecessary surgery for polyps, when they actually had a fungal allergy that could have been cured with a mixture of compounded nasal medications. Dont let this happen to you.

Depending on what is causing your nasal congestion, medical treatments may include:

  • Culture-specific antibiotic therapy
  • Culture-specific compounded antibiotic nasal sprays
  • Endoscopy sinus cultures

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Risk Factors For Allergy

Allergies develop when your body overreacts to a foreign substance in your environment, such as pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mold. Your immune system views these allergens as a threat to your health and begins to fight them off. This is what causes your allergy symptoms.

Common allergy symptoms include:

  • Headache

Use Saline Sprays For Better Hydration

Using a saline spray may be the most effective way of hydration when you have nasal congestion. The saline spray helps to thin the mucus out and reduces the inflammation of the sinuses. Both of these help to reduce nasal congestion. In addition, some saline sprays have decongestants which also work to reduce nasal congestion. Do consult a doctor before using a nasal spray with a decongestant. The symptoms of a stuffy nose can get worse if you use a saline spray with decongestants for more than 3 days.

Use a warm compress

A warm compress is one of the easiest ways to clear a stuffy nose. Dip a towel in warm water. Drain excess water from the wet towel. Fold it and place it on the forehead above the nose. If there is any lingering pain the nose, it can help provide relief from the same. It will also reduce the inflammation and provide relief from a stuffy nose.

Use decongestants

  • High blood pressure thatâs not under control
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid problems

Take antihistamines or allergy medicines

Taking allergy medicines or antihistamines might help with a stuffy nose if the clogged nose is a result of an allergic reaction. It helps reduce the swelling in the nasal passage, thus reducing the stuffiness in the nose. Sometimes an antihistamine or allergy medicine is used in combination with a decongestant. When done so, it may help alleviate the symptoms of a stuffy nose faster. Consult your doctor for more details on this.

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Why You Shouldnt Wait To Treat Allergies

But there are good reasons why you shouldnt wait to treat allergies. If allergy symptoms arent treated early, they can actually get worse over time, Sublett says. Here are five allergy symptoms you shouldnt ignore and what you can do about them. A runny or stuffy nose is one of the most common symptoms.


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