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Are There Seasonal Allergies In The Fall

How To Choose An Air Purifier To Combat Allergies

Fall Allergy Season May Overlap With Winter COVID, Cold And Flu Season

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When Does Allergy Season 2021 Start

Well, its technically *always* allergy season due to year-round offenders such as dust mites, mold, and pet dander, says Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network. But some allergenspollens, specificallyare seasonal.

Tree pollen, for example, pops up in the spring , grass pollen arrives in the late spring , weed pollen is most prevalent in the summer , and ragweed pollen takes over from summer to fall , says Dr. Parikh.

And, as mentioned, climate change means allergy season begins earlier and lasts longer, adds Corinne Keet, MD, PhD, a professor and allergist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Specifically, the season has been arriving 20 days earlier than it did in 1990, and contains at least 20 percent more pollen, the New York Times reported.

To get super-specific, has a National Allergy Map that provides an up-to-date allergy forecast in different areas around the country and an Allergy Alert app that gives five-day forecasts with in-depth info on specific allergens, helping you decide if you should stay indoors that day. You should also note that windy, warm, and sunny days can increase levels of pollen turnout, while drizzling or rainy weather is actually associated with no or lower levels of seasonal pollen, explains Clifford W. Bassett, MD, medical director at Allergy and Asthma Care of New York.

Get Rid Of Pollen And Mold Allergies

Any organic matter is a breeding ground for moldespecially decomposing leaves. While freshly fallen leaves may seem crisp and inviting, theyll make you sneeze like crazy if you have mold allergies.

If you dont want to put the kibosh on fall festivities, wear a mask when spending excessive time outdoors or around leaves. You can also eat a spoonful of local raw honey per day as well or a number of natural pollen allergy remedies to build up your tolerance. Additionally, wear long sleeves and pants when raking leaves to keep allergens off of your skin. When you get into the house, pop your clothes in the washer right away

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Millions Of Americans Suffer From Seasonal Allergies The Most Common Fall Allergen Ragweed Is Stronger Than Ever This Fall

Itchy eyes, scratchy throats, and a runny nose become more and more common throughout homes, offices, and schools this time of year. While many attribute these symptoms to a cold, its more likely due to seasonal allergies. While experts predict this fall to be a particularly bad ragweed season, many allergy sufferers are already feeling the miserable effects of ragweed pollen in the air.

Whats Causing Your Symptoms

Seasonal Allergy Guide

The only way to truly tell what it is thats affecting you is through allergy testing. Dr. Hallett offers a full range of allergy diagnostic testing to evaluate and manage allergies and asthma. He is the first and most experienced fellowship-trained, board-certified allergist in San Antonio to offer the more effective, high dose European protocol allergy drops. If youd like to bring your fall allergies under control, come discover a treatment that is more satisfying than staying indoors or using over-the-counter drugs.

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Signs Youve Got Fall Allergies

When it comes to seasonal allergies, symptoms that crop up in the spring tend to get a lot more attention than those that happen in the fall. But fall allergies can cause just as much misery as their spring counterparts.

“The symptoms are basically the same,”Dr. Catherine Monteleone, an allergist-immunologist at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, tells Yahoo Life. Dr. David Corry, professor of medicine-immunology, allergy and rheumatology at Baylor College of Medicine, agrees. “Allergies are allergies,” he tells Yahoo Life.

Fall allergies are usually sparked by ragweed, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology , although certain plants like burning bush, cocklebur, lamb’s quarters, pigweed, sagebrush, mugwort, tumbleweed and Russian thistle can also contribute.

So how can you tell if you have fall allergies and not a cold or other respiratory virus? Undergoing allergy testing from a board-certified allergist is the best way to know for sure, Monteleone says. However, there are a few signs that can be solid tip-offs you’re dealing with fall allergies. Here’s a breakdown.

Allergies sign #1: Your symptoms are dragging on

Fall allergy symptoms usually include the following, per the ACAAI:

  • sneezing

  • itchy eyes

  • runny nose

Allergies sign #2: You start feeling uncomfortable in late summer

Allergies sign #3: You don’t have a fever

Allergies sign #4: You feel worse when you go outside

Allergies sign #5: You get relief from antihistamines

How To Avoid Fall Allergies

Avoiding fall allergies is often easier said than done. After all, with work, family, and a social life, you can’t shut yourself in with antihistamines and a box of tissues.

Instead, you have to be strategic in how you approach allergy season by taking certain, basic precautions. Among them:

  • Check the local pollen and mold counts on the daily weather report.
  • Keep your windows and doors shut at home, especially on days when the pollen count is high.
  • Shut the car windows and air vents when driving.
  • Use a HEPA filter and/or air humidifier to keep airborne pollen levels low.
  • Vacuum floors, surfaces, and furniture regularly, ideally with a pet-friendly vacuum cleaner designed to suck up dust, dander, mites, and other tiny particles.
  • Wear a NIOSH-rated 95 filter mask when mowing the lawn or doing outdoor work.
  • Take a shower and change your clothes after youve worked or played outdoors.

Finally, if you have a history of fall allergy symptoms, speak with your doctor or allergist about daily medications or allergy shots you can take to lessen the impact of the season. While allergy shots typically need to be started a few months before your worst allergy season in order to best deter symptoms, nasal corticosteroid sprays work within a couple of weeks and antihistamines work within minutes.

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Allergies Inside And Out

Considering that Americans spend most of their time indoors, and people are still suffering from allergies, there are factors inside homes and offices causing your issues as well. While pollen can be brought inside on your skin, hair, shoes, and clothing, indoor allergens — including dust mites and mold — can cause the same symptoms. You know the drill: runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and coughing.

Understanding Particles In The Air

Fall Allergy Season

With spring, there are a wide range of particles in the air. These particles range from those which are fairly easy to see, such as smoke and dust particles, to particles so tiny they are ultra-microscopic and entirely undetectable to the human eye. Enter microns. Microns, which are one-millionth of a meter in size, are how particles like these are measured. To illustrate the size of a micron, or particles which may be less than a micron in size, consider that the human eye cannot visually see anything less than 10 microns in size. Here is a simple chart to give you even more examples:

Atmospheric dust: 0.001 to 30 micronsCar emissions: 1 150 micronsPure oxygen: 0.0005 microns

For even more examples, check out The Engineering ToolBox.

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Get Rid Of Pollen Allergies In Spring

We know pollen was briefly mentioned earlier, but its in Spring this allergen comes to full effect so we thought it deserves some extra attention.

There are many types of pollen, many of which begin to fill the air during the spring. These include tree pollen which begins to release from awakening dormant trees, such as the infamous cedar tree , birch, hickory, and walnut. Another culprit is grass pollen. Examples of grass pollen include common lawn variations, such as timothy, Bermuda, and Kentucky bluegrass, as well as weed pollen, such as Sagebrush, Redroot Pigweed, Ragweed, Lambs Quarters, Russian Thistle and English Plantain.

You can find more examples of common pollen responsible for allergies, plus, great tips to beat them in our blog post, “It’s Open Season on Allergy Season”. Regardless of the type of pollen, the symptoms can feel equally terrible and can result in a lot more time spent indoors binge-watching the latest Netflix series rather than quality time spent outdoors enjoying the warmer weather.Often the best way to improve your indoor air and combat seasonal waves of pollen is to have multiple air purifiers throughout your home, especially in rooms which you spend a lot of time in. Paired with the proper filters, this can dramatically reduce the amount of pollen in your home, drastically decreasing your suffering from seasonal allergies.

Start Treatment Before Fall Allergies Start

Here’s some advice: See a doctor soon. Don’t wait until the symptoms hit tostart getting treatment. The best way to get relief from runny noses and itchy,watery eyes is to prevent them before they start.

Doctors advise starting your allergy medicines in late summer, since fallweed pollens start increasing during August and into September and last untilthe first frost, according to Dan Atkins, MD, director of ambulatory pediatricsat National Jewish Medical & Research Center in Denver.

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Will Fall Allergies Increase My Risk Of Catching Covid

It is not yet known if seasonal allergies put you at higher risk of getting COVID-19 or experiencing more severe symptoms if you get COVID-19, according to CDC. People who have severe underlying medical conditions such as asthma or compromised immune systems may be at higher risk for more severe complications if they get COVID-19,

How Can I Tell If My Symptoms Are Allergies Or Covid

Seasonal Allergies During Fall

Before you stress out, know that there’s one positive aspect when it comes to allergens in the year 2021: “Masks mean less inhalation of pollen through the nose or mouth, and that may translate to decreased symptoms for some sufferers,” explains Manisha Relan, MD, a board-certified allergist. Noted!

That said, if you’re worried about telling the difference between symptoms, whenever they do arise, listen up: The COVID and allergy symptoms that typically overlap are headaches, wheezing, and sore throat. It’s also possible to experience nasal congestion, a runny nose, and sneezing with COVID, too, though these are more commonly allergy symptoms. A dry cough, shortness of breath, and loss of smell, are all likely COVID-19 symptoms, though there’s always the possibility that these are the side effects of allergies.

Overall, though, if you’re having trouble telling if your symptoms are allergies or COVID, your best bet is to check in with a doctor’s office or urgent-care center.

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How Do Allergy Doctors Diagnose An Ear Problemcaused By Allergies

Before you can obtain the propertherapy for your ear and hearing issues, you need to figure out ifthe issue is caused by an allergy or something else. If your familydoctor has ruled out an acute infection or damage, an allergy expertcan help you identify any allergens that may be affecting your ears.

Skin testing will very certainly beused by your allergy doctor. A puncture, injection, or patch is usedto deliver a small quantity of different possible allergens to yourskin in this type of testing. Youve identified the issue if yourskin responds to a specific allergy. Allergens can also be identifiedby the antibodies they produce in the blood.

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The Ultimate Guide To Seasonal Allergies

Learn the most common allergies of each season and discover tips to help you conquer annoying symptoms such as watery eyes and a runny nose!


Are you tired of dealing with one allergy season after another? Sometimes it seems like theres just no end to the constant stream of watery eyes and runny noses among other annoying allergy symptoms.

If youre tired of carrying around tissues and are ready to put your allergies behind you, check out these tips to help you understand the ins-and-outs of each allergy season. Learn the causes of allergies during each season with advice on how to avoid them outside and indoors.

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How To Treat Seasonal Allergies

In most cases, an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant will do the trick. If you have severe allergies, however, your doctor may prescribe nasal steroid spray or allergy shots to dampen symptoms.

It’s always a good idea to try your best to avoid your triggers, but that doesn’t mean you have to hole up inside with a box of tissues. To get less exposure to your allergens:

  • Keep your windows shut when your allergies are active
  • Use an air purifier if you’re sensitive to indoor allergens
  • Wear a dust mask while doing yard work
  • Check your local weather network for pollen forecasts
  • Take a shower and wash your hair at the end of each day to get rid of pollen that attached to your clothes, hair and skin

Home Remedies For Fall Allergies

Spotting the differences between fall allergies and COVID-19

Though the steps above will help you come into contact with less pollen, its just about impossible to fully avoid pollen. If youre still sneezy, get an assist from science and hit up a drugstore or pharmacy to try an over-the-counter medication designed to relieve your allergy symptoms.

Many allergy medications are safe and now available over the counter, including nasal steroid sprays like fluticasone and triamcinolone, and the long-acting, non-sedating antihistamines such as loratadine and cetirizine, Dr. Aronica says. These medications are generally very good at managing most allergies.

Take your allergy medicine before your allergies get bad, especially on days predicted to have high pollen counts. Local news channels and online weather websites offer pollen forecasts that can help you stay up to date.

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How To Get Rid Of Fall Allergies

Its a cool, crisp, sunny fall day. You go out to apple pick, wander your way through a corn maze, or enjoy a bumpy, jovial hayride to find yourself sneezing, rubbing red eyes, and blowing your nose.

Dont miss out on the fall festivities due to seasonal allergies!

To make sure you enjoy every last bit of pumpkin spice consuming, leaf-peeping, and hot apple cider guzzling, learn how to stave off common fall allergy symptoms that can dampen the mood. Wouldnt want allergies ruining the fun of these few fleeting months of pure bliss, would ya?

Symptoms Of Fall Allergies:

Fall allergens cause suffering for a lot of people with allergies. Starting in early August, ragweed will release its pollen, causing allergy symptoms for many people through early October. Mold spores also grow during this time and become even more common as trees shed their leaves, leaving them to decay on the ground.

Seasonal allergy symptoms range from mild to severe. Allergens in the air cause your immune system to release histamines, which will cause inflammation, nasal drip, and itchy and watery eyes. One allergy symptom that is present in allergies, but not likely with the novel coronavirus is sneezing. If your symptoms last for more than a couple of weeks and have occurred in the fall months in the past, then you may have allergies.

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Treat Your Allergy Symptoms

You can do everything in your power to reduce allergens, but you cant get rid of them entirely. Thats why its important to manage symptoms daily. Unlike most allergy pills, once-daily FLONASE Allergy Relief nasal sprays relieve nasal congestion,* plus sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, and itchy, watery eyes,** so you can enjoy the season without worrying about your symptoms.

*vs single-ingredient antihistamines that do not treat nasal congestion.

**FLONASE SENSIMIST is indicated for itchy, watery eyes in adults and children 12 years of age and older.

  • Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis Frequently Asked Questions | Marshfield Clinic Health System. . Retrieved June 18, 2018, from
  • Ragweed Allergy | Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America New England Chapter. . Retrieved June 18, 2018, from
  • Mold Allergy | Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America New England Chapter. . Retrieved June 18, 2018, from
  • Dust Mite Allergy | Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America New England Chapter. . Retrieved June, 18, 2018, from
  • How Pollen Causes Seasonal Allergies

    Gearing Up for Fall Allergy Season

    Pollens are tiny, egg-shaped powdery grains released from flowering plants, which are carried by the wind or insects and serve to cross-pollinate other plants of the same type for reproductive purposes. When pollen is present in the air, it can land in a persons eyes, nose, lungs, and skin to set up an allergic reaction. Symptoms may include allergic rhinitis , allergic conjunctivitis , and allergic asthma.

    Pollens that are spread by the wind are usually the main cause of seasonal allergies, while pollens that rely on insects to be carried to other plants do not. Most plants with bright, vibrant flowers are insect-pollinated and do not generally cause seasonal allergies since the pollen is not usually present in the air.

    Pollen can travel long distances and the levels in the air can vary from day today. The pollen level can be quite different in various areas of a particular city or region. Levels of pollen tend to be highest from early morning to mid-morning, from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. Avoidance of pollen can be difficult but is theoretically possible.

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