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HomeCauseCan Pet Allergies Cause Itchy Skin

Can Pet Allergies Cause Itchy Skin

Read Ingredient Labels To Avoid Accidental Exposure To Allergens

Ask A Veterinarian: Pet Allergies Tied to Skin & Ear Infections

Even if youre making every effort to keep your dogs allergies under control, your dog may still be getting exposed to allergens accidentally. This is why its so important to check labels on any food, treats, supplements, or topical products youre using on or near your dog for hidden allergens.

Always double-check with your vet before giving your dog a new supplement or using a new product on your pooch.

Symptoms Of Allergies In Dogs

The symptoms of allergies in dogs may vary depending on the cause. A dog that goes into anaphylactic shock, for instance, will have a drop in blood pressure followed by shock, which is very different from a skin condition.

In general, however, the following symptoms could be a sign of an allergic reaction.

  • Itchiness
  • Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps
  • Red, inflamed skin

How Are Seasonal Allergies Diagnosed

Identifying seasonal allergies can be difficult because both seasonal and environmental allergies can have similar symptoms explained Carvalho. Dogs with food allergies can have symptoms that manifest in the skin and in the gastrointestinal tract .

There are different ways that seasonal allergies can be diagnosed, according to PetMD. One common method is an intradermal skin test.

Very similar to allergy testing in humans, with this method, a small amount of test allergens are injected under your dogs skin. Allergens are then identified by which injections cause redness, swelling and hives.

Using those results, your vet can create a specialized serum or immunotherapy shot that can be administered by the vet or at home.

Your vet may recommend other ways to diagnose the cause of your dogs allergies depending upon their symptoms.

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Maintain The Temperature And Humidity Levels In Your Home

Extreme heat or cold can also trigger allergy symptoms so its important to maintain the temperature in your home. Another thing to consider is humidity levels. If the air in your home is too dry, it can cause your dog to have dry skin which can intensify the itching. So invest in a humidifier if you need one .

Can Dogs Be Allergic To Cats

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It is a well-known fact that some people are allergic to dog dander or cat dander, which is composed of tiny particles of shed hair and skin.

What is less well known is that dogs can also be allergic to catsand to people! Symptoms of a cat allergy in dogs are usually inflamed or itchy skin, sneezing, or a runny nose.

Veterinarians can test for an allergy to cat dander, and treat it in the same way they treat other environmental allergies.

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What Are Allergies In Dogs

Dogslike all other animalshave a complex immune system to keep their bodies healthy, balanced and free of disease. However, when this immune system goes wrong, an allergic reaction can occur.

Viruses or allergen particles can enter the body through various pathways. This can include through inhalation, consumption, through the skin, or via mucous areas such as the eyes or nose.

In response, the body produces white blood cells and antibodies to eliminate the pathogens.

However, this reaction can sometimes get out of control when the body encounters particles that arent actually harmful. Particles such as pollen, dust, or certain foods can trigger an allergic reaction of the immune system and are known as allergens or antigens.

Nutritional Deficiencies In A Dog With Itchy Skin

Your dogs diet can cause chronic itching if its lacking in key nutrients. Deficiencies in zinc, copper, and omega-3 fatty acids, for example, can affect skin health.

Nutritional deficiencies are usually caused by poor-quality dog food. While switching to a nutritionally complete and balanced diet is the best long-term solution, supplementation can also solve the problem.

Medical conditions that cause malabsorption in the gut can also lead to nutritional deficiencies.

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Bronzing Around The Lips

This is most noticeable, again, in breeds with white coats. You will notice their lips, feet, or skin are pink and inflamed. This can indicate a yeast colonization, often triggered by an allergy.

What It Looks Like: Lips, jowls, and toes may be red, pink, and inflamed. Dog will itch often.

What It Means: Yeast-based infection or food allergy.

But First! Rule Out Yeast infection or sunburn

Try This

  • Wipe the area with a 50/50 mix of purified water and organic apple cider vinegar.
  • You can also add apple cider vinegar to your dogs water or food to reduce acidity and discourage yeast.
  • Avoid many veterinary-grade solutions such as benzoyl peroxide-based products, which can dry out the skin, increasing irritation.

RELATED: Yeast can be a pain. Here are 5 natural solutions to help clear it out

Recovery Of Cheese Allergies In Dogs

Homemade Dog Food for Itchy Skin

Once the allergen is eliminated from your dogs diet, recovery should be imminent. Care on your part to read all ingredients and avoid products containing cheese when purchasing food items for your pet will be necessary. If there is any doubt as to whether a food item contains dairy items, do not make the purchase. Always feed your dog quality food. If you are unsure of a suitable food, your veterinarian will be able to make a recommendation. Changes in your pets demeanor or a return of skin irritation or scratching should be evaluated by your veterinarian in a follow-up appointment.

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Cheese Allergies Average Cost

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How Does A Doctor Diagnose A Pet Allergy

Your doctor will diagnose a pet allergy based on your symptoms, physical examination, medical history and test results. Your doctor can use either a blood test or skin test to aid in the diagnosis. Allergy testing will show if there is allergic sensitization to the animal.

Some people find it hard to believe that they could be allergic to their pets. The doctor may tell you to stay out of the home where the pet lives to see if your symptoms go away. It does not help to remove the dog or cat, because the allergen will remain. Pet allergens still in the home can cause symptoms months after the animal is gone.

Treatment Of Cheese Allergies In Dogs

Determining the reason for the vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and alopecia can be an extensive process. Skin tests or blood tests do not exist for canine dairy allergies. An elimination trial which involves removing cheese from the diet may take a period of up to three months. A key factor in a successful elimination trial is the strict adherence by all family members. All sources of food, treats, supplements, and medications must be checked to be sure they do not contain cheese or other dairy additives.

Allergy studies show that improvement in the skin and general health of your dog will be evident after four to six weeks. However, elimination trials may be continued, at the discretion of your veterinarian, for a period of at least eight to twelve weeks in order to reach a definitive determination of the potential allergy. If the veterinarian feels confident that cheese is the culprit, she may do further testing to differentiate between an allergy to the cheese or an intolerance to lactose. Some pets who have a lactose intolerance can still have items like cottage cheese and certain yogurts in their food regimen because they contain a lower per gram lactose content. If your dog has concurrent issues like hotspots or secondary bacterial infection, medications will be prescribed at this time which will soon give relief to your canine companions distress.

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Allergies Caused By Fleas And Parasites

Almost every dog will get fleas, ticks, mites, or other parasites at some point in its life. Usually, these parasites are easily removed, and the dog will not have an adverse reaction. However, some pets will develop allergies, mainly relating to biting parasites. It is typically the parasites saliva that causes the allergic reaction in dogs.

Flea bite hypersensitivity in dogs will cause extreme itching and discomfort to your pet, this is known as flea bite dermatitis or pruritus. Symptoms and signs include:

  • excessive scratching
  • hair loss
  • formation of scabs or lesions on the skin.

Symptoms are episodic and tend to worsen in summer months, as well as when the pet ages.

Diagnosis of a parasite or flea allergy is relatively straightforward, as you or your veterinarian will be able to identify the parasites on the dogs skin.

Treating the allergic reaction usually involves removing the parasite, either with a topical medicine or by grooming. This should stop the reaction.

For excessive itching, vets may prescribe steroids , antihistamines or antibiotics for a secondary infection.

Keep Up With Your Flea And Tick Preventatives

Dog Allergic Reaction Skin

Since dogs can be allergic to flea and tick bites, its important to prevent your dog from bug bites before they start. Chat with your vet about using flea and tick preventatives. Its up to you to make sure youre administering these treatments as directed. Missed doses can cause the preventatives to not work, putting your pup at risk for bites and the issues that come with them.

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Can Dog Allergies Cause Bacterial And Yeast Infections

The simple answer is yes. Once the allergic response is associated with itching, the potential for scratching until the pet bleeds is very real .

The self- inflicted wound can easily turn into an infected, raw “hot spot”, the perfect place for bacteria and yeast to flourish. Bacteria and yeast are common inhabitants of healthy animal skin. The infection can begin when these organisms have the opportunity to invade the broken skin. Your pet’s scratching can spread the infection from ears to face or to his abdomen, as well as between the paw pads. Nasty odors , scabs and dandruff are clues that the spread of these pathogens is occurring.

Does your pet have any of these symptoms?

  • History of ear problems ?
  • Dry, flaky, skin with dandruff?
  • Frequent licking of paws?
  • Scabs or open sores?
  • Nasty or foul odor ?
  • Past history of above symptoms, but these symptoms subside when the dog is on steroids , and come back soon after the steroids are discontinued?

These cases will benefit by Skin-eze tabs or capsules. However, some really extreme cases will need extra help. We recommend our Special Full Treatment Skin Pack for your pet, which includes our Skin-eze tabs or capsules, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray, and Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil. These products should be used as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions

3. How do I determine the proper dosage to give my pet? See Skin-eze Suggested Dosage

4. Can I overdose my pet on Skin-eze? See Skin-eze Suggested Dosage

Reducing Exposure To Cats

While medical treatment can help control cat allergies, the best approach is simple: avoid cats and their dander. Here are some tips.

  • Don’t touch, hug, or kiss cats. It should be obvious, but some people think a little cat contact is OK. It isn’t.
  • Beware of visitors who own cats. Even if your house guests leave their cats at home, they can bring the dander with them on their clothing and luggage. This indirect exposure can cause serious cat allergy symptoms in some people.
  • Plan. If you have to stay in a house with cats, ask that the cat be kept out of the room in which you will sleep for a few weeks before you arrive. Also, start taking allergy medication a few weeks beforehand. Once an allergic reaction gets started, it can be tough to control. But taking medicine can prevent it from happening in the first place.

But what if you already own a cat? Here’s the most sensible advice: if you or a family member has cat allergies, you shouldn’t have a cat in the home.

Of course, such harsh advice may not be easy to follow. What if your kids have already fallen in love with a kitten? What if you intended to never, ever part with your cat? If the cat has to stay, there are other things you can try.

While these techniques might help, they may not be enough. As hard as it might be, if keeping your cat is putting your health — or a family member’s health — at risk, you have to consider giving it up.

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What Can I Do About Itchy Skin

One of the most common symptoms of allergies is, undoubtedly, itchy skin. Itching can be felt in a particular spot on the body or all over. In those with mild reactions, allergic itching can also be accompanied by hives, nasal congestion, rashes, or red and watery eyes. Severe reactions often cause even more disruptive symptoms.

During the body’s immune response to an allergen, chemicals called histamines are released. Naturally, over-the-counter antihistamines are usually effective and fast-acting in getting to the source of the allergic reaction and calming the symptoms.

In the meantime, here are some other ideas to help you find relief from itchy skin:

  • Avoid scratching the itchy areas as much as possible
  • Wear cool, light, loose pajamas, and avoid rough clothing
  • Take lukewarm baths using little soap and rinse well
  • Use a soothing lotion to soften and cool the skin
  • Apply a cold compress to the itchy area
  • Avoid excessive heat and humidity, which aggravate itching
  • Try over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream

Each person will experience an allergy differently, and it’s important to take care when involved in situations where your risk of exposure is higher, and when searching for treatments. Fortunately, there are plenty of options for relief when it comes to the allergies that cause itchy skin. Soon, your skin could be smooth and calm once again. Read complete information on treatments for itchy skin.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pet Allergies

Misdiagnosed Allergies — Deciphering Itching

You may have several allergy symptoms while you are around a pet or soon afterward. In most cases, pet allergy symptoms include:

  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Raised, red patches on the skin
  • Asthma symptoms, including chest tightness, difficulty breathing or wheezing

Pet allergy symptoms mimic those caused by other allergens, like pollen, dust or mold. Many of these symptoms, such as sneezing and runny nose, can also result from illnesses like influenza or the common cold. Your doctor can help you pinpoint the cause of your symptoms.

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Other Ways To Improve Your Pups Allergy Symptoms

Do a quick search on Amazon, and you’ll find plenty of dog foods to choose from that could help with your pups allergy problems. Blue Buffalo, Hill’s Science Diet, Purina Pro Plan, natural dog foods with no preservatives, GMOs, or harmful by-products… the list goes on and on. The key is to work closely with your vet to figure out what kind of diet will help your dog stay comfortable.

If youre looking for other ways to help manage your dog’s skin allergies, we have a few suggestions. Giving your dog a dietary supplement that contains omega-6 or omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, or prebiotics can make a big difference to their skin health. Fish oil has also been shown to help soothe dogs’ skin and create a smooth, shiny coat.

Additionally, medicated shampoos and sprays can help a lot of dogs to feel better. In the most severe cases, allergy medicine can be prescribed to help manage symptoms. Ask your veterinarian for more information about these options.

Put An End To Itchy Skin Once & For All

Excessive scratching and itchy skin can affect your dogs physical and emotional health. If youre located in Bainbridge, GA, and suspect your dog has an underlying cause to their itchy skin, Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital is here to help.

Get in touch with us to schedule an evaluation with one of our veterinarians. For more pet-related health news and information, stay tuned to our blog!

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Signs Your Pet Could Be Suffering From Allergies

Spring is in the air, and that means so are a number of seasonal allergens that could be making you and your pet miserable. Thats right: Our pets can suffer the effects of allergies, too. And, like us, if an animal is sensitive to something in his environment or a food he eats, his body will produce antibodies in an attempt to protect itself. Those antibodies release chemicals into the bloodstream, including histamine, which act on the skin, ears, eyes, throat, nose, and gastrointestinal tract, producing the unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Your pet could react to a number of potential allergens in his environment. Some of the most common include:

  • Fleas
  • Grasses, trees, weeds, plants, pollens, molds, or mildews
  • Various food ingredients, like corn, wheat, soy, or meat products
  • Prescription medications
  • Cigarette smoke

How Do I Know If I Have A Cat Allergy

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Although the symptoms of a cat allergy may seem fairly obvious, it’s not always the cat that causes them. It’s a good idea to get confirmation from your doctor. After all, you wouldn’t want to blame Mr. Whiskers unjustly.

Your doctor can do a skin or blood test to see if you’re allergic. However, allergy tests aren’t always correct the doctor may also want you to try living without a cat for a few months to see how it affects your allergy symptoms.

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Diagnosing And Treating Environmental Skin Allergies

The most common causes of environmental allergies are pollen, flea saliva and dust mites. Signs are often seasonal due to varying levels of exposure to seasonal allergens, such as tree pollen. We cant eliminate many of these allergens from your pets’ environment. Instead, we must target our approach to managing the signs associated with exposure. Treatment usually requires medication, which is designed to reduce the inflammatory response, reduce inflammation and therefore control the itching. Other measures, such as bathing in soothing oatmeal pet shampoo and feeding essential fatty acid supplements, may also be beneficial in long term management.


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