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HomeFactsCan Seasonal Allergies Make Your Heart Race

Can Seasonal Allergies Make Your Heart Race

When Heart Rate Or Rhythm Changes Are Minor

Q& A: Is it seasonal allergies, COVID-19, or the flu?

Many changes in heart rate or rhythm are minor and do not require medical treatment if you do not have other symptoms or a history of heart disease. Smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine, or taking other stimulants such as diet pills or cough and cold medicines may cause your heart to beat faster or skip a beat. Your heart rate or rhythm can change when you are under stress or having pain. Your heart may beat faster when you have an illness or a fever. Hard physical exercise usually increases your heart rate, which can sometimes cause changes in your heart rhythm.

Dietary supplements, such as goldenseal, oleander, motherwort, or ephedra , may cause irregular heartbeats.

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to have minor heart rate or rhythm changes. These changes usually are not a cause for concern for women who do not have a history of heart disease.

Well-trained athletes usually have slow heart rates with occasional pauses in the normal rhythm. Evaluation is usually not needed unless other symptoms are present, such as lightheadedness or fainting , or there is a family history of heart problems.

Women May Experience Allergies Differently

There is some research to suggest that estrogen has a pro-allergenic effect, says Dr. Klemawesch. Female athletes are more likely to feel the effect prior to and with the onset of their menstrual cycle. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may notice the symptoms are worse or less tolerable during your period. Dr. Klemawesch recommends avoiding hard workouts or races during that time.

Dr. Hsieh adds that there is not a lot of data to support that there are sex/gender differences in seasonal allergies.

Regardless, doubling up on period symptoms and seasonal allergy flare-ups is a reasonable excuse to skip a run.

Earlier Research On Stress And Allergies

This new research builds upon earlier studies on the relationship between stress and allergies.

A 2013 study published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology found that people who had persistent emotional stress tended to have a higher frequency of allergy flares. However, it did not find that cortisol was associated with allergy symptoms.

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You Have A Cold Or Fever

If your pounding heart is accompanied by typical signs of a cold or fever, like an elevated temperature, coughing, and sneezing, this is likely the culprit. Battling an infection requires your body to work harder than usual, and that includes making your heart beat faster in order to fight for homeostasis and kick the infection to the curb, Dr. Mills-Frazier says.

Heart Disease And Certain Allergy Meds Dont Mix Heres Your Guide To Stopping Seasonal Symptoms Safely

Allergies, Asthma and Chinese Medicine in Louisville

by Health Writer

Allergy season can make anyone miserable with sneezing, coughing, stuffy nose, and itchy, watery eyes. For those with heart issues, getting through allergy season requires an extra measure of vigilance.

Its not because allergies affect you any worse than someone without a heart issue. In fact, whether allergies worsen heart disease is a bit unclear, according to the American Heart Association. Two studies showed contradictory effects: One in the American Journal of Epidemiology found the risk of heart attack increased by 5.5% on days with high pollen counts, while another in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found those diagnosed with allergic rhinitis had a lower risk of coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and all-cause death.

The reason to be vigilant is because the heart health risk of allergy season comes from the medications used to keep allergies from making you miserable. They can have serious side effects for people with underlying heart conditions, which is why you shouldnt just grab a box of over-the-counter allergy meds and call it a day. Heres what you should know about finding relief safely.

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Allergies May Come With Heightened Risk Of Heart Problems

Allergy symptoms can certainly be frustrating at times. Whether you deal with itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, coughing, scratchy throat or all of the above, getting through allergy season can be a real slog. But there might be more to worry about with allergies than their short-term, nagging symptoms. A study of data from the National Health Interview Survey found allergies are also associated with an increased risk of developing heart problems later in life.

There have been previous studies that linked having allergies with cardiovascular disease before, but Yang Guo, PhD, the studys lead author, told Science Magazine there is a lot of disagreement over those findings in the scientific community. The aim of Guo’s study was to parse National Health Interview Survey’s data and ascertain whether there was indeed elevated cardiovascular risks associated with allergies.

The study looked at 34,417 adults surveyed in 2012. The allergic group was represented by 10,045 people who had at least one allergy ranging from seasonal to food to pet to medicine. The researchers made sure to adjust their findings to account for discrepancies caused by things like age, race, pre-existing conditions, BMI and whether the subjects were smokers or drinkers.

If My Child Has Allergies What Should I Do

If your child has allergies, help keep them safe:

  • Educate them about the allergy.
  • Make sure they carry their injector with them and know how to use it.
  • Inform staff at your childs school of the allergy and share the treatment plan with them.
  • Educate any adults who care for your child about the allergy and how to use the injector.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Anaphylaxis is when you have a severe allergic reaction to an allergen, such as a certain food or insect bite. Anaphylactic shock can be life-threatening. If you notice anaphylaxis symptoms, inject yourself with epinephrine right away. Then call 911 or get to the emergency room. Prompt anaphylaxis treatment can save your life. Make sure to carry your injector wherever you go. Try to avoid triggers. If you have allergy symptoms that are hard to control or you went into anaphylactic shock, talk to your healthcare provider.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/13/2021.


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How Are Allergies Diagnosed

Allergies are diagnosed by an allergist or by a specialist physician frequently working with allergies . The so-called prick test, the intradermal test, and blood tests are possible methods of diagnosis. The prick and provocation tests are both skin tests which expose the body to certain allergens to test for a reaction. The prick test is performed on the underarmthe skin is pricked with a small amount of an allergen-containing solution. The intradermal test is similar, but it injects a small amount of the solution directly under the skin. If hypersensitivity to a certain allergen is present following a skin test, redness or wheals present in this location after approximately 20 minutes. With the help of blood tests, immunoglobulin-E antibodies can be detected in the blood to help draw conclusions about the specific triggering allergen. This method is often implemented when testing young children.

An Itch That Needs Scratching

Cure Your Allergies Naturally!

There are two main causes of seasonal allergies in pets: pollen and fleas/flea saliva. Pollen is more prominent at warmer times of the year, and the timing of symptoms depends on the pet and what kind of pollen they are allergic to, said Mendoza-Kuznetsova. Some grasses and trees have pollen season in the beginning of the summer, some of them have pollen season at the end of the summer, so that would influence when exactly the patient will develop the most severe clinical signs, she said.

Fleas are also more common in warm weather from spring to autumn, when heat and humidity encourage flea eggs to hatch quickly, mature, reproduce, and lay even more eggs. However, flea allergy can be a year-round problem as well. Your pet doesnt have to be covered in fleas to have a reaction. Some pets are hypersensitive to fleas and react to just one bite, even if the flea is no longer present, and even if the pet had been treated previously with flea prevention. This can be confusing for pet owners who believe that if they cant see a bunch of fleas then they arent in the house or on the animal, Mendoza-Kuznetsova said.

Even indoor cats that never go outside can get fleas, as the insects make their way into most houses on their own, on the backs of other pets, or even on people .

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Allergy Medications That Will Not Raise Blood Pressure

Hypertension patients dont have to forgo remedies for hay fever or perennial allergy symptoms in order to maintain a safe blood pressure. Bouts of allergic rhinitis compromise respiratory health and comfort. Treating allergy symptoms removes this physical stress that may add to hypertensive conditions. Patients can select from prescription and over-the-counter drugs that wont interfere with their heart medications or overwhelm their dosing schedules. While some allergy medicines pose risks to people with heart problems, several classes of drugs offer relief and will not raise blood pressure.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Tips To Relieve Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are your immune systems response to certain environmental triggers, such as pollen from trees, grass or flowers. Your bodys reaction to these allergens can include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, red or itchy eyes, throat irritation and post-nasal drip.By playing it smart and planning ahead, you can take steps to relieve your allergy symptoms. Follow the helpful tips below to say goodbye to seasonal allergies:Masks make a cool accessory. Wearing a mask can not only keep others safe from COVID-19, but also prevent you from breathing in pollen and other allergens.Try over-the-counter medications. Consult your Wellstar provider about common allergy remedies like antihistamines and nasal spray.Check the weather report. Avoid outside activities on days that are dry, windy or have a high pollen count of 1,000 or more. Dont invite allergens inside. Keep windows and doors shut to prevent pollen from blowing into your home and contaminating surfaces. Stay on top of spring cleaning. Dust and vacuum often to remove potential allergens, such as dust, dander and pollen.Dont forget your four-legged friends. Be sure to wash or brush your pets more often to remove loose fur and dander.

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Keep Your Seasonal Allergies Under Control

Wellstar allergists provide expert care for seasonal allergies and other chronic conditions, such as asthma.

As the weather starts to warm and flowers bloom, spring is in the air and so is pollen. If you deal with frustrating symptoms like a stuffy nose, sneezing or watery eyes, youre not alone. Each year, more than 50 million people in the United States have allergies, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Wellstar knows every Achoo! can impact your daily life, making it difficult to enjoy outside activities with family and friends. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, you can use simple strategies to take control of your seasonal allergies.

Youre Taking Some Kind Of Medication That Affects Your Heart

de the qualifying race. Wearing the wrong color can make you ill ...

If youve ever read a list of possible medication side effects, you probably know tons of them out there cause an elevated heart rate. Whether its related to osteoporosis, allergies, ADHD, or another condition, a lot of medications will increase circulating adrenaline and cause someone to feel like their heart is racing, Dr. Doshi says. This happens so often that doctors will often first ask which medications youre taking when you tell them your heart is beating too quickly. Depending on your medication and medical history, a racing heart can be expected or a sign that you might need to try a different option. Only a doctor can tell you for sure.

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What About Antihistamines

Of course, you can also avoid extra inflammation during allergy season by preventing allergy attacks to begin with. Allergy shots, steroids, and natural and OTC antihistamines are some common options for this.

Personally I prefer a natural approach, but you may need to combine conventional and alternative approaches to get the best results. I would stay away from products that also include a decongestant, though, since most of them work by contracting blood vessels. That drives up blood pressure, which could aggravate other cardiovascular issues.

Probably the best thing about allergy season, in my book, is that the worst of it lasts only a month or two. Even so, youre best off making these year-round habitsalong with other inflammation fighting strategies like eating organic food, drinking plenty of fresh, clean water, and doing your best to avoid environmental toxins. Your eyes, lungs, and of course your heart will thank you.


How Common Are Allergies

Allergies are very common. About 1 in 4 people in the UK are affected by an allergy at some time during their lives. Each year the number of affected people increases.

It is estimated that half a million people in the UK have had an anaphylactic reaction to venom . Nearly a quarter of a million people under the age of 45 have had anaphylaxis due to nuts.

A manifesto from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology published in 2017 is calling for concerted policy action to tackle the ‘allergy crisis in Europe’. It points out that allergy is the most common chronic disease in Europe. Up to 1 in 5 patients with allergies live with a severe debilitating form of their condition they struggle daily with the fear of a possible asthma attack, anaphylactic shock, or even death from an allergic reaction. The manifesto proposes a series of evidence-based recommendations to tackle the burden of allergy in Europe, foster allergy research and help strengthen allergology as a medical speciality. It is available in ‘Further Reading and References’, below.

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Watch The Weather Before Heading Out

Weather can be an advantage or a deterrent for allergic athletes. Dry, windy weather being the worst of it. Dry weather tends to make allergies worse because the pollen counts are higher and stay in the air longer, says Dr. Hsieh. Because pollen are small, light and dry, they can be easily spread by wind, which keeps pollen airborne and carries it over long distances.

Getting out during or just after a spring rain is ideal in most scenarios. Most pollens are washed out of the air by rain, but ragweed is actually released by raindrops hitting the plant, says Dr. Klemawesch. Rain also leads to an increase in mold spores. So depending on the pollen allergy, rain can help or hurt.Trail running lends greater exposure to pollen and mold allergens, whereas street running can reduce this exposure. Although road runners are more likely to be exposed to air pollutants from nearby car traffic. Wherever you run, be sure to check the current mold and pollen counts before you head out the door.

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How To Treat Allergy

Overcoming seasonal allergies with Allergy ReLeaf® System

Step one is getting to the source of whats causing your allergies in the first place. An allergist can help you do just that. He or she can perform allergy testing by skin testing or by blood work to help identify any allergy triggers, says Patricia Takach, M.D., an allergist and immunologist with Penn Medicine.

Once you know whats triggering an allergic reaction, do your best to avoid those substances, says David Corry, M.D., professor of medicine in immunology, allergy, and rheumatology at Baylor College of Medicine. That means taking steps like staying indoors on high pollen count days and making a few lifestyle changes such as showering when you come indoors, cleaning your sheets regularly, and keeping petswho can carry things like pollen and grassout of your bed. Wearing a face mask when youre outdoors can also help filter out pollen and other allergens that may be irritating.

Its also a good idea to consider taking an allergy medication. This is especially important if you are feeling any breathing symptoms at allcoughing, wheezing, or shortness of breathas this is dangerous if left untreated, says Dr. Takach. An allergist can help determine the right medication for you.

The bottom line: If youre struggling with allergy-related fatigue and you cant seem to get relief on your own, talk to your doctor about your options. They should be able to find the best treatment plan to boost your energy again.

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Expert Care For Allergies

When at-home remedies arent enough, Wellstar Allergy & Immunology is ready to care for you. If your symptoms are severe, you may need specialized treatment for allergies or be dealing with a chronic condition, such as asthma.At Wellstar, we diagnose and treat a full range of adult and pediatric allergy conditions. Our allergists will partner with you to create a personalized care plan, which may include allergy shots, prescription medication or other therapies.Dont sneeze or sniffle through another season. Wellstar provides the world-class, tailored allergy care you need at convenient locations across metro Atlanta. Click the Book Now button at the top of any page to schedule an appointment.

Keeping Your Heart Healthy While Taking Medications

The best advice is to carefully scrutinize any drug that you are considering taking by reading ingredient lists and asking questions of professionals. Patients who are taking many different medications at the same time need to take extra precautions, as they are at an increased risk both for drugs reacting with each other negatively as well as kidney problems.

Get feedback from an expert before beginning an allergy medication regimenDeveloping a relationship with a pharmacist you trust is an excellent idea, as they can answer many general questions about the medications and conditions. In order to get a detailed picture of your heart condition and OTC allergy medications, schedule a visit with Dr. Dilip Mathew at Heart Rhythm Consultants, P.A.

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