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HomeNewsHow Common Is Ragweed Allergy

How Common Is Ragweed Allergy

You Can Heal Your Allergies

Ragweed Allergies

The good news is, it is possible to heal your body of allergies. According to studies AND practice, people are finding permanent relief from seasonal and food allergies by healing their gut. It takes some time and dedication to health, but people are learning the great importance of having a healthy gut biome. For more information, read my article How to Heal Your Allergies by Healing Your Gut Biome. You can also search gut health, probiotics and prebiotics.

I have begun eliminating the plants to avoid if youre allergic to ragweed from my diet and health care routine, and I also am focusing on healing my gut. Cutting out toxins, eating probiotic-rich foods while eating nutrient-dense foods is where I am starting. I have taken homeopathic ragweed supplements for years and it has helped tremendously.

If you have healed your allergies, please let us know how in the comments! My readers and I appreciate the encouragement and ideas.

Are There Any Treatments For Ragweed Allergies

Over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications, including antihistamines and anti-inflammatory nasal sprays, can help relieve symptoms. If you know your allergies are worse in late summer and early fall, start taking your allergy medications two weeks before symptoms are at their worst. Talk with your doctor about which medication is best for you.

Ragweed immunotherapy is available to help build tolerance to allergens, reducing or eliminating symptoms. Ragweed pollen immunotherapy is available in two forms:

  • Allergy shots: combines multiple allergens in one injection, administered weekly in a doctors office.
  • Under-the-tongue tablets: a daily tablet that dissolves under the tongue, available for grass and ragweed pollen administered 3 months prior to or during allergy season.

Talk with a board-certified allergist to determine if immunotherapy is right for you.

How To Prevent And Treat A Ragweed Allergy

If you are not already allergic to ragweed you may be one of the lucky ones, or it may just be that you havent been in prolonged contact with it yet. A person needs to be exposed to a strong concentration of pollen to develop the allergy, so its in your interest to keep it out of your area.

If ragweed can be kept out, or strongly limited, in currently unaffected European regions, there is the possibility of preventing the allergy in millions of people.

If, however, you are already allergic to ragweed then its not too late to be hopeful. If all goes well with the experiments of Ophraella Communa in France, it may one day be introduced by other countries and your summers could get a whole lot easier.

I cant say youll never be allergic again, that youll never have symptoms, concluded Dr Desneux. But there will be a real impact, a real reduction of symptoms.

While we wait to see whether a small brown beetle can help control this plant and relieve allergy symptoms, here are a few things you can do:

  • If you see ragweed in your local area, report it to your local authorities. Search online to see if there is a dedicated platform in your country for signalling its presence. In France, for example, there is this platform for alerting your local point of contact.
  • If it is on your property you can remove it, but be careful to do this wearing gloves and only before it flowers, or else you risk becoming allergic.

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Know The Season For Ragweed Allergies

If you have the above symptoms, you may wonder if you have a cold or other type of respiratory infection. The symptoms are often similar, so it can be hard to tell. One way to know is to recognize the season. Ragweed allergies are often a seasonal allergy, meaning they usually occur during a certain time of the year.

In most parts of the country, ragweed season begins toward the end of summer, usually in August, and extends until the first frost of the season, which occurs in October or November. While ragweed allergy season used to be pretty cut and dry, this is no longer the case, as some researchers say that allergy seasons have gotten longer.

Longer growing seasons, rising temperatures, and an increasing number of days with no frost on the ground are all contributors to the longer allergy seasons. According to a nonprofit organization, Climate Central, the growing season in Chicago has increased by almost two weeks since 1970.

Researchers from Climate Central also state that, across much of the country, the first frost of the fall is happening a week later and the last frost in the spring is happening a week earlier. So, if you are in late July or the end of November, and you have ragweed allergy symptoms, this is probably due to the longer allergy season.

When Is Ragweed Season

How to avoid Ragweed Allergy, Dr. Louis Mariotti

Ragweed season begins in early August, depending on your location. Mid-September is when ragweed pollen counts are usually at their highest. Warm temperatures, reduced humidity and breezy conditions create the ideal environment for ragweed plants to release pollen.

Ragweed season typically lasts 6-10 weeks, ending by early November or when temperatures drop below freezing for a few weeks.

Keeping an eye on weather forecasts, sudden changes in temperature, daily ragweed pollen counts and air quality alerts can help you anticipate when to avoid outdoor activities and reduce exposure to allergens and irritants.

Airborne pollen concentrations are usually highest in the morning, just after the dew dries and on into late morning. High levels can last until late afternoon.

Ragweed pollen is so light and airy that it can travel great distances even as far as 400 miles in one case. So even if you live in an area with few ragweed plants, you could still suffer from exposure to ragweed.

Visit the National Allergy Bureau at to check the pollen count for ragweed in late summer and fall. You can also visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys website for air quality alerts. Both websites also have apps available for smartphones and tablets.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Ragweed Allergy

A ragweed allergy can manifest itself by various symptoms, including the following:

  • nasal congestion
  • itchy eyes, nose, throat, roof of the mouth, and ears
  • watery eyes, and
  • coughing

These unpleasant symptoms can significantly affect quality of life. In some cases, it may become difficult to carry on everyday activities. Sometimes, other related problems appear such as insomnia, irritability, difficulty concentrating, worsened asthma, or infection, such as sinusitis.

Signs And Symptoms Of Allergies

Allergy symptoms vary depending on the type of allergens.

Allergic rhinitis , for instance, is associated with the following symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes, nose, and throat
  • Tearing eyes

An allergic food reaction may share some of the above symptoms, but it can also cause:

  • Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
  • Hives, eczema, or itchy skin
  • Anaphylaxis, in which a narrowing of the airways makes it difficult or even impossible to breathe

A skin allergy or insect bite can cause the following at the site:

  • Redness

The symptoms of a drug allergy may include:

  • Hives

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All About Ragweed Allergy: Signs Symptoms And Avoidance

Ragweed is the super-villain of allergy plants, able to marshal millions of pollen grains and spread misery far and wide. But never fear! Allergic Living has the scoop on how to stop its dastardly effects.

ITS OFTEN a hot, dry late summers evening spent relaxing out on a porch when the first telltale signs appear. An itchy, runny nose, irritated eyes, and a tingling mouth could indicate that youre allergic to ragweed one of the hardiest plants and most prolific pollen producers out there.

Often sprouting up on roadsides, in vacant lots, or anywhere with uneven ground, this weed is a major culprit for fall allergy symptoms. In 2009, the U.S. National Health survey found that 16 percent of Americans about 49 million people are sensitive to ragweed pollen. While its appearance is unremarkable, ragweed has special attributes that make it a formidable allergy foe.

Signs of the Allergy

Although most of us think of spring as pollen allergy season, approximately 45 percent of people with hay fever and asthma show signs of sensitivity to ragweed pollen. Depending on where you live by mid-August in the north, and as late as October in the south ragweed pollen levels peak as the days get shorter.

What is This Plant?

Although there are about 17 types of ragweed in North America, two species are the most abundant.

What It Isnt
Where It Thrives and Its Season
Weather Effects
What You Can Do
Ragweed Avoidance
Struggling with Anxiety?

Read more:

Molecular Characterization Of Ragweed Pollen Allergens

Fall Ragweed Allergies Explained

Ragweed pollen allergens were studied for over half a century, with changing nomenclature over time, and still new allergens are being identified. There are currently 11 ragweed pollen allergens included in the IUIS database . Among these, 2 are described as major allergens, while the others are considered as minor allergens .

Table 1.

Synoptic presentation of IUIS-recognized ragweed allergens

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Ragweed Grows In 49 States

If you live in Alaska, consider yourself lucky. You live in the only state where ragweed doesnt grow. Ragweed has even been introduced to Hawaii. Within the 49 states where ragweed grows, there are 17 different types of ragweed.

Track ragweed season where you live. Check sites like AAAAI’s National Allergy Bureau to follow pollen readings regularly. This will help you take steps to reduce your exposure to ragweed pollen.

Ragweed pollen peaks in the mornings. Plan your time outside for the afternoon and evenings when possible.

Things You May Not Know About Ragweed Pollen Allergy

Ragweed pollen allergy is a major cause of seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever. Its light pollen easily spreads far and wide, triggering nasal allergies and allergic asthma in its path.

If you have a ragweed pollen allergy, it helps to know what you are up against. If you live in the U.S., you probably feel the effects of ragweed pollen in the late summer and fall. Here are some things you may not know about ragweed.

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What Is Oral Allergy Syndrome

Oral allergy syndrome, also called pollen fruit syndrome or pollen food allergy syndrome, is an allergic reaction that causes itching and tingling in the mouth, throat, and lips. People with ragweed allergy may experience it after eating certain raw fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, melons, and zucchini, especially during ragweed season.

Allergies to dust mites,mold, or pet dander can overlap with pollen allergies. And if you are having a reaction to more than one allergy at one time, it can make your symptoms feel worse.

Your Immune System May Mistake Other Plants And Food For Ragweed

Common allergen, ragweed, will shift northward under ...

There are other plants that are related to ragweed. They may cause allergy symptoms as well. Avoid planting sunflowers, sage, burweed marsh elder, rabbit brush, mugwort, groundsel bush, and eupatorium near your home.

If you have a condition called oral allergy syndrome , your mouth may itch or tingle when you eat certain foods. This is because the pollen is similar to the proteins in some foods, so your body cant tell the difference. This is called cross-reactivity.

Food such as cantaloupes, bananas, watermelon, and sunflower seeds may cause symptoms in some people who have a ragweed allergy.

Rarely, OAS can trigger anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, so it is important to know if you have OAS or a food allergy and how to treat it. Some of the symptoms of OAS and anaphylaxis may be similar. If you have symptoms when eating foods, talk with an allergist.

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What Causes A Ragweed Allergy

A ragweed allergy occurs when the immune system has an inappropriate response to ragweed pollen. Normally, the immune system promotes chemical changes in the body that help fight off harmful invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. In people with ragweed allergies, however, the immune system mistakenly identifies the harmless pollen as a dangerous intruder and begins to fight against it. A natural substance called histamine is released when the body encounters ragweed pollen. The histamine causes many uncomfortable symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.

Ragweed belongs to a larger family of flowering plants called Compositae. These plants can be found in all 50 states as well as in many places in Canada and temperate regions of South America. Someone can come into contact with ragweed pollen simply by breathing in the air, which makes the pollen very difficult to avoid. Ragweed pollen season typically occurs between August and mid-October, and peaks in September. The amount of pollen in the air is usually highest between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., depending on the weather. Rain and low temperatures can help lower pollen levels.

People who are allergic to other substances are more likely to be allergic to ragweed pollen. Youre at an increased risk for ragweed allergies if youre also allergic to:

  • dust mites
  • pet dander
  • other types of pollens, such as tree pollen

Things You Should Know About Ragweed Allergies

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 23 million people in the United States are affected by ragweed allergies. People often get this allergy, also known as hay fever, from the pollen of ragweed plants. Of all the types of weed allergies, ragweed is the most common.

In fact, 75% of Americans who are allergic to pollen-producing plants are allergic to ragweed. A ragweed is a flowering plant that belongs to the genus Ambrosia and to the aster family, or the daisy family. The flowering plant contains tiny yellow-green flowers and is found in fields and roadsides throughout the country.

Ragweed is especially common in the East and Midwest, which makes the state of Illinois a prime target for the problematic weed. If you think you are allergic to ragweed, here are four things you should know.

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Where Is Ragweed Pollen Commonly Found

Ragweed grows just about anywhere, especially in fields, along the side of highways, and in vacant lots.

There are 17 species of ragweed that grow in North America.

The two main types are:

  • Common ragweed looks like a fern and is often found in yards and gardens. It typically grows to about 3 or 4 feet.
  • Giant ragweed are much taller and have lobes of leaves.

Ragweed is especially common in the Midwestern region and along the East Coast of the United States, but it can even be found in Hawaii and many other parts of the world, including Europe.

It Can Enter Your Home

Ragweed Allergies

Similar to other kinds of pollen, ragweed can easily attach to your clothes or come in through your homes doors and windows. In order to reduce exposure in your home, get a quality air filter to remove pollen from your homes air.

If you are struggling with your ragweed allergies this upcoming season, contact your local allergist for help controlling your symptoms.

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Diagnosis Of Ragweed Allergy

If you have allergy symptoms, see an allergist, a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating allergies and asthma.

The allergist will ask you about your medical history, the symptoms you’re experiencing, and their timing. They may also perform skin or blood tests to confirm a ragweed allergy or to diagnose other allergies.

Skin prick tests are common skin tests that involve pricking the skin with a small amount of ragweed pollen and other common allergens to see which ones cause a reaction.

Blood tests look for antibodies or the actions of antibodies within a blood sample.

Climate Change And The Future Of Ragweed Allergies

There are high expectations on the insects tiny shoulders because if ragweed is left uncontrolled many more people could become allergic over the coming decades.

Future modelling is not very optimistic, said Sanchez, referring to the way ragweed will propagate if left alone.

The main factor will be climate change because ambrosia likes higher temperatures… So with climate change, the plant will expand to new areas because the habitat will be good for it and the C02 will also have an impact on the pollen, on the production of the pollen.

Climate change will also make the seasons longer. So this all means more pollen, for longer. So for people it will have a huge impact.

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Allergen Immunotherapy Can Treat Your Allergies

If the symptoms caused by your ragweed allergies are severe, you might want to consider allergen immunotherapy that may help you. Allergen immunotherapy involves repeated exposure of allergen extracts to allergic patients to provide long-term relief of symptoms. By exposing your body to your allergens in small doses over time, your immune system becomes less sensitive to the allergen triggers.

If youre considering allergen immunotherapy as a treatment option for your allergies, you should talk to a certified allergist first. An allergist can take you through all your treatment options and guide you towards the best solution to your problems.

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Ragweed Allergies And Children

Ragweed and Fall Allergies

Ragweed is an allergen that affects loads of people, and the worst most donât even realize theyâre allergic to it and will usually see these allergy symptoms as a cold that their child picked up from other kids at school. It comes at a time of year when weâre so busy doing other things that allergies are the last thing on our mind. Ragweed, like a large number of other allergens, causes cold-like symptoms like sneezing, congestion, and irritated eyes that parents attribute to their child being surrounded by more kids.

How to know if ragweed affects your child

When determining if your child is allergic to ragweed, itâs always best to get an allergy test. But if your son or daughter seems to have a cold every time September rolls around, itâs safe to say that ragweed is a major suspect.

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