What Are Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
The typical sufferer comes in with classic upper respiratory symptoms, says Dr. Purcellthat means a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, congestion , and itchy eyes and ears. Unfortunately, many of those symptoms can mimic those caused by respiratory viruses but a good rule of thumb, according to Dr. Purcell, is to notice how soon those symptoms come on. Respiratory viruses, says Dr. Purcell, come on very quickly, causing you to feel ill over the course of as little as one day. Meanwhile, seasonal allergies develop over time. A virus will hit you like a ton of bricks upfront allergies a little more gradual, explains Dr. Purcell.
It should also be noted that, unlike viruses like the flu and COVID-19, seasonal allergies don’t cause a fever, Marc F. Goldstein, MD, chief of allergy and immunology at Pennsylvania Hospital previously told Health.
The hallmark symptom of seasonal allergies, though, is something that isnt usually associated with the common cold: itching. If you notice that your congestion is accompanied by a pattern of itching and scratching, theres a chance youre reacting to pollen in the air rather than suffering from a virus, says Dr. Purcell. He also notes that if you suffer from asthma, seasonal allergies can exacerbate your asthma symptoms.
Things You Should Know About Oral Allergy Syndrome
Did you know pollen might be responsible for your allergic reactions to fruit or vegetables? If your mouth or throat itches when you eat certain fruit or vegetables, you could have oral allergy syndrome . And you would have a pollen allergy to thank for that.
1. Cross-reactivity is the reason for OAS symptoms. OAS is the result of a confused immune system. The pollen of some trees and grasses are similar to the proteins of certain raw fruits, vegetables, seed or nuts.
2. Birch, alder, ragweed, mugwort, Timothy grass and orchard grass pollen cause most OAS symptoms. These pollens are similar to the proteins of certain raw fruits, vegetables, seed or nuts. If you are allergic to any of these pollens, you may have OAS symptoms.
3. You may be able to eat foods that cause OAS symptoms if you remove their skins and/or cook them. Heat affects the proteins, so you may be able to eat these foods cooked instead of raw. For example, a fresh apple may cause symptoms, but a person with OAS may be able to eat applesauce without symptoms.
4. If youre allergic to these pollens but dont have symptoms when eating related foods, you can still eat them. But if you have severe OAS symptoms, avoid those foods and talk to your allergist.
Here is a list of some pollens and the foods they may cross-react with. You may not react to every food on the list.
How Bad Can Spring Allergies Get
People can be very miserable. Their eyes can become itchy and swollen, their noses get congested, they sneeze a lot and if they have asthma, their lungs can become irritated.
Dr. Eidelman says if you have allergic rhinitis or nasal allergies, things can get really bad and may affect your quality of life quite significantly.
People might have trouble working or going to school. They may have trouble sleeping and they often feel tired. Even if they try to get enough sleep, its not normal sleep. So, work presenteeism can be quite common. This is when people show up to work or school but they cant function at 100% because theyre kind of out of it like they feel when they have a cold or the flu.
According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. The annual cost from all of this is around $18 billion per year.
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Conventional Way Of Handling Oral Allergy Syndrome
Antihistamines and epinephrine are given in cases of severe reactions. Immunotherapy is also carried out. But for now, there isnt a specific medication to treat oral allergy syndrome.
In rare cases, this can cause anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition and some of the symptoms are:
- Dizziness
- Shortness of breath
When To Call A Professional
Symptoms of an acute severe allergic reaction such as rapid pulse, labored breathing and facial swelling require an immediate visit to an emergency care facility. Other reactions should be reported promptly to your physician so that your treatment can be evaluated and you can avoid the medication that caused the reaction.
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Possible Side Effects Of Decongestants
Pseudoephedrine can help with congestion and is found in combo medications like Allegra-D®, Claritin-D® and Zyrtec-D®. Dr. Eidelman says its a good medication, but it can cause side effects and the side effects are more prominent in older people.
It can raise blood pressure and it can also cause palpitations because it is a stimulant. Overall, I dont recommend it for people with heart problems. I also wouldnt recommend that people over 40 take it regularly.
He adds that pseudoephedrine can also cause prostate problems. So if youre older, youre much better off with a topical nasal steroid.
Oas And Nose Allergies Can Be Linked
- Over 50% of people who are allergic to pollen also have OAS. This means 10% of all people.
- Ragweed pollen allergy can cross-react with all melons. Also, sometimes with bananas and tomatoes.
- Birch pollen allergy can cross-react with raw potatoes, carrots, celery and apples.
- Grass pollen allergy can cross-react with tomato and kiwi.
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What Is A Medication Allergy
A true allergic reaction to medication occurs when the immune system is activated in response to a drug. The medication can be taken by mouth, injected into the body or rubbed on the skin. The symptoms from an allergic reaction vary from a mild skin rash to sudden swelling of many body parts with life threatening fall in blood pressure.
Most people with a drug allergy have been exposed to that drug or a similar drug before. During the earlier exposure, immune cells formed antibodies against the drug. Antibodies are proteins created by the immune system to battle foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. When a person is exposed to the drug again, the antibodies go into action, setting off the allergic response. The symptoms of drug allergy may happen immediately or after taking the drug for a week or more.
The reason a person develops a particular drug allergy is usually unknown, but genetics probably play a significant role.
Drug allergies can pose a significant problem, not only because of the symptoms they cause, but also because they can prevent or hinder the use of the more effective medications to treat medical conditions.
For many, medication allergies go undetected until they take a drug and have an allergic reaction.
How Is Oral Allergy Syndrome Treated
While most oral allergy symptoms will go away when you stop eating the food, its a good idea to see an allergist for an individual consultation any time you experience allergy symptoms related to food. Food-related symptoms can sometimes alert you to a more dangerous allergy, such as latex.
The allergist will determine whether your symptoms are a mild cross reaction or whether they could lead to a life-threatening allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis.
Anaphylaxis from oral allergy syndrome is extremely rare, but if youre at risk, you may require a prescription for epinephrine auto-injectors, the first-line treatment.
A board-certified allergist can give you an accurate diagnosis, advise you which foods to avoid and recommend treatments to relieve symptoms.
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Signs That You Are Allergic To Whey Protein
The types of whey protein available are produced in three different forms, isolate, concentrate, and hydrolysate.
These have their different amounts of protein they contain and could relatively be connected to the allergies you could have.
For instance, whey concentrate could cause digestive problems for those who are lactose intolerant.
Whey protein isolates contain less lactose, and thus are easier for those with lactose intolerance to consume without suffering allergic reactions.
Whey protein concentrate is what remains when liquid whey is dried. It contains more amount of lactose, often about 50 percent.
However, the bad side of this, especially for those who are lactose intolerant is that when the undigested sugars get to the intestine, they undergo bacterial fermentation, producing gas that can cause nausea, cramps, and bloating.
If your body finds reacts just after taking whey, then you could be allergic to Whey protein intake. Below are some of the signs that you might notice. These signs could be external or internal.
External Signs
Immediately you come into contact with whey and start developing some form of reactions, it means you are highly.
The following are the signs and systems you could observe.
- Your skin may get irritated and you may get a rash.
- Your lips or tongue may swell up.
- You could have runny nose or mucus.
- It could cause you to start vomiting or throwing up.
- It could cause fatigue to also set in.
Internal Issues
- Sneezing and coughing
What Does Whey Allergy Mean
When you are allergic to whey, it means that your body doesn’t find it comfortable for your body and considers harmful to your immune system.
This makes your immune system to stage protection against its consumption because it considers it harmful, and can invariably lead to some symptoms like, vomiting and stomach upset.
Weakened bones are another possible effect when consumed day after day for extended periods of time without balancing out the acidity with alkaline food.
The acidity of whey protein in our bloodstream can cause the alkaline minerals calcium and magnesium to be leached from our bones and used to buffer the pH of our bloodstream. Read about foods that contain whey
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What Are The Risk Factors
Youre at an increased risk for a pineapple allergy if a close relative is allergic to pineapple. Close relatives include parents, siblings, and grandparents.
This is an especially important consideration when introducing new foods to babies. While it may seem counterintuitive, delaying introduction of familial allergenic foods to babies can actually increase allergy risk according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology .
Aim to introduce top allergenic foods to babies by 6 months of age . For babies with existing atopic dermatitis, a peanut allergy sibling, or a previous allergic reaction, speak to your doctor first.
Fruits, such as pineapple, can contain allergens found in other foods or substances. If youre allergic to pineapple, you may also have an allergy to natural rubber latex. And, you may experience allergic symptoms when youre exposed to items made from it. Things made from natural rubber latex include:
- hospital gloves
- blue tinge around the lips, fingertips, or toes
If youve experienced anaphylaxis before, your doctor has likely prescribed an EpiPen. This is an auto-injected dose of epinephrine, which is a fast-acting type of adrenalin. Its used to relieve severe immune system reactions to allergens.
You should visit the ER immediately after the use of an EpiPen, even if your symptoms are significantly reduced or eliminated due to the possibility of a second-wave reaction that is not responsive to epinephrine.
Synthetic And Natural Alternatives To Ppd
Many alternatives to PPD-containing hair dyes are on the market, though color options may be more limited.
They are PPD-related chemicals, such as hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate , or they do not contain PPD at all, and they work by getting deep into the hair and staining it. Some of these alternative dyes are only available in limited ranges of color, so they may not work for everyone.
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Causes Of Food Allergies
- 8 foods cause 90% of food allergies
- In the first year of life: cow’s milk, soy milk and egg
- Older children: peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and wheat
- Shellfish include shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, oysters and scallops
- Tree nuts include all the nuts except peanuts.
- Of children with a proven food allergy, 40% have severe reactions. The other 60% have mild reactions.
- Peanuts and tree nuts are the most common triggers for severe reactions.
Oral Allergy Syndrome: Also Known As Pollenfood Syndrome
The most frequent symptom of food allergy, particularly in adults, is the so-called OAS. This has been demonstrated in double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge studies involving hazelnut, apple and cherry allergies.8
OAS is a condition characterized by IgE-mediated allergic symptoms restricted to the oral mucosa, which may involve itching and vascular edema of the lips, tongue, palate and pharynx. It is sudden in onset and may be associated with itching of the ear and a sense of tightness in the throat.9 Symptoms usually develop within minutes and then gradually fade within an hour. Although oral itching can be elicited by any food allergen, the classic OAS is associated with sensitization to heat- and pepsin-labile plant-derived proteins in patients with a pollen-related food allergy, in which case cross-reactivity between homologous plant-derived proteins in pollens and vegetable foods is the basis of the syndrome.10
Most allergens involved in such cross-reactivity reactions are easily destroyed by pepsin digestion and heat, which explains why symptoms of pollen-related food allergy are generally mild and the majority of patients with OAS have no problem if they ingest the offending foods after cooking or other heat treatments. OAS can also be induced by stable allergens, so a subset of patients with this specific type of food allergy may sometimes experience generalized and even life-threatening reactions.
E.N.C. Mills, A.S. Tatham, in, 2003
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Answer: Allergic Reaction To Surgical Tape
Adhesive allergy can be pretty severe and uncomfortable. We feel it is important to get the tape off the skin and clean the area thoroughly. With welts and blistering a prescription strength steroid can hasten the resolution. The blistering will settle in a week, thought the pinkness and irritation might last several.
Treat Your Birch Pollen Allergy With Sublingual Immunotherapy
While anithistamines and topical nasal steroids can help control the symptoms of a seasonal allergy such as birch pollen allergy, these medicines do not interfere with the risk of further allergies or the development of asthma. By starting a few months before the birch pollen allergy season , sublingual immunotherapy represents an attractive solution not only to control symptoms but indeed to change the course of this seasonal allergy. Effective and simple, sublingual immunotherapy adds a welcome option in the treatment of birch pollen allergy.
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Oral Allergy Syndrome Symptoms
- Most symptoms are felt in the mouth with itching
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
Most often oral allergy syndrome begins with a pollen allergy such as birch, ragweed or grass. Oral symptoms are seen among 70% of birch sensitive patients and 20% of grass sensitive patients. An allergy to particular foods may follow.
How Pollen Season Affects Oas
Pollen season typically begins in the spring and lasts until November. However, it can start as early as January in some parts of the southern United States. Some people are allergic to foods that trigger them only during the pollen season. After that, they can eat allergy-related foods without symptoms for the remainder of the year.
People with specific pollen allergies should avoid foods specific to their allergy type, especially during the pollen season. For example, if you have a birch tree allergy, you should avoid the following:
- Almonds
- Zucchini
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Is It Possible To Outgrow Oral Allergy Syndrome
When it comes to oral allergy syndrome going away with age, the data is limited. But while certain allergies can disappear as a child grows up, pollen tends to impact people of all ages. In fact, many adults find they first get hay fever in later years, as their immune system loses tolerance. If you do suffer from OAS, you shouldnt expect to get relief without some form of treatment.
A silver lining for anyone with oral allergy syndrome is that heating fruits and vegetables changes the proteins. Therefore, if you discover a food that provokes a response, cooking it first allows you to still include it within your diet. For example, you may experience itching and swelling after eating a tomato, but cooked tomatoes and sauces have no impact.
Friends And Familywere Skeptical
The interesting part about the condition is that most people with it can eat fruits and vegetables after they have been cooked. These pollen-related proteins can be killed by heat . So having canned, cooked or steamed fruits and veggies are still options for many.
In my case, I have to be really careful that these items are cooked to well done. Otherwise, boom another serious reaction!
Oddly, the easiest part of my diagnosis was coming to terms with it. The hard part has been convincing friends, family and co-workers of why I couldnt eat certain raw foods.
At first, I got looks as if I was crazy. The diagnosis seemed far-fetched. How could it be possible to be allergic to so many healthy and natural things? People have even offered to help me adjust my diet or heal the bacteria in my gut to fix me. They mean well, but my issue isnt fixable.
Once I had the proper diagnosis, I simply wanted to be understood. I didnt want anyone to think I was making it up or being dramatic but even 10 years after my condition was confirmed, this still happens occasionally.
Yet the worst part about my condition is thinking youve done everything in your power to prevent a reaction and then having one. It still happens on occasion, and its usually when I have gone out to eat, or attend a dinner with friends or family. The mere act of cutting vegetables can make my hands and arms break out in a rash.
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