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How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes From Allergies

How To Treat Puffy Eyes Caused By Allergies

How To Treat Puffy Eyes

It is important to note that not all cases of puffy eyes are caused by allergies; when seeking treatment, be sure you are treating the appropriate underlying cause. Lack of sleep, aging and diets heavy in salt can all cause swelling in the eye area.;

However, when puffiness is caused by allergies, some degree of itching is usually present.;

Many allergy sufferers find relief by using OTC products formulated to alleviate the symptoms of allergies in the eye area. Eye drops are a common option and include tear substitutes, antihistamines, and ones that contain mast cell stabilizers.;

Tear substitutes help to form a barrier over the eye that protects it from airborne allergens, and helps to flush out potential contact allergens. Antihistamine drops work to reduce swelling and puffiness that have already been initiated by the allergen by blocking histamine receptors. Eye drops that contain mast-cell stabilizers will inhibit mast cells from producing antihistamines, therefore preventing an inflammatory allergic reaction.;

Other than eye drops, certain sprays and oral medications can be effective in treating puffy eyes caused by allergies. Studies suggest that liposomal sprays may be as effective as antihistamine eye drops when it comes to alleviating allergy symptoms.;

Oral antihistamines may also provide temporary relief from allergy symptoms; these medications block the bodys production of histamines and prevent a reaction to the allergen from occurring.

What Causes Puffy Eyes In The Morning

While we sleep, we don’t blink. And this is part of the reason why eye puffiness develops.

Blinking for eyelids is like walking for legs. When idle, some people develop swelling in their lower extremities that goes away as soon as they start walking and muscles in the legs begin “milking” the trapped fluids , which are released back into circulation.

A similar action takes place in the eyelids. The closed, non-blinking eyelids during sleep potentially can swell in certain people prone to this problem. So, in the mornings, you might wake up with unusually puffy, swollen eyelids. After you open your eyes and start blinking, some of this swelling can diminish in an hour or so.

Get Help From Medical Professionals For Serious Issues With Swollen Eyelids

The health of your eyes reflects your overall physical health. When a saline solution, cool compress, anti-inflammatory drugs, or any of the other suggestions above do not reduce puffy or swollen eyelids, or the condition is accompanied by a rash, fever, serious itching, redness, or discharge, you should see a doctor.

Infections and inflammation can lead to damage to your eyes and even cause blindness when untreated. Often, swelling that does not go away indicates an underlying medical condition that requires more intensive treatment.

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How Can I Prevent My Eyes From Becoming Puffy

There are several things you can do to prevent your eyes from becoming puffy. Tips to avoid puffy eyes include:

  • Avoiding rubbing your eyes; apply cold compresses when itching occurs
  • Avoid irritants such as smoke
  • Avoid allergens when possible
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid water retention and to keep your body cleansed
  • Do not use cucumbers, tea bags, or other foods to reduce puffy eyes; foods contain bacteria that may cause an infection
  • Increase your vitamin intake
  • Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol, especially before bed
  • Avoid or limit sodium when possible
  • Talk with your eye doctor about avoiding puffy eyes altogether

As mentioned above, vitamins can play a major role in your eyes overall health. Healthy eyes are usually resistant to such problems, and vitamins can help improve the condition of the skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in and around the eyes.

Use this chart to monitor your daily vitamin intake. Talk with your eye care professional or health care provider before increasing or decreasing your daily dosage of vitamins.


Common Causes Of Swollen Eyelids

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags : Effective Remedies to Banish ...


A stye is an infection located in the eyelid that causes redness, eyelid swelling, and slight pain or tenderness and is caused by a bacteria that can live in the base of an eyelash or in oil glands within the eyelids. Styes are contagious, but most people have stye causing bacteria in their body already. The main risk is usually limited to passing it from one eye to the other.; Styes will typically heal on their own in a few days. Using a warm compress can help speed up the healing process.


A chalazion is a swollen lump on the eyelid caused by a clogged oil gland but isnt usually painful like a traditional stye might be. Warm compresses can help, but a chalazion might need to be treated by a doctor with medications. Its always best to consult your doctor if a swollen eyelid does not improve after a few days.


Blepharitis is a recurring eyelid inflammation in which the eyelids become red, itchy and flake like scales can develop on the base of the eyelashes. You can lessen the likelihood of blepharitis with good hygiene. Frequently washing your face, using warm compresses and gently massaging the eyelids to loosen any blocked oil glands can help reduce irritation and prevent it from recurring.


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When To See A Doctor

Those experiencing prolonged symptoms or symptoms that routinely interfere with their overall quality of life should discuss the situation with their physician.;

Your doctor can work with you to devise a customized strategy designed to keep incidents of swelling, redness, watering and itching to a minimum after identifying the primary irritant. You may also be referred to a specialist.;

Your doctor can provide more intense treatment options, such as corticosteroid drops or injections for allergies.;

Corticosteroids treat allergy symptoms by suppressing the immune system, and preventing it from overreacting to allergens. Injections, also called allergen immunotherapy, also affect the immune system, but rather than suppressing it, they function like a vaccine. These injections allow your immune system to gradually build up a tolerance to the allergen that causes your puffy eye symptoms. While they will not provide immediate relief, but should eventually.;

Applying A Cold Compress

Anything cold can help with inflammation and swelling, as it reduces blood flow. Therefore, a cold compress, ice pack, bag of vegetables, or even refrigerated or frozen spoons may work.

There are many cold compress eye masks available. Alternatively, a person can soak a towel or washcloth in cold water and apply it to the eye area for 510 minutes at a time.

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Quick Remedies For A Swollen Eyelid

For eyelid inflammations, these quick tips can help prevent infection and improve most symptoms.

  • Wash hands regularly and avoid touching the affected eye. Conditions like styes are contagious, and you risk it spreading to the other eye with excessive touching or rubbing.
  • Apply a warm compress multiple times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.
  • Wash bedding and towels often and when you notice symptoms.
  • Avoid lotion or other cosmetics near the swollen eyelid
  • Eye drops can help combat eye dryness or flush out any irritants

If conditions dont improve over a few days, consult your doctor for recommended treatment options.

Causes Of Puffy Eyes & Undereye Bags

How To: Reduce puffy allergy eyes naturally

The natural aging process is the most common cause for bags under the eyes. As we age, skin tone and muscles lose some of their firmness, which can cause loose skin and the appearance of undereye bags. The fat tissue under the eyes can then bulge through, causing puffiness.

  • Allergies: Seasonal allergies or allergic reactions can cause eye irritation and a buildup of fluid around the eyes.
  • Genetics: Puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes can be hereditary and run in families.
  • Sleep issues: Not getting enough sleep can lead to dark circles under your eyes, swelling, and drooping eyelids.
  • Diet: Eating a diet with a lot of salt can cause fluid retention.
  • Accident or injury: Trauma to the face or eye can cause swelling and puffy eyes.
  • Medical condition: There are several conditions that can impact the tissue around your eyes, leading to bags under the eyes and puffy eyes. These conditions include infections, cancer, kidney failure, blepharitis , and uveitis .

Understanding the cause of your puffy eyes can help when looking for a way to manage or treat them. Usually, bags under the eyes and puffy eyes are not cause for concern and do not need specialized treatment. However, they can make you feel less attractive and be bothersome. Many people want to treat them for the associated boost in self-confidence they feel from the results.

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Got Allergies 6 Tips To Relieve Swollen Eyes

In need of some allergy relief for your eyes? When spring arrives, summer flowers bloom, and fall leaves hit the ground, count on allergens to be an integral part of the action.

And thats only on the outside. Inside, allergens run amok throughout the year, triggering allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, stuffy and runny nose and swollen eyes. Allergies can cause the eyes to swell and become red, itchy, watery,

The reason people have swollen eyes from allergies is theyre getting contact in the eyes from airborne allergies.

Basically, what happens is that when the allergens hit your eyes, they sort of dissolve in your tears. They have contact with the lining of the eye , and they react with antibodies that are bound to cells in your eyes. These antibodies cause the body to release histamine which also causes nasal congestion that often accompanies swollen eyes.

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The allergens doing this damage include outdoor allergens like pollen and molds and indoor allergens such as cat and dog allergens, and indoor molds.

Remember, these are your eyes were talking about, so check with your doctor before you try any treatment.

Consider the following remedies to ease swollen eyes:

When Should You See A Doctor For Eyelid Swelling

In some cases, eyelid swelling is a symptom of a serious condition that should be immediately evaluated by a medical professional. Seek immediate medical care if you experience any of these life-threatening symptoms including:

  • Acute loss of vision
  • Eyelid swelling after head trauma
  • symptoms, which may include swollen tongue, lips or mouth; itching; and or feeling like your throat is tight
  • General edema throughout the body, which may be noticeable in your feet and ankles too
  • Neck stiffness
  • Protruding or bulging eye with redness, fever and pain, as these are signs of infection in the eye socket

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When Should I Seek Medical Attention For My Puffy Eyes

Eye swelling can be a sign of a serious problem. When the swelling is persistent, medical attention should be sought. Any time you receive a blow to the eye you should seek medical attention, even if there is no swelling. Seek medical attention immediately if the following symptoms accompany the eye swelling:

  • Fever
  • Swelling in face and neck areas
  • Chills
  • Redness around the eye

Some of the above are symptoms of orbital cellulitis. Although orbital cellulitis is not as common a disease as conjunctivitis, it does have devastating effects. When left untreated, it can lead to very serious complications such as a blood infection or meningitis.

If you are unable to drive yourself to the doctor, ask a relative or friend. If one is not available and you feel this is an emergency, call 911. Never attempt to drive yourself when you are experiencing vision problems.

Where To Get Supplies

How To Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

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Please note: Products mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website is not a substitute for professional care.; Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Who Gets Puffy Eyes

Puffiness under the eyes is a common symptom of allergies, lack of sleep, stress, and poor diet. Eyes will become puffy when the skin around the eyes becomes irritated and itchy. People who consume large amounts of alcohol and sodium before bed may wake up with puffy eyes due to water retention.

Stress may cause your skin and eyes, as well as other parts of the body, to weaken and become susceptible to problems such as swelling.

Other times, puffy eyes are a symptom of an eye condition such as blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids and base of the eyelashes. Most of the possible causes are discussed in this article.

Drink Lemon Juice To Tackle Allergic Reactions

Lemon contains the flavonoid hesperetin and vitamin C. Both these compounds have antihistamine properties and can help prevent an allergic reaction. One case study found that a woman who was sensitive to a variety of substances from detergents, dust, and pollen to perfumes experienced relief from symptoms when she had lemon juice. Interestingly, the lemon juice worked in half an hour and cleared symptoms of not only eye allergy but also nasal allergy.78

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What Are The Treatments And Home Remedies For Puffy Eyes

For normal puffy eyes that are not caused by other eye conditions, there are many ways to reduce the swelling. The following is a list of ways to treat puffy eyes:

  • Wash face with ice cold water
  • Ice or cold packs
  • Increase vitamin and mineral intake
  • Drink plenty of water to clean out your system
  • If puffy eyes are caused by allergies, discontinue using the item that causes the allergic reaction; doctors may also provide shots or prescribe medication
  • Cream for puffy eyes: Try a soothing eye cream with aloe and Vitamin E; also look into certain products such as Revitalume and Swanson Creams Vitamin K cream
  • Eye masks to apply mild pressure to the eyelids at night

You may have noticed that common cucumber and tea bag treatment methods are not mentioned here. This is because these items are not recommended by eye care professionals. Cucumbers are over 90 percent water, and the rest is mainly inert fiber.

Although cucumbers do reduce puffy eyes, it is the coldness of the cucumber that does the trick, not the cucumber itself. Coldness is known to constrict blood vessels, which reduces the flow of fluid into soft tissues.

Eye care professionals recommend using a washcloth dipped in cold water, which has the same effect. The reason cucumbers are not recommended is that food sometimes contains bacteria. Putting a possible bacteria source directly onto the eyes can lead to eye infections. The same is true of tea bags.

How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

How To Reduce Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes can feel uncomfortable and make you self-conscious. Puffy bags under the eyes arent uncommon, and there are ways to deal with this problem at home. In cases where the puffiness is lasting or very noticeable, a treatment option like surgery can often successfully reduce the appearance of puffy eyes.

Verywell / Laura Porter

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Allergy Medicine To Reduce Puffy Eyes

All of the other 10 ways on this page to get rid of puffy eyes won’t really work for you long term if you have allergies so if allergies are the main cause of your. are caused by water retention, swelling and/or allergies which you can easily get rid of using the tips at the top of this page naturally without surgery or any drugs.

Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, affects over 40 million people. Learn more about the symptoms, causes and treatments for hay fever.

Symptoms of SAC include watery, itchy, red, sore, swollen and stinging. anesthesia if cold enough, but eye drops are the mainstay of treatment. Oral antihistamines were among the first systemic drugs to treat allergies and can still be.

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Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes: Free Beauty Tips Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes: Natural Ways to Reduce Swollen Bags Under Your Eyes Many people suffer from under eye puffiness, bags or dark circles under their eyes.

Homeopathic remedies for allergy treatment. Natural Homeopathic medicine for dust , dust, milk, wheat, shell fish, egg, peanut, nasal and skin allergies.

Many of my patients find that under-eye creams and ointments help reduce. can make the dark circles go away. If your eyes have gotten noticeably puffier and the puffiness doesnt go away, see a doctor. Puffy.

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Ways To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

There are different approaches to reducing under-eye puffiness, depending on the cause. At-home treatments can temporarily shrink lower lids that are sometimes swollen from fluid pooling in the undereye area.But, says Desai, home remedies and over-the-counter products can only do so much, To effectively get rid of under-eye bags that are prominent and permanent, medical treatment is oftentimes necessary.;

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