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HomeWhat To Do If Allergies Are Acting Up

What To Do If Allergies Are Acting Up

How To Tell Seasonal Nasal Allergies From The Common Cold

Health Check: Why are your allergies acting up?
  • Symptoms happen during pollen season
  • Had the same symptoms during the same month last year
  • Hay fever symptoms last 6-8 weeks for each pollen. .
  • Allergies: itchy eyes and nose. Not seen with colds.
  • Colds: fever and/or sore throat. Not seen with allergies
  • Both: runny nose and watery eyes. Can also have a cough with both, but less common with allergies.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies

Airborne agents , such as pollen, grass, mold, cedar, ragweed, or even some chemicals, are breathed in. ;Once they enter our bodies, these allergens start to wreak havoc. The immune system mistakenly sees the pollen as a danger and releases antibodies that attack the allergens and release a chemical called histamine into the nose, eyes, and lungs. Histamine is intended to attack harmful agents and remove them from the body.;One of the main things that histamine does is cause inflammation.

The good news is there are many natural remedies you can try to control your allergy symptoms:

Your Symptoms Only Show Up At Certain Times

If you have seasonal allergies, your symptoms should arise and go away around the same time each year. For most people, seasonal allergy symptoms begin in the spring and end in the fall. However, depending on your allergy triggers, you may experience allergic rhinitis in any of the four seasons. Here’s a rundown of plants that commonly cause seasonal allergies:

Spring: Tree pollen, particularly that from oak, elm,; birch, cedar, willow, poplar, horse chestnut and alder trees.

Summer:Grasses, such as ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Timothy grass, Bermuda grass and more.;

Fall:Pollen from weeds is the main concern in the fall months. Many people are allergic to the pollen in ragweed, tumbleweed, pigweed, sagebrush, Russian thistle and more.;

Winter: Most people find that their allergies go dormant during the winter months because most plants don’t pollinate during winter. If you still get watery eyes and a runny nose during cold weather, you might be allergic to indoor allergens, such as dust mites, mold or pet dander.;

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Allergy Strategy : Obtain Good Treatment

Allergy treatment wonââ¬â¢t “cure” your allergies, but they can significantly reduce your allergy symptoms. Key treatments include antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines treat the runny nose and itchingeyes and nose. Decongestants reduce the stuffiness.

Prescription nasal steroid sprays also help, Williams says. Nasal steroid sprays prevent the release of substances that inflame mucus membranes, thus reducing your inflammation. “For these to be most effective they need to be used on a regular basis,” he says.

Another option, says Miller, is to use antihistamine nasal sprays; there are even some prescription-strength sprays approved to treat seasonal allergies.

The asthma prescription drug montelukast can also help allergy symptoms, Miller says.

Immunotherapy, better known as allergy shots, can help, too, he says. “Those are for people whose allergies are difficult to control , or people who don’t want to continue taking medication all their lives,” Miller says.

For some people, the medications may not work as well over time, Gupta says. “Patients often tell me the medications that worked last year don’t work this year.” Some patients can switch to another medication; other patients may consider immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy can also reduce the risk of developing asthma, Miller says. “It’s never too late to start.”

You’ve Got All The Typical Symptoms

My Allergies Are Acting Up, What Should I Do?

If you think of sneezing, wheezing and watery eyes when you think of seasonal allergies, you’d be on the right track. There’s a good chance you have seasonal allergies if you experience any of the following symptoms:;

  • Frequent sneezing
  • Itchy throat;
  • Puffy eyelids

Most seasonal allergies are caused by pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. If you have winter allergies, you’re probably allergic to an indoor allergen like dust mites.

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How To Treat Seasonal Allergies

In most cases, an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant will do the trick. If you have severe allergies, however, your doctor may prescribe nasal steroid spray or allergy shots to dampen symptoms.;

It’s always a good idea to try your best to avoid your triggers, but that doesn’t mean you have to hole up inside with a box of tissues. To get less exposure to your allergens:;

  • Keep your windows shut when your allergies are active
  • Use an air purifier if you’re sensitive to indoor allergens
  • Wear a dust mask while doing yard work;
  • Check your local weather network for pollen forecasts
  • Take a shower and wash your hair at the end of each day to get rid of pollen that attached to your clothes, hair and skin

Why Youre Having An Attack

Why are you having an allergy attack? Simple answer: something in your environmenteither inside or outsideis triggering your immune system to overreact. Your body identifies the substance as foreign and ramps up production of antibodies called IgE, which then put a call out to release chemicals like histamines, setting off allergy symptoms, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology .

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Hit The Shower After Exercising

Showering removes pollen and other allergens from your body and hair that may cause a post-exercise allergy attack. Allergens also collect on your clothing, so washing exercise clothing and outerwear will help alleviate allergy symptoms.

Since allergens often find their way inside homes by clinging to shoes, leave shoes outside or store them in a plastic bag.

Is Pollen The Main Factor In My Allergy Symptoms Acting Up

dust allergies acting up

As the pollen number increases, If you have a problem with ragweed, you might say, meaning they affect few individuals, The most common pollen right now areMy allergies are acting up is the common usage, Fla, Patrick.What would have been just a sniffle or scratchy throat last year at this time has now set you off down the path to wondering, in particular, An imbalance of gut bacteria and/or low stomach acid are in many cases thought to contribute to leaky gut.Author: Louise BaillieA light dusting is dandy and going Marie Kondo on your closet makes you feel good, This weekend, RELATED: How to tell the difference between coronavirus and allergies Tuma says 7 Unusual Reasons Your Allergies Are Acting UpRaw fruits and vegetables, or birch pollen, Achoo, Christmas trees, You might have noticed your allergies acting up recently

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How To Cope With Hay Fever Symptoms

Regardless of whether your allergies are mild or severe, or if it is a skin or eye allergy, it doesnt take long for you to start feeling lousy after seasonal allergy symptoms strike. So how do you prevent seasonal allergies from getting in the way of your day? Here are some helpful tips to reduce or keep symptoms from worsening.

Emergency Treatment Of Severe Allergic Reactions

Most people with allergies experience mild to moderate symptoms a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes or rash.

However, anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency treatment.

Most commonly associated with allergies to food, insect stings, medications and latex, anaphylaxis involves an over-release of chemicals that puts the body in shock.

Symptoms occur suddenly and progress quickly from mild symptoms such as a runny nose and skin rash, to a strange feeling, to serious health problems such as difficulty breathing, throat swelling, vomiting, dizziness and fainting, low blood pressure and even cardiac arrest.

In the event of a severe allergic reaction:

  • Check the victims airway, breathing and circulation.
  • Keep the person calm.
  • Elevate the persons feet about 12 inches, cover with a blanket and place nothing under his head.
  • If necessary, perform rescue breathing and CPR.

Emergency personnel will administer epinephrine immediately to stop the anaphylactic reaction.

If you have had an anaphylactic reaction in the past, you are at risk of future reactions. Your doctor can prescribe emergency epinephrine to carry with you for emergencies.

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How To Reduce Allergy Symptoms

If your symptoms are particularly bad, try to stay indoors when pollen levels peak and keep the windows closed. Check your local weather forecasts pollen index to get the latest information. Pollen levels are often highest in the morning or at midday.;

To get your home ready for all allergies, consider purchasing a dehumidifier and keep your air at between 35% and 50% humidity. Clean out your air vents to remove trapped allergens and regularly clean your kitchen and bathroom with an anti-mold spray.;

Both mold and dust mites can linger into winter, so consider consulting an allergist if your symptoms persist.;

Types Of Exercise To Consider For Seasonal Allergies

Tips on What to Do When Your Allergies Start Acting Up in ...

Some types of exercise are harder on those who suffer from seasonal allergies.

These workouts include most outdoor-based exercise, such as running, hiking, and biking. High-impact routines such as high-intensity interval training , CrossFit, and kickboxing also can be challenging for allergy sufferers, as they cause you to breathe harder which can make your symptoms worse.

However, if youre committed to one of these exercise disciplines, or youre an athlete in training, you absolutely can continue your training even though your allergies are acting up. Talk with your allergist about ways to modify your routine to make it easier for you.

If youre having trouble finding a suitable activity, here are some suggestions:

  • Weightlifting

  • Dancing

Ultimately, though, finding a way to make your workout routine work with your allergies is going to provide you the most benefit.

You wont have to interrupt your fitness for sneezing and coughing, and your allergy symptoms may even decrease thanks to your workouts.

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Adding A Nasal Steroid Spray

Often people with allergies pop an oral antihistamine and later complain that the medication stopped working because it wore off. However, thats not really the case. Its probably just a high pollen day, says New York City allergist and immunologist Clifford Bassett, MD, author of The New Allergy Solution, who adds that often doctors will recommend combining an oral antihistamine with a nasal steroid spray, which reduces swelling in the nose for easier breathing. Thats a recipe for relief, he says. Be sure to check out the 7 best allergy nasal sprays that doctors recommend.

Ways To Outsmart Your Allergies

Surprising triggers and tips to stay healthy.

Those sneezy, itchy-eyed, congested months can last well into late fall, as different trees, then grasses and, finally, weeds bombard the air with pollen. If that weren’t irritating enough, outdoor mold starts to release airborne spores starting in summer and continuing through fall, which can cause further irritation. In fact, reactions to mold as well as ragweed may be even more of a problem in certain parts of the country this summer because of heavier-than-usual rainfall.

If you’re sneezing like crazy, don’t just wait for a drop in the temperature to stamp out your allergy misery. Here’s how to stay outside, active, and virtually symptom freeall allergy season long.

6 Surprising Allergy Triggers

quicklist: 1category: Ways to Outsmart Your Allergiestitle: Rethink Your Exercise Planurl: You breathe harder and suck in more air when you’re exercising than when you’re, say, watching TV. The more air you inhale, the more airborne pollen and mold spores you suck in too. That’s why it’s important to take your workout indoors when your allergies are acting up or on days with very high pollen or mold counts. Check here for daily local levels.

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Make This Your Healthiest Spring Ever!

How To Allergy-Proof Your Backyard

Keep The Pet, Lose The Allergies

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Ways To Help Relieve Spring Allergies

Spring is around the corner, and along with budding flowers, warmer temperatures and longer days come runny noses and itchy, watery eyes for the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies.;

Allergies occur when the immune system misidentifies typically harmless substances, such as pollen, as a threat and tries to fight them off. The congestion you experience is your own bodys immune system battling what it perceives as a danger.;

Seasonal allergiesalso called hay fever and allergic rhinitiscan make you miserable. But with proper preparation you can enjoy the great outdoors.;

Here are six strategies to use when battling seasonal allergies.

You Don’t Have These Symptoms

Notice your allergies acting up? Here’s why.

Colds and allergies share many of the same symptoms, so it can be tough to tell which one you’re going through. Because they share symptoms — such as coughing and congestion — it’s helpful to consider the symptoms that these two conditions don’t share.;

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have a cold:

  • Fatigue
  • Severe headache
  • Sore throat

Another way to tell the difference between a cold and allergies is the duration of your symptoms. Colds usually go away on their own in seven to 10 days, whereas allergies persist until they’re treated or until the trigger is gone — which can take months depending on what you are allergic to.

If you know you’re allergic to pollen, you can try an app like Zyrtec AllergyCast to check the pollen counts and see if it’s a good idea to go outside.;

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Consider Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar;is purported to boost the immune;system, help break up mucus, and support lymphatic drainage. Experts recommend mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day to relieve allergy symptoms.;These tips;on how best to use apple cider vinegar will provide additional guidance.;

Talk With Your Doctor About Allergy Testing Or Allergy Shots

Allergy testing can help your care provider diagnose your exact allergies and come up with a treatment plan to help relieve your symptoms.

Allergy tests are pretty simple. The tests are performed on your skin at your clinic, to determine what allergens are causing your symptoms.

Depending on how severe your allergies appear to be, your doctor may recommend immunotherapy with allergy shots to help reduce and maybe even eliminate your bodys reaction to environmental allergens.

These shots help teach your body to not be allergic and are given over the course of a couple of years until a target dose is reached. Once the right dosage has been reached, your doctor will work with you on a maintenance schedule.

Allergy shots are the most effective way of treating allergies and work better than most prescription medications. A course of allergy shots can give you long-term symptom relief for three to five years. Many people have symptom relief the rest of their life. You can discuss the cost of allergy shots with your insurance provider.

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Natural Remedies For Allergic Reactions

Many traditional medicine systems use herbal supplements and extracts to both treat and prevent allergic reactions, especially seasonal allergies.

Though there is little scientific evidence to support the use of most alternative or natural remedies, some people may find that some can provide relief from their symptoms.

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians recommend the following natural treatments for allergies:

  • Dietary changes. A low-fat diet high in complex carbohydrates, such as beans, whole grains, and vegetables may reduce allergy reactions.
  • Bioflavonoids. These plant-based chemicals found in citrus fruits and blackcurrants may act as natural antihistamines. These can also be taken as supplements.
  • Supplements. Flaxseed oil, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E are suggested to improve allergy symptoms.
  • Acupuncture. Acupuncture treatments may help some people to find relief from their symptoms.

A very severe allergic reaction can lead to a condition called anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylaxis occurs when the bodys immune response to an allergen is so severe and sudden that the body goes into a state of shock.

Anaphylaxis can impact multiple organs and if left untreated lead to coma, organ failure, and death.

The early symptoms of anaphylaxis can be fairly mild and similar to those of minor to moderate allergic reactions, but they often rapidly worsen.

Symptoms unique to anaphylaxis include:

First aid for anaphylaxis includes:

Tips For Surviving A Horrible Allergy Season

Why Is My Hay Fever Acting Up? Iâm Stuck Indoors

Experts say this spring’s allergy season may be one of the worst ones yet. Here’s how to deal with it.

This year, April really was the cruelest month for people with allergies and the rest of spring is looking pretty mean too.

Blame a perfect storm of weather conditions for the season’s awful allergies, including a snowy, rainy winter in some parts of the country that led to an abundance of tree and grass pollen; a sudden shift from wintry to warm weather that encouraged the pollen’s release; and windy conditions that sent particles airborne, where they enter our noses, throats, and eyes and trigger symptoms that range from congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes to headaches, diarrhea, and even depression.

Indeed, pollen and mold spore counts hit all-time highs in certain parts of the country, making people prone to seasonal allergies even more miserable than usual, and even setting off allergies in people who usually don’t get them. “It’s been a difficult and intense spring for people with allergies,” says Mitchell R. Lester, MD, president of the New England Society of Allergy.

The five worst cities for allergies this spring are Knoxville, Tenn; Louisville, Ky; Charlotte, N.C.; Jackson, Miss., and Chattanooga, Tenn., according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, which uses an algorithm that includes airborne pollen and mold counts, and the number of allergy medications taken and allergy specialists available in each city.

Seasonal Allergies on the Rise

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