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HomeCauseHow To Treat A Swollen Eye Caused By Allergies

How To Treat A Swollen Eye Caused By Allergies

What Are The Common Causes Of Swollen Eyes From Allergies

Do swollen, itchy & burning eyes indicates Blepharitis? – Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal

A swollen eyelid happens when the connective tissues around the eye are inflamed. This condition can be painful, and it can affect both the upper and lower eyelids. The most common causes of eye inflammation are infections, injuries, and allergies.

Adverse immune reaction to certain allergens causes an eye allergy. These include:

  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Smoke

Some individuals may develop allergies to medicines such as pain relievers and antibacterials. Food and climate changes can also cause an allergic reaction.

What Are The Potential Complications Of Eyelid Swelling

Complications associated with eyelid swelling can be progressive and vary depending on the underlying cause. Because eyelid swelling can be due to serious diseases, failure to seek treatment can result in complications and permanent damage. It is important to visit your healthcare provider when you experience any kind of persistent swelling or other unusual eye symptoms. Once the underlying cause is diagnosed, following the treatment plan outlined by your doctor can help reduce any potential complications including:

  • Chronic discomfort orpain

Can Itchy Eyes Be Prevented

If the itching is caused by an allergy, identify what you are allergic to and remove it. Your doctor can help you and may refer you to a specialist immunologist or allergist if a more complicated assessment is needed. For example, house dust mites and pet fur are common triggers. You should also talk to your doctor about whether changing your medicines could help prevent itchy eyes.

Try to avoid things that can irritate the eyes, such as dry air, wind, pollen, cigarette smoke, dust, chemicals, strong smells, or staring at a screen for a long time. Make a conscious effort to blink more often to lubricate your eyes.

Always use hypoallergenic products near your eyes and use eye protection to prevent pollen, dust or sand from getting into your eyes. Eating a diet with plenty of vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids can also help.

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Got Allergies 6 Tips To Relieve Swollen Eyes

In need of some allergy relief for your eyes? When spring arrives, summer flowers bloom, and fall leaves hit the ground, count on allergens to be an integral part of the action.

And thats only on the outside. Inside, allergens run amok throughout the year, triggering allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, stuffy and runny nose and swollen eyes. Allergies can cause the eyes to swell and become red, itchy, watery,

The reason people have swollen eyes from allergies is theyre getting contact in the eyes from airborne allergies.

Basically, what happens is that when the allergens hit your eyes, they sort of dissolve in your tears. They have contact with the lining of the eye , and they react with antibodies that are bound to cells in your eyes. These antibodies cause the body to release histamine which also causes nasal congestion that often accompanies swollen eyes.

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The allergens doing this damage include outdoor allergens like pollen and molds and indoor allergens such as cat and dog allergens, and indoor molds.

Remember, these are your eyes were talking about, so check with your doctor before you try any treatment.

Consider the following remedies to ease swollen eyes:

Avoiding A Pollen Allergy

9 Top Home Remedies For Swollen Eyes

The best eye allergy home remedy is to avoid the problem in the first place. This is often quite straight forward when it comes to a pollen allergy. The following preventative steps may help you avoid it entirely:

  • Check the forecast. One of the most effective ways of avoiding swollen eyes caused by allergies is to stay inside when the pollen count is high. A quick check of the weather forecast could save you a lot of irritation in the long run.
  • Wear wraparound sunglasses. Of course, therell be some days you have to go out, regardless of whether the pollen count is high or not, and on these days sunglasses are your friend. Wear wraparound frames that cling to your face to help block allergens from making their way into your eyes.
  • Keep your windows closed. Pollen can work its way into your home if you leave the windows open. Use fans in your home on hot days and crank up the air conditioning in your car, just resist the temptation to let air in via your windows.

If you have an allergic reaction, swollen eyes or other nasty symptoms there are various professional eye allergy treatment options you can try. These are important if your reaction is severe or long lasting. For more minor cases there are a range of eye allergy home remedy possibilities. Try one of the options above and see how you get on.

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Amp Up The Compress With Calendula Or Chamomile For Swollen Red Eyes

Both calendula and chamomile have inflammatory properties which can soothe irritated eyes. Up the power of your eye compress with these. Boil a cup of distilled water and steep 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile or calendula flowers in it. Strain the solution and allow it to cool. Now soak a clean washcloth in it, wring out the excess water, and apply it over closed eyelids for about 20 minutes.2 However, do keep in mind that some people are allergic to chamomile or calendula, so do a patch test before using this remedy.

What Causes The Dark Blue

This is called the allergic shiner when theres swelling of tissue and fluid buildup in and around the eyes, blood starts to pool, darkening the skin and creating dark circles. The allergic shiner is also a common sign of environmental allergies to pollen, dust mites or pet dander, and it can also indicate food allergy.

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How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes From Allergies

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If you have allergies, you know it is not unusual for those allergies to affect your eyes. The eyes can become red and itchy, and the skin around the eyes can become puffy. This eyelid swelling, along with other allergy symptoms, can be treated by identifying the cause of the allergic response and limiting exposure 2. Use of cold compresses, eye drops and oral medication may also be helpful.

Causes Of Eye Swelling On One Side

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  • Rubbing the Eye. Rubbing from any cause will make the eyelids puffy. Often, it starts from getting an irritant in the eye. Young children often touch their eyes with dirty hands. They also may get food in the eye.
  • Insect Bite near the eye. A reaction to the insect’s spit causes swelling. The loose eye tissues swell easily. The most common bite is from a mosquito.
  • Contact Dermatitis near the eye. An example is poison ivy.
  • Injury near the eye. Can cause a bruise and swelling.
  • Sty. A minor infection of an eyelash.
  • Dacryocystitis. An infection of the tear sac in the corner of the eye.
  • Ethmoid Sinus Infection . This causes swelling and redness of the eyelid. The ethmoid sinus is behind the eye.
  • Periorbital Cellulitis . A bacterial infection of the eyelid. Caused by spread from nearby infected wound or insect bite. The eyelid is very red and usually painful to touch.

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Causes Of Eye Swelling On Both Sides

  • Allergic Conjunctivitis. Itchy pink eyes from pollen or pet dander.
  • Viral Conjunctivitis. The main symptom is red eyes with a cold.
  • Bacterial Conjunctivitis. The main symptom is yellow pus in the eye or eyes. Eyelids may be matted shut.
  • Edema . Edema is retained fluid within body tissues. Edema fluid first appears as swelling of the feet due to gravity. Edema fluid also occurs around both eyes after lying down. It’s caused by kidney, heart or liver failure.
  • Anaphylaxis . A severe life-threatening allergic reaction. Triggered by foods, drugs and bee stings. Serious symptoms such as trouble breathing or swallowing occur. Hives are almost always present.

Is It Pink Eye Or Allergies

It can be difficult to tell the difference between allergic conjunctivitis and pink eye, a conjunctivitis caused by a virus or bacteria. Eye allergy tends to clear secretions and itching, while bacterial infections causing pink eye usually involve yellow or greenish discharge. Most conjunctivitis is viral rather bacterial and resolves well after applying warm compresses. If only one eye is affected, take care to not touch or apply anything to the unaffected eye after touching the eye with the issue.

Never put corticosteroid drops into your eyes without having a comprehensive eye exam. It is very difficult to tell the difference between conjunctivitis caused by allergy or conjunctivitis caused by bacteria corticosteroids can be dangerous with certain bacterial diseases. Eye allergy tends to cause clear secretions and itching, while bacterial infections usually involve yellow or greenish secretions.

If you suspect that you have eye allergies visit a healthcare professional. Preventing and treating eye symptoms may be part of your overall treatment plan.

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Symptoms May Also Be Due To Contact Allergy

  • Many cosmetics , will cause a contact allergy of the eyelids, which may occur in only one eye
  • Other causes include antibiotics and the preservative thiomersal .
  • Some plants will also cause contact allergy, including Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’, African violets and a number of bulbs. Since the Rhus tree has been declared a noxious weed the number of cases of this serious contact allergy has declined.
  • Usually there is an initial improvement of the condition after prescribed eye drops are used and then a continuing deterioration, only improved by ceasing the eye drops.
  • Bathing the eyes with cooled boiled water will give comfort as the condition improves.
  • A doctor will usually use patch testing to confirm the diagnosis and inquire about whether any non-prescribed or herbal drops have been used.

Preventative Measures Against Eye Rashes

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Preventing an eye rash is mostly a case of keeping the skin moisturized while avoiding possible triggers and irritants. If you use contact lenses, be sure to clean them properly each night and change the lens solution regularly. If you use any facial products like mascara, consider throwing them out if they are too old or at the very least avoid using them for a few days and see if the rash clears up.If you have allergies, taking an antihistamine or employing other steps to avoid attacks can go a long way to keeping your eyes in the clear. Lastly, refrain from rubbing at your eyes or at least wash your hands before doing so.

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What Is Blepharochalasis

Painless edemas occur on the eyelids at indeterminate intervals, and these edemas recur, causing wrinkling, thinning, laxity, and deterioration of the eyelid structure. Blepharochalasis is a rare disease and usually occurs in childhood and adolescence. It is mostly observed on both eyelids.

It can be treated surgically, depending on the condition of the disease and the person. However, there is a possibility of recurrence due to the patients lifestyle or different reasons.

Why Is My Eyelid Swollen

Swollen eyelids are a fairly common eye condition caused by inflammation or excess fluid in the connective tissues surrounding the eye. Depending on the cause, swollen eyelids can sometimes be somewhat painful, affecting the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both. Swollen eyes can also be caused by many other factors, including allergies, styes, a blocked gland, traumatic eye injury, and conjunctivitis .

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Are There Eye Allergy Home Remedies

Eliminating or even minimizing exposure to allergens may lead to symptomatic improvement. Therefore, an evaluation with an allergist to identify culprit allergens may be very helpful. The following are some environmental control measures to minimize allergen exposure.

  • For dust mites:
  • Wash sheets in hot water once weekly.
  • Use allergen impermeable covers for mattresses and pillows.
  • Minimize carpeting, linens, stuffed animals, etc., where dust mites can collect.
  • For pets:
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom at all times.
  • Use HEPA filters.
  • Bathe the pets at least once weekly.
  • For mold:
  • Eliminate water leaks and standing water, particularly in basements.
  • For outdoor pollens like trees, grasses, and weeds:
  • Use air conditioning and keep windows and doors closed.
  • Unfortunately, allergen avoidance is not always easy or possible. If this is the case, the following at-home remedies may provide an individual with some relief from ocular allergies.

    • Apply cold compresses to the eyes to help reduce the allergic reaction.
    • Use artificial tears/lubricating eyedrops as needed to help flush out allergens that get into the eyes.
    • Use over-the-counter medications, such as allergy eyedrops, oral antihistamines, and/or nasal corticosteroids.

    What Can I Do To Address Eye Swelling

    Allergic Conjunctivitis | Eye Allergy Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

    Eye puffiness or swelling is a common symptom of allergic conjunctivitis, along with itchy, red eyes, a burning sensation and a clear, watery discharge.

    During an allergic reaction, white blood cells attach to protective mast cells in the mucus membranes of the eyes and nasal passages, and fluid builds up. Tiny blood vessels in and around the eyes leak, leading to inflammation and swelling in surrounding tissues and the watery discharge. Rubbing or scratching the eyes only makes it worse and could lead to infection.

    Eye swelling often occurs at night. One reason this happens is exposure to allergens in the bedroom primarily dust mites and/or pet dander.

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    What Is Eyelid Swelling

    Eyelid swelling is common and can be caused by many different causes. The eye may be infected or edema may have developed. These problems are mostly harmless and go away on their own within 24 hours. In this process, warm compresses on the eye help.

    • 12 hours ago

    If swelling is accompanied by itching or pain, different causes should be considered. While swelling is usually harmless, some can cause serious discomfort. If it affects the persons life to such an extent that it hinders their vision, it is absolutely necessary to go to an ophthalmologist .

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    How Can I Get Rid Of My Swollen Eyes

    For eye infections, there are over the counter medications that can help alleviate swelling but visiting a doctor will help fix the problem. If youre suffering from allergies, you can either alleviate your swollen eyes by using oral antihistamines and decongestants, as well as eye drops that contain antihistamines and decongestants.

    If youre not suffering from allergies, you can apply either a warm washcloth over your eyes for a period of time, or a cold ice pack over your eyes for a period of time. Both ways reduce the swelling. Keeping your head elevated will also reduce the swelling around your eyes.

    Try not to lie down or keep your head in a position where blood can flow to it quicker. If bacteria is causing the swelling around your eyes, you can receive antibiotics to eliminate the infection as well as the swelling.

    Another option you can do is to splash cool water on your face and in your eyes. This can remove any particles that could be irritating your eyes.

    Also, avoid rubbing your eyes the best you can, this will only cause the swelling to worsen, even to the point of temporary blindness. For eye swelling that is persistent and will not go away, seek medical help from a medical professional.

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    When To See A Doctor For Swollen Eyes

    If swollen eyes suddenly appear without an explanation or if they persist despite treatment at home, consider seeing an eye doctor to address the condition. Swollen eyes could lead to worse conditions or an infection if not treated properly.

    In some cases, swollen eyes can indicate a bigger issue and require different treatment.

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    When To Contact A Medical Professional

    12 causes and treatments of a swollen eyelid: Stye ...
    • You have symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis that do not respond to self-care steps and over-the-counter treatment.
    • Your vision is affected.
    • You develop eye pain that is severe or becoming worse.
    • Your eyelids or the skin around your eyes becomes swollen or red.
    • You have a headache in addition to your other symptoms.

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    Allergy Medication Can Help

    Some medications that you take to treat hay fever, nasal allergies, runny nose, and throat and sinus problems may also help control eye allergies. Antihistamines and decongestants are available in capsule, pill, and liquid forms. Potential side effects of these medications may include dry eyes and drowsiness. Some kinds of decongestants may make you jittery or dizzy. If you have high blood pressure, certain ingredients in allergy medication may not be safe for you. Ask your doctor or pharmacist which medications are safe for you.

    Swelling Of Eye: Clues To The Cause

    • Swelling of 1 eye is often due to an insect bite. Mosquito bites are a common cause. It can also be from an irritant transferred to the eye by the hands.
    • Suspect mosquito bites if there are bites on other parts of the body. Insect bites of the upper face can cause the eyelid to swell. This can last for a few days. With insect bites, the swelling can be pink as well as large. Large swelling is common for ages 1-5 years.
    • Swelling of both eyes is usually due to pollen that’s airborne. This includes tree, grass or weed pollen. These pollens float in the air and can travel hundreds of miles. Itching also makes the swelling worse.
    • Swelling of the face is usually due to allergic reactions to swallowed substances. Examples are foods or medicines. May be part of a severe allergic reaction.
    • Allergic reactions to antibiotic eyedrops can cause severe swelling of both eyes.
    • Swollen eyelids from insect bites, pollens or other allergies are itchy.
    • Swollen eyelids from eyelid infections are painful and tender to the touch.

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