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HomeFactsIs Coconut Oil A Nut Allergy

Is Coconut Oil A Nut Allergy

Better For Acne And Pores

Nuts about Nuts and Coconut Oil!

For any type of facial skin care or hair treatment, using the regular virgin cold pressed can have consequences.

Some skin care companies claim it has a comedogenic rating of 4. That would mean theres a high chance it will clog pores and may worsen not just pimples and blackheads, but also diseases like eczema. That being said, other research suggests its rating is lower .

The comedogenic rating of fractionated coconut oil is excellent, since it has a melting point of around 40° F. Anything above that means its a liquid and thats less likely to clog your skin pores.

With the raw, it has to be spread very thin to ensure it stays liquid . For hair applications, you definitely want to stick with the refined, since it will be further away from your 98° skin.

Some men use it as a natural one-ingredient product to add sheen to their beard or facial hair .

Can You Be Allergic To Coconut Butter

Contrary to popular belief, coconut is a fruit and not a nut. It is possible to be allergic to tree nuts and still safely use coconut and related products such as coconut butter, coconut flakes, and coconut oil as well. Coconut oil allergy is very rare but when an allergic reaction occurs, several symptoms are noticeable. These include:

What Foods To Avoid If You Have A Peanut Allergy

Foods To Avoid If You Have A Peanut Allergy 1 Be sure to avoid foods that contain any of the following ingredients: 2 Foods that may indicate the presence of peanut protein include: 3 Coconut and Peanut Allergy. Coconut, the seed of a drupaceous fruit, has typically not been restricted in the diets of people with tree nut allergy.

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Can Peanut Allergy Cause Arthritis

While some people think food allergies are linked to childhood hyperactivity and to arthritis, theres no evidence to support this. Complications of peanut allergy can include anaphylaxis. Children and adults who have a severe peanut allergy are especially at risk of having this life-threatening reaction. Peanut Allergy.

Healthier Than Other Saturated Fats

The Allergy Scoop: Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, and Cocoa Butter

Most of the bad stuff youve heard about saturated fat is true, but its in reference to the long and very long chain forms.

Those are what is most prevalent in the Western diet.

Is extra virgin olive oil vs. fractionated coconut oil better for you? Despite what the Mediterranean diet may falsely evoke, the saturated fats in MCT are no worse for your metabolic profile than the heart healthy monounsaturated in olive.

At least thats according to a 16 week weight loss study, where some used fractionated coconut and others used olive. Lipid profiles, glucose readings, and blood pressure were comparable among both groups.

While both the normal coconut and the fractionated contain high amounts of good saturated fats, only the latter is 100% good. With the virgin unrefined, you still have around 35% in the form of bad fats.

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Safety At School + Work

If your child has a coconut allergy, make sure to let both the school and their individual teachers know of their allergy. Any medication they might need, including an EpiPen if the reaction is severe, needs to be kept at the school in case of emergencies.

In elementary school, when they have assigned seating, it is easier to maintain a clean workspace for your child. As they go through middle and high school and beyond, make sure to have them wipe down the desk before they use it as there could be oils on the desk after someone ate a granola bar, for example.

The most dangerous moments for your child will be during school parties when parents bring in sweet treats to celebrate. You must teach your child that they cant participate in these events no matter how good the cupcake looks because we dont know if its safe.

Another dangerous moment is at the lunch table. While you might pack a safe lunch for your kid, there is no guarantee that they dont swap foods to share with friends at the table. This is another thing you need to teach your kids not to do.

In a work environment, you should inform your coworkers of your allergy and ask them to not eat coconut around you or your workspace, especially if your allergy is severe and anaphylactic. Making sure to wipe down surfaces is again important.

Is It Safe To Eat Peanut Butter Without A Peanut

So anything without peanuts is perfectly safe, as long as you dont have any other food allergies. The trick is in knowing which foods contain peanuts or peanut byproducts. Clearly, anything with peanut oil, peanut butter, peanut flour or peanut pieces is off-limits. Certain foods have peanuts in them, though you might not realize it.

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Coconut Allergy In Relation To Tree Nuts

Many patients who have tree nut allergy wonder if they have coconut allergy as well. That goes more to the question, is coconut a tree nut? Coconut is actually a fruit, but the US FDA classifies coconut as a tree nut. There has been little guidance in patients with tree nut allergies on the safety of consuming coconut.

A study was done in assessing patients with coconut allergy and to see if they have co-sensitization to tree nuts. An apparent correlation between coconut and tree nut sensitization is mainly explained by sensitization to macadamia nut. The authors of the study plan to compare the IgE blood test results and to compare it with clinical symptoms.

Most patients allergic to tree nuts can safely consume coconuts, although this study seems to point towards a relationship specifically to macadamia nut allergy and coconut allergy.

Overall though, a tree nut allergy does not have co-sensitization to coconuts, but based on this recent study, macadamia nut allergy may predict coconut sensitization. It remains to be seen if there is actually a clinical correlation between these two foods, or if there is just some cross reactivity on the skin test that does not actually imply real coconut allergy.

How Common Is An Allergy To Coconut Oil

Nut Free Macarons using Judees Coconut Flour


A life-threatening allergic reaction.

reactions to coconut and coconut oil are very rare. Contact reactions are also called contact dermatitis. They usually result in more mild symptoms, such as a skin rash or blistering on the skin. Contact dermatitis cases are more common with products that touch the skin and contain coconut oil, such as lotion or beauty aids.

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Vegetable Oils In Food Preparation

While vegetable oils may actually represent a combination of peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, corn oil, or palm oil, in many cases prepared foods may list this ingredient simply as the catchall, “vegetable oil.”

Generally, vegetable oils are highly refined, meaning that they are processed in such a way to remove the majority of the protein present in the crude form. It is the protein in foods that act as the allergen and is responsible for causing allergic reactions as a result of eating the food.

The refining of vegetable oils decreases the amount of protein by approximately 100-fold, which significantly decreases the chance of vegetable oils causing allergic reactions.

Unfortunately, crude and some refined vegetable oils do contain some vegetable proteins, which may cause allergic reactions in very sensitive people with food allergies.

Other Names For Tree Nuts

In the past, some products have used other names for tree nuts on their labels. These names are not permitted without the common name of the tree nut also appearing on the label, based on the enhanced labelling requirements for food allergens, gluten sources and added sulphites. However, if you have a tree nut allergy and see one of the following in the list of ingredients on a product you should not eat it.

  • Anacardium nuts
  • Filberts
  • Nut meats
  • Queensland nuts

Examples of foods and products that contain or often contain tree nuts

  • Baked goods
  • Calisson
  • Dishes such as almond chicken, pad thai, satay, chili and trout amandine
  • Gianduja and giandula
  • Tree nut oils
  • Pralines
  • Snack foods, e.g., trail mix

Non-food sources of tree nuts

  • Bean bags, kick sacks/hacky sacks
  • Bird seed
  • Cosmetics, hair care products, sun screens
  • Massage oils
  • Pet food

Note: These lists are not complete and may change. Food and food products purchased from other countries, through mail-order or the Internet, are not always produced using the same manufacturing and labelling standards as in Canada.

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But Cashews Arent True Nuts Either Are They

Botanically speaking, most nuts are actually seeds. Almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews, pecans, and others are the seeds of drupe fruits. But weve come to know them as culinary nuts. In cuisine, we think of nuts as any large, oily, edible kernels found within a shell. And when we read about top allergen studies, they are typically referring to these culinary nuts as tree nuts.

Scientists in the U.S. have found that nine nuts account for the majority of tree nut allergies. They include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts.

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Keeping A Record Of Your Nut Allergy Symptoms

Nut allergies including Coconut. These posh products have ...

Diagnosing an allergy can be difficult. If you think you or a child in your care might have an allergy, keeping a record of symptoms can help you and your doctor to understand what is causing them. Keep a diary that describes the symptoms, and when and where they occur. Your diary could include information about whether the symptoms occur:

  • inside your home, outside or both
  • for a short time or longer
  • at night, during the day or when you wake up
  • after you have had a particular food or drink
  • after you have taken a herbal medicine.

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Coconut Is A Useful Food

The coconut palm tree is a native of the tropics. The fruit of the palm is known as the coconut. The coconut has great economic value, as the outer fibrous husk can be used to make ropes and mats, the white inner flesh can be eaten, and the milk can be drunk. Coconut derived products are also added to:

  • Many foods including cakes, chocolates and sweets.
  • Some infant formulae.
  • Cosmetics, hair shampoos, moisturisers, soaps, cleansers and hand wash.

What If I Am Dealing With A Coconut Allergy

The FDA might currently require the disclosure of coconut, but its important to still keep your guard up. Since coconut isnt actually a tree nut, and it hasnt been shown in studies to be a true top allergen, it might not be called out in recipes, by restaurants, or in other settings.

But I have created this Coconut Substitution Guide to help you replace coconut in most recipes!

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Regular Vs Fractionated Coconut Oil Differences

  • Fractionated is always liquid at room temperatures, while virgin is a solid white mass at temperatures below 76° F.
  • Only the regular oil has long chain triglycerides .
  • Coconut is normally 45-52% lauric acid, which is a medium chain . The lauric may or may not be removed when manufacturing fractionated.
  • Coconut oil is typically used for cooking, while fractionated is used for hair, skin care, and essential oils because of its excellent comedogenic rating and spreadability.

Usually there is no difference between fractionated coconut oil vs. MCT. Its just branding. However some MCT oils are not the same thing, because they might be made with unhealthy palm kernel oil instead.

Whether its for topical uses or eating, your first impression may be that this processed form is terrible for your health and unsafe to eat.

This is one rare example where the benefits of processing might actually outweigh potential drawbacks.

As you can guess, theres not a black and white answer to this question. To understand the advantages, you have to consider the following 7 things.

Does A Tree Nut Allergy Apply To Coconut

Natural Hair Products for People with Nut Allergies

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies coconuts as tree nuts. Foods containing coconut are required to be labeled with “contains tree nuts” under the Food Allergy Labeling and Consumer Protection Act .

The real question is whether coconut is a dangerous food for those with tree nut allergies. And the answer is, “It depends.” Allergies to coconuts are believed to be far less common than allergies to cashews and almonds .

Botanically, coconuts are most closely related to other palms and betel nuts. They come from coconut palm trees and are not closely related to most other tree nuts.

While botanical relationships are not the only factor that determines whether two foods will be cross-reactive, foods that are close biological relatives often share related allergenic proteins. A good example of this phenomenon are cashews and pistachios. These are two closely related plants that contain similar proteins. People who are allergic to one of these nuts are often allergic to both.

There is some evidence of cross-reactivity between coconuts and hazelnuts and between coconuts and walnuts. One study also found an association between coconut allergies and those to almonds and macadamias.

While there are associations, the likelihood of also having a coconut allergy remains considerably low. For example, one study examined children with peanut and tree nut allergies. The results concluded that these children were more likely to be sensitive to sesame than coconut.

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Digested Like Carb Without Glycemic Spike

Do fats make you fat? No, at least not literally. One calorie equals one calorie, regardless whether its a fat, sugar, or protein. That being said, there are characteristics about oils which can increase the likelihood of you gaining weight:

  • Calorically dense Pure fat will range from 100 to 130 calories per tablespoon. Thats a lot of calories with little satiability, given that it wont fill your stomach.
  • Slow digestion Theyre not absorbed in the stomach, but rather the small intestine. Bile from the liver is needed to emulsify the fat into absorbable droplets.

Since it takes hours to digest most fats, it can leave you still feeling hungry after eating them. That leads to eating even more calories which you dont need, but your body is telling you it does, since the fats havent yet been metabolized in the small intestine.

Its a catch-22. Carbs offer near instant energy and satisfaction, but they also cause a blood sugar rollercoaster. Fats dont spike your blood sugar, but theyre slow to satisfy hunger and produce energy.

The benefit of fractionated is that its 100% short and medium chain fats. Those are not digested in the small intestine. The liver absorbs them, through the portal vein . That means they are metabolized quickly like a carb, but without the blood sugar side effects.

Can you ingest fractionated coconut oil?

Is Quinoa Allergen Free

But for some people, eating quinoa may cause stomachaches, itchy skin, hives, and other common symptoms of food allergies. The seed and its coating contain the compound saponin, which could cause these symptoms. If youre allergic to quinoa or sensitive to saponin, it doesnt mean you have to miss out on tasty recipes.

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Can I Eat Coconut If Im Allergic To Nuts

Coconut is not a botanical nut it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut.

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Is Coconut A Nut

Is Coconut a Nut? Find out the Truth!

Coconut is still technically considered a fruit, but the FDA grayed those lines. Even the Library of Congress tackled this hot topic and concluded that the coconut can be classified as a nut, a fruit or a seed according to their loose definitions.

Coconut is considered a drupe, or a fruit with a hard covering over the seed. But because nuts are defined as a one-seeded fruit, the coconut fits both descriptions. While the ins and outs of coconut classifications may put us non-botanists in a daze, its a crucial decision for anyone with a tree nut allergy.

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What Food And Products Should You Avoid If You Have A Coconut Allergy

Coconut can be hidden in certain products, so if you or your child has a coconut allergy, you will need to read labels to make sure the food you are purchasing or eating does not contain coconut oil.

Coconut oil is also a common ingredient in many cosmetics. Check the labels of cosmetics before you buy them.

I Have A Tree Nut Allergy How Can I Avoid A Tree Nut

  • Read food labels.

Avoid all food and products that contain tree nuts and any product whose label carries a precautionary statement warning that the product might have tree nuts in it such as may contain tree nuts or similar wording. When provided by a manufacturer, precautionary statements are usually found after the list of ingredients or “Contains” statement if there is one. By December 2021 any precautionary statements will have to appear in this location only.

If a tree nut is part of the product formulation, the specific tree nut must be declared by their common name in the list of ingredients or in a separate contains statement immediately following the list of ingredients.

  • Avoid any products that do not have an ingredient list.
  • Read labels every time you shop. Manufacturers may occasionally change their recipes or use different ingredients for varieties of the same product.

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